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Gary Vaynerchuk’s Top 50 Rules for Success

my ability to only be comfortable in

massive chaos has been my biggest asset

as an entrepreneur like I would never

take a note like that scares the piss

out of me what these three people are

doing right now

dwelling on what you up on is the

quickest way for the next thing not to

work take life by its throat do

something stopping scared the motivation

whattcha top ten with belief nation

what’s that belief nation it seven my

one word is believe and I believe in you

I believe you have Michael Jordan level

talent add something and I want you to

find it embrace it and make a difference

using it so let’s get your motivation to

attend and get you believing in you grab

a snack and chew in today’s lessons from

a man who went from being born in the

Soviet Union and hustlin as a kid

selling flowers and baseball cards to

expand in his family’s wine business and

then founding vaynermedia with the

current ambition to be one of the most

prolific entrepreneurs of his generation

he’s Gary Vaynerchuk and here’s my take

on his top 50 rules for success


alright let’s kick things off with rule

number one bet on your strengths you

need to bet on your strengths and don’t

give a fuck about what you suck at

you’re gonna way too many people in this

room are gonna spend the next 30 40

years of their lives trying to check the

boxes other things that they’re not as

good at and that you’re gonna waste a

load of time and lose I highly recommend

auditing yourself or if you have no

empathy or EQ or self-awareness then

find somebody in your family or

friendship that does and let them tell

you who you are and once you believe

that either for yourself or someone else

told you go directly all chips all into

that because that is the only possible

way in my opinion watching from the

outside that is limited phrase that is a

very highly likely way of over-indexing

because the truth is if you want to be

an anomaly you’ve got to act like one

you know like and so that’s it that’s

what I got so thanks for having me

rule number two work how do you get

money to do what you love you don’t

write I lost a shitload of money when I

started doing what I loved what you do

is you position yourself to succeed so

for example if you’re doing something

else and you and you want to do this

thing you love you do it after hours you

work 9 to 6 you get home you kiss the

dog and you go to town right I mean you

start building your equity in your brand

and whatever you’re trying to accomplish

after hours you everybody has time stop

that’s a good overheard right that was a

good overheard so you know what I mean I

mean if you want this if you want bling

bling if you want to buy the Jets if you

want to do work that’s how you get it

rule number three put business in

perspective make questions

I’m entrepreneurs very great but not all

days are great seeing a company so what

are your tips and tricks for tough days

I think there’s massive confusion around

entrepreneurship entrepreneurship sucks

I mean it’s lonely it’s high-risk I mean

I can’t live without it but it’s like a

bad boyfriend right a girlfriend right

like like it’s there’s a ton of bad days

being an entrepreneur

not to mention 98% of entrepreneurial

ventures are gonna fail so there’s gonna

be a really bad day in your future you

know hopefully not for you or any of you

you know for me I don’t you know I think

this is a very personal question I think

it’s how you’re wired I’m so all-in

entrepreneur I prefer the pain I think

one of the reasons I love the Jets so

much is because they bring me so much

pain you know I I love the climb to me

the setback is exciting I love when

something goes wrong it’s where I shine

the most but that’s not for everybody

right I mean it could be very difficult

and when you start affecting your life

and your loved ones and all the other

things it can get real nasty to me the

way I handle things even though the few

rare days when I really struggle I take

a real step back and make pretend that

somebody called me and told me that my

mother or daughter were killed and I

know that’s very dark and I apologize

but it’s really what I do I literally am

able to at my deepest most struggling

moment within business take a step back

and remind myself that I could make a

trillion dollars tomorrow on Bitcoin and

and if something bad happened to the

people I love the most that it would

mean nothing and it very consistently

rewires me very quickly

I just put business in perspective at

the end of the day you know it’s it’s

money for me it’s not really money it’s

my legacy so I get hurt by it a little

bit more

but uh yeah

I mean it’s you know I put in

perspective its money and you know what

up until I had a daughter even while I

was married up until when I had Nisha

four years ago I secretly wanted to lose

all my money I had this weird twisted

dark fantasy of losing everything just

to rise again like a phoenix and remind

you my rule number four execute your

ideas my assistants got a great thing

now in this once in every four months

somebody sends an email saying I’ve got

a huge startup that I want you to invest

in but you’ve got to sign this NDA

right which literally every time gets an

email back that says fuck you right and

and the reason is I’m a humongous

believer that ideas are shaped and that

executions the game right we’ve all got

ideas everybody’s got ideas doing ideas

we all have here we can probably sit

here for the next two hours draw them

all out record them and predict the next

78 great startups over the next nine

years and so I think the thing that is

another theme in entrepreneurship is

there is way too much fodder brought to

the idea Hoover was magic cab three

years earlier

uber is not an idea uber existed it’s

called magic cab but the guys that

execute it sucked

so they lost so I think you know if

there’s any level of romance left in

this room about your idea I’d like to

suffocate it because I think the actual

situation is what you actually do with


rule number five don’t overlook

storytelling you know the reason I feel

storytelling is the most underrated

skill in business is because it doesn’t

get talked about a whole lot and I don’t

think that people realize it’s happening

when it’s happening

and most of all I don’t think that many

people really good at it select when I

watch a Steve Jobs keynote about a new

product I don’t care about the new tech

I don’t care about the iPad or the

iPhone I cared about the way he’s

presenting it you know when when I see

David Blaine this is a magician if you

ever pay attention to what he’s doing

he’s story telling you the whole way and

net it’s a big kick so if you understand

what the consumer wants then you

backtrack and you tell the story to get

them emotionally there that’s how things

sell that’s marketing there’s a very big

difference between marketing and sales

and so the reason I think that people

are missing why things succeed is

because of storytelling and I think it’s

overlooked I think people look at the

X’s and O’s and the black and the white

but I think storytelling when done right

takes a product that should have sold

100 million dollars worth of stuff and

it sells a billion dollars worth of

stuff rule number six care about your

customers in nineteen in 2001 it snowed

in New Jersey on December 23rd which was

one of the busiest days of the year

typically December 23rd is the busiest

day of the year in a liquor store and a

woman called us we just started shipping

and her case of behringer White

Zinfandel wasn’t delivered first of all

I appreciate the people that know what

behringer white sin is good job the

entire case by the way 15 pack the

entire 15 pack case cost $45 we’re doing

about forty thousand dollars an hour in

the store she calls I find out about it

somehow it was buzzing I was on the

floor selling I am the premiere salesman

on the floor as you can imagine I find

out about it and we’re debating what to

do she needs it for her Christmas dinner

I grab the case throw it in my car and

drive to Bergen County to deliver it it

takes me two and a half hours to

complete the whole thing the woman was a

hundred and ninety four years old

we didn’t have a lot of lifetime value

on the back end there she looked like

Yoda and the best part was I delivered

it all pumped with myself and she said

great and close the door

awesome everybody especially my dad who

was pissed that I left because all the

customers that came in asking for me or

that I could have sold everybody who’s

baffled I can’t tell you what the ROI of

driving through the snow in my car to

deliver a case of $45 pink shot to a

woman that looked like Yoda was but I

can tell you this over the next two to

three years that story became the

foundation of how we treated every

single customer it became our

competitive edge and those are the

things that matter to me I love black

and white data I’m obsessed with it the

day when the nerd beat me I understood

that the nerds beat me and I respect the

living out of data conversion funnels

all that but I’m telling you right now

that there are way too many running

businesses today with this and not

enough people running businesses with

and again I swear on my life I am not

Mother Teresa and I far from run my

business just on this but I’m telling

you right now the reason I amassed my

following the reason why I continued to

retain it is because my percentage of

this far outweighs every thought in this

room I mean it that’s how I feel and

that’s how I try to roll every day and I

promise you if you were able to figure

out how to afford how to afford the

allocation of this in your business more

your long-term value will be

dramatically higher your long-term

business success will be dramatically

higher your grandparents your

great-grandparents built businesses

based on this it’s how we built the

whole thing we got really lean and mean

when we went to the suburbs and big box

stores are all we cared about was

dollars and it’s great and the data

matters and continue to use it and use

this tool and understand it but I’m

asking you one final thing when you go

home if this talk meant anything and by

the way I fundamentally believe only

three of you were gonna act on this talk

I do because what I talk about is

ridiculously hard and massively

frustrating and takes forever you know

like everything that’s good in life if

you do anything because of this keynote

there’s only one thing I ask you to do

because as any as I got I’m a practical

here’s what I want from you when you go

home look yourself in the mirror and

audit everything you and your business

do I promise you that if you audit from

top to bottom of expenses and effort and

time and energy and payroll and all that

if you audit all of it even the best of

us even the InBev’s

which is the company that bought

Budweiser they built their whole

business on like printing on both sides

of the paper and all that work even the

most efficient ones of us are doing 20%

dumb job if you take that 8% that 13%

that 16% of dumbshit that you’re doing

paying that person that’s not bringing

any cultural value to your business

having that contract that you’ve just

been in you just renew because your


whatever the fuck you’re doing if you

take any piece of that percentage and

you apply it to giving a fuck about your

customer it will be better for your

business going forward because for the

first time since we all lived in small

pounds where your reputation was the

complete backbone of how you did

business for the first time because

technology is bringing us back together

in a small town for the first time being

good and caring and following up matters

if matters how about doing something

random act of kindness for a current

customer not the ones that unsubscribed

or left you know how you always do nice

when they’re going how about while

you’ve got them reallocate your thought

process I’m telling you because the

tools that the is the umbrella of this

organism en’t are getting so good so

good you know what that means all that

shit’s about to become a commodity

emotional e.q is going to dominate

business over the next decade and I

implore you start paying attention and

oh by the way I’ll leave you with this

you know what the best part is it feels

good thank you rule number seven stick

to your DNA the ability to adjust is the

entire game like I’m so proud that I

changed my mind every day my dad used to

get so pissed when I was building wine

library he would always be like he’s

like he would say like three months ago

you said Ricky was gonna be the best

employee I’m like I changed my mind he

fire him or or he’s like you said

sparkling wine was important now you

just eliminated it from the piece bottom

like I changed my mind like my ability

to only be comfortable in massive chaos

has been my biggest asset as an

entrepreneur like I would never take a

note like that scares the piss out of me

what these three people are doing right

now right and so now you know now that

may work for them and I’m not like back

to the opening statement like you need

to do you like some plenty of people

that make a fuckload more money than me

and one bigger take notes the key the

key though the key is way too many

people are doing like here’s a good one

you know what really pissed me the

Popoff I’m completely driven by like

happiness and like I’m crippled by like

chaos like you know vaynermedia which is

not 500 people update your


vaynermedia is like completely dictated

by like I’m a dictator of HR like all I

care about is the atmosphere all I care

about is how people intern all I care

about is like how people roll like I

think I’ve fired four most talented

smartest people that have worked for me

because if you don’t know how to play

with the other boys and girls you’re out

because I suffocate under you know

conflict and negativity and like

nobody’s better than me so you got to go

so what really pissed me off in tech

world was when Steve Jobs his book came

out when he was dying when it was all

about Steve three or four years ago I

literally watched a lot of my tech

startup friends start being like a to

their staff because jobs was tough

everybody fell into the romance stuff

like I have this big vision and I’m

gonna be a like Steve Wright and I

thought that was really interesting for

me to watch that half decade like

literally watching people I know and

then watching them act differently

because the status or the icon of the

moment and you see a lot of that and so

like that is probably the energy I’m

trying to bring to this class today

which is you can look at like how people

roll and like it’s great to admire and

things of that nature but it’s so damn

important to stick to like your DNA

right and like what you’re good at and

to recognize that you need to surround

yourself whether it’s your co-founder or

whether it’s the people that work for

you like all I do is hire the people

that are the opposite of me that bring

the other value that bring me the

ability to remember what that meeting

was about and go make sure it happens

you know like whatever it may be right

and so I think that’s another thing that

I would HIGHLY recognize rule number

eight do the things that matter I

delegate everything that I think is not

the single most important things in the

world and then I might go manage the

things that I think are the most

important things in the world luckily

for me hence why I’ve been able to build

big companies I don’t think most things

matter so I don’t think I’m any

different than anybody else

I actually think everybody is a

delegator and a micromanager

I just think that my radar of what’s

important is different

yes we need to do something with that

that’s the guys that’s it right there

I’m just like you were all the same we

all delegate we all micromanage the

differences I don’t think most things

matter and what do I mean by that as I’m

trying to think about somebody watching

this for the first time instead of

alluding to like people that have

watched forever most things don’t matter

like it like I don’t know like just

bladder that’s what it means like you

know like if I was like I don’t know I

don’t think lighting matters as much as

directly I just don’t think things

matter like I don’t think like one

client that’s gonna put us out of it

like I don’t think one employee’s gonna

kill our atmosphere like like like III

don’t think a lot of things matter I

don’t think like like a misspelling in a

deck is something that really matters to

a lot of people in my comedy it just

doesn’t matter to me I just don’t think

so guys guys I don’t think we’re gonna

lose a count because we put the eye

before the e and if we do them idiots I

don’t think not being I don’t think not

wearing shoes in an establishment is you

know the biggest thing in the world

clearly if you’ve watched Ellie be won

some people do and guess what I do not

judge do not judge everybody’s allowed

to do their thing it’s just like

parenting I will never speak my

parenting I talk about it but it’s very

holistic like this is what I do not what

I’m telling you to do this is me but

like so ultimately I think that I’m both

like everybody in the world I just think

that I deem what’s most important at a

very very high level on things that most

people you know what a lot of you are

commenting about my five-minute meetings

most of you because you’re part of my

community you think it’s great a lot of

comments in YouTube and Facebook I’m

like oh I like dailyvee because Gary

spends five that’s nice

I’ve one comment I work in a small and

I’ll ever said this is gonna see this

and be like holy crap he reads

everything I work it I’ve worked at

small companies where the boss didn’t

even know my name you know what I mean

like this is cool but do you know many

people think it’s stupid

I have a lot of people in my life to

think that I’m very busy and I have a

lot of things to do and why in the world

Gary it’s not scalable it’s not


yeah you’re making that face because

you’re sewing our cocoon but like boy

just like like you know like they’re

like don’t do that it’s not bad nobody

expects you to do it not at this scale

and you have a great culture and you

have great intent just do that I’m like

nope this thing matters to me

so micromanaging the hello into my

company three to six months in that a

lot of people outsource to an HR person

or the leadership so I do unscalable

things all the time micromanaging if I

deem them the most important pitching

new business I like to micromanage that

because it’s important to win business

like money helps me keep doing

everything rule number nine don’t make


Roberto asks what do you feel is a

bigger obstacle to success a lack of

time or lack of capital Roberto this is

a tremendous question I think the

biggest obstacle to success is a lack of

optimism that question in itself is the

problem my friend right you’re looking

at two things that are both negatives

and guess what both of them are

obstacles when I started

transformation from my business I had

time I’ve worked my face off every

minute but we didn’t have a whole lot of

money in our profit Center so it took

more time right it’s just the way it is

today I have more money but boy don’t I

have time but neither ever ever will be

an excuse for me and so just add

willness through the throat of the


that’s right I went that graphic don’t

smile d-roc here’s the bottom line I

refuse to allow you to get an answer to

that question because both of them are

firmly square in the excuse column and I

have no patience for that there will

always be problems let’s talk about a

million other things that are a way to

stop success the health and well-being

of your family members so it takes your

mind away from execution the country you

live in government and political you

know concepts at these moments a la

startups in China that I’ve invested in

that got traction but then people that

were wired into the government decided

to not allow it to happen

the startup disappeared not as easy to

be an entrepreneur there it’s still a

communist country sorry it just is and

so all these things can be problems

right there’s a competitor with a

billion dollars who’s also skilled and

punches you in the mouth and knocks you

out in the first round right the world

changing I mean there’s just a million

obstacles right the media one bad

coverage of you a moment in time you

know what I think about a lot you know

what I think about a lot let’s get

really real this is why we did this show

I always I’m a human being and I always

think about a moment in time what if I

just say the wrong thing at the wrong

time right what if I call out China for

being a communist country in an episode

while I’m on a rant and somebody who’s

watching doesn’t like the way that

tastes and it takes away a business

opportunity for me in China in seven

years even though I’m not trying to zing

it’s just things that I saw what if what

if you know what if what if I look down

on my phone while I’m driving even

though I’ve really not done that and I

hit somebody and I kill them and that

becomes the story and I like forget

about the story about what you think of

me I will never recover from that

because I killed somebody because I

needed to check a tweet these are

moments in time so there are so many

things that can keep you from being

successful right the the people that you

invested in having something bad

happened to them so it slows you down my

friends there are a million reasons why


but there’s one great reason why which

is you’ve just gotta persevere no matter

what it is it’s just the way it is it’s

hard being an entrepreneur it’s hard

building a business everybody thinks

it’s so easy that there’s an entitlement

there’s a disaster zinging China here

because my us thing right now there is

an insane generation of 18 to 25 year

olds right now that think they’re

entitled to having a business because

they saw the social network movie and

everybody’s decided if you’re a kid and

you know what Tech is because you used

Instagram early on you’re entitled to

actually build a business building a

business is hard and you know what makes

it really hard

everything that happens every day of

every moment so you can pick time you

can pick money as the one or two things

that you think stopped you from winning

your game but the

truth is there’s a million reasons 99%

of businesses go out of business for a

reason and that reason is it’s hard and

so if you’re watching this show I’ve got

a sense of who you are and you need to

start creating layers and layers and

layers and layers of skin to be able to

get through because the glamour of being

an entrepreneur the goodness you know

you get very confused by my optimism

because it’s my optimism I can’t help it

it’s just how I roll it’s probably one

of the variable 1% reasons why I’m

successful but please don’t get it

twisted this is hard every day is hard

and if you don’t have the stomach to

weather the storm you will not be

successful and by the way let me throw

you a real weird curveball and that’s


people have to look themselves in a

mirror and understand if there are

number two three four five six seven in

an organization that has differences of

being a number one but maybe that’s

where your skill set sits maybe that’s

how you make your fortunes and Happiness

and all the things that you’re looking

for and so that question got me going a

little bit Steve because it’s similar

the context of excuses and I will never

make it excuse everything that’s a

problem with me everything I don’t

achieve everything that’s a problem at

vaynermedia and everything is my fault

and I I succumbed to that and I respect

that and I actually think that’s the way

it should be and so no excuses my


rule number ten there is no overnight

success nothing in life is free nothing

happens overnight it all takes tons and

tons of work and tons and tons of talent

and tons and tons of serendipity but my

friends luck serendipity there’s a

forced culture within that you know you

don’t just sit in your room hoping and

then something lucky happens nobody just

knocks on your houses door and it says

congratulations you’ve been awarded this

I’ve been really lucky because I bleed

out of my eyes every day of my life and

work my face off get really lucky when

you have that 11:30 p.m. meeting where

the lucky thing happened pretty cool

since all you were sleeping I was pretty

lucky weird that I scheduled that

meeting because I did a ton of things

for 30 years that allowed me to even

have that meeting in the first place

that gave me the leverage to have that

lucky thing to happen

there’s no overnight successes period

they don’t exist show me

leave a comment YouTube leave the name

explain to me tell me show me let me


show me the overnight success because

I’ll show you you justifying in your

brain something that is just not period

rule number 11 my personal favorite

believe what if I told you this was the

last Monday morning of your life what if

I told you you died this week would you

complain about your crap job or that

test you don’t want to take I doubt it

you would go much higher level thinking

well that’s really what it takes it

takes understanding that if you’re not

pumped right now if you’re begrudging

what you’re about to do if you’re if

you’re not looking forward to it look I

respect practicality you got to go

through the school because your parents

want to you got to pay your rent you got

student loans I get it but please

recognize the world we’re living in

we’re living in a world where there’s so

much more opportunity this internet

thing created way more opportunity for

all of us way more I mean look you only

not even be alive like your mom and dad

could have had sex like three minutes

later and you wouldn’t even exist and

you’re complaining you could have ended


three I just don’t get the mentality of

being head down sad on a Monday morning

I’m gonna make Monday morning my bitch

I’m gonna make you Saturday Monday

morning that’s what I want to do every

morning and that’s what I want from you

please take a step back and think about

how awesome it actually is and then

recognize that you can attack the world

in a totally different way because you

were lucky enough to be born during this

era rule number 12 don’t dwell on

mistakes so many people come up to me

and say Gary it’s so hard I look at

their Instagram and they’re not posting

any of their content with hashtags which

is a by accident way to pick up exposure

in a world where they have no money when

you have no money when I took over my

dad’s business it did three million

dollars a year 10% gross profit $300,000

before expenses my first year marketing

budget was $14,000 when you have no

money and I built that business from a

three to a sixty million dollar business

in five years I had to make every penny

perfect so I was right about email

marketing in 96 and I was right and

because of that I had 91% open rates

when Google AdWords came out the day it

came out I paid five cents a click for

words before anybody bid me up and I was

super right and that worked if it does

that lock versus preparation and do you

ever get anything wrong what do you do I

can make them as high I get everything

wrong it’s just that I can’t recall it

because once it’s wrong I’m moving on to

the next thing

like dwell dwelling on what you’ve

dumped on is the quickest way for the

next thing not to work right yeah so

like so I think I do everything I mean

you know this this is a fun thing to say

some people in the back know this I was

a breakout YouTube star in the first

year 2006 I decided that the right

strategy was to leave YouTube completely

and go to viddler because viddler

offered me equity in their company and

I’ve left an enormous amount of

attention i deviated from my intention

thesis to do short-term economics and

equity in a company and I lost I lost

Wendy Brock finally came in my life two

years ago we started to try to build up

my youtube for the first time I was

sitting on 40,000 user followers in a

world where I could have had millions if

I just stayed the course so I make

mistakes all the time

I’m reorganize its based on a mistake I

made the prior year

I just don’t give a fuck about my

mistakes everybody else cares about your

mistakes if you’re worried about your

own mistakes you’ve already lost rule

number 13 be pumped right now sometimes

a lot of people may try a new initiative

and then they don’t get an immediate

reaction they and they think it’s a

failure that’s right

I want to watch your YouTube videos with

the Wine Library you know you had so

much content out there how did you stick

in there how did you keep yourself

motivated because I believe in my

strategies and I’m patient ish like all

great stuff especially when you’re

innovating doesn’t happen right away

this notion that like Oh Gary I tried it

I spent five hundred bucks on Facebook

Ads it doesn’t work well what if your

video sucked what if your product and

service sucks I I tend to do things that

are very early that has been my career

you I when I do things I believe in them

I stick with them based on intuition

even though for 18 months nobody watched

my wine videos at all I knew it was

right I was right there’s been things

I’ve done that I’ve jumped off of very

quickly I started gary v app V chat ve

like WeChat that was funny for my fans

great CRM one on one didn’t feel right

after a week or two spend plenty money

building it knew it stopped it after you

know a couple months Wine Library TV

five years every day YouTube decided to

change it to daily grape insular app you

could buy stuff subscription for reviews

it was a lot of fun only did it for five

months stopped it because I didn’t feel

right anymore it’s always hard to know

when to jump off something new but I

find that people don’t believe in what

they’re doing they hear a guru and they

do it

begrudgingly because their boss wants

them to or they’re like well Gary’s

right a lot so let me do it but they

don’t believe it and so then they jump

they’re looking for knows instead of

yeses everything I do every business

development every event I do every time

I try new marketing tactics or sales

tactic I’m looking for the yes right I’m

looking for the yes and if the no

punches me will then on my crap then no

punched me I believe the majority of

people when they try new tactics are

looking for the no mm-hmm and you’re

gonna getting a lot of subtle knows

immediately right and so I think that’s

why that happens

rule number fourteen do what you love

you do care

out everything and it starts with

yourself look yourself in the mirror and

ask yourself what do I want to do every

day for the rest of my life do that I

promise you can monetize that if you

love Alf doing Alf blog you collect

Smurfs Smurfs it up whatever you need to

do do it so many people are talking

about I can’t monetize I can’t monetize

there’s a billion seven-year-old douche

bags that are in control right now but

the number two person that 34 year old

lady she’s gonna buy your she’s gonna

put the advertising on your stuff it’s

coming stop crying and just keep

hustling ruler 15 figure yourself out

I’m desperate for people to start

defining their hopes and dreams and

wants and needs on their terms not on

what I say I don’t care if you want to

hustle 18 hours a day I really don’t I

really really don’t I don’t care if you

want to buy the New York Jets I don’t

care what you want or need you need to

care about what you wanted you can’t

worry about what I’m saying you can’t

worry about where your flavor of the

month is right maybe I’m your flavor of

the month right now maybe maybe maybe a

consistent flavor of the light is your

mom’s point of view is your older

brother who’s guided you with the wisdom

but wants you to be a lawyer but you

don’t want to be a lawyer you want to be

as sweet as you wanna you want to take

the chance of being an entrepreneur or

the reverse or the reverse I know

reaches and loves entrepreneurship

behind me but I think as you see me all

the time talking about like

self-awareness are you want this is the

golden era for entrepreneurship people

ask me for selfies this will go away it

may not go away for me but it’s gonna go

away like you know it’s the

Entrepreneurship like a rap artist like

a baseball player like the heavyweight

nobody cares who the heavyweight

champion of the world is right now

nobody cares who’s an active astronaut

but they surely did in 1969 and 1954 for

a heavyweight champ or you know they

change they change and it will always

change and it will continuously change

and right now

entrepreneurship is in this pedestal

that’s having its moment and what I’m

fearful of is that you watch my videos

you see my Instagram quotes and what I

want to clarify for everybody is I hope

you understand I am NOT giving advice to

everybody the only advice I’d like to

give to everybody is to do you define

what your North Star is to understand

yourself understand what your work-life


ambitions are how much what your

financial ambitions are what your life

challenges are the problems that you

want to try to solve and cure as we all

do as humans trying to climb those

different mountains in our lives what

makes you tick that is all that matters

don’t do it you know I don’t think daily


all these videos for you to be like me I

don’t think anybody should be like me

boyo there are enormous amounts of

pressures and sacrifices that I

recognize are just not healthy or

valuable to anybody else but it’s also

not healthy or valuable to me to do some

of the things that you want me to do

like it’s not fun for me to work 9:00 to


like I will break I will be as equally

devastated as you would be to work till

midnight every day and so we just need a

call to action for everybody recognize

we have to stop judging everybody else

I’m not judging you

I’m creating content for you to use as a

barometer to try to figure out what you

like and what you don’t like and I’m

trying to provide value do my words my

actions and my content to bring to

people to amplify their worlds and

that’s really it

the clarification like I don’t want

people to to be like me I don’t want

people to do me I want people to do

themselves and they just have to start

with understanding themselves and not

trying to be like me in this moment or

that person the next moment that person

next moment the people that most willing

to leave themselves and figure


rule number 16 be good at your craft the

problem is if you the greatest hammer

and the greatest screwdriver and the

greatest wrench the greatest in front of

you if you don’t use them properly you

will lose right if there’s a nail that I

have to put in that ground but I take

the wrench and I hit it when the hammer

was right there it still comes down to

the practitioner mm-hm and you have to

be good at your craft and you have to

love your if you love sales if you don’t

love it you have no chance because it’s

so hard it’s so painful there’s so much

rejection right so those are the things

I think about

so technology’s clear neighborhoods you

just said there that the person is

equally important and more important

right and go right I just apologize for

jumping in but let me make it perfectly

straight if I go play Roger Federer

right now in tennis and I have the

greatest tennis racket ever made like

from taken from the Mars is new like

resources right and he took a John

McEnroe 1974 tennis racket he would whip

my ass like I’m crushing sales people

that have every sales force every one of

your competitors 37 features upgraded

went to every pro conference watching

this I will beat their ass in sales

every day of the week your talent rule

number 17 go do

that’s truly where you couldn’t get over

it and why by the way that’s the same

answer for everybody in this room that’s

what humans are good at we all fail

we’ve all failed like there by I my

parents haven’t been killed my child I

mean there’s people that have their

children die like could you imagine like

the ideal like I’m like listen

unfortunately or fortunately depends on

how one wants to look at it I’m a pretty

optimistic guy I lost three of my four

grandparents before I was really before

I knew them to before I was born in one

very early on like so you know it’s easy

for me to be happy I’m like in the right

order the health and well-being of my

family and there’s nothing even remotely

close to that not even not even remotely

people have gotten three much worse this

is why I’m trying to recall our

grandparents and our great-grandparents

people were persecuted and killed like I

just we not have real headaches you know

I don’t know why I have this highly

emotional and then completely

unemotional part of me but I mix them

together to create the balance and

that’s what works for me so of course

there’s nothing that I couldn’t get

upfront like every other human ever

besides somebody who now lives in some

weird cave that we don’t know about you

know what I mean we were strong as we’re

really strong we’re just being sold that

we’re not because there’s a lot of money

a lot of money and telling us that we’re

not pretty enough thin enough smart

enough good enough that I want to tell

you your basco douchey rule number 18

focus on the positives I’ve been feeling

a little bit unmotivated and I’ve been

feeling like I should be doing something

or I should be just I feel like I should

be pulled and like this is an unfeeling

uninspired basically that’s my question

how do you get when you lose inspiration

and you lose motivation how do you

get it back I get it back by remembering

that he might die tomorrow that’s true

so I’m inspired by practicality and

reality and the truth which is it is

ridiculously impossible to become a

human being I am one I have other good

things going for me as a human being and

I’m just grateful you your dwelling and

looking at what you don’t have versus

looking at what you have if you actually

looked at what you had your health you

know living in America you know who the

heck knows what would be on your list if

you actually spend all your time looking

at that versus I don’t have a million

dollars I’m not famous I don’t have this

if you spend all your time on what you

have versus what you don’t have you

would be the happiest girl on earth

rule number 19 don’t care what others

have told I load my business on side

I don’t know you well enough you know

you know what I mean yes which one do

you want to do I would like to try to

take a cup to you okay

well that’s why you’re not asking which

one will you do

I wouldn’t take either I can’t answer

that for you Peter’s holding you back

you know what you want to do the only

reason you’re not doing is because

they’re scared of doing what you

actually want to do right are you scared

to do it cuz your parents won’t like it

my parents actually support me okay so

what is curtailing not failing that

still being at the same place when my

friends are the next level huge mistake

you don’t want the same thing your

friends want so why do you care what

they have kind of number one mistake so

many people make is they care about what

other people have what anybody has if I

have more if I less doesn’t matter I

worry about myself the fact that you’re

worrying about other people’s

accomplishments is already a losing

formula you need to get rid of that

first then you can focus on yourself

thank you you understand

rule number twenty fight you know to be

great I think you have to fight and I

very much think that my success is a

product of some level of skill but I do

think I win because I outwork people I

really do believe that I do believe that

100% and I’m not sure that if my dad

didn’t set that example that I’d even

have the ability to thinks one could

the fact that I’ve been working 19 hours

a day every day for the last 20 years is

easy for me it’s the only gear I do

right I was poor I sucked at school it

was the only gear I have you know I

think you need to recognize that um that

your biggest advantage is that you’re

hungrier than your competitor

if you are not applying your one

advantage which is your work ethic and

the hours that you have to put into your

business well then you’re gonna come up

short I sit here with enormous

assumptions around all of you that

you’re just too soft

right that I think that you’ve had a

better and that that alone doesn’t allow

you to somebody will come with the

counter cultural point of view and be

like Gary that’s cool but I don’t have

to work that hard because I’m working

smarter yeah me too I work hard and


now why look there’s a 12 hour 10 hour 8

hour 15 hour will work there you can

finish a lot of things that knows 18 12

nine hours or you can finish medium

amounts of things or lightweight things

people focus on too many small details

way too many people this room are gonna

spend the next 30 40 years of their

lives trying to check the boxes other

things that they’re not as good at and

that you’re gonna waste a lot of time in

news I highly recommend for all you

hustlers there’s a lot of you there’s a

lot of you that are always talking about

Barry I do work hard and you do you work

for 16 hours some people just don’t have

the attention span or the capacity to

remember or like there’s a lot of things

I can’t learn I was very poor student

because the subject matter bored me and

if I was forced to become great at

understanding the great artists of the

20th century I’m in big trouble and so I

would tell people to bet on your

strengths you need

bet on your strengths and don’t give a

fuck about where you suck at and to put

themselves in a position to win with

their strengths because that is

absolutely the straightest line to

success greatness comes from adversity

and and looking the the challenge in the

eye and having the intestinal fortitude

to kind of to step up and go after it


rule number 21 die on your own sword it

is far more fun to die on your sword

than to die on someone else’s I’m

inspired YouTube we’re gonna make this

the episode thing you’ll get whatever

you want Tyler but this is the Corbett

you just saw it on stage that’s just you

just saw it on stage dying on your sword

is better than dying on someone else’s

so many of you are doing things making

decisions and navigating your lives

based on somebody else’s thesis you’re

doing it because you think it’s the

right thing because your dad’s telling

you it’s the right thing you’re doing

what you’re doing right now cuz you’re

pandering to your boss even though you

don’t believe in it this is how it’s

gonna play out you are doing things

right now yesterday you made a decision

that you don’t believe in but you’re

smart you did it because you know how

your company scores here’s the problem

with disruption and innovation right now

you’re being rewarded for being a yes

person and in 36 months you’re gonna be

fired for being a yes person and you’re

doing it because you just need the

security of your job I’m telling you

right now if you’re watching this vlog

and you’ve got like that means you have

a certain DNA please I implore you

please die on your sword not somebody

else’s if you’re gonna lose it’s much

more fun to lose based on what you

thought do you I mean do you know how

many of you are gonna lose on somebody

else’s thesis it’s gonna kill at you

it’s gonna eat at you it’s going to be

the worst feeling so please pause this

video right now and ask yourself am i

doing my because of me then you’re good

whether you’re winning or losing or am I

doing it because somebody else is

telling me it’s the right way or I’m

subconsciously pandering to please

somebody or something because I need the

short-term stability figure that the gal

you know it and I know it you just need

to do something about it

rule number 22 choose positivity I

really think mindset is

and so you’ve got a really desiring any

positive about things a negative

nothing’s am i thrilled that I have the

ability to do things about it to make

what I’m worried about better or my

crippled by there’s like these seven

things like tomorrow I always choose

positivity I look at other people around

me it’s not just about me that winning

they choose positivity I look at the

people around me that are not women that

are not pressing that are not advancing

their issues and negativity it’s

stunningly binary it’s stunningly black

and white and stunningly Maori this is

uh this is really up to you and filly to

be very honest to be very frank I think

the biggest impact up having is I’d be

that all the emails because I read about

that last night as well is uh is

shifting that mindset and getting people

into that

understand what they’re in charge on

that end and hacking and trying to pour

out the negativity dump the negativity

I’m a positivity world that’s what I’m

pushing that’s my agenda and and that’s

why I think you feel the effects

and your partner loved one wrestler in

audience so many people get 49 comments

for the phenomenal the ones like they

spend their time on that one ruler at 23

create things you believe in the way I

do branding I sell so infrequently that

I think some of you that are watching me

the hardest core need to hear this which

is it’s okay to sell especially if you

believe in something look if you believe

in what you’re selling and that’s what

I’m spending a lot of time on now trying

to spend more time on really getting to

a place where I really believe in stuff

instead of just passive not creating so

it wasn’t selling because I didn’t

believe you know and just letting

everything come to me but as I create

these you know events Vayner experiences

a lot of events very big on events

events are so valuable just watching the

four DS crew is value and like how it’s

impacting their business for $10,000

right drag em and you see I know you get

the emails the wine club like $150 worth

one for fifty five bucks like I’ve just

locked in November’s it’s gonna make all

your Thanksgivings ridiculous the

conference $500 two-hour session that in

my stomping grounds good deal compared

to like other conferences that I speak

at but you’re giving the wine for free

or you’re getting the talk too free and

you’re getting the wine so like I’m very

fascinated because I’m putting more

pressure on myself to create things that

I really believe in which then allows me

to sell more and I just think for a lot

of you selling the ask the right hook is

very difficult you’re passive you like

the idea of like feeling good about like

giving out content this and that when

you believe in something you can sell it

and you should put more pressure on

yourself to create things that you

believe in biggest problem is so many of

you self you don’t believe in you’re

just doing it for the money you’re gonna


not I don’t like rule number 24 get

feedback you may be thinking that I’m

watching the show but what I’m doing is

what I need to do which is I’m reading

your comments too I’ve set it for all

the new ones that are here the comments

are my oxygen I don’t think people

understand how much qualitative feedback

you get from comments reading comments

watching the explore pages looking at

how you guys respond to my stuff and

others there’s so many hours of

consumption you know I don’t this is

where I don’t consume shows and things

of that nature because I spend so much

time reading reading reading reading

reading your feedback you I as a

collective I consume you guys more than

you consume me and so I just highly

recommend when you have a small audience

like you read every one of those

comments you engage with every one of

those comments brick by brick by brick

eventually you can’t reply to everybody

but like you can always read a lot I

mean I read I’m just reading all these


rule number 25 have fun working you know

what I noticed the Marion I want your

opinion surest I I’ve noticed that every

idea that I’ve had whether is a drunk

kid or the podcasts or whatever it was

past the auks good they’re all things

that I felt like would end up being

really fun to do and and so my kind of

philosophy I’m adopting now is like if

it’s fun fun it’s probably you know why

that happens

it’s a it’s a bigger macro situation

because it’s fun you’re willing to work

your face off and working your face off

is actually the gateway it’s not the fun

the fun is the doorway that gets you to

put in the work that gets you the

results because d-roc loves filming like

the 24/7 nature of what he does is you

know is why so many kids want to film

into this but they don’t want to it’s

not fun enough for them you have to love

it the cost of entry now is you see

understand you have to love like for me

building brands whether it’s my own


Rand’s for the people other things the

why it’s so the only thing I give a shit

about that I’m willing to put in the

nineteen that it takes because the

problem is now with the internet like we

were just saying being the middleman and

everybody can play there’s some kid in

Kansas City who’s gonna put in the 19

right my dad put in 20 and I don’t want

any I don’t want any of you little

should take my now what’s amazing is

though the biggest thing I didn’t know

is that’s some fun but there’s so much

that all those little that are gonna put

in the nineteen are gonna get theirs too

and that makes me happy

yeah so I would say funds a great

gateway to fun is the precursor to

ridiculous amount of work which then

gets you there yeah right

rule number 26 be 100% accountable I

think when I get the praise it’s what

the fuck does that have to do with me

when I get shit on I’m like that’s on me

and I’ll fix it and I think those yeah

that was a I said it really quick but

it’s accountability its accountability

the ownership when you suck and it’s

passing on the credit and that’s it

and that’s me and that’s my makeup and

that’s why I’m winning in life that’s

why I’m always gonna win because when

you’re under sound accountable

and you know you’re garbage they’re 100%

accountable when there’s an issue

and when you pass on the praise when

you’re getting it

you become fundamentally undefeated

unbeatable I’m straight-up unbeatable

because my head will never get gassed up

and I’ll never believe it’s me and when

it’s bad I’ll never point the finger to

anybody else

boys finger pointers pointing everywhere

everybody pointing fingers pointing him

everywhere everybody’s fault with

yourself country your environment

the parents school system loss and

circumstance of course and of course

there’s tragedies and crimes and child

abuse and real bad stuff

nothing it’s not real say for the 95% of

you it’s a mighty something

perspective expected everything rounded

in my perspective

never too high never too low it’s about

them when it’s good it’s about me when

it’s bad that’s me

that’s what I got for you that’s where

I’m at that’s what mindset and I never

waver hundred percent we’ve had my bad

rule number 27 don’t rest on your

laurels let me just talk to you guys

about why toys-r-us trip filing chapter

11 matters toys-r-us did two things over

the last couple decades that make no

sense one very early in the 2000s they

outsource themselves to Amazon they

didn’t believe in the Internet 17 years

ago so that Amazon do their fulfillment

which started people getting used to

buying toys on the Internet through an

Amazon world but most importantly they

just didn’t innovate you know and when

you don’t innovate you die like you

could have made toys towards lost three

years ago could have created the

National Lego Championships and

everybody would be there was there was a

million they could have made slime

centers they could have they could be

killing it right now with their

locations but no they choose to just

like sell toys out of it and none of you

want to go there first of all you’re

gonna go to Walmart and pick it up for

less money anyway while you pick up your

groceries anything else and if you even

want to leave your home and you don’t

and so you’ll go to Amazon and do it

that way or buy it from somebody’s

YouTube channel link or you know

Instagram account it’s just it’s it’s

the best example right now of like how

in trouble everybody is if they rest on

their laurels

you know if Toys R Us the dominant niche

retail leader of a humongous

multi-billion dollar category is

finished what do you think is gonna

happen over the next six years

rule number 28 know your customers you

have to reverse engineer who you’re

trying to get to you know if your sales

person out there right now if you’re

trying to get to me and so many of you

are I get 50 70 bulk emails bulk direct

messages bulk Twitter direct messages

Instagram business cards all sorts of

weird stuff sent in the mail I’m busy

I’m busy and like I’m just not

interested in you selling to me not

because I don’t like you because I

respect the game it’s because I’m just


it’s nothing personal so I think the

first thing you have to do is reverse

engineer the person you know because I’m

not in the market to buy anything I’m

gonna be tougher but if I need certain

software if I need something that’s a

good time to attack right so I think the

number-one rule of sales people is to

listen no you

audience know what they did if you see

an M&A just happened if you see layoffs

just happening if you see one of their

come if I see Burger King doing

something I’m thinking what does

McDonald’s think of R Us I think a lot

of you are doing things that are

directly in front of you numbers that

they put in front of you you’re trying

to achieve that because you have a beach

house you want to buy or go on that

vacation sales is a funny game if you

work in a big company they manipulate

numbers to create your actions I believe

that the best salespeople are doing

things in a different way I think you

need to care about the customer for real

reverse-engineer them and give them what

they need rule number 29 develop a

winners mindset I put out a post about

you know stop blaming other people stop

right start blaming yourself leave in

comments right now it’s super

fascinating of course you you know so my

whole thing is like blame myself for

everything of course there’s other

things that people are doing right like

if somebody runs me over with a car

right now and they were drunk is that my

phone was their phone I get that you can

blame that other person I’m not so much

worried about the actuality of the event

talk about mindset Tyler when are people

that are stands the mindset the mindset

of blaming yourself allows you to do so

much more so when it’s 8 out of 10 times

on you you’re moving forward instead of

looking backwards sure the 2 out of 10

but if you just end that mindset it’s

just winner mindset is it my mindset

everybody’s taking every word I say so

practical yes I understand that there’s

issues in the world like it wasn’t your

fault that an earthquake like drill your

house I get it it’s the mindset to me

I’d be like man I shouldn’t live in

California I don’t know like mindset it

helps you eight out of ten times and the

other two times you just deal with it

babban here is all bent out of shape he

just said today is rough to be very

frank with you vaynernation

I don’t give a fuck if Tyler or you

think today was rough because I had 17


he couldn’t be a part of because I’m

actually running a business here I’m not

from some teenage beanie Bopper trying

to do a vlog or some influencer doing a

blob or some family that’s open for some

free detergent because their blog I’m

working here to Tyler so sorry that your

video blog is rough but let me tell you

what’s not rough what’s not rough is

we’re living through the great era of

ground shift in marketing and business

everybody in this amazing town of New

York City which is let me just tell you

everybody who’s not here vibrant at

Tenet p.m. right now because 98 percent

of your cities are sleeping

everybody here is collective pants

because the ground is shifting

everything that our grandparents and

parents grew up with everything that we

knew tried-and-true the stable pillars

of media Commerce influence persuasion

the way we make decisions the things we

buy and how what is cool and what is not

is on halt

the world is on call and you know what

that means

hustlers the opportunity is obnoxious so

whether you’re focusing on vlogs or

influencers or how to have Instagram

stories or how to create alexa voice

skills or how to create your own podcast

as you see i’m full committed till if

the way I call today the the sum up of

all my meetings today none of which you

just watched is that the earth is moving

there’s instability in the foundation of

how it was which makes an innovator like

me really happy

and what suffocates all UB players

because you like it like it nice slow

and stable let it be very clear with

this ending rant that game is over and

the people that are gonna win over the

next five to seven years are gonna be

very comfortable and controlled chaos so

you better get your speed up you better

work harder you better work smarter you

better try things you better keep your

subjectiveness and your ego at the door

because that slows you down and it

doesn’t make you do you better move

rule number 31 take life by its throat

just enough enough enough like living by

somebody else’s rules is a humongous

mistake I just literally sat down with

five people under the age of twenty

seven and it’s so refreshing it is so

refreshing if you have not jumped on the

bandwagon of doing exactly what the fuck

you want to do which is skiing for the

next three years or working at a job

that’s not what your parents want or

what society wants this video is just

called enough enough make this little in

one two minute video depends on when I

finish the piece of content that gets

you to stand up and take life by its

throat do something stopping scared stop

letting the way you were raised the fear

as an offense take that away let me be

the person I’ll take the blame

I loved that some of my employees are

like my parents don’t love what you’re

saying good parents because if you are

playing defense and if you are living a

life where your kids lives are the way

you’re being fulfilled you’re a loser

parents and so enough enough parents

imposing their way you want your kids to

be happy on your terms enough the kid

that’s sitting right now in a desk and

saw this in a feed and you hate your job

enough stand up get out of here and do

you live your life you’ve got one life

do something about it

rule number two value do you really

think that was a good idea I know bro I

honestly think that that was one of like

the worst moves I’ve ever seen because

I’m not trying to razz you either I am

talking I’m trying to give you love I

love the passion to win the problem is

you tried to close on the first move you

brought them no value and you asked them

to bring you value like you gave like I

will stand up here and give a load of

value and never mention one time for any

of them to follow me and a lot more of

them will follow me then they’re gonna

I get it I get it but this was back to

the question that just happened this is

why I want you to win that move is

always gonna lose you can’t go tonight

when you go out in Vegas and you see a

pretty girl at the bar you can’t go up

to her and the opening move is like

here’s my key let’s go but that’s what

you just did let them hold it but that’s

what you just did to this audience with

business I mean because doing the right

thing is the right thing

karma is practical you know I heard

somebody rant earlier right that’s like

hey when I win I don’t think it’s coming

out of you the guy that closed I

couldn’t know who was on stage but I

believe in that right because I love the

idea of 85 people here going and

listening to me winning I didn’t make

anything for it but it then becomes

brand if she goes down and listens and

then two years later she’s having dinner

with a friend and she’s talking about

what happened to her life that friend

might be the CEO of GE you know I’m

playing with the biggest brands in the

world I’m not trying to monetize my

audience I’m trying to like just bring

the most value in the world and let that

lift all my other opportunities so I

think I think giving away your best

secrets is the greatest strategy for two

reasons karma is practical and leads to

more business but here’s the secret and

it’s even funnier 99% of these people

the read somewhere about five or six

years ago I realized this fact holy

people aren’t gonna do anything with

this so like there’s still gonna be

plenty for me and I’m gonna be the most

lovable guy ever I love this rule number

33 be ambitious my success is that I

prefer change I’m comfortable and change

and I realize change is the only thing

that allows you to win in the long term

the 98% of the human race and maybe

hired doesn’t like it we are having a

macro change

we’re having a societal change you know

like I’ll be honest with you I’m like

ambitious and realistic one of the

biggest reasons I kind of went even

harder core at my personal brand like 15

months ago like back to what’s worked

for us which is like hey here’s my

example at least it’s something to hold

I was like yeah I’m gonna make myself

the most famous person in America on

this fishery and then it’ll be

undeniable and by the way it’s working

I’m really good at underpriced attention

and culture I really am you know it’s so

funny you start realizing your life so I

was good at baseball cards I decided

Frank Thomas and Kenny Lofton we’re

gonna be better than most people thought

so I just brought a lot of rookie cards

for underpriced costs and I was right

but what I’m really great at is I

understand consumer behavior and

attention just fast enough and earlier

than most people and I’ve got an uncanny

ability of that let me build a machine

around that that’s over the last nine

years I’ve built a company called Manor

media we’re 200 million-dollar company

in revenue with no funding that does

agency work and we own a female

publishing company like a refinery29 and

my ambition is to build out the

communication Deathstar to deploy it

against my personal brand the

nonprofit’s I care about but ultimately

my goal

by the New York Jets in a way I think

I’m gonna do that is I’m gonna buy

iconic brands and things that mattered

in the world that are gonna get over the

next decade

and then I’m going to rebrand them and

run them through my machine and so I you

know I’m building this huge agency media

company that is really just a front and

a proxy for my long-term ambitions

it just it pleads underpriced attention

and culture more efficiently than I

think any other machine out there right

now and that’s why cool things are

happening for me

rule number 34 seize the opportunity you

weren’t born into a rich family you’re

the wrong skin tone you’re this you’re

that I get it but just they’ve got the

we got to get back you got that you won

a lot though you want it you’ve got to

get back do something with it especially


your grandparents didn’t have this the

Internet is crazy it just is it just is

and so why do you think everybody’s

getting out in now because three old

white guys don’t control the media

anymore the do you think is happening

here this is the greatest fear ever for

anybody the market the platform is the

Internet this is unbelievable

unprecedented times we will look back at

this 200 years from now like these had a

good opportunity this is buying

realistic do somebody bought the land

that we’re on right now for $1 at one

point that’s what’s happening with us on

the internet the attention of the end

consumer is cheap right now you can grab

it around whatever you want to be about

and it doesn’t cost you anything other

than your time and so many of you are

complaining but then are too fancy to

put in the 15 hours a day to get it I

got no respect for that I got no respect

for anybody who complains and isn’t

putting him to work because it’s an

excuse to not do

rule number 35 get experience you’ve got

a try stop

the biggest reason you don’t know what

you want to do is you haven’t tasted

enough things and the biggest reason

you’re not tasting enough things is

you’re worried about finding it too fast

start with the finish line all right too

many people are just worried about

tomorrow go backwards from what you want

to achieve financially and in your

legacy and then make all your behavior

every day map to your finish line

the way that it can that a 20 year old

can make the world better twenty or

thirty years down the line is by making

themselves better first I think I think

people don’t realize that the way to be

selfless is to be selfish it’s very hard

to change the world if you’re not good

to me when I look around this many

people being in their 20s like

everybody’s judging themselves way too

early what I would do is gather as many

experiences as possible you know you’re

not lost in life they’re just early in

the process

rule number 36 get attention there is

ridiculous confusion in the system I am

winning and will win at all time levels

get ready you will tell your grandkids

that you once saw me live like I mean

that and by the way it’s not because by

the way I don’t by the way real quick

cuz I don’t want claps for that I need

you to understand how I think about that

it’s not because I think I’m fancy or

great I think it’s because I’m very

common simple about one simple tiny

thing underpriced the tension it’s so

grossly underpriced I’m asking you let

me tell you the story about MTV when MTV

came out in the early to mid 80s how

many people remember when MTV was

launched when empty when MTV was

launched the biggest bands in the world

the biggest bands in the world got

together for a dinner that one of their

managers told me about and decided that

they would not make music videos for MTV

because that was giving away music for

free that why would we spend money to

make a video put it on MTV but when

that’s giving people the music for free

and they will not go out and buy the

record at the same token up in

humming artists Madonna Duran Duran and

on and on understood that it was where

all the attention of the youth was and

it was a gateway drug to the sale they

understood that MTV was a jab not the

right hook Facebook and Instagram at

this second is the most underpriced

scaled jab in the history of marketing

except for one other moment from 2001 to

2005 Google AdWords was a ridiculously

under priced jab how many people here

took advantage of Google 2001 to 2005

raise your hands so for you you really

know that’s how I did it

Wine Library had no money but when

you’re buying people who want to buy

wine for five and ten cents a click it

works out real fast when it’s that

underpriced one company one company

during that time acted the way I’m

aspiring to act right now as Gary

Vaynerchuk on social media one company

from 2001 to 2005 spent enough to

justify how underpriced it was that

company was a small book company called

Amazon Amazon as you all know now is the

company of our world it will win

everything it hasn’t even begun

literally the only thing that will stop

Amazon is antitrust government

involvement otherwise it will destroy


it got its fuel from Google 2001 to 2005

that occurrence is happening right now

on Facebook and Instagram and we’re not

squeezing the juice out of that fruit

anywhere close at least we have picked

up the fruit rule number 37 ignore the

opinions of others on a bigger macro

patience and failure they all ladder up

to one thing which is insecurity the

reason people don’t put themselves in a

position to fail the reason people

aren’t patient is they value other

people’s opinions too much which then

dictates their behavior which then gets

into all of this why is this if you like

don’t hold on to it and with the thought

of in case it fails because you just

need to realize it’s your Scarlet Letter

literally the reason people are scared

always is the outside force having a

failing business and everyone’s like I

see you could never do or whatever the

cliche is right yeah it just doesn’t

and even if it didn’t succeed what

there’s such better people like what I’m

such a better person than other people

because I can build a business that’s


rule number 38 change your environment

I’m getting more and more intrigued by

mindset because I used to think of it as

fluffy like self-help and now I think it

more as strategy what’s your strategy in

life somebody asked me on Instagram

after I posted a scary if the mindset

has been skewed how can you bring it

back and I answered with by surrounding

yourself with people who have the

mindset you aspire to my friends please

understand that mindset is controllable

in the same way that all our opinions

are controllable the key is to add more

people with optimism and cut people with

negativity it’s very very simple now

it’s very hard to cut people with

pessimism cynicism and negativity when

they are the people that are the closest

to you parents siblings spouse but the

bottom line is if you’re asking the

question I’m gonna give you the answer

the answer is add more people with

positivity and optimism and cut people

with pessimism and cynicism who you

surround yourself matters what content

you consume matters I basically

suffocate myself for a long period of my

time and created an environment that was

based on offense and optimism and now I

know no different please do the same for

you make that move mold and I mean mold

your mindset by

what you consume and with whom you

consume it I would argue that well more

than 50% of the people in this audience

are here today because they worry about

the way they would be judged by one and

or two family members in their you know

seven eight people circle if you’re not

feeling it find new friends I’m being

dead serious about this this one is real

big for me who you hang out with is a

huge Yannick and these are all trying

true things right we’ve heard the you’re

the whatever of the five friends you

spent like that’s real and one new

winner friend like you know what I mean

I had one new winner friend and cut one

loser friend like yeah I know he’s been

your boy since fourth grade but he sits

at home and smokes weed and plays 2k all

day like you can only love him so much

rule number 39 go all-in I know that if

I can suffocate all of you today to take

25% of your take-home income this year

and pour it back into two people who do

video and written word and put it into

Facebook and Instagram ads literally all

of you will email me 24 months actually

get if you can start right away

literally 25% of you are going to come

to me this time next year right here and

be like holy I’ve been listening to your

stuff for seven years your keynote was

different in Miami last year at this

time I listened I said it I don’t need

to go to Ibiza three times this year yet

I don’t need to buy a better BMW this

year to make me feel good with the

neighbors get I don’t need another pair

of Supremes or Yeezys I took the money

and I put it into Karen the film woman

and Rick the ad guy and now my business

is 2x this will 100% work even if you


on camera have zero charisma are only

eight days in the industry this will

work because it is such under priced

attention that the ROI will work that if

you’re a to in skill the ads are a

twenty in the ten point scale and it

closes the Delta of you being average if

you literally literally and I’ve said

this for seven years if you literally

literally go interview the guy who owns

the gym in town the guy who owns the

pizza shop the woman that owns the

insurance brokerage if you literally

literally literally just interview your

local community that you become the

local newspaper in three minute video

form on your phone you don’t even need

to hire B rock or babban drives your

phone if you literally take it selfie it

and interview the principal of the

school in your neighborhood you will

become the local celebrity who can then

transact on whatever you’re trying to

sell that group if you bring value to

people if you interview the best high

school basketball player literally just

that your business will change or if you

literally just give the advice of how

you got here what you learned if you

shared your thoughts if you do not

understand that you were a media company

that you will not be as successful as

you are today in a decade and that’s not

interesting when the alternative is your

four to seven times making this thick

guys you have to understand what

happened to Blockbuster and Netflix what

happened with uber and taxi cut

companies what happened with hotels

versus Airbnb is happening with you as a

human in your business and so when you

have the best hand and you know it

because you’ve been paying attention and

everybody here is playing Facebook

Instagram social media YouTube

podcasting like they have the best hand

and they’re calling and you’re not going

them into getting all the money you’re

just folding and that’s this audience so

can you imagine what I feel is going on

outside the stadium

so this is a call to action for

everybody to do me one favor and I do

think I can get a lot of you to do it

which excites the shit out of me please

right now listen maybe you’ve laid out

money maybe you’re in the middle of a

renovation maybe you’re paying for your

kids college

Mazel Tov I know there’s nuances on

everybody’s life but if you are in a

position where literally your take-home

income this year is literally the stuff

you’re gonna go and do things with

please from 25% to 90% if you can go

humble please take that money and hire

two people to make a lot more content

for you about you and your business and

please give the rest of the money to

Facebook and YouTube and Instagram and I

fundamentally promise you you will walk

here to this conference next year and

personally thank me emotionally because

your business will change and I know not

one of you has gone all-in rule number

you know else when you do a face hey

James its Gary Vee I’m here with your

dad I’m really pissed that you’re not

here but I respect that you’re hustling

that’s exactly what you should be doing

hope we get to be see it thank you

rule number 41 go on the offense the

biggest reason people aren’t happy right

now is because they value somebody

else’s opinion more than they value

their own that is the number one blanket

statement that I’ve got for everybody

you’re your mother’s point of view on


your wife’s point of view on you you’re

your boyfriend’s point of view your

homies point of view it like the reason

I’m super happy is nobody can tell me

nothing my wife mom and daughter could

walk into my room right now tell me I’m

a piece of crap and I would be 100

percent on things that is some gangster

emotional structure and that’s why I can

never use I Know Who I am and I just am

unfazed so if my mom daughter and wife

could come in and tell me I’m a piece of

crap and I’m cool what do you think that

troll on Instagram that says I suck does

nothing so you need to figure out the

following it is very likely that either

your mom or dad screwed you up they made

you insecure they didn’t love you enough

they told you they you aren’t good

because they weren’t good and misery

loves company once you face that demon

once you cut out negativity and the

people that hold you down and you

surround yourself with positivity and

don’t confuse delusion don’t watch my

videos and rah rah up and you don’t put

any work in nothing Goods gonna happen

you’re just gonna watch my videos so

don’t get it confused but life is basic

you’re either on the optimism team or

you’re on the pessimism team your other

you’re either on the offense or you’re

on the defense the reason people are

unhappy is because let’s talk about

money and unhappiness your three best

friends have a BMW and you don’t you

think it’s that you don’t realize that I

loved when all my friends had BMWs and I

nothing it’s just perspective man what

are we doing here like what are you

valuing like what was everybody’s on

defense all the immigration issues in

the world nobody’s taking yours any

think some immigrants taking your job

you suck

like if you think that right do you

think somebody else is taking your spot

this is the world we live in the rich it

like you don’t rich this world in the UK

market you live in the UK and you’re

complaining get the hell out of here

so so that’s practical you you have a

family member or a childhood that put

you in a mindset of defense and listen I

know I’m gonna get a lot of hits on

Twitter and Instagram about this

interview now when I spit this because I

know a lot of people haven’t heard of me

or to have context I mean let me just

say this the answer to everything is and

what now right like I know people grew

up in alcoholic households I know people

were molested

I know people had somebody steal all

their money here’s my problem

nobody cares like what are you waiting


like like nobody’s there is no fair

fairy flying down from the earth and

saying you were born an African American

in America where that’s an issue here’s

a million dollar it’s not happening so

my thing is instead of dwelling and

wishing how it was understand back to

the next practical part of your question

that the Internet is now here and guess

what the Internet’s not a 76 year old

white man it’s the Internet and that

means everybody’s got a shot so go take

yours it’s happening on YouTube Facebook

Instagram go figure it out instead of

shooting on it and thinking it sucks and

go get your money happiness and that’s

it simple as that I got no time for

people complaining because it’s just not

clean anymore 1986 yes 2018 what do you

think’s going why do you think me too is

happening now the Internet one it’s over

go get yours rule number 42 fall in love

with the game what do you think the

minimum amount of money you want to make

for your life like like like what would

be the minimum amount money that you

make every year that allowed you to live

and do that content Mediasite what do

you think great so you’re like what is

amazing about that if that’s where

you’re at

well then at this young of an age and

well that’s where you’re at and the fact

that you’re even here and you know it’s

just unbelievable amounts of content in

written audio and visual form on

Instagram snapchat Facebook Twitter and

YouTube and podcast and I will tell you

I would be flabbergasted in three four

or five six years unless you suck which

you may but if you don’t suck and you

have that little of a financial need

right which is remarkable which is the

biggest thing something here I don’t

know if they’re here said you made me

realize I didn’t need Rolexes and things

of that nature right like the biggest

reason so many of you will fail is your

number for success is far greater than

his you think you need a million which

will then mean that you’re gonna do a

lot of things when you don’t get a

million very quickly that won’t ever get

you a million so if you if you think

what I just said is cool which is bleed

for six years in a row

you’ll probably get sponsorship or sales

of product to 40,000 a year to me that’s

what I did I knew what I wanted I was

willing to give up my 20s for it gave

him up gave him up you know somebody

said it’s difficult not to document

right now I’m like but I but I didn’t

write but like what should I build my

business or should I document I’m like

both he’s like well I gotta pick one I’m

like build your business like so if

you’re if your ambitions are that humble

which they are that’s incredible that

excites me because by the way here’s the

funny part

that’s what I was too I just needed a

hundred thousand a year just that seemed

rich to me right like I was like cool

I’ll be okay like like I’ll have a house

like you know it’s not you know I just

needed to play much I needed the game

and too many people too many of you in

here want the stuff not the game when

you fall in love with the game

everything’s different because you’ve

already won that’s real it sounds cliche

but it’s real ruler 43

look for positivity you find what you’re

looking for I’ve been giving a lot of

thought to kind of just watching what

I’m seeing out there in the social

digital ecosystem and very honestly just

real life and I’m watching so many

people over the last two to three years

look for negativity look for something

that’s wrong find where people disagree

with them fight look for what was me

downside the half glass empty and and

then I go to a Twitter search or look

around the world and I find ridiculously

beautiful things every day every day

thousands of kind acts randomly by

people all people that I have

conversations with who see the

opportunities whether it’s in business

like voice and AR or crypto or whatever

it may be just this amazingly

interesting thing that I feel the

majority of you are looking for the

wrong while there’s plenty of wrong and

plenty of right in the world it comes

down to one very simple thing what are

you choosing to look for because I

promise you if you right now and I’m

making this video for one reason 24

hours of trying to find the good

somebody saves a kid somebody opens the

door somebody does a nice thing for you

bit somebody system Thank You 24 hours

of looking for positivity could change

your life

honestly making this for one person’s

one one person watches this video

chooses to do 24 hours of looking for

good instead of looking for bad and

their game changes d-roc heard somebody

at a convenience store saying mom you’re

always so negative you’re always so

negative I am blown away by the fact

that life gets real simple if you break

down into this are you looking for the

negative this sucks this government

sucks this person sucks this is or

you’re looking for the positive she’s

nice that’s remarkable I’ve got this

opportunity you choose what you’re

looking for because what you look for

you find that’s how life works

rule number 44 make no excuses I know

you helped a lot of people start

especially younger people but how does a

person with four kids yes him right now

doesn’t like his job yeah but just can’t

quit and sell stuff yeah and find stuff

in a junkyard so if you’re listening and

you’re over 42 let’s

she’s my age there’s something

interesting you said something that I

helped a lot of people that are younger

it only has to do with one thing they

actually believe in the technology we

live in right this room is filled with

guys right now who’ve taken advantage of

YouTube or Instagram or just the

Facebook’s of the world and the only

thing I need to do to break through

somebody who’s 47 in the suburbs of

London who has a mortgage debt and three

children is for them to understand that

unlike when he or she and I grew up and

there was no internet the thought of

like having a happy life was separate

than taking care of what you were

supposed to take care of the fact that

everybody can come home tonight at 6 7 8

9 p.m. and then take out their phone or

their iPad or whatever and get to work

for 3 more hours and go to sleep at

midnight get their good six or seven

hours of sleep I’m not talking about

don’t sleep a lot of people get me

confused my big thing is if you’re not

happy if you’re happy and you make

37,000 pounds a year Mazel Tov do you

but if you are not happy if you hate

your job right you can do something

about it instead of blaming brexit or

blaming Trump or blaming your mom like

do something about it and my point is

it’s the Internet rule number 45 blame

yourself today

yeah I like it I like it I like it

I’ll tell you why because I even I can

tell by your demeanor that you’re gonna

be okay

the fact that you realize that that

negative moment has positive impact the

question is why did it happen and that’s

what you have to be honest with yourself

I don’t know you know but that’s you

know I’m pumped that you can have the I

mean you’re more positive and half the

people here and it sounds like you’re

super-race that’s why I want to ask you

how do you keep the positivity the

calmness when everything is because

basically when things happen I go the

other way so tonight I just was

reminding myself every time I in every

time you came and next person came I’m

just reminding my little e in my own

head saying you don’t mean I said to one

of you I said they said how do you stay

humble when you’re so successful I’m

like because I know if I die tomorrow

like most comments ever on my latest

post on Instagram I never goodies to be

like off that was the last one weird and

and I know that all of you will be on

with your life a week later you have to

balance your ego with humility in the

same way when I’m having my worst day I

realize I’m the best I’m gonna be the

best that ever does this and so the way

I handle things is when something’s

going one way I use all my emotional

strength to push the other way what are

you gonna cry for us your life cuz the

conference comes up like I just like to

me it’s just like look what the guys if

you’re in this room right now let me

just remind you that there are seven

point seven billion people literally

right now as we stand here there are

women being shipped to be strippers in

parts of our world right now as we stand

here there are women who are basically

caged mentally usually and are being

shipped to dance on a pole in Manhattan

and in London like do you understand

what’s good there’s there’s genocide

going on right now like what do you

think’s going on like we lack

perspective your conference got that

boohoo I lost a client boohoo there’s

people dying out there like like so when

Americans or Europeans talk to me about

race or gender I’m sad it’s the real

life but I remind them because it’s a

positive thing cool but let me tell you

about the person that’s ranked seven

billion in the world they have it bad

and so I just I struggle like I want to

write like I listen I’m weird and I

think about

things like animals like I don’t know

like if you’re the best elephant

we are still better than you like you

know like without really listen you know

I got hot on this about a year ago the

400 trillion to one it’s impossible to

be a human being you one I don’t know

how to get upset after that I keep

perspective right like you’re gonna

learn from this you forgot I promise you

it’s failing cuz you and and when you

start owning your SH and not blaming

other people and yeah I think this is

the kick I’ve been on lately on

Instagram right like blame yourself you

know why I’m always happy I blame myself

when you blame yourself for real you’re

gonna always be happy because you don’t

feel like somebody else controls you

rule number 46 find your why my big

ambition is to be an all time

entrepreneur by both my success in my

career but what has become more evident

to people I think recently is also by

influencing as many people as possible

in a positive way so that they get

theirs and that means the person that

goes from the job that they’re not

excited about to making eighty four you

know thousand sterling a year being

happy talking about their proper

football team on Instagram and YouTube

to the young gal right now in Sweden

who’s gonna start up 500 million dollar

you know media company so I think to be

the great entrepreneur of this

generation there’s clearly the bezos’s

and and the Elon Musk’s and the sucks I

don’t think I’m gonna be able to create

that kind of wealth

I just want to create obnoxious amount

of wealth

but you know a billion dollars in a

billion people I think puts you above

everybody else and and I think that is

where my behavior is right now like why

am i doing this podcast

rule number 47 live without regrets but

veinous booze new media yeah the book

yes she’s podcast yes you do a lot yeah

man look here’s what I think I think we

get one at bat um the number one thing

that scares me in life is regret I

really really really don’t want to be on

my deathbed whether that’s tomorrow or

when I’m 97 and think I should have done

that I should like that’s that spooks me

right like hard work people judging me

leaving you know trolling me on social

media like all the stuff that normal

people worry about

I don’t worry about I worry about regret

and so I’m trying to squeeze everything

out of my life and so yeah I do a lot

rule number 48 hustle Thunder price

attention my religion my religion to

many of you in here have ego around your

time when it’s the only thing you got so

the reason I always know is because I

work because I work I work I try things

I test IDM you back I suite I dive work

so when you’re inch you taste it and

when you’ve done it for 20 years

you see patterns Facebook’s still

underpriced you just can’t target 22 to

25 year old african-american fans of

football because other people are doing

that too now it’s just like Google early

on you could just target soccer one-word

5 cents a click I did it

wine wine wine but then I had to put at

the end of the game now I got to put

2013 you know Heller cellars Zinfandel

like long tail real estate if you’re

right about London look it’s my

favorites do you know what you

understand that somebody once bought

this building for $1

somebody bought the land we’re on for a

dollar once that happened it’s a long

time ago how do you know you’re a

practitioner the reason I do is to how I

learned you got to put up all of you

were like well I can’t do podcasting and

Facebook and Twitter oh but I can’t I

can blog but I can’t why if you want it

so bad my thing is why if you want it so

bad like if you want to have a media

company around Caribbean food culture

why can’t you I wanna you know what I

want to see I want to see all your

minutes I want to see all your minutes I

want to give you d rock for today I want

to watch you from the moment you wake up

to the moment you go to sleep let me

promise you something you’re gonna get

exposed there so so that’s why dailyvee

happened because you guys were like a

lot of you didn’t know me before daily B

how many people knew me before dailyvee

well not bad right you got you got to

really know me post dailyvee you heard

hard work and hustle before you were

confused and I’ve been doing that every

day for 20 years rule number 49 maximize

your strengths like I wasn’t born six

foot seven and can run like a cheetah I

couldn’t wish I was something or I can

realize I am something and try to

maximise on that it’s a game of poker

you get a hand

nobody’s gonna cry for you about your

hand nobody’s gonna say oh it’s terrible

that you’re not fast or tall or gorgeous

of telly or or can sing if is what it is

and now the old

that can happen is you can figure out

how to navigate it the second you stop

dwelling and a second you stop start

doing everything changes they don’t give

up the second you understand that and

just start trying to make happen with

that energy

you win and rule number 50 the last one

before a very special bonus clip is get

I want to be and I want to say in their

conflict and finding that every time I

mentioned that let’s go you know you

want to do to life and I tell people

this their instant response it is you

know hiding to do that you’re not


my parents are born as if I was eight of

them by eight I’m not married I can and

I can answer your question right away

we’re gonna build it amazing yeah we’re

gonna build an amazing case study

together I’m gonna give you I’m gonna

give you three names and then you’re

gonna cruise into the sunset of success

which is let’s figure out the three most

successful coaches in the history of

sport that everybody knows up that

didn’t play that sport Bill Belichick

even though I hate him with all my guts

did not play football he grew up in the

football game

right his dad and what it was a coach

shouldn’t have you but Bill Belichick

did not play football and he will

probably unfortunately go down as the

greatest or if not one of the greatest

head coaches of all time you don’t have

to beat listen I think you have to be

people have to be thoughtful I hate

twenty two-year-old life coaches that

haven’t lived life but if they if they

speak about here’s my life experiences

and and why you can eliminate though

very quickly the art when somebody says

to you but how are you you can’t do let

me first of all a couple other questions

are your friends and your circle telling

you you can’t do that or are customers

that you’re trying to do that with

telling you that they don’t want to go

with you because you’re not married no

this is more acquaintances are people

you know that I run into yeah so listen

that’s a mistake

listen that’s a mistake

like you can’t listen to acquaintances or opinions don’t matter okay you can’t

or opinions don’t matter okay you can’t listen stone hat you do it anyway how do

listen stone hat you do it anyway how do you have I’m fine

you have I’m fine no go ahead I’m sorry I’m getting

no go ahead I’m sorry I’m getting excited you should talk go mine’s like

excited you should talk go mine’s like basically like I wanna because I follow

basically like I wanna because I follow you and I was following it for a couple

you and I was following it for a couple years now and I do agree what you have

years now and I do agree what you have to say about education I do think people

to say about education I do think people are gonna start moving from you know

are gonna start moving from you know going to school is the favorite kids at

going to school is the favorite kids at school to find I got your answer I’ve

school to find I got your answer I’ve got your answer a lot of people get up

got your answer a lot of people get up of course I know I know exactly where

of course I know I know exactly where you’re going so if you’re not gonna get

you’re going so if you’re not gonna get the PhD there’s only a few ways to

the PhD there’s only a few ways to justify and gives confidence to the end

justify and gives confidence to the end market what what why they would jump

market what what why they would jump with you it’s crazy to me that so many

with you it’s crazy to me that so many people I was watching 60 minutes last

people I was watching 60 minutes last night in the background as I was working

night in the background as I was working and the way that Oprah was justifying

and the way that Oprah was justifying the person was he has a PhD in this and

the person was he has a PhD in this and the masters in that the even 60 minutes

the masters in that the even 60 minutes used those pieces of paper to create a

used those pieces of paper to create a far authority in our society pieces of

far authority in our society pieces of paper from businesses and that’s what

paper from businesses and that’s what colleges are has been the authority the

colleges are has been the authority the only other people that get authority are

only other people that get authority are the people that have gone out and done

the people that have gone out and done it and have people co-signing them right

it and have people co-signing them right make sense so the way and this is why I

make sense so the way and this is why I love working for free when you don’t

love working for free when you don’t have a piece of paper right one of the

have a piece of paper right one of the reasons I love working for free is

reasons I love working for free is working for free for somebody who is

working for free for somebody who is that person in society whether they got

that person in society whether they got a piece of paper or their Puff Daddy and

a piece of paper or their Puff Daddy and they just did it becomes the equity that

they just did it becomes the equity that you trade under once you become great at

you trade under once you become great at something right and gain Andy who’s

something right and gain Andy who’s sitting here right now every single

sitting here right now every single famous person I see gives him a lot of

famous person I see gives him a lot of street cred right away not because he

street cred right away not because he got a degree for personal branding and

got a degree for personal branding and marketing for Virginia Tech what degree

marketing for Virginia Tech what degree can you get the science not because of

can you get the science not because of his bullshit political science degree

his bullshit political science degree from Virginia Tech but because he went

from Virginia Tech but because he went and worked underneath me and I went out

and worked underneath me and I went out and did it and I always give him love

and did it and I always give him love and good vibes the end it’s not babiness

and good vibes the end it’s not babiness degree from the USC school and Fillmore

degree from the USC school and Fillmore NYU

NYU I jumped out you know right so what you

I jumped out you know right so what you need to do it what you need to do is one

need to do it what you need to do is one of two moves if you’re not gonna go get

of two moves if you’re not gonna go get a PhD and have everybody comfortable

a PhD and have everybody comfortable with it

with it you wouldn’t need to go work for

you wouldn’t need to go work for somebody that is the authority and ask

somebody that is the authority and ask all thousands of people that are

all thousands of people that are authorities and work for them or okay

authorities and work for them or okay you need to give your services for free

you need to give your services for free to five couples crush it for them and

to five couples crush it for them and use their word-of-mouth and endorsements

use their word-of-mouth and endorsements and as your leverage point the end

now I have a very special bonus clip from garyvee on how to be real with

from garyvee on how to be real with yourself but before that you’ve just sat

yourself but before that you’ve just sat through a really long video we’ve done

through a really long video we’ve done five top ten rules of gary’s who would

five top ten rules of gary’s who would compiled them all into one mega video

compiled them all into one mega video for you i would love to know one what do

for you i would love to know one what do you think of this concept and two from

you think of this concept and two from everything that you watched if you made

everything that you watched if you made it all the way to this point what is a

it all the way to this point what is a single biggest piece of advice or the

single biggest piece of advice or the biggest lesson that you learned that

biggest lesson that you learned that you’re going to apply somehow to your

you’re going to apply somehow to your life your business leave it in the

life your business leave it in the comments below when you write it down

comments below when you write it down it’s much more likely to actually take

it’s much more likely to actually take place and take hold in here thank you

place and take hold in here thank you guys so much for watching I believe in

guys so much for watching I believe in you I hope you continue to believe in

you I hope you continue to believe in yourself and whatever you’re one where

yourself and whatever you’re one where it is

it is much love I’ll see you soon and enjoy

much love I’ll see you soon and enjoy the bonus clip

I feel like I’ve lost my hustle help what do I do

what do I do Adam anybody who’s losing their hustle

Adam anybody who’s losing their hustle has a lot of variables and there’s a lot

has a lot of variables and there’s a lot of variables in this episode this is the

of variables in this episode this is the variable episodes there’s a lot of

variable episodes there’s a lot of context but it’s not just direct answers

context but it’s not just direct answers today

today um listen you might have you might not

um listen you might have you might not be passionate about your North Star

be passionate about your North Star anymore I I’ve been going through

anymore I I’ve been going through something let me actually break some

something let me actually break some shattering news here for the first time

shattering news here for the first time in my life I’ve been thinking about

in my life I’ve been thinking about weird things like sabbaticals and

weird things like sabbaticals and building a business school in Haiti for

building a business school in Haiti for five years and like like I love listen

five years and like like I love listen I’m still all about buying the New York

I’m still all about buying the New York Jets and it’s the process of that and

Jets and it’s the process of that and the game but it’s amazing for me to be

the game but it’s amazing for me to be in tune with myself the maturity like as

in tune with myself the maturity like as you get older like just dip like my kids

you get older like just dip like my kids are six and three and they’re

are six and three and they’re interesting like it’s they’re

interesting like it’s they’re interesting and like you start you know

interesting and like you start you know I start projecting what do they look

I start projecting what do they look like at 13 and 15 like if you’re really

like at 13 and 15 like if you’re really cool to like I don’t believe in the

cool to like I don’t believe in the school system as much as everybody like

school system as much as everybody like do I just take them and go do something

do I just take them and go do something rogue like just different things like

rogue like just different things like you just evolved and and you might have

you just evolved and and you might have just lost your North Star the thing that

just lost your North Star the thing that you thought you were going for might not

you thought you were going for might not be it’s why I was always happy that I

be it’s why I was always happy that I didn’t want a million bucks

didn’t want a million bucks or they want fame or I didn’t want a car

or they want fame or I didn’t want a car private plane or these little things

private plane or these little things like it was fun to be like I want to buy

like it was fun to be like I want to buy the Jets and what that always meant to

the Jets and what that always meant to me is I want the process of buying the

me is I want the process of buying the Jets which means I get the hustle

Jets which means I get the hustle forever because that’s my that’s who I

forever because that’s my that’s who I am maybe you’ve lost who you are or what

am maybe you’ve lost who you are or what you want or maybe you’ve accomplished

you want or maybe you’ve accomplished kind of or maybe you feel it’s

kind of or maybe you feel it’s achievable I would be crushed if I

achievable I would be crushed if I thought what I wanted to achieve was

thought what I wanted to achieve was super achievable I mean it happened to

super achievable I mean it happened to me in the line is it’s happening at

me in the line is it’s happening at Vayner like as Vayner is becoming a

Vayner like as Vayner is becoming a player in the agency world and we’re not

player in the agency world and we’re not like now we’re like oh like and super

like now we’re like oh like and super gonna be like oh like you know like like

gonna be like oh like you know like like that’s not as fun for me I like being

that’s not as fun for me I like being the underdog

the underdog I like the climb you know I like that so

I like the climb you know I like that so maybe that’s happened maybe you’re just

maybe that’s happened maybe you’re just tired I mean I think one of the things

tired I mean I think one of the things that the New York Jets do for me that

that the New York Jets do for me that nobody understands is those hours

nobody understands is those hours actually you just caught something on

actually you just caught something on dailyvee right me talking Jeff that was

dailyvee right me talking Jeff that was the first time I talked business to a

the first time I talked business to a Jets game in 15 years I looked at my

Jets game in 15 years I looked at my phone’s the wrong time there’s a very

phone’s the wrong time there’s a very big thing and only spent a second on it

big thing and only spent a second on it like I am escaped and we’re lacked and

like I am escaped and we’re lacked and by the way I didn’t care about it like

by the way I didn’t care about it like that’s how

that’s how like those three four hours of escapism

like those three four hours of escapism maybe need some vacation time maybe you

maybe need some vacation time maybe you need to look at the people around you

need to look at the people around you maybe you need a change maybe you need

maybe you need a change maybe you need to break up with your boyfriend or

to break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend like there’s like there’s a

girlfriend like there’s like there’s a lot of intense different things that can

lot of intense different things that can be happening or maybe you can take a

be happening or maybe you can take a step back and really listen to this

step back and really listen to this statement which is you’ve lost your

statement which is you’ve lost your hustle because you’ve really are not in

hustle because you’ve really are not in tune to why you’re doing it right you’re

tune to why you’re doing it right you’re just not in tune to what you’re doing it

just not in tune to what you’re doing it that that that you’re maturing and

that that that you’re maturing and realizing like a Ferrari or a fad watch

realizing like a Ferrari or a fad watch or courtside tickets or custom mics I

or courtside tickets or custom mics I just wanted to show them you know is not

just wanted to show them you know is not what you’re living for and so you know

what you’re living for and so you know it’s funny tonight I’m going to the

it’s funny tonight I’m going to the charity water gala I never thought of

charity water gala I never thought of myself ten years ago somebody who would

myself ten years ago somebody who would be so involved in nonprofits sitting on

be so involved in nonprofits sitting on the board of pencils of promise donating

the board of pencils of promise donating I was you know I was old school in 40

I was you know I was old school in 40 I’m older like this was this new

I’m older like this was this new narrative of much better people and

narrative of much better people and that’s what I think you guys all are I

that’s what I think you guys all are I think you’re much better generation I

think you’re much better generation I grew up thinking I’ll get rich and when

grew up thinking I’ll get rich and when I’m old I’ll be like giving out money

I’m old I’ll be like giving out money and doing that stuff so you just evolved

and doing that stuff so you just evolved right and so maybe maybe you like me

right and so maybe maybe you like me like I haven’t gone completely like I

like I haven’t gone completely like I don’t have enough money like my kids can

don’t have enough money like my kids can give away all the money but I can’t I

give away all the money but I can’t I don’t have that luxury yet but maybe you

don’t have that luxury yet but maybe you want to do nonprofit maybe you want to

want to do nonprofit maybe you want to build schools for pencils of promise it

build schools for pencils of promise it will take you a louse like maybe you’ve

will take you a louse like maybe you’ve lost your purpose so take a good step

lost your purpose so take a good step back shut down shut down for 24 48 72

back shut down shut down for 24 48 72 hours go away go away like this this is

hours go away go away like this this is how I want you to shut down go to Airbnb

how I want you to shut down go to Airbnb this is a 2016 way to shut down go to

this is a 2016 way to shut down go to Airbnb find a very remote place you know

Airbnb find a very remote place you know taught you have to go I’m taping stuff

taught you have to go I’m taping stuff yeah I’m just wrapping up the show sorry

yeah I’m just wrapping up the show sorry go to go to Airbnb find a very remote

go to go to Airbnb find a very remote place that’s you can get to at a low

place that’s you can get to at a low cost like a crappy cabin far away on a

cost like a crappy cabin far away on a 4-hour drive where you can like just

4-hour drive where you can like just drive because you can or like somebody

drive because you can or like somebody will drive you there like hitchhike I

will drive you there like hitchhike I don’t give a crap lowest cost farthest

don’t give a crap lowest cost farthest away seclusion and just be with yourself

away seclusion and just be with yourself and start talking to yourself for real

and start talking to yourself for real for like really talk to yourself a real

for like really talk to yourself a real one of the great things I do with myself

one of the great things I do with myself is I talk to myself for real you know

is I talk to myself for real you know really nobody is a harsher critic and a

really nobody is a harsher critic and a bigger fan of themselves than me and I

bigger fan of themselves than me and I think that friction in both directions

think that friction in both directions matters

one was long the most important work ever

ever if you had to think of one word that’s

if you had to think of one word that’s most important to you or that sums you

most important to you or that sums you Apple that would be like a little beacon

Apple that would be like a little beacon pay believe nation if you want to know

pay believe nation if you want to know what the most important one word is for

what the most important one word is for Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey

Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey and Howard Schultz I have a very special

and Howard Schultz I have a very special secret video for you check the

secret video for you check the description for details

description for details [Music]

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