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“GOOD is the Enemy of GREAT!” | Gigi Hadid (@GiGiHadid) | Top 10 Rules

my stepdad always told me that good is
the enemy of great
everyone always calls me perfect and I’m
just not
you better be the most hard-working
nicest person in the room because if
you’re not then there’s always going to
be someone prettier nicer and more
hard-working need motivation watch the
top ten with the leave nation
what’s that belief nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
in today’s lessons from a woman who
started her modeling career when she was
only 2 years old taking a break so she
could focus on school but eventually
returning to Milan and being the 2016
model of the year she’s Gigi Hadid and
here’s my take on her top ten rules of
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one be kind I make a conscious effort
every day to be someone that people like
to work with and that people like to be
around and that has helped me more than
I could ever tell you guys like I can’t
I also can’t say enough how much more it
means to me for people to come up to me
at the end of a shoot and say we had a
great day with you more than we love the
pictures it’s like the pictures are what
I’m there to do obviously and I put
everything I can every single picture
that I take but I think what’s gotten me
to where I am again I’m not saying I’m
the prettiest or the best model and I
try to be better every single day at
what I do but I think it’s so important
to be kind and to just give energy to
the people that you work with rule
number two have boundaries
something about any business is that you
kind of have to know your goals and
realize that if you’re not right for
certain jobs and you shouldn’t be doing
them if my body type isn’t right for
this and they want me to change and they
can find another girl in that sense but
I think you you know for example the
Victoria’s Secret Show all box and I’ll
eat healthy every day and that’s great
that’s a show and it’s and that’s what
it’s for and if they you know want a
really healthy body type for that that’s
great and I’m happy to do that but if
they were ever to ask me to go further
or any other company for that matter I
just think that you need to kind of know
your limits and know what you are okay
with and happy with your body and I
think that it’s really good to stand up
to that as well
rule number three learn to accept
rejection right well I think just like
being okay with rejection like you just
have to learn that like you can’t take
it personally you can’t and that’s what
I try it like I get so sad of my friends
you know take it really harshly when
they don’t get a show or something along
those lines because I just tell them
like it’s not you like if if they if
they wanted a taller skinny or brunette
girl they’re not gonna want me in their
show if they’re putting me in the show
the designer wants to either fill out
the clothes or maybe like my face or
body type is part of the like similar to
the inspiration of the show let’s say
like Max Mara it was Marilyn Monroe
Carine right felled you know saw Marilyn
Monroe in me you know looks wise and I
think that like so for those things you
have to realize why you’re in the shows
you’re in the shows for a reason and I
think that you kind of have to break it
up and be like hey well why are they
putting me in the show and then for
those reasons they’re not going to put
you in other shows and that’s just one
example I mean it goes for shoots and
all that stuff too rule number four
ignore the little man people say okay
you’re a model but you should be more
than a model you have to show that
you’re smart you have to talk you if you
should host this show be funny do this
be able to stand next to this person not
don’t just be a model also have an
opinion do this and then when you get up
there and you do it and you then you put
so much energy into trying to be your
best and and make everyone happy and
then there’s still 50% of the people
that are like wasn’t good enough and and
sometimes it’s so and that’s not only in
what we do like that’s an everything
when you feel like you give so much and
then it doesn’t make everyone happy and
you’re sitting there and you’re like
what’s the point sometimes like why put
yourself out there sometimes you know
what I mean and in those situations I
try to sit myself down and say okay if
it wasn’t for the world for the world’s
opinions did I think I did a good job
did I prepare like I wanted to to my
standards did I work hard enough with my
coaches in high school be proud of me
like those little things I try and think
of that like when my high school
volleyball coach text me and like I
thought that was bad
or whatever like that’s what makes me
happy taking time to yourself to really
think about whose opinions matter to you
and I think that that is so important
and that’s that can be your your parents
your management for us your family
friends people that actually know you
and it’s little things that when you
start to you know think about those
people and say okay the people that know
me what doc that’s who I should listen
to so like when certain things happen to
me I have friends like Lena that I call
and like that’s who I go to for advice
those are the people you have to listen
to because like you said you just start
my stepdad always said if you if you
believe the good you’re gonna believe
the bad so I think pick the people that
are important to you if they say you did
a good job that day you did a good job
because they know that you worked hard
for if they say you know you didn’t work
as hard as I think you could have or
I’ve seen you work in the past or
whatever that’s different because you
have to still be able to take criticism
but you have to take it from people that
know you rule number five always keep
improving everything works itself out
what’s one quote that stuck with you and
that makes you feel empowered my stepdad
always told me that good is the enemy of
great and I always feel like that such
an empowering thing because there’s
always room to get better what’s the
first word that comes into your head
when you hear the word perfect never
rule number six stop making excuses if I
have a bunch of things order that are
important to me then I’m gonna make time
for all those things and I don’t think
that it’s a good excuse to say that like
there’s not enough time in the day
because there is there’s 24 hours of it
so I think that if you have the drive to
do all the things you want to do then
you definitely can like I’ve had days
where I go to school and then I have
away games for volleyball and I leave
from the volleyball game get dressed in
the car and go to a like event for
something and then go home and do
homework and then wake up the next day
and go to school so I like have never
really given myself the excuse that like
I only have time for certain things
because I don’t think you know
you can do all the things you love if
you want to so yeah just like plan your
time well rule number seven be the
hardest-working person my mom gives
really good advice she said you know
when you start working you better be the
most hard-working nicest person in the
room because if you’re not then there’s
always gonna be someone prettier nicer
and more hard-working it’s always a
first impression I think that that’s the
thing I most Lee just try and remember
is that you have to give your energy for
that time because it’s the time that
counts and that’s how the person is
gonna remember you rule number eight
just be yourself
so Gigi you are a brand ambassador and
for this campaign when we talk about
perfect never and what it exemplifies
why were you so drawn to it and the fact
that you were willing to kind of be the
face of what this campaign is well it
kind of seems I guess like strange in a
weird way that like a model who’s
supposed to be perfect is the face of a
perfect never campaign bike I guess that
was the point to me is that people were
like why her and that’s the point is
that everyone always calls me perfect
and I’m just not letting like everyone
you know there’s things that people
think I am and and that there’s parts of
my career obviously that are very visual
based but there’s a lot more to me and
and when I connect with people on a real
level you know with all of these girls
who are friends to me or have been in my
life in some way we connect on something
very different to what the world judges
me on you know what I mean so that’s
what’s important to me is that I wanted
to do something that I feel like I at
the end of the day don’t feel suffocated
by not being allowed to be myself in
some way rule number nine be a good role
model I think that looking up to models
that have good bodies because they work
out and have good like eating habits and
try and eat healthy is like good for our
society but I
don’t think it’s okay when models are
too skinny like it pisses me off when I
walk into like castings and there’s
girls sitting there and they’re just
like you can tell like there are some
models that I like meet and see like you
can just tell all the times they’re like
thinking about like what everyone’s
thinking about them and like yeah it’s
us it sucks to like be in a world that
like everyone is always like so like
aware of like their weight and stuff I
try and like be a good role model just
by like having a good body because I
like workout and like eat healthy but
like I eat and like I work out and I eat
junk food when I crave junk food because
I’m human and I think that there’s some
models that do it the healthy way and
they’re definitely something I don’t do
at Elte way and I think that although
eating disorders are us like a mental
sickness and some people can’t help it I
don’t think that that’s the way to be
skinny and I don’t look up to models
that are skinny because they have eating
disorders and rule number ten the last
one before a very special bonus clip is
have fun
I I wiped out my name is that bad yeah
Gigi Hadid on set with penny horn for go
Australia take one honestly
the world is your own way
Anna Wintour no no no cause no come on
come on it’s like every person in the
front row Oh Jackie Kennedy you’ve got a
favorite country to visit a shoe heel
Italy got it you would play you in the
movie version of your life he’s holding
a martini and boom boom done
a martini gun James Bond Daniel second
part sounds like leg cheese plate can
now I’ve got a really special bonus gigi
hadid clip on how to be smart that i
think you’re gonna enjoy but before that
it’s time for the three-point landing
questions time to move from just
watching another video to actually
taking action in your life or your
business and if you’re feeling bold
leave your answers in the comments below
here we go question number one what
improvements do you need to make to live
the life that you want to live
number two whose opinions do you care
too much about a need to shut out and
number three what will you tell yourself
the next time you get rejected or made
I think that it’s really important for
people to realize that now models have
to be smart and they have to be business
women just as much as they have to be
you know a talented model so I think you
can see in almost all of the really big
supermodels Candice Swanepoel swanepoel
Carly cloths all those girls are like
have brilliant minds you know what I
mean like they know how you know Kylie
has Carly’s cookies and she you know
there’s models that you know help
charities and like do all this stuff and
I think those are the people those are
the models that people look up to the
most so I’m really trying to yeah just
be a good role model and show people
that just because you have a career that
is very much based on your looks you can
still be intelligent and help people and
be nice and maybe the most important
work ever if you had to think of one
word that’s most important to you that
sums you Apple that would be like a
little beacon
if you like this video check that the
Karlie Kloss top-10 that I made the link
is right there next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there I’ve always been an entrepreneur
at heart I love the idea of starting a
business that’s always been a dream of mine long before modeling

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