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Fear Not – How to overcome your FEARS

how to overcome your fears so I got a
great question for one of my youtube
viewers love you guys Amal who wrote in
to say thanks to this great video and
please could you do a video about fear I
mean how to not be scared to do some
skills and to have that courage to do
what you want to do I’m a gymnast and
I’m scared to learn backwards skills and
I want to improve and be a good gymnast
more than anything so please if you have
anything that can help me even a
motivational text have a nice day so
this is a great question and animal I
really I really fear for you because
you’re not alone you know fear is
something that holds holds people back
from achieving great things in our lives
anything that you do that is big is
going to come with a healthy dose of
fear and that’s natural and that that is
normal and you have to bust through that
to achieve great things because your
life is here and to get here there’s a
lot of unknown and unknown equals fear
so how do you get through that step
number one is remember why you’re doing
it your why has to be important why do
you want to do this so if you’re a
gymnast why do you being a good gymnast
important to you what do you want to
accomplish with your life right if
you’re an entrepreneur why is that
important you want to launch a business
hey it’s going to be hard why is this so
important to you are you doing it to
have an impact in the world are you
doing it for your kids are you doing it
because you know your your dad died of
this disease and now you want to go and
solve it why are you doing this if you
have a big enough why then the fear
becomes smaller because you’re here and
you want to get here and the only thing
stopping you is your fear if this is
super important to you then that fear
shrinks yeah you’re still going to be
afraid and everybody’s still going to be
afraid okay someone tells you now I’m
not afraid of anything they’re lying
along that path you’re going to be
afraid but you push through the fear
because that end goal is important to
you hey that’s first remember why 2 no
I try to live my life with no regrets
and I think people should too because
you look at people when they’re in their
70s or 80s and and you know they’re on
their deathbed they’re they’re breathing
their last breath and you talk to them
and they’re looking back on their lives
and one of the most common things that
people say on their deathbed is they
wish they took more chances they wish
that they took that opportunity to wish
they took action on this idea they had
instead of just staying in the status
quo I don’t want to be that guy I don’t
want to be the guy who when I’m on my
death bed I look back on my life and I
say wow I wish I went and did that I had
a dream I had a goal I wish I chased it
so fast forward your life to 70 80 years
old and look back if you don’t learn
these box lips and you don’t become a
great gymnast is that going to haunt you
for the rest of your life probably well
and again it’s not that the fear goes
away the fear is still there just become
smaller because you don’t want to be
that person looking back in your life
wishing you had gone for no regrets
number three is get help
having people help you makes a goal
easier to go out and accomplish and it
could be somebody you know if I were you
I go to find a gymnast find the gymnast
who’s done this who knows how to do
backflips and tell them you know what I
want to be a great gymnast I’m working
hard i’m killing myself I’m trying to
make this happen I’m just afraid of
doing the backflips can you help me and
having somebody who’s gone through it
does two things one it it gives you
confidence and technique in that they’re
showing you the right way to do
something right you’re learning for
someone who has done it so that the
chances of you doing it wrong go down so
I can decrease your fear but also just
being accountable to somebody right a
lot of times our goals we keep to
ourselves because we’re too afraid to
share with other people because when we
tell somebody then we better go out and
do it that accountability is good having
somebody there to help you just even if
they don’t know what they’re doing in
that skill said that you’re trying to
learn just just to be accountable to to
tell that person yeah I’m making
progress or I’m not and they hold your
feet to the fire because you don’t want
to tell them yeah I’m still afraid I’m
still afraid at some point you’re gonna
go I’ve got to just do this so get help
a number four is break it down and I
found that this helps me a lot where you
know you’re here again and you have this
goal to be up here and you see this huge
fear in between because it’s its giant
step to get to to where you want to be
from where you are the reality is you’re
not going to take this one giant step
it’s going to be a little step in a
little step and a little step and a
little step and eventually going to be
up here where you want to beat but
through a series of little steps and
taking a little step is a lot less scary
than taking that big step so break it
what do you need to do that is the next
smallest simplest easiest step that you
might be a little bit afraid of but you
can get through and once you’ve done
that then you could do it again you’re
not afraid of anymore because you’ve
done it and you can take the next step
and then take the next step up so if
you’re a gymnast you’re afraid of doing
a backflip how can you break that back
down how can you break that down to
something simpler we’re still going
backwards but maybe not doing a full
flip I don’t know what it is break it
down so if you get halfway there and you
know could do that consistently that you
can go all the way here’s a quick
example I one of my first speaking
engagements internationally was in
Brunei and I wasn’t asked to go over
there and speak and I’ve been used to
doing you know small sessions and here
was going to be I don’t know thousand
people i don’t know when people in the
room was it was broadcast nationally on
their TV stations there’s over two days
and I I get up on stage and I’m like
freaking out before that happened I kind
of secretly wish that they would cancel
on me you know like the day before my
flight say Oh evidence off you don’t
have to come it’ll kind of put all my
fears to worry to rest and I got up
there and I knew that she ended up being
great you know I didn’t I didn’t choke I
didn’t throw up you know but I was still
scared I pushed through the fear but now
we know I could do it again right it was
scary the first time but it’s not so
scary anymore scary might be packing the
stadium at Madison Square Gardens you
know I might be scared doing that but if
I do it once and I’ll be okay I could do
it again so same thing for you right
break it down find an easy step to help
you get started then the next steps and
the next steps aren’t as scary as you go
forward so that’s my advice and I hope
you I hope you push through because fear
is a really dangerous thing and it’s a
dream killer and holds people back from
being the people that could be
believe so those are watching like the
video thumbs up below let me know how
you deal with your fear I’m really
curious your strategy is what’s worked
for you what hasn’t worked for you leave
it in the comments below I want to hear
from you and you want to see more videos
like this click on my face subscribe to
the channel thank you so much I’ll see
you soon
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