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Fashion Line – Starting your own clothing brand

hey it’s Evan Carmichael I’ve been
getting a lot of requests from people
who want to start their own clothing
brand now I believe modeling success so
in this video I’m going to share how
some of the top fashion brands in the
world got started how these
entrepreneurs went from nothing went
from an idea to building an
internationally recognized clothing
brand and how you can do the same
Giorgio Armani Giorgio Armani got his
start when he was hired by Larry Musante
as a window dresser who was quickly
promoted as a buyer for the department
store thanks to his keen eye for style
working in the menswear section it was
here that Armani gained his first
valuable exposure to the world of
fashion making regular trips to London
to seek out the latest trends in nearly
1960s Armani crossed over to work for
Nino Cerruti
an Italian fashion designer who was
becoming well establishing the industry
Amani was hired to work as an assistant
designer for Rudy’s line of menswear hit
men over the next decade Armani
continued to work for 30 but due to the
high demand of his skills he also became
a successful freelance designer at one
point he was contributing fashions to
ten different fashion houses at once
including some of the biggest names such
as Ungaro and Zegna a chance encounter
in 1966 would set Armani down a new path
that was a year he met a young architect
named Sergio Galli Abdi galeota was 11
years younger than Armani who recognized
a talent in a young designer he moved to
Milan to be with Armani
all the while encouraging him to go off
on his own and create his own collection
rather than continued to design for
others in 1970 armani finally left sir
Rudi he continued chasing freelance work
until 1974 when Gallio Diaz work of
encouragement seemed to finally pay off
that year Armani and galeota decided to
create their own company with an initial
investment of $10,000 which they
collected from the sale of their
Volkswagen car the two founded Giorgio
our money immediately set out to create
a unique line of menswear his first
outfit would in fact become his
signature piece
the unconstructed suit jacket by
removing the standard lining and padding
that had previously always held jackets
into their stiff form Armani created a
new more fluid jacket that became widely
popular for both men and women over the
next decade Armani continued to design
clothes that were neutral color and
often considered androgynous Dov Charney
from American Apparel Dov Charney
dropped out of Tufts University in his
senior year I moved to Columbia South
Carolina to start a business in 1989
thanks for ten thousand dollar loan from
his father he created t-shirt company
but as his competition began to
outsource our operations and imported
clothes started to flood the market at
cheaper prices journey found himself out
of business he was forced to declare
bankruptcy in 1996 Chinese dreams of
running the clothing company crashed
along with much of the industry did he
waste his father’s ten thousand dollar
loan was his move to South Carolina
pointless Charney wanted to make sure
that his venture down south was not in
vain after finally for bankruptcy
charlie recognized that he could not
revitalize his company all on his own he
needed someone who had experienced some
who had been in the industry for some
time and knew what it would take to
reorganize the company and make it
Charney found that person in marty
Bailey I called up a guy I trust and
asked who is the best out there
organizing the factory says Charney
he said Marty so I called him on a
Saturday and said dude my name is Doug
and I need help
he started Monday that’s the way I
operate with over 20 years experience in
the garment industry Bailey came on
board and immediately began to
reconfigure Chinese factory he
dramatically improved his efficiency by
organizing the sewing team into groups
of eight to ten people each of whom was
assigned a different class to perform to
create a single garment team
manufacturing he called it Chinese first
design was a classic girl line and
despite being dismissed by the likes of
Haynes and fruit of the Loom it proved
the success
with that he decided to move his
business to LA California where he began
a new business model something he called
a hyper capitalist socialist fusion
today’s American Apparel was born
initially the company restricted its
operations to manufacturing t-shirts for
designers rock bands corporate customers
in the light because Chinese shirts
could hold silkscreen designs well and
they fit better than his competitors
they started becoming successful added
to that was the fact that all his
products were produced right there in
his LA Factory
that meant that not only were they high
quality but he could capture the latest
trends and create a fast turnaround time
a t-shirt could go from being a concept
of being in consumers hands in less than
one week because of the high quality of
Chinese clothes he was able to charge
more for them than his competitors with
their Chinese imports his t-shirts went
from an average of four dollars each
more than four times out of his
competitors slowly Chinese customers
began increase to orders and he used a
higher revenues to reinvest back into
the business Calvin Klein Calvin Klein
had a dream of founding his own clothing
company one that would create original
unique and affordable designs I could
compete with the overly expensive
European imitations which enjoyed a
monopoly at the time he believed that
the US could indeed have its own
thriving fashion industry that would be
able to go up against the best
throughout the world and Klein wanted to
lead that effort although he was
practically broke and still working
part-time when his father’s grocery
store to earn some extra money he was
confident in his abilities to both
design clothes and run his own business
and with the help of an old childhood
friend Klein set out to do just that
when he was 26 years old Klein finally
decided to stop taking apprenticeships
to venture out onto his own with two
thousand dollars of his own money that
he had saved and a ten thousand dollar
loan from his friend Barry Schwartz
Klein founded Calvin Klein Schwartz
became a partner and the two set out to
make Klein’s dreams come true focusing
first on a line of coats Klein created
his own designs using the skills he had
gained from his previous on-the-job
training the company’s first major steps
of success came by accident a year after
its inception when a businessman got off
the elevator on the wrong floor and
happened the wander into Klein
office this businessman turned out to be
a coat buyer from the major department
store Bonwit teller after placing an
order for $50,000 worth of coats he told
Kline tomorrow you have been discovered
in his first year the company booked 1
million dollars worth of business while
Bonwit tellers order did help Klein
create a significant presence
it wasn’t until 1973 when Klein created
his first line of sportswear that he
would become a major player in the
fashion industry his collection with its
sleek and simple designs became known as
the Calvin Klein look as the company
began to grow in size and wealth Klein
was recognized for his efforts by being
awarded the Cody award the highest award
for fashion for three consecutive years
beginning in 1973 Klein had essentially
created the phenomenon of American
leisure where Ralph Lauren after high
school Ralph Lauren enlisted in the US
Army and served in the reserves for two
years in 1964 he began taking night
classes in business at the City College
of New York although he never got a
degree and joined books brothers as a
neck wear salesman soon however Lauren
was longing to design his own ties I was
working for a time Manufacturing doing
private labels for stores such as book
brothers and Paul Stewart he recalls I
tried to convince them to do their own
brand but they weren’t interested so I
approached another time maker from
Cincinnati and they got it
Lauren quit his job and went to work for
Beau Brummel neckwear although lesser
known the company allowed him to sell
his own designs in their showrooms in
the Empire State Building
Lauren began to create wide handmade and
expensive ties qualities which would
soon become his trademark Lauren tried
to branch out and sell his ties the
Bloomingdale’s they however refused to
seldom unless Lauren met certain
conditions Lauren in turn refused
Bloomingdale’s competitors however were
not as reluctant within months Laurens
ties now under the brand name Polo were
selling fast with her tail behind their
Bloomingdale’s soon came back to Lauren
to ask for a deal
Laurens handmade neckties were flying
off the shelves it was a conservative
time in the fashion world and Laurens
ties Zoe as they were were making a
splash but Lauren knew that if he was
going to stick around in the business or
much longer he had to follow that up
with something else and
in 1968 with the help of a $50,000 loan
Lauren founded polo fashions he chose
the name not because you liked the sport
indeed he’d never played polo before in
his life but to Lauren the name
symbolized power and style an image he
wanted his clothes at project Lauren’s
designs hit the fashion world and the
streets heart expanding his line of
menswear Lauren had hit after hit on his
hands and in 1970 he even won the
prestigious Cody award thanks for
watching I hope you enjoyed the video
remember whatever goal you have whatever
problem you’re facing someone has
already gone out and accomplished it
instead of trying to figure it all out
yourself find out who’s done it model
their success their success leaves clues
that you can build into your business to
become a success yourself I hope you’ve
enjoyed the video if you liked it please
give it a thumbs up below it’ll mean a
lot to me personally and I’d love to
hear what you have to think please leave
a comment underneath tell me what you’re
thinking and if I can answer a question
for your business again please leave it
in the comment section below I always
read those I love seeing them come in
they make my mornings thank you guys and
I’ll see you soon
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