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“EVERY Successful Person Has a MORNING ROUTINE!” ft. @stevenekuhn | #InstagramLive

if you look at any successful person
they all have a morning routine give
what you have you receive when you don’t
have and I think people give up quickly
when they find money is to get a routine
down where you do actually open up your
consciousness all right Evan I’m hoping
it’s working now oh there we go got it
well live and learn right for the people
who don’t know your story what are you
all about Stephen I was an offline
consult for 25 years I worked with
people like Mick Jagger Andrea Bocelli
Olivia newton-john I worked for
parliament members world leaders and did
just pretty pretty much you know all the
way through Europe Europe after I got
out of the military after Iraq war back
in 1990 1991 and a year ago I went
online 100% online and I pretty much
killed it
using the contacts and the networks that
I had and I switched everything from
offline to online and that’s what I do
now and it exploded within a year I’ve
been speaking all over the United States
mostly at military events doing some TV
and things like that so just spreading
the word spread the love brother and
explain your hit you’re a chai tea
recipe well you know the core principles
of how I live for over 20 years now is
called honesty integrity and
transparency and what that means is I’m
honest with myself about why I do what I
do and I’m sure inspired about the
decisions I make with myself first and
then those around me and the byproduct
of that is integrity and what this does
it allows you to be in a very very
specifically authentic person and that
allows you to dictate your market value
so you can live and give and receive
without expectation and living and
giving what that expectation is probably
the biggest freedom that anyone can have
so how do we get there I mean like it
sounds great but you know a lot of
people who are watching this they’re
gonna be thinking man that how do I do
that right so how do we break that down
it’s a process and you know it’s
definitely a process you go through the
first thing is being able to the reason
there’s transparency and honesty is
because honesty is easy
honesty is like okay I need money I need
money to support my family that’s easy
to understand but the transparency part
would be if I if the way I make the
money for instance so if I have a shady
deal where I can make quick money the
chance for the honesty it’s there it’s
true I need money right so that’s honest
I could stop there and say I need money
I’m gonna do this but a hits person or a
some of
hit squad or what they call a hit man or
hit woman they would say wait a second
the transparency I cannot you know
sacrifice my integrity for the
short-term wins because what all this
happens when you’re a hit person hit man
hit woman the what you do is you live
without expectations and you give you
invest in relational capital that means
you give freely without expectations of
getting back from that specific person
you’re going to get back from the
universe one of the other this is saying
give what you have and you receive when
you don’t have back so when you give
freely a value what I call investing in
relational capital that creates massive
influence and through this influence
you’re bound to your honesty and your
integrity is transparency because that’s
what they expect of you so you build a
team around you like I call it slide
that holds you accountable because they
expect that from you and now that you’ve
given them you have to hold it yourself
accountable as well so who do I put on
my hit squad but you put your hit squad
people that that you know that are on
your that’s a vibration I guess you
could say you know people a lot of
people talk about the high vibrations
these days and you know I think you have
a pretty crazy hit squad if I if I may
say so myself you know there are all
kind of people that are up there they’re
doing what they’re doing and they’re
sticking to the words that I’ve taken
the easy way out they’re not taking the
short pass you know they’re taking the
hard way you know day after day minute
after minute I’m you didn’t make it
overnight either everyone only only ever
sees the end product no one sees the
work before and you don’t make it where
you make it and stay long-term if you’re
not one I hit person if you’re not in a
hit squad people who take the short
circuits always go up and back down
again it’s it’s a business in a private
life in my hit squad do they have to be
people who I meet face to face and I’m
telling them my goals and everything or
like if I watch your videos like are you
part of my hit squad can I get it from
aspirational mentors you can of course
you know why I have a podcast called the
hit show go figure
and I had Fraser on last night and
that’s this you know they’re all the
people that joined me we talk
specifically about it what honesty
integrity transparency means a business
and specifically when you’re successful
how do you keep that you know it’s a
success from same you know corroding
away at your honesty in your cater
because you know let’s face it sometimes
the temptations are there and that’s
that’s that’s how we keep each other
accountable we talk about it openly and
honestly and when someone slips the hit
to help you back up got it so how much
do you think my hit squad should be
friends or other entrepreneurs or people
who I meet with regularly to hold me
accountable versus listening to your
show or watch my videos and being around
or reading books you know I’m being
around thought leaders who pushed me to
play a bigger game you’re a hit person
to yourself first that’s that’s the most
important thing you have to be clear to
yourself and it’s easy to say I’m honest
to your to it to yourself but typically
you’re not you know you lie to yourself
almost every day about about lit about
little things and that’s the first step
is being hardcore honest with yourself
and to be able to do that you need a
reflecting board and a reflecting boards
usually someone who knows you intimately
so for me it would be a battle buddy
probably more so than my wife it would
be someone who I’ll have to war with who
knows me in my worst moments and if it’s
if it’s like a business person or a
buddy or something you’d have your best
friend or you know your one of your
family members who you you know you’re
very very close to because what that
does is it allows you to open up say man
you know I’m having to struggle and I
want to be honest with myself but it
just doesn’t fit and I don’t know what
to do and I could take the short path
and like no you know we’re gonna do this
together or the hit squad let’s do this
I like that battle buddy yeah oh yeah no
this is this is the thing about a battle
buddy a battle buddy is there to tell
the honest-to-god truth and you know and
you never get upset because you will do
the same thing for that person as well
and you will not hesitate to stand and
stand in front of them when when danger
approaches that’s why it’s called a
battle buddy so for those you know just
watching hit is honesty integrity
transparency how much of that do you
think should go into your marketing so I
think this is a problem for a lot of
people who are thought leaders who are
trying to get that word out there an
expert or something but they’re still
they haven’t got it all figured out and
they have vulnerabilities and they have
weaknesses and you’re still on your
journey to try to figure things out as
well and there’s a fear that well if I
share what I’m afraid of
I’m totally transparent and I’m nervous
to go on that stage or this is the first
time I’m getting paid to do something
like this how much do we share that
because is to fear that I won’t look
like as much of an expert if I’m totally
transparent you know a lot of people
think transparency means being you know
like ridiculously you know open and say
everything about
everything no that’s not what it means
it means being honest about what you’re
talking about he’s honest about your
intentions honest about your follow your
beliefs and things like that when you’re
talking about we talking about so when I
go onstage I love to be vulnerable I
love to be nervous I not anymore but you
know I loved it when I was nervous and
always vulnerable I would tell him hey
I’m a little bit vulnerable right now
let’s give me something give me
something I want to have something to
work with here you know I would just
actually make it a part of the entire
speech or conversation or podcast or
interview or whatever it is but it’s
important that you’re authentic and
authenticity if you’re scared you’re
scared if you’re happy you’re happy you
should show it now that doesn’t mean you
know completely go and make it on stage
and shown everything of course there’s
things there’s limits there’s a guy
Jesse elder who’s a buddy mighty said
you know never tell you your current
struggles only your past struggles you
know and so you can always teach the
lesson and not have a lesson yet because
you say I’m stuck I can’t teach you some
some say it that way me I tell you
straight up if I’m if I’m the situation
and I actually asked for help because
for me the biggest strength that you can
have besides humility is asking for help
how much does courage play a role and in
each of the three hit well if you ask me
personally I went to war you know I’ve
dined and hung out with royalty and and
you name it political leaders superstars
and things like that the hardest things
to do is to be honest to yourself that’s
I did for me that’s the biggest courage
you can have because it could mean you
have to change everything in your life
that could mean you have to change your
relationship that you’re used to that
you’re comfortable with that you lean on
yeah it can it could mean you change
where you live who you talk to your
it could mean all that and that takes a
lot of courage to completely change
everything that you know and I’ve done
it four times completely countries
locations and languages four times so I
had to break down I had to do it again I
had to start over the way I was and for
me that was the hardest decisions ever
the harder than going to war what do you
think are the biggest areas where people
are not being honest with themselves to
start with well yeah there’s a lot of
that I think it’s let’s talk about
career because I think people are the
most most people in life they seek
purpose right and I think people give up
quickly when they
money oh this is good enough this is
good enough and you say how are you
happy I’m happy man I’m loving it man I
get weekends off I work at me 13 I like
honestly and you’re looking at me going
you’re not happy man you’re not happy be
go out there and grab it we only have at
once we only have this one chance right
we only have this one chance you know to
run around the Sun yeah you got to get
out there and you got to do it it’s not
fair to you it’s not fair the people in
your life enterprise it’s not fair to
the stakeholders in your life Enterprise
when you win because for me life is one
private-public whatever it’s all one
it’s a light bender prize and I’ve
stakeholders in my life enterprise I owe
it to them to be the best version of Who
I am
hi oh it’s it oh it’s my kids oh it’s my
wife my family my friends all the people
that I run into the bag lady down at the
street doesn’t matter I owe it to them
because that’s who we are sitting in a
big woman that’s who we are as human
being everyone who has put on this
planet to be abundant everyone no one
what you’re at stuffer if you’re
suffering there’s something wrong with
how you understanding something simple
is that just clear your head go around
the other direction go behind go in
front go on top of go go below and look
at that look at the situation
differently you will always find let’s
Overmind always so if I fear the dads
mean and it’s time to get honest with
myself I’m gonna follow your process I
think as a lot of people watching who
are who are settling for good instead of
actually going for something that’s
great that might be scary might require
their courage they want to be at that
hit man or hit woman what’s my next step
like if I want to evaluate my career and
determine am I just playing good instead
of going for great what do you recommend
am i meditating am I talking to a friend
am i going for a walk my journaling like
how do I get myself out of my own story
to figure out if I’m actually just being
good or I’m actually going for great
right well you know there’s self dialog
is a lot of it so you know I was asked
myself if I didn’t have if I didn’t have
to earn money would I be doing what I’m
doing that’s for me the big aha moments
like probably not probably doing
something else but that’s the first
question second one is is to get a
routine down where you do actually open
up your consciousness like when you
meditate and I know everyone thinks this
is sort of you know goofy but if you
look at any successful person they all
have a morning routine they meditate
they learn they journal almost every
successful person on the planet does
that I do it as well and you know once
when you met
that’s the closest you’ll ever be to the
to the decision-making process of your
intuition in your soul I know what you
expand the consciousness at the same
time when you expand your consciousness
on a regular basis your decision-making
processes will be easier you will see
things better doors will start opening
you’re gonna start start seeing doors
are always there if you didn’t see
before and this is going to lead you
down the path of saying well you know
what I’m actually not happy here and
because I have these other doors here
I’m not so scared to go through there
because fear is a funny thing right fear
you only have one time right if you’re
scared to jump and have an airplane you
do once you’re not scared anymore you
know it’s just like it’s it’s once you
create such a thin line to cross through
and once you cross through that line I
mean look I gave up 20 plus years of
offline consulting and the best best you
know jobs I ever had
you know careers I ever had and I gave
it up with no experience and no plan to
start an online business I just did it
that’s it on the double doesn’t matter
and I had not much of a cushion either
and so it’s it was so invigorating yeah
and you know what you form your own
future right create your own reality
buddy what does a hit main morning
routine look like what do you recommend
for people is there something they
should do or there at least some buckets
or categories I mean obviously it’ll
depend for each person but other asset
series of things that should be done if
you want to be a hit man or hit woman
every morning well you know it’s it all
depends on you and your habits and if
you have children not all kinds of stuff
is kind but I like to approach the day
ready to go let me like it up before my
family and I got it before my family and
I do I do it quick so I do a 10 minute
meditation a 10 minute journaling and a
10 minute learning which is usually
audiobook and it’s one okay just glide
out of my meditation into the audiobook
and then I do what I call the morning
purge and go outside in a t-shirt no
matter what the weather is rainy pouring
cold whatever and I just purge you know
whatever I need to do to get it out okay
feel great then I go do training I felt
I do fitness I’m 51 years old I’ve been
training since I was 14 and that’s one
thing I do to make sure that my hormones
are up and I’m ready to go and what
happens is after mine my morning courage
I greet my family my wife and my kids
and they always come down smiling hey
daddy it’s like it’s like a it’s like a
carnival every day at home and that’s
part my day so what that does is it puts
me on the path to greatness how I start
my day is how my day will continue and
so that’s that but at night is even more
okay not at night when I go to bed I’m a
journal beside my bed and what I do is
to create habits to reach goals the
other create habits into Korean habits
you have to with what I call I’m having
stacking you know so you put yes are you
going sure you know so I put my journal
on my pillow so when I go to bed at
night I have to lift it up and right so
and I write three to five things I’m
grateful for yeah and then I write how
I’m gonna wake up in the morning
tomorrow morning I will wind up full of
energy and power and you know I will
have this mismatch so when you wake up
in the morning before you open your eyes
because they say reality doesn’t exist
unless you’re looking at that’s what
science has proven so before you open
your eyes you create that reality what
how you said you would wake up you
create that reality then you open your
eyes and say yeah and you just give it a
smile and that’s how your day starts
then you go do your morning routine
that’s literally how I get up and go to
bed every morning so every night you’re
gonna write down in your journal here’s
how I’m gonna wake up tomorrow what I
want to feel you got it and wait so you
put your t-shirt and Budapest’s what’s
the weather outside right now just for
context it’s it was – well in it was
probably about 28 degrees 20 degrees
that’s it that’s called it and you’re
outside for how long on your perch it’s
about it’s about six to ten minutes yeah
and a t-shirt I love it that’s awesome
yeah it’s like a shock Europeans believe
in the cold right right and are you
yelling something or like they’re trying
to get something system okay because I
have you know yeah yes from the port and
sometimes I gotta let him out and I have
a nice backyard I just say go get out
you know go it’s your turn you can go
out and do whatever you want to do out
there but not in here you know yeah just
to recap again it’s wake up ten minutes
meditation ten minutes journaling and
ten minutes learning right now through
audio book for you then you go outside
you do your purge and then work out at
your family all that’s up right right
have you developed or are you in the
process of developing more done for you
stuff so like what so like if you ask me
ten minute meditation like what am i
doing for those 10 minutes is there a
guided Steven or hit man meditation or
like a guided I look here’s the journal
that you’re writing
like okay every day there’s a new page
and you write down the three things
you’re grateful for and whatever else
right well look is that do you have that
any developing that we are it’s in beta
right now I have a Facebook it’s an
online consulting group basically doing
the group and you have three to four
lives a day people like you come on roll
it comes on the dollar beer club owners
come on and they teach a little yet and
then what I do a hot seat however every
Wednesday because we preach the morning
routine we preach a night routine and
things like that
and then I’m starting the second did you
pray the last goal-setting course you
will ever need and that we do the
quantum physics part of it then we do
the reverse engineering part of it for
business and then in the middle what we
do they have it for me so we do they
have it for me don’t have the stacking
things like that and systems and
programs so that you go from not only
because you know people set targets and
set goals targets ball rolls dome
so you set targets to reach your goals
and when you reach your goals then
suddenly they stop that’s why the yo-yo
effect with diets you know so they don’t
they don’t set the lifestyle change for
their entire life they state makes they
set it to a benchmark and then they
reach a benchmark and they’re done and
then they fall back down again and this
is what what we’re going to avoid that’s
why it’s called the last bill sitting
course we’ll ever need even that journal
idea your own journal would be awesome
so it’s more done for you so like every
night here it is how do you want to wake
up to our morning just seen that
question and I fill it out and then wake
up tomorrow morning great whatever
whatever process three things you people
for well then like I’m what else you do
in those 10 minutes every morning right
so it’s like a done-for-you processed
and then I could just follow along so
I’m more likely to stick to it then I’m
just sitting here thinking for 10
minutes and like I don’t know what I’m
doing right like I have downloadable
PDFs with all those it’s one sheet hey
good morning the money everything serves
one page yeah great and where where are
people getting that they can get it in
my in my facebook group Steven Kuhn
official and then its joint is called
the immediate impact revenue program a
little bit long of a name but its
immediate and piper urban program okay
so what we’ll do for the people watching
us on YouTube after we’ll put that link
to his Facebook group in the description
you can go check that out
get the PDFs join the group and how
about on the meditation side you do
anything guide
you have recommended like hey listen to
this for 10 minutes yeah I have you know
Jesse elder oh no he is just the elders
he’s a thought leader when it comes to
all that kind of stuff and he has a
prime light meditation that you can
download for free
incredible as a guided meditation and
it’s it’s it’s incredibles called prime
light version 4 ok
his name is jesse elder great guy he’s
east but he’s starting his famous 21-day
challenge he’s gonna have 10,000 people
in that group of the 21-day challenge
last two last time he had any get 1,500
people in there so he’s actually growing
up very quick pretty good guy what would
I hit man challenge look like hit man
hit woman like somebody wants to try
this same thing like try for 21 days
it’ll change your life
we haven’t thought about that we’re
thinking about a challenge but we’re art
art art hit squad we actually take real
travel trips so for instance we have 3rd
to the 13th of May in Peru and we worked
with Iowa ayahuasca and San Pedro I’ve
been doing that for 10 years ok and then
in in August we’re going to Montenegro
and work specifically on all the aspects
of being hit many women with my partner
Lane bolon who’s the special forces
bring gray a veteran as well a vision so
yeah I was in Montenegro yeah earlier
this year like a September
oh really beautiful love Montenegro it’s
amazing that’s your like elite elite hit
main squad like how many people will
come to that those events that you put
on okay so we usually we max it out at
about 20 because it’s so super intimate
oh yeah completely intimate and it’s
it’s completely transformational matter
of fact that’s all that’s why I met Lane
my partner you can do point he came to
the first one and I just hit a toy he’s
he’s a special kind of guy so yeah it’s
uh we really hit it off and we’re just
expanding the business and every
direction it’s all about you know the 12
points a touch you know you got such
people and 12 different points to
actually get through to them so it’s not
just like it’s a person that kind of
stuff and of course the point medicine
helps right so that’s like 420 elite
superstars for the people who like for
the masses who may get to that level but
they’re curious about your world and
they’re you know they want to start
transforming their habits and their
routines and their mindset just as we
wrap up here like is the Facebook group
that’s the best place for them to go or
your website or give a
or like where do you want people to
learn more about what you’re doing oh
it’s I would say go to the Facebook page
Stephen cool official like my page and
then go look for the last goal-setting
course you’ll ever need that’s a great
introduction it’s only $99 for an
eight-week course and the reason we put
it that low is because we want to have a
massive impact and the reason that we’re
doing it now obviously because of New
Year’s resolutions I’m sick of hearing
it you know the New Year’s resolutions
that no one ever holds so by that we’re
going to the last course that you ever
need and then for those who really want
to make a difference in their business
and in their life they join the
immediate impact revenue program and
that is literally three to four nights a
week live so you have you know health
and mindset you have high performance
learning you have hot seats and you have
business professionals for like I said
Alex Brown from the dollar beer club
goes and teaches about in the
subscriptions and how about how they did
10 million in the first year you know I
interviewed Rowling wrote like I said
well in Fraser yesterday I didn’t even
pay for a blackboard for coffee just
just a crazy amount of people are so
willing to come in and just and it’s so
it’s so refreshing like this is where my
you know investing in relational capital
pays off is that I’ve never asked for
favors from any of these people that
I’ve helped and now I’m saying it could
come in really sure thats do it so it’s
fantastic for the people who join for
its 149 a month for the for the online
art for the online group and you get to
hang out with other entrepreneurs we’re
doing what you’re doing and scaling
their business and kicking butt yeah I
love it
cool for everybody watching and on the
youtube replay we’ll put that in the
description Gani guys go check it out
Stephen thank you so much to spending
the time and really appreciate it I it
was my pleasure in my honor and I’m
looking forward to doing this back the
other way around the mic on my podcast
cool happy – Thank You Man appreciate
all your wisdom thank you so much for
having me well speaks to my friend if
you liked this interview check out the
one I did with EDM I let on his best
motivation I think you’ll enjoy it the
link is right there next to me continue
to believe and I’ll see you there
I really do love people I love helping
people and I didn’t get to where I am
alone not incredibly gifted or talented
I really had a series of mentors enter my life
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