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Find your HOME – Elizabeth Gilbert (@GilbertLiz) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is find your home over to you
Elizabeth Gilbert the only thing I have
ever wanted to be for my whole life was
a writer I wrote all through childhood
all through adolescence by the time I
was a teenager I was sending my very bad
stories to The New Yorker hoping to be
discovered after college I got a job as
a diner waitress kept working kept
writing kept trying really hard to get
published and failing at it I failed at
getting published for almost six years
so for almost six years every single day
I had nothing but rejection letters
waiting for me in my mailbox and it was
devastating every single time in every
single time I had to ask myself if I
should just quit while I was behind and
give up and spare myself this pain but
then i would find my resolve and always
in the same way by saying i’m not going
to quit i’m going home you have to
understand that for me going home did
not mean returning to my family’s farm
for me going home meant returning to the
work of writing because writing was my
home because I loved writing more than I
hated failing at writing which is to say
that I loved writing more than I loved
my own ego which is ultimately to say
that I loved writing more than I loved
myself and that’s how I pushed through
it my home is helping entrepreneurs I’m
so grateful that i found that and that i
have so many years left to go to
continue to expand that but I love
helping entrepreneurs I have to remind
myself sometimes not to help
entrepreneurs because it could be
detrimental to the other things in my
life you know when i’m on vacation I
want to help entrepreneurs and send an
email to my newsletter list hey let’s
meet up I want to walk into a shop and
talk to the entrepreneur and found out
how they got started and how it can help
which can be detrimental to my personal
relationship because I’m on a family
vacation when I went to New York
recently I wanted to go and meet with
the entrepreneurs there I’m not getting
paid to do it right like I build up my
schedule I brought my bag of clothes
with me to go and meet people so I
didn’t have to
back to the hotel because that would
take up time where it could be meeting
with somebody and it’s understanding
that when I meet with entrepreneurs it
helps me just as much as it helps them I
am fueled by impact I want to leave an
impact on people’s lives and the way
that I can do that best is to
entrepreneurship because that’s that’s
what I know and that’s what I love and
so I could meet with entrepreneurs all
day long I would forget to go to the
bathroom and forget to eat and would be
detrimental to my body and I need to
force myself to pull away from it
because I love it so much that’s my home
that’s what makes me come alive that’s
what I want to do as much as possible
every day and you need to find that for
yourself you need to find the thing that
you can’t wait to do that gives you
energy that you look forward to being
able to do and that doesn’t mean that
every day is a fantastic beautiful
amazing smell the roses day you’re gonna
have crappy days but you still come back
to enjoying the work enjoying the
process I’m not just chasing some end
goal but I like what I’m doing every day
and some people know it some people have
found that some people have found their
home they know what it’s all about and
they’re chasing it if that’s you then
you can’t quit you got to come back to
it every single day work on your craft
get better and eventually it will work
out for you and others they don’t know
what it is yet you know they don’t know
what their home is they don’t know what
they’re passionate about and so for
those people you need to explore and you
want you want to do a lot of little
quits try something then quit and try
something and quit and try something and
quick until you find the thing that
makes you come alive because what most
people do is it gets stuck on one thing
that they don’t love and then they love
it less and less and less with each
passing year but they stay in that
because they’re too afraid to jump off
and then they’re just living for the
evenings and weekends and they’ve thrown
their entire life away and I don’t want
that to be you you’ve got to find the
thing that makes you come alive you’ve
got to find your home thing that you
enjoy the process of doing and try to
spend as much time there
possible you do that you’ll have a great
impact on the world you have a life that
is fulfilling and meaningful and
valuable and you’ll be happy so the
question is a today is where is your
home not where you grew up physically
but what is home for you do you know it
leave in the comments below and if you
don’t what steps you’re going to take to
try to find it thank you guys so much
for watching have an amazing day
continue to believe and i’ll see you
again tomorrow morning for another shot
of espresso okay
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