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Get frustrating tasks off your plate

whenever you find yourself frustrated
with the task that you’re doing in your
business you have to find a way to get
those off your plate or it’s going to
hold back your business from growth hi
I’m Evan Carmichael I believe that
hungry entrepreneurs deserve help and
every time I’ve made a big leap forward
in my business it’s because I’ve looked
at what i was doing what was on my
schedule my agenda the tasks that i had
to do you know day in day out week in
week out and I removed them and let me
focus on the growth of my business and I
removed them by either eliminating them
completely by automating it and buy
whatever was left delegating to somebody
else and that frees up your time Cuba to
focus on things that will grow your
company if you don’t do that if you hold
on to everything and if you let yourself
get bogged down by the tasks in your
business that frustrate you you’re going
to get really frustrated and angry with
your business you’re going to hate your
business and you’re going to end up
hating your life and you’ll always be
held back so you have to find a way to
get those things off your plate again
you eliminate it you automate it or you
delegate it recently I found myself in
this situation so I wanted to share with
you guys I’m working on my worksheets
and these are my thoughts collected into
a series of sheets that you can fill out
and help you grow your business and i
created the initial design myself and it
was fun new project helping the test out
but i recently found myself right in a
worksheet and feeling that the design
was holding me back I couldn’t figure
out how this was going to be put in to
the design and I didn’t want to be
bothered with changing the font size and
the text and and just playing around
with all the design changes I’d had
enough it wasn’t fun anymore I wasn’t
growing from it that frustration
prevented me from doing the rest of the
worksheet from writing from doing the
thing that I should be doing and so I
reached out to a friend of mine and I
knew this was the time that I had to I
had to hand this off because it was
holding me back from doing what I should
be doing in my business from the things
that I’m best at in my business and so
my friend is a designer and he’s going
to come on board and do all the
designing part for me so all I can do
now all I have to do
is the writing the stuff that I want to
do the stuff that I’m good at and these
blocks exist everywhere in our business
whenever you feel the things I’ve
stalled when things aren’t growing with
things aren’t moving often is because
your focus is not on the right things in
the business and you can’t focus on the
right things you have too much crap on
your schedule already right i don’t see
too many entrepreneurs who come and say
oh I have tons of free time and they’re
growing their business doesn’t happen
that often so you’ve got to think about
what are you spending your time on is it
absolutely necessary if not get rid of
it if it is can you automate it somehow
through software through web tools if
you guys do it it’s worth the
subscription fee if not then can you
delegate it find somebody even part-time
right that the designer who I’m bringing
on is not going to be a full-time job
it’s a part-time gig but that frees up
my time not only my time but my
happiness you know I was frustrated
doing this if you keep coming to work
day in day out and you’re frustrated by
some tacit you’re doing then you have to
give that off you have to get it off
your plate somehow because that’s going
to hold you back just not just the time
that it sucks away but also your energy
level and your happiness and your
positivity and your optimism because you
need all those things to grow your
business so whenever you feel like
there’s something on your plate that is
frustrating that is dragging you down
you’ve got to find a way to hand that
off eliminate it automated or delegate
it away and spend your time growing your
business good luck those are you
watching if you liked the video please
give the thumbs up below I love seeing
them come in and I really appreciate it
and if you have a comment about this
video or question for your own business
I also love being able to answer those
for you so please leave in the comments
section below you can say hey great job
I love the video I love seeing those two
so thank you and I’ll see you on the
next episode
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