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“Find Your PURPOSE!” | Jordan B. Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) | #Entspresso

you might say if you don’t have enough
meaning in your life then you’re more
prone to addiction and that’s definitely
the case even with rats if you take a
rat you put him in a cage by himself and
he has nothing to do and then you give
him access to cocaine he’ll get addicted
to the point where he won’t do anything
but take cocaine your purpose comes from
the suffering that you went through that
you’ve gone through that you have solved
and now you want to make the road for
other people who are going through that
same pain easier why the hell am I here
on this planet earth why am I here if
you don’t know that you will live the
rest your life searching always asking
rise and shine it’s an espresso time
what’s up belief nation it’s heaven my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe you have Michael Jordan level
talent adds something and I want you to
find it embrace it and use it to make a
difference so let’s start your day off
right together grab your coffee and sip
if you’re hungry and you eat well that’s
good but it’s over and then you’re on to
the next thing right it’s not exactly
sustaining it’s just necessary that’s
called consume Ettore reward by the way
this other reward system is incentive
reward and the incentive reward system
works on dopamine this neurochemical
dopamine which is also the neurochemical
tracks that opiates and cocaine and
amphetamines the drugs that people
really like to abuse alcohol often for
some people activate and so you might
say if you don’t have enough meaning in
your life then you’re more prone to
addiction and that’s definitely the case
even with rats if you take a route you
put him in a cage by himself and he has
nothing to do and then you give him
access to cocaine he’ll get addicted to
the point where he won’t do anything but
take cocaine but if you throw the rat
back in with a bunch of other rats and
he gets to do rat things then it’s very
hard to get him addicted to cocaine and
so the purposeless rat is prone to
addiction well it’s the same with human
beings now here’s a corollary to that
which is really cool so the magnitude of
the reward you experience as you’re
moving towards a goal is proportionate
to the importance of the goal so that
means the more important the goal you
pick the more possibility there is for
the kind of reward let’s say it’s really
a state of being that is life-affirming
and it is directly life-affirming in
that you know like if you’re in a
football game and you’re and it’s an
important football game and maybe you
break a finger and you know normally
that’s that’s a problem it hurts and
you’re gonna stop doing whatever you’re
doing but if you’re right in the middle
of the game then you’ll be so amped up
on this reward system that its analgesic
it stops the pain it also suppresses
anxiety so if you have a purpose then
its analgesic it take some of the pain
out of life it’s very positive in that
it motivates and energizes you and
focuses you and makes you able to
remember and pay attention and it quells
fear and so those things are all direct
and so then you might think well what’s
the best possible goal well and that’s
that’s the purpose I would say of
religious training and philosophical
training it’s like just what the hell
are you doing in the world the most
successful people in the world and
Purpose Driven
period end of story the people who go
off and do amazing things not just in
business but in any endeavor they are
Purpose Driven they know what they want
they know what they’re out there they’re
on a mission to go off and accomplish
something big
they are Purpose Driven if you want to
be happy you wonderful field want to be
successful you have to be Purpose Driven
I think most people get that message
it’s great though to hear Jordan
Peterson talking about it it’s great to
hear spiritual leaders talking about it
it’s great to hear successful
entrepreneurs talking about it because
hopefully if you hear it from enough
different angles and enough different
words it’ll sink in the next question
that becomes well how do I find my
purpose is great Aven purpose is
important I get that now how do I find
it a lot of people have no idea how to
find their purpose I’m a big believer
that your purpose comes from your pain
your purpose comes from the suffering
that you went through that you’ve gone
through that you have solved and now you
want to make the road for other people
who are going through that same pain
easier so for me entrepreneurship as
much as I love talking about helping a
billion entrepreneurs as much as I love
thinking entrepreneurs will solve all
the world’s major problems it’s not
government it’s not some corporations
it’s us we will be the change makers as
much as I lean in on the positive and
aspirational and the inspirational and I
love entrepreneurs the real reason why I
do what I do is because of how much pain
that I went through as an entrepreneur
myself the worst day of my life was
telling that business partner that I
quit the feelings of of low absolute low
in the tank self-confidence self-worth
self-esteem just feeling like I suck I
was putting in tons of work tons of
energy tons of effort every single day
showing up at my business partners
apartment working from his dining room
table and eating beans for lunch making
$300 a month like I turned down huge
jobs for this this is what I turned down
my dream job forward is struggle and
suffer and feel like a piece of garbage
and I see that in other people and I see
that in a lot of people who watch these
videos and I see that people come up and
meet me at events and say hi and take
pictures and I just don’t want you to
suffer the same fate I want to make
things a little bit easier it’s why I
started this channel why I’m doing what
I’m doing it’s selfishly for me but I
want you guys to not have to face the
same low periods as me I wish that this
existed when I was getting started as an
entrepreneur I wish that this kind of
resource was around because it would’ve
meant the world to me and so that’s why
I make it for you ultimately my purpose
in helping entrepreneurs believe comes
from my pain and so if you’re really
struggling figuring out what it is that
you staying for what is your purpose
what are you meant to do think back to
some of the most painful moments in your
life think back to the suffering that
you have had to go through and how you
have done it and maybe still how you’re
overcoming it and quite often once
you’ve gone through something major
something traumatic something really
painful something really stressful
it’s just natural to want to try to help
other people who are going through that
right now not feel the same level of
pain as you did your purpose comes from
your pain that’s how you find it now
I’ve got a really special bonus clip for
you that I think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that I want to know what is your
purpose and what was the pain that led
to it I want you to share your story
bleed a little bit for us we live a
little bit for us I think the value is
and one’s just sharing it but into
allowing others to know that it’s okay
to have faced massive struggle and
massive pain you may not even be through
it yet because we’re all going through
something like that so share your story
down the comments below thank you guys
so much for watching I believe in you I
hope you continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is much love
I’ll see you again tomorrow morning for
another shot of espresso and enjoy the
my biggest advice to give everybody in
the world is like I say we live in an
external world everything is is you got
to see it touch its external if you can
for the rest of your life live inside of
yourself stop listening to people who
are calling you fat gay transsexual
nigger everything that is makes no sense
all these insecure people putting their
insecurities on you you gotta flush it
out you got to just be whoever the hell
God or whatever the hell you believe in
if you believe in nothing but yourself I
don’t care what it is you’re gonna take
everything and throw it away you have to
believe in one thing and that is
yourself and and I’m not saying don’t
believe in God of what you believe in
but right now for you to find greatness
in yourself you’re not going to find it
by looking in a book or by even hearing
me I may give you the spark but you’ve
got to go inside yourself to find it and
that means you gotta be quiet shut the
up go in a room stop talking search your
soul search your mind search your
abilities and you’ll find it but if
you’re not looking for it you won’t find
it so you got to go start your journey
and the journey starts with you finding
why the hell am I here on this planet
Earth why am I here and if you don’t
know that you will live the rest your
life searching always asking the
question why I can’t this is an
expression that is vilified in our minds
beginning at a young age every time a
young child announces this decision they
are corrected the first adult that hears
it ask them whether or not they have
even tried generally this confrontation
will result in the child giving their
task another attempt until their
attention span moves on to something
else the adult will see this and chuckle
to themselves with knowledge that this
is just a child who is yet to learn the
art of art and virtue of perseverance by
the time this child comes of age however
they will have been told by adults more
times than they could count that there
is no such thing as can’t
it is interesting then to think about
how many adults seem to proclaim this
expression in their lives
it is because is it because like many
things that adults tell children they
are simply telling the child a general
rule that the child must follow but can
be broken once one has grown or is it
because these adults are simply
repeating what they were told as
children without thoroughly examining
what the phrase I can’t truly suggests
if you confronted an adult that claims
they can’t do something with the same
question about whether or not they have
tried the answer will almost always be
adults have learned enough to know that
is unreasonable to say they can’t until
they have at least tried once therefore
the real question that we should be
asking in responses have you tried
everything have you exhausted every
possible option scenario combination
tool and approach I do not simply refer
to the ones that you knew of at the time
you decided to undertake your task I
mean have you re also researched
possibilities that you had known about
have you determined whether or not there
is another person out there that has
performed the exact same task you are
attempting or at least something similar
have you exhausted this research have
you read every book blog journal
magazine bathroom stall and website if
the answer to any of these questions is
no then go back and try again because if
you don’t because you don’t truly know
if you can do something until you’ve
tried absolutely everything the fact of
the matter is that rarely if ever is the
answer to all these questions yes
therefore what is it that people
actually mean when they say I can’t a
more accurate but more verbose way of
saying it would be I don’t care about or
want enough this task or the resultant
benefits of it in order to do all that
is necessary to achieve it I was told
countless numbers of times by people
during my month of marathons that they
couldn’t run one marathon let alone
one straight every now and then when I
had time I would discuss what they’d
said we would jointly conclude that if
something they cared about and depended
on them doing so it would be possible
the most common example I used was if
someone had a gun to your child’s head
do you think you could do it then
therefore the phrase I can’t denotes a
lack of investment as opposed to a lack
of potential or ability I do not mean to
say that every person I had this
conversation with should have had the
motivation to run marathons it was
something that I decided to do not them
I merely wanted to express to them what
I am expressing here given the right
purpose and enough time you can indeed
something bigger than you to be inspired
about I think we’re all born with a deep
and meaningful purpose that we have to
discover your purpose in life is not
something you need to make up it’s
already there you just need to discover
it that means to take the cover off of
what’s already there and when you do
when you really discover what you’re
meant to do it will be the reason you
get up in the morning prior discovering
your life purpose it’s easy to become
sidetracked or feel uninspired or feel
like you’ve accomplished very little in
life but what if these feelings are
simply feedback that you need to keep
going keep searching until you discover
and what if it’s the universe reminding
us not to settle for mediocrity to
continue experimenting for the one thing
that lights you up I also believe we’re
all born with a set of talents and
interests that tell us what we’re
supposed to be doing lots of times they
come so naturally to us we overlook them
we think finding our purpose is supposed
to be more profound or difficult but
what if it’s right in front of you the
whole time think about it have you ever
wanted to study something that you loved
but the more logical route was to do
what your parents or teachers or friends
thought you should do well maybe you
wanted to be a Potter or a music
or an artist but ended up in business
school because it was logic or sensible
if so you’re not alone you’re just off
track maybe you really are meant to be a
Potter if you tell yourself a story long
enough you start to believe it don’t you
believe it you act like I have Tulsa
what a wail out of handcuffs lightning
though Thunder in jail now you know I’m
bad on the last week I murdered a rock
into the stone hospitalized a brick I’m
so mean I make medicine sick the
fundamental key to success is it can
take between 18 and 254 days of taking
action for a new habit to stick I’ve
created a new course called 2:54
confidence or every single day for 254
days I will be sending you a video
between 30 seconds and 5 minutes long
that you start your morning with around
making you feel confident it’s
absolutely free check out the link in the description below to get access
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