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FAITH CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS – With God All Things Are Possible

warning messages by Billy all’s books to

call side effects and side effects are

champions being born dreams being

realized a week becoming strong loving

3-over unbelievable ah incredible

comeback stories too sick being healed

marriages being restored victory over

all forms of addiction job from

people becoming millionaires is becoming

less than unstoppable these messages

will motivate and inspire you to take

action your faith is now being increased

to the level it takes to move mountains

rise rise champion

I’m Billy alls Brooks and I approve this

there was a seven-year-old boy on his

knees praying before bedtime and as he

begin to close his eyes he was brought

up into heaven and when he got there all

he could see was miles and miles and

miles of warehouses and filled with

curiosity he asked God what’s in those

buildings God smiled and said come let’s

see and as he and God walked through the

massive doors and any of these buildings

all he could see were storage units and

huge containers each one having a name

on it that he recognized he saw his

little brother’s name his little

sister’s name his mother’s name his

father’s name his uncle’s name his

cousins named his classmates names his

teachers names all the people in charge

he saw the names on these containers so

he asked God what’s in there God smiled

and said come let’s see it took the

little boy about a hand and walked over

to the containers and one by one began

opening them and he said son these are

all the gifts blessings victories

breakthroughs healing happiness peace

and abundance that I want to give to my

people if they would just believe go

back home son

and tell them all that I have for them

tell them yes how much I love and that

with me all things are possible because

God will never ever ever fail my people

all I ask of them is to believe truly I

tell you if anyone says to this mountain

go throw yourself into the sea and does

not doubt in their heart but believes

that what they say what happened and

will be done for them religion won’t

change your life but faith will our

objective is not to have faith it’s a

becoming God still moves mountains faith

is oxygen

don’t let some dreams suffocate anything

the promises of God it’s just a

temporary illusion

I believe faith is your weapon and it’s

time for us as believers to go to war

now I want to clear something up hoping

and wishing ain’t the same thing as

trust in God there’s three kinds of

faith hope faith and trust now hope is

and I hope there’s a god up there I hope

he has the power to change the world I

hope he loves me enough to intervene on

my behalf

then there’s faith the next level and

faith is I believe that’s a god up there

and I believe I have faith that he has

power to change the world but I hope

that he loves me enough to intervene on

my behalf

99% of the church body as a whole

resides in the first two levels of faith

hope and faith this is why the church

today is functioning in limited power

that the third level is trust and this

is where the powers that trust is and

notice the god of death I know he has

the power to change the world I know he

loves me enough because he sent his son

for me and I know he

me and he may intervene on my behalf and

I’d trust him enough to step out and do

something this kind of trust is what got

Peter out of the boat they were true

disciples there with God but only one

trusted him enough to get out of the

boat and to walk on that water it is no

coincidence that God chose to build his

church on the rock Peter it’s time to

stop wishing hoping ain’t crossing our

fingers that God is gonna do something

it’s time to start trusting and

believing and the one we serve prayer

without expectation is not a prayer it’s

a wish it’s not the length of your

prayer that gives it power it’s the

faith behind it

your focus is hindering God’s power stop

focusing on your problem and focus on

the God – it’s all things bow

someplace that we go it’s something that

we all it’s not a location instead of

building it’s a mindset my lifestyle God

did not design you to be comfortable

he’s design you to talk it’s a tuna you

got to get out of the comfort zone you

gotta stretch you gotta reach you got a


believe oh thanks opossum kinda stupid

you the promised land but the only way

you’re gonna enter it it’s fast baby you

don’t let out sighs God

plan for your lathe

this point four would pray only one time

preyas whatever your need is go to God’s

Word and find out what it says and then

you stand on what that word says so when

you pray you ask God one time and then

from that moment forward you believe

that prayer is answered don’t pray again

because if you praying twice the enemy’s

gonna think you didn’t believe what you

prayed for the first time the enemy

can’t reach your mind but it can hear

your words and he can smell fear and he

could smell doubts it’s like blood to a

shock to him it’s time for believers to

stop belief we gotta stop serving our

emotions and start serving God real

faith is never subject to circumstances

it’s unconditional faith is more than

words it’s an unconditional activity a

continuous action of refusing to concede

or accept one’s current circumstances

the only outcome

I will accept is the one that God

promised you have to authorize God to do

the impossible your faith grants that

authorization go get your victory dreams

boom in the fertile soil of expectation

I tell you to believe your eyes were

designed to see the visible

faith allows you to see the invisible

what’s to come to peer into the future

destiny is obligated by universal law to

concede to the demands of unwavering

faith no matter where you are what your

circumstance is faithful bend and shape

reality and order to bring happen to you

as believers we’re supposed to be

pro-life but everyday Christians are

committing abortions and what I mean by

that is every time you give up on a

dream every time you doubt God you

commit abortion on a life that you have

every ounce of your being everything on

the outside of you all the people around

you might be saying what you’re trying

to do is impossible but with God all

things are possible if you really want

to change your life you take Matthew


with God all things are possible and you

make that the foundation of your

existence because the faith that pleases

God is to face them casues doing the

impossible is that gives God an

opportunity to shy opilios Brooks

blessed enough sample and as always to

God be the glory

less than unstoppable says start with

putting the right things into your mind

and my new goal blessed an unstoppable

was strategically designed to align your

mind with the Laws of Success this

curriculum will teach you to enter

mechanics required to go from average to

phenomenal from living a life with

limits to being less than unstoppable as

you follow this guide step by step

amazing breakthroughs what happened new

doors of opportunity will open and favor

will begin to chase you down rested

unstoppable is the 31-day devotional on

the laws of success this book will

instigate the thought process and

actions required to transform your life

each day has a Bible verse of teaching

on that day’s principle a positive

affirmation a prayer for the day

self-assessment questions success quotes

action steps and a powerful

inspirational message regardless of what

field you’re in less than unstoppable

we shall blueprint for success get your copy

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