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Facebook Page Marketing – How to get results

hi I’m Evan Carmichael and today i’m
going to be reviewing a facebook page
and giving you advice on how to get
better results from facebook for your
pages this comes from valerie brown
who’s been an active member of my
youtube community and newsletter and
Facebook and all over the place rallies
been a great supporter and she asked me
to check out her facebook page give her
some tips and so I’m happy to do it and
in the process help you build your page
as well this is her page and the first
thing I look at when I come here is I
see this heart with food and so I’m
thinking okay I has something to do with
healthy nutrition and she’s actually
more about travel so this message is
inconsistent I’d love to see a picture
here of a healthy travel lifestyle that
you want to convey I look at your
picture here Valerie and this isn’t a
great picture not that you’re not great
just I want to see you write the whole
point of this is I want to be able to
connect to you I want you to be my
expert my trusting source it’s the
person i can connect with and when
you’re so far away that i can’t see your
face i’m not going to connect with you
you’re just just another person so i
want to see your smiling picture right
up front as i scroll down i’m looking at
a picture you got here okay again this
is a little bit better a little bit
close up but I lose the sunglasses you
know if you have sunglasses on if you’re
wearing a hat in your pictures it just
creates a barrier between your viewers
and yourself so you want to be able to
connect with people to say valor is the
expert I love her I trust her not going
to do that if they can’t you know see
your face is your big smile the big
thing on facebook let’s talk about
facebook strategy for a second here a
lot of people are having problems
getting likes getting comments getting
shares getting any results out of
facebook facebook is is heavily pushing
people towards advertising that’s that I
you know it’s how they make money but
you don’t need to spend on advertising
if your posts are good enough the
challenge is there are so many new
companies coming up with their own
Facebook page there’s so much
competition out there that is hard to
stand out you know you look at you look
at your own newsfeed right on facebook
look at your newsfeed and
it’s limited right you’re not going to
scroll down your entire news feed and
Facebook wants to show your friends
stuff as well as the the pages that
you’ve liked and so the newsfeed is
limited the user base is limited but
there’s so many new pages coming online
that you have to compete with so it’s
harder and harder to stand out and if
your posts aren’t getting any likes or
shares then they’re not going to be
shown in people’s newsfeeds anymore so
you have to really have good quality
stuff so let’s go down suit we got here
so it starts off with a quote to my mind
the greatest award and luxury of travel
is to be able to experience everyday
things as if for the first time to be in
a position which almost nothing is so
familiar it is taken for granted bill
bryson’s a little bit wordy makes me you
know pause and think as I’m reading it
which could be good but you know
Facebook it should be quick fast easy to
digest but whatever it’s a good enough
quote the problem is then it’s with this
picture which I don’t fully understand
we’ve got low cost real estate Muslim in
Congress I don’t know how does that
relate to this quote right it doesn’t
and when you look at this you look at
the picture which doesn’t make sense
more than the quote so I want to see a
picture of Bill Bryson or even better a
picture of a nice peaceful luxury travel
place that I want to go to next we’ve
got some YouTube videos uh you know so
relaxation for children I don’t
understand how that relates to travel
maybe when you’re traveling you want
your kids to relax and feel happy
regardless you should always with every
video that you share you should have
your own personal statement like I’m
coming to you you’re the expert Valerie
what do I need to know about this video
why do you like this video why are you
sharing it with me right add your two
cents that’s what I’m coming here for
tell me why I need to watch this video
same thing here so as the video think
positive health spa wellness yoga music
so you know this is something to listen
to when you’re stressed out before your
vacation I don’t know whatever it is but
again share your thoughts of why I need
to listen to this video you got a
picture here it’s kind of hard to read
and again with
spoke I’m not going to squint in and
look at the picture you have to make it
super obvious each time you post a
picture I want to see a big picture and
I want to see the words on top that’s
the easiest way to help me digest it and
then share it so here you have a picture
but no words and it’s hard to read here
you’ve got another picture good quote
about getting the travel bug but no
words so again write the same thing up
top make it easy for me to share another
video again tell me why I need to watch
this show me that you’re the expert now
this is interesting you posted three
videos in an hour you have to understand
with Facebook each pose has a shelf life
and by just bombarding people with post
doesn’t mean they’re going to see it
what happens is if people don’t respond
so if I sign up and I’m a fan of your
page and i see a post i’ll probably get
a post your first post in my news feed
but if i don’t do anything with if I
don’t like youtube I don’t share if I
don’t click on it then the next time you
post it’s not going to show up and so
posting so often means people are going
to ignore your stuff and then they’ll
never see it in their feet again which
is not what you want so you want to post
weighed less frequently but improve the
quality so that I want to share to
interact with it you’ve got some ads
here i guess for norwegian nobody’s
gonna click or like share that so unless
you’re getting paid for it i take that
kind of stuff out-link into holland
america so we got an article here so
here’s an article from travel pulse okay
some are in the golden tourism triangle
why should I read this okay this looks
like you copied and pasted from their
website give me the Valerie Brown why I
should care about this and then maybe
I’ll read it right share your expertise
same thing here another boat okay so why
do I care why don’t care about this boat
tell me write you the whole point here
is we’re building you up as an expert as
a trusted brand because booking
vacations are hard and it sucks and
takes a lot of time and I want to just
be hands-off and give it to you I come
to you to save me time and give me
awesome information it’s not surprising
that this page isn’t getting a lot of
interaction okay it’s hard enough to
stand out on facebook with the new
rules but when your content isn’t great
then you’re going to have an even bigger
time so summary you know changes picture
make it something really have to travel
that helps me understand what it is that
you do show me your face make it close
up give me a nice smile don’t hide
behind sunglasses or anything else when
you’re posting pictures make the picture
relate to the text and show me the text
above each picture and when you’re
sharing videos or anything else always
have your own personal opinion on it
because that’s what makes me come into
it have a schedule so instead of posting
you know three videos this hour and then
nothing for a while and then three
pictures do one video a day at you know
nine in the morning and one picture in
the afternoon at two o’clock or whatever
it is create a schedule that I can get
used to that isn’t bombarded and
overwhelmingly and overall though if I
had to give you one piece of advice for
this whole thing to get a you know
traction on facebook and in any social
media it’s this this is the most
important part be proud of everything
that you create if you are not proud of
what you’re about to pose like really
proud of it then don’t post it you know
if you love this quote know that yeah
that’s exactly it I feel proud for
posting it then that’s what you’re
putting up if you’re just looking for a
travel quote and you find something
interesting you like okay whatever post
it up on you too cool for today don’t
post that that’s not going to get any
results you should only pose the stuff
that makes you feel proud that’s we’re
going to start seeing results from your
social media believe those you’re
watching I love to hear what you’re
doing on facebook how you’re getting
some results please leave in the
comments below if you like this video
give it a thumbs up click on my face
subscribe to the channel and see more
videos like this thank you so much and I
will see you soon
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