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Get Respect – Will companies take you seriously if you’re a teenager?

well companies take you seriously if
you’re a teenager so I got a great
question for one of my youtube viewers
love you guys radioactive plum who wrote
in to say I’ve and I’m a teenager and
have a really crazy app idea and the
energy sustainable field I could learn
app development i’m good with computers
however i’m lost as to how to execute
the idea being a teen I don’t know who
to approach but I do know that my dear
would really kick ass I don’t want
someone else to think it after me and be
able to execute it what a big company
take me seriously if my idea is good and
I’m willing to work straight out of
school so this is a great question and
one that I struggled with personally
when I was younger and in school my
first company my first real company was
when I was 19 I had a software company
and I was afraid that I was too young
you know my two business partners were
both older than me by a couple years
four years and five years and my role
was was the business development I was
just to be out there bringing in deals
and closing partnerships and getting in
the media and I was selling to
researchers and scientists who were
sometimes three times my age and had
PhDs and Here I am this 19 year old kid
you know and at the start I was afraid
and I remember I didn’t want to meet
anybody face-to-face I didn’t want to do
phone calls because I felt like they
would be able to tell how young I was
from my voice and so I tried to do
everything by email at the start just to
you know you don’t know how its old
somebody is on email but I grew more
confident and I realized that what I
have can help them
right my product can help their lives be
better and that gave me the courage and
the confidence to start engaging with
them more and to start talking to people
on the phone and start meeting people
and I realized that they didn’t really
care so much how old I was it was more
do I have something that could help them
the age bias is what is so small and
little compared to what I thought it
would be it was my fear my confidence
that was holding me back and when I
realized that I could help them that
gave me the courage and confidence to
continue and I did and that was how many
years ago I’m 34 years old now right so
that has been a while you know in those
15 years it’s only been easier for young
people to start a business and only been
more acceptable for young people to be
in app development and have crazy new
creative ideas so don’t let the age
thing hold you back companies will take
you seriously if you have something that
works and can help them that’s a big if
that’s all they care about can you help
my business if you can they’re going to
take you seriously now one thing I’d
think of that that may help you ramp
this up faster is get really involved in
the industry and start making some
contact so you know there’s a show at a
university that talks about energy go
there if there’s trade shows or
conferences or anything happen in the
city around you go there and start
talking to people and start making
connections because you want people to
talk about this app when it comes out or
when it is out i’m using it a hell
prefer you into the right place and and
you may end up landing your your big
deal with this big company through a
contact who has connections in to these
companies right i’m assuming you don’t
know anybody yet but that has to change
so on top which is doing the app
development start hanging in with people
in the industry and keep your eye out
for somebody who might be able to join
you as a partner in the company to help
connect you to the right companies and
eventually sell this thing off but the
thing that’s holding your back is not
going to be your age it’s just going to
be your fear
of how people perceive your age believe
those are watching I love to hear if
you’ve had to overcome an age bias what
your views are on it leave it in the
comments below I would really want to
hear from you give it a thumbs up if you
liked the video click on my face
subscribe to the channel thank you so
much I’ll see you soon
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