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EXECUTE On Your PLANS! – #OneRule

executions the game execution on the
ideas execute as fast as possible
execution obscuring the plan execution
hello elevation my name is Evan
Carmichael my one word is believe and I
believe the entrepreneurs are going to
solve all of the world’s major problems
so to help you on your journey today
we’re going to learn how you can execute
on your plan and as always as you’re
watching if you hear something that
really resonates with you please leave
it down in the comments below and put
quotes around it to other people to be
inspired and when you write it down it’s
much more likely to stick with yourself
as well enjoy so it’s it’s easy to have
ideas it’s very hard to turn an idea
into a successful product there are a
lot of steps in between it takes
persistence relentlessness so I always
tell people who are you know who think
they want to be entrepreneurs it’s you
need a combination of stubborn
relentlessness and flexibility and you
have to know when to bewitch and
basically you need to be stubborn on
your vision because otherwise it’ll be
too easy to give up but you need to be
very flexible on the details because as
you go along pursuing your vision you’ll
find that some of your preconceptions
were wrong and you’re going to need to
be able to change those things so I
think taking an idea successfully all
the way to the market and turning it
into a real product that people care
about and it really improves people’s
lives it’s a lot of hard work I like my
systems got a great thing now in this
once in every four months somebody sends
an email saying I’ve got a huge startup
that I want you to invest in but you’ve
gotta sign this NDA right which
literally every time gets an email back
that says you write and and the reason
is I’m a humungous believer that ideas
are and that executions the game right
we’ve all got ideas everybody’s got
ideas do we like
as we all have here we can probably sit
here for the next two hours draw them
all out record them and predict the next
78 great startups over the next nine
years and so I think the thing that is
another theme in entrepreneurship if
there is way too much fodder brought to
the idea Hoover was magic cab three
years earlier there is not an idea over
existed it’s called magic cat but the
guys that executed sucked so they lost
so I think you know if there’s any level
of romance left in this room about your
idea I’d like to suffocate it because I
think the actual situation is what you
actually do with it you are fantastic
direct response marketer with your
mail-order business what a dollar into
two concepts well you know we all pay
taxes and we all hate the idea that
you’re losing good money but there’s a
difference between hating that you lose
that money in hating to pay taxes
I love paying taxes if it is the fee
amount and if it is used wisely
I think we all have to contribute it
because it’s how instead of social
programs that are built infrastructure
that sorry if a military of this kind of
thing so that’s great but I always had
the belief that the money that I pay in
taxes I want to make up through wise
investments so this is why I got into
real estate right away the seventies in
the stead of dying Roland and developing
that I started buying apartment
buildings and you know just think about
it I mean it would be in the air
remember 1974 apartment first apartment
building and we bought it for two
hundred and fifteen thousand dollars
that it was then a lot of money yeah and
I was only down like maybe thirty five
thirty seven thousand dollars but within
two years that apartment building was
worth instead of 250 350 thousand
thousand and a solid so imagine now how
much gain there was yes I mean
so we made hundreds of percent of my
initial investment that’s what I’m
talking about
see it’s it takes you know thoughts and
ideas can make much more money than
actual physical labor
physical labor is always part of the
action because I always say you got to
work your ass up in the matter what you
do because now you have a great idea but
then you still have to implement it if
you have to hassle you have to go to the
bank if the financial statements are
this and that they raise money sometimes
and you go and look at a thousand
apartment buildings to find the right
one and all this housing sort of the
work but it normally if it is just
physical labor you can never make the
money then you can make when you have
ideas so this is why it’s important that
we stealthy press it the secret is is
the certain times don’t think like when
you get up in the morning don’t think
just roll out of it so any lifecycle or
go on opacity right or go to the chamber
cut you know that’s what you have to do
and then read something and learn
so don’t even think about it but there’s
other times where you have to really
think and you really have to get
creative and have a clear vision of
where you want to go and what you want
to do and that’s what I always have
that’s what I always believed and always
believed in making money so that then
you can do something with that you
invest in it notice eventually you
create a family example few kids in
order stuff but also for charity look I
thought the dish was lega institute at
USC yeah so we have to raise money all
the time that make money to pay for
Testaments and the support that if you
are 20 the environmental organization or
any organization any tea is great but if
you don’t let the money you can
implement anything and so this is why it
is important that it is an environmental
organization orbit is no after-school
programs to the nationwide where we
raise millions and millions of dollars
every year or if it is just you know
living in it right the great mansion
or driving a nice Bentley in the Bugatti
you know this the kind of things it
takes money to do all this kind of stuff
so therefore I believe in making $1 in
the two and having a good time way to
pay my taxes and that’s how much this is
our I say we have bad news you vo 15
million thousand taxes I say yes then
this releases what do you have you but I
will offer that means you must have made
a lot of money you have to pay that much
money in taxes miss it yeah that’s way
looking at it is it’s the way I look at
it the reality is reading a book or
going to a conference or having a great
conversation where you get this golden
information that’s all fantastic but
what makes mastery is execution on the
ideas not the ideas and so no idea works
unless you’re willing to roll up your
sleeves do the practice invest the time
put in the effort do the work I think
we’ve all observed a lot of people who
they love reading the books they love
showing up at the courses they do all
the online training and nothing ever
changes and they say well you know I
don’t know why it doesn’t change why my
life doesn’t change why my thinking
doesn’t change why my performance
doesn’t change why my relationships
don’t change well it’s because ideas
don’t work if you don’t execute on them
so if you look at the great business
builders you look at any great performer
one thing that makes them great is their
grit one thing that makes them great is
their hunger to practice one thing that
makes them great is they are willing to
sacrifice I mean yes they’re passionate
but did you know the root of the word
passion is suffering you’ve got to be
willing to suffer for your vision you’ve
got to be willing to suffer to reach BIW
best in the world
you’ve got to be willing to suffer the
ridicule and laughter of your critics
and your cynics to get to a place called
world class I’m going to be in show
and I just happened to look out
happen I think you know it you know you
if you know what you’re supposed to do
deep down inside I think everybody does
a lot of people just don’t go after it
you know like most people start out they
say I want to be as this but I’m going
to get that to make sure I have
something to fall back on yeah and what
you’re doing is you setting yourself up
a fake because you’re going there’s a
possibility that I’m gonna fall back and
when you put that out there then you
fall back if you just say hey this is
what I want to do and you go do it you
usually get your stuff to where you want
it that’s the way of the entrepreneur is
is actually about going looking at the
world and finding problems it’s actually
some people think that’s a negative
mindset but actually I find it it’s like
a it’s a it’s a curious mindset is
you’re out there looking for problems
looking for things that aren’t the way
they should be or could be okay you got
a good idea look everybody’s got a good
idea yeah you know now the okay
everybody has an idea not every having a
good idea but I thought what people have
good ideas Lord uber is a good idea he
push a button and get a ride I don’t
know if we were the first person ever
think of that
idea but we were the first person to do
it and and so you got to just go do it
then you’ve got to just get out there
and go do it so it’s easy to have the
idea or straightforward but then you’ve
got to have enough guts to go out there
and try and that that’s the way of the
entrepreneur you need to execute and you
need to execute as fast as possible
because the thing at the end day is
whether you feel you have competitors or
not sooner or later you’re going to have
someone and if you can’t move fast
enough someone’s going to beat you to
the punch so make sure whatever you’re
doing you get something out within a
month or two if it takes you longer than
that you’re taking way too long
I created this company called surf and
it was in Rockwall Texas right by Dallas
and I had this brilliant idea have any
of you guys heard of the media temple
grid server solution that was my idea a
year or two before I came out
I spent a million bucks on it trying to
actually do that idea before media
temple the funny thing is that I have a
million bucks so actually had a borrow a
million bucks and I sped it spent on
business partners who moved really slow
and really weren’t the best at what they
did within 12 months we launched nothing
they also had some of the problems in my
previous slide right like financial
instability and they had a family and
kids of I think like six
so even bottom a home in Rockwall Texas
that cost two hundred and something
thousand why did I buy it instead of
renting it I have no clue Oh stupid and
young but nonetheless I lost over a
million bucks on that a borrowed money
not investor money but borrowed money
that I had to pay back and it failed
miserably because we never launched
anything if you can’t law on something
something like media tumbles going to
beat you the plunge get a ton of
customers and make a lot of money so
lessons I learned from that set
deadlines no matter what you have to set
deadlines people have to be held
accountable to them as well right can’t
just set deadlines it passes nothing
happens someone better be medium if not
you know something has to change you
also need to make sure they’re small if
the deadline
I feel like milestones goals are too big
for those deadlines they’re not going to
get met so make them really small and
tangible that way you can see it really
well in advance if they’re actually
going to be met or not and last but not
least don’t worry about perfection a lot
of people like dude I’m going to create
the most perfect version of you know
whatever it may be that software has a
lot of bugs mine’s going to be perfect
perfection is overrated nothing’s ever
perfect you’re going to continue have to
iterate so forth so on it’s never going
to be perfect there’s always going to be
issues just get it out there and start
trying to make money I think you
famously said strategy is 5% of the
answer and execution is 95% so so what
does that mean and how did you actually
what did you do differently but you know
the 5% yeah I said yeah
5% of the challenge is a strategy 95
percent of the execution this I said it
as CEO of Nissan I said it also a CEO
Ferno and I said it as deputy CEO
when I said the first time it was mainly
in France and I was to my to to the top
management of Renault in France because
there was a tendency in the company to
spend too much time on strategy and
leave the execution for other people and
this is where I said yeah strategy is
fine is very important but it’s only 5%
if you don’t go to execution after this
the driver and the performance of the
company is going to be very weak I
really I really believe it now it
doesn’t mean Serge is not important but
when you establish north and you know
exactly where north is for the company
you’ve done something very important
because you’re giving the direction but
if you don’t stop moving north if you
don’t start mapping and establishing
milestone you’ll never you’re never
going to be getting there you’re never
going to be getting there people start
what giving themselves all right they
say oh I got this great idea but what if
I do all this work and it doesn’t work
what if I put in all this time to become
an excellent employee I don’t get
promoted what if I put in all this work
to become an excellent salesman and I
don’t sell what if what if what if I’ll
tell you what if what if you don’t
douche where are you going to be because
this is going to be any better than
where you are now all right it’s very
easy for people who are in the beginning
levels of success or the beginning
levels of their success journey to tell
themselves stories that other people
circumstances are better than theirs
that the other people have rich parents
they’ve got look they’ve got better
circumstances they’ve got less obstacles
and they say and I understand you know
that you know if you just do the work
you’ll get the result
but what if okay they want to believe it
they want to succeed but at the end of
the day they don’t do it because they
talked themselves out of it all right
you this is easily the number one thing
that keeps people from succeeding it’s
the number one thing that keeps people
where they are it’s the number one thing
that keeps people broke it’s the number
one thing that keeps people in a
situation of frustration or you know it
is basically regret and and what ends up
happening is is that they end up going
through their life accepting what
they’re dealt doing what they’re told
and they end up at 50 60 years old
wondering what happened well I’m gonna
tell you what happened you talk yourself
out of going after what you were
supposed to go after you talk to
yourself out of your purpose you talk to
yourself out of the idea that success is
cause and effect
not magic luck or magic fairy dust
that’s what happened okay and that’s the
number one thing that keeps people from
it’s the what-if story that they tell
themselves over and over and over again
as to why they can’t move forward and
other people can why if they do the work
it still isn’t going to work out
successful easy guys easy it’s making a
plan and executing the plan everyday
it’s that easy
it’s that easy okay and people will be
like Eddie it’s not that easy there’s
got to be luck to it you know my friend
he created the super Snuggie snowball
machine and it made a hundred million
dollars in one day
well you ain’t your friend you’re a
regular dude just like me and I’m
telling you and you can choose to
believe whatever you want to believe but
the reality is this make a plan work the
plan make a plan
work the plan make a plan work the plan
and whenever the plan doesn’t work you
change the plan
that’s called failure it’s called
learning the lessons called adjusting on
the run you are not going to have a
perfect plan from start to finish just
because you thought of an idea that’s
reality okay so when we talk about the
what-if story you’re telling yourself
the what-if story you’re trying to
justify your your fear with
suppose suppose if you do the work and
you do it for a long enough time and you
have at least average intelligence you
will be successful period and the story
now you can accept that or you can go
out you can look for all the little
exceptions you can look for the you know
the glory stories the guys who make
millions of dollars in one year which
they don’t you know it doesn’t happen to
the average guy you know you can go out
there and say oh they got lucky look
that’s all luck it’s all luck or you can
accept the fact that for people who
don’t get lucky like us that there is a
way to still do it which is to make a
plan and execute the plan and do that
relentlessly consistently over the
course of ten years and you’ll be where
you want to be alright I’m not a smart
person I’m not overly intelligent I just
make a list every day and execute on it
I don’t I don’t worry about what if I
don’t think about what if I do this and
it doesn’t work out the way I want I
know that it’ll work out in some way and
because I’m smart enough to adjust the
plan on on the way I know that it will
at least end up somewhere close to where
I want to be it’s not that hard but over
complicating it they’re all know what if
you do the work the result will be there
period well the last and the most
valuable lesson as an entrepreneur I
learned was about the value of execution
with too many people where too many
people spend too much time thinking
about the vision we are taught that you
have to build a better mousetrap every
venture capitalist will tell you there
to be a successful entrepreneur you need
a breakthrough innovation once you have
to assume none of us or at least most of
us are not the smartest people in the
world there are lots and lots of great
great inventors out there how are we
going to be the person who’s going to
always build a better mousetrap well to
be successful you don’t have people a
better mousetrap you just have to build
a different mousetrap and as long as you
are executing well the business always
down to block and tackle it’s not about
the great vision is always about the
great execution and you can always
succeed by out executing your
competitors not necessarily having the
best product in the marketplace and I
think the Microsoft is a great example
where they took a same product that
other people may have had but they
executed is substantially better and
today the market leader in the industry
thank you guys so much for watching I
hope you enjoyed I’d love to know what
did you take from this video that you
are going to immediately now apply to
your life or your business somehow
please leave it down in the comments
below I’m really curious to find out I
also want to give a quick shout out to
Julio Velez Julio thank you so much for
picking up a copy of my book your one
word and posting that review on your
YouTube channel
I really really appreciate this
department and I’m so glad that you
enjoyed the book today’s book is called
your one word by Evan Carver kill thank
you guys again for watching I believe in
I hope you continue to believe in
yourself and whatever your one word is
much love I’ll see you soon
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