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Evan is super EXCITED! (messages #1 and #13 get emotional) – #EvansBook ep. 36

I’m super excited all right I’m super
excited one because Nina has a new
awesome shirt what is what does it say
believe in your destiny and two because
standing behind me is the first set
first 20 copies of my book it looks huge
it’s 375 pages single sided and what I’m
doing is giving them to 20 select people
to review give feedback on see what they
like see what they don’t like and that
will help determine what gets into the
final cut of the book it’s so exciting
to see this actually get out into
people’s hands and of course the first
copy has to go to Nina the way so pick
your copy which one is the most special
of all of the special ones really yeah
ah you have to go for the bottom one
okay go for it of course Nina I would
help but you know I’m filming this is
the one open it up oh I got the same
coffee too hello
that’s one out of 20 it’s number one out
of 20 s the first copy of a coin limited
edition I’m Nina um I know most of you
know that man’s wife I’m very grateful
to have this book i was i was almost
about to cry when i saw when he was
writing the message you i feeli very
grateful cool I’m gonna head off the
Toronto dead salsa tonight and give a
few more copies some friends and i’ll
see if i can get them to do a few video
intros too so exciting ebony and i work
at by the media as a motion graphic
designer and i just got my free first
edition coffee I got to the neighbors
are kids in the neighborhood and I’m
gonna read it in Lucy Lucy hard it’s the
pre editions I’ve been first edition
free edition or e-edition go hi my name
is Michael I’m a digital marketing
specialist ever for the yarder and
first free coffee so excited Raven hey
whats up its DJ duck here obviously I’m
a DJ so I just want to say
congratulations to heaven
this is the this is the that’s
going to be the best out of the best so
I’m going to read it I’m going to learn
from it it’s going to be inspirational
or not just entrepreneurs but for
everybody right inspiration is in this
book trust me so I’m gonna check it out
you’re gonna rub
hi I’m Dahlia and I with fresh gates not
see a also freelance journalist
I’m Sean I’m a personal trainer and the
owner of catalyst trading systems of
reviewing hippies
he’s my personal trainer he’s getting me
in the shape making me strong they can
meet hey don’t touch that Alex I mean
yeah I’m a real estate lawyer have my
own Felix a practice
thanks to prison hello Evans audience of
a ma I’m a computer science engineer and
that’s been a while let up being
involved like it’s not involved but I
know what Evan is doing and how is his
youtube channel works and everybody is
very excited about it i follows videos
it’s quite amazing to see just to hear
about all the all the things that he’s
putting out there and yeah so honored to
be selected for this one of the funny
one of the 20 that’s it yeah it’s one of
the 20s the 20s we called himself up and
I’m started the business when I was very
young when I was in school and it’s been
very interesting I mean I learned a lot
there were so many mistakes we made and
we were just gonna sleep I’m thinking
about how tuned for her approach and
what to do and so on and so it’s been a
topic that I’ve always been interested
getting this chance from heaven to go
through this book and because I know him
I know how he I don’t know exactly how
he thinks but I noticed some degree like
what kind of personality is it’s
actually got to be quite interesting to
see what he has to say in this book I’m
expecting very interesting stuff so he
also will sing my name is fat shot my
friends are killing me Shay them
typically an engineer hashida morning
and a South Side eggs and I so I’m a
excited about this thing gonna get to do
it a lot faster than I thought I would
we get to see the sights they’re holding
it like mom and I’m going to eat this
and yeah can’t wait that’s why mark
Trager from Phantom media and I’m here
picking up this is gold this is gold
because this is the pre pre released
version they really free release and I’m
picking up for my wife because Evan
thought that she would be the perfect
person to read it because i’m actually
in the book and you want she wants to
see if I’m full of all right my name is
jeremy and i’m the founder of metro
network and super excited to read
heavens a little labor of love here so
two weeks and counting i’m going to be
shocking the stuff up Louie watch out
your your APIs your little chunk of this
may just be on the on the clip so
anyways look forward to digging into the
and yeah can’t wait to see the mono
popular hey guys alex here so I was
introduced to Evan through a good friend
of mine I could childhood friend of mine
Nina and that we got a conversation
going and she knew that I wanted to
start something on my own and she said
hey you gotta meet Evan he’s the Guru of
entrepreneurs and I our trip readership
and creating your own businesses
businesses and you gotta speak to him so
I was introduced to heaven and after
having a new conversation he was just a
wealth of information but at the same
time I was scared i got mortgage to pay
bills to pay car payments to make and so
to really jump from my daily job which
is for a non-profit and into sales and
marketing to something of my own was
actually very daunting yeah so I’m
trying to get back into it and Evan
approached me I said that hey you know
I’m writing a book and wanted to see if
I was interested in reading I was like
hell yeah hopefully yeah by reading this
book right here I got the privilege of
like getting a signed copy from Evan
himself and reigniting that idea of
starting my own business and being my
own boss well I’m excited to get into
this book and flipping the first pages
but i’ll keep you guys posted my name is
an enrique australia and i have the
privilege of being of its mom i
immigrated to canada very
agent here I was giving the opportunity
to become a lawyer an academic and a
politician that instilled in me the need
to raise our children together with my
husband to dream big and to achieve any
goal that they wanted to and that one
has done that in spades we knew he was
an entrepreneur for the time he was four
years old and by the time he was in
University he had formed and company and
sold it to an international cooperation
he is dedicated and motivated and
ambitious but not just for himself he’s
ambitious for all of those around him
and his group his community Evan firmly
believes that he can save the world or
change the world actually one
entrepreneur a time and I’m looking
forward to being with him on this new
journey of eating his book and watching
him grow ever stronger any successes hi
my name is David Carmichael I’m Evans
father and the management consultant but
evan has always taught me a lot of
variations of things and I’m really
looking forward to this book to learning
a lot more good luck it hi this is
Willie and I’m an instructor here at
Rana dance salsa I’m really excited to
read this book by Evan because
I respect him a lot as a boss an
instructor at most importantly as an
entrepreneur so I’m excited to read this
really large binder but apparently
single pages so I should be fine so
maybe it could give me the inspiration
and motivation to start my own business
something Thanks I’m Stephanie I’m Evans
sister and I work for the UN Children’s
Fund here in Canada UNICEF and I’m super
excited to read this book even though
it’s long and yeah I’ll get back to you
hey guys in stylish and I’m so happy
I’ve got a copy of something really
special which is number 17 of 20 of
events place but I’ve already set aside
all in the day to look at it and it’s
going to be fun and what do you do oh I
do ecommerce consulting I’m very much
involved in small businesses and alpha
dem go online and sell retail all be to
be online so take a look at this and how
it works with e-commerce hi my name is
Martha trahan I’m the operations manager
at last minute training CA and I’m going
to be so so thrilled to read the secret
book I don’t know what it’s about but
I’m excited to to just go through it and
give my opinion 7 and I really
appreciate the opportunity hi I’m Albert
I’m the vice president of operations and
general counsel for a company called
Gemma very interactive group
to do advertising company before that I
was a lawyer for lots of startups and I
growing companies and so much so that
jungle very hard me just got out of the
shower and i’m excited to review this
book i can’t tell you what it’s about
but i’ll let you know in a couple weeks
okay great hey this is corbin and i’m
shirley women happy worker and we just
got this blog with a magical bug and
it’s the draft Evan you come I go and
can I say the name no you can’t see the
ink it’s still a secret still superval
we’re very excited with no nehmen for
many years now and excited to read it
and I’m sure there’s gonna be a lot of
great tips in here I’m gonna have
anything sec on it so those are the
special 20 people that got the advance
review copies super excited to see the
feedback that they’re going to have and
just just a great day to be able to
release all the books get them in the
hands of people and release it the
energy is amazing can’t wait to see what
they have to say no QA today but if you
have a question or comment you want me
to answer in the next video leave it
below and all I lunch for the next video
thanks guys for the support you need to
believe and I’ll see you soon
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