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Evan Carmichael Radio Show – Episode #21

hello and welcome to the Evan Carmichael
show I believe in entrepreneurs I’m
really excited to be here with you guys
again to help you discuss your business
and help you grow if you’re in the spot
right now where you’re not seeing
momentum you know you’re kind of
struggling you’re trying to do something
noble and good and change the world for
the better and you’re just not getting
the results that you’re looking for you
thought you’d be further along this show
is for you today I’m going to talk about
how you can Stanford something to have a
find your one war and how to get past
survival mode with your business so
today standing for something this is a
really important topic for a lot of
entrepreneurs I want to start off on a
little bit of an attention okay in 1963
Martin Luther King got 250,000 people to
Washington DC to hear him talk at the
Lincoln Memorial 260,000 people came out
to hear him talk he didn’t have a
newsletter he didn’t have twitter or
youtube account or website how did he
get all these people to come out is
because he stood for something important
now you might be thinking Evan I thought
this show is about business what the
heck does Martin Luther King have to do
with me the thing is you have to stand
for something to with your business you
have to stand for something that people
care about so that people will talk
about you people will come out and
listen to you people will care about
your business to help you spread the
word do you not doing everything
yourself a lot of people they see their
business just as a meal ticket they see
their businesses just a way to make
money quick food on the table and if
that’s what you care about if you just
trying to make a living it’s all you
care about is the money then you’re
never going to make a lot of money
that’s the irony people was just on the
dollars you’re never going to make a lot
of dollars you have to stand for
something important this has to be
important to you Steve Jobs he started
out because he wanted to put a dent in
the universe this guy was a millionaire
in his early 20s multi-millionaire and
in his early twenties multi-millionaire
and his goal was never money right sure
you have to make money but it’s never
the main goal he wanted to put a dent in
the universe and until the day he dies
he kept war
to that Apple even though he didn’t have
to because he had all the money he
needed why did he keep working there
because he carried what he was working
on he never did it for the money and yet
Apple under his guidance became the most
valuable company in the world by market
cap see how that happens when you doing
something important when you don’t focus
just on the money you end up making a
lot of it so you have to stand for
something important what do you stand
for this is really important guys if
you’re struggling if you’re not getting
the results that you need right now
maybe you want to give this a shot the
ancient Greeks is to have a sane know
thyself and it was a warning to pay
attention to pay no attention to the
opinion of the multitude and if you see
most people they waste their lives
living somebody else’s dream they
imprison themselves by accepting the
results of other people’s thinking and
they allow other people’s opinions to
crush to crash out their own inner voice
you have to know what you stand for and
live your own life decisions that can be
difficult you know you’re thinking what
quarter to our launch what what
campaigns you a run who do I hire what
opportunities that I go after when you
know what you stand for every single
decision becomes easier when you know
what you’re trying to accomplish all of
your goal who you hire what products to
sell what opportunity to go after
everything becomes a lot easier it’s
also a challenge of motivation it’s hard
to get up every day you know it’s hard
to get up and go to work you’re lying
advantage I don’t want to get up and go
do more that’s I’m tired but when you
stand for something that’s important to
you then you more motivated I don’t
believe people are lazy I just believe
that they don’t they don’t have anything
that motivates them and it also makes it
easier for people to spread the word
about you when you stand for something
important it’s easy to talk about you
now you’re not just another website
design or another landscapes or another
makeup artist nobody cares about that
but when you stand for something
important is easy for me to say and you
gotta go talk to the Scotts business
doing this great thing you’ve got to
stand for something for what the heck
are you staying for we’re going to try
to figure it out on this show I’ve got
Mike on the
fine Mike where are you from and how can
I help oh is that me you might yes hi hi
Alan welcome aboard what’s going on I’m
from Canada and I jayam to are you
really aware from I’m in Toronto where
are you okay I’m now in Quebec I grew up
in Vancouver okay cool I just yesterday
or two days ago released a new e-book
called the unknown billionaires okay and
its chapters of people that I mean you
don’t know who they are but you’ll ring
a bell by what they did like Dietrich
Maravich for his red bull or Leslie
Wexler who is that I don’t know well
that’s ritory a secret anyway I’ve never
actually gone and tried to market a book
and introduce it to the public before
and I just I saw you your your show when
I was looking doing my google hunting
okay and I just I don’t know what to do
with this I’m it’s kind of interesting
because one of the billionaires are
really Rekluse threatened to sue me and
the stop publication of the book got two
lawyers showed up at my door from New
York they said no phone call no warning
no nothing then they showed me a cease
and desist a preliminary injunction and
libel or something I don’t know that
they they let me live with the papers
but they didn’t leave him with me they
said you have two choices we don’t care
if we win or not would just tie you up
in court for two years and that’s more
time than you have that’s the most scary
sentence I heard because I have terminal
feeling their pockets the fundus lot see
too well yeah never I thought of it like
that but anyway yeah so I wit says you
know 5050 life stories of self-made men
and women but the book only has 49
chapters because I pulled it out at the
11th hour right so I know that what’s
what’s a surprising lesson that you’ve
from this that the door just what you
were saying none of them care of the
ones that became really rich they don’t
they didn’t try to become billionaires
none of them they all just found a
passion and pursued that I mean none of
them set out to become well chapter 2 I
guess yeah andy beal he he wanted to
build money by a bought a whole bunch of
properties in the depressed time of the
late 80s and now he’s worth five billion
or something but most of them you know
money is not the it’s not the goal you
know so I you know a lot of times these
kind of books that draws the name right
I want to learn for more on busting our
Lord from bill gates your challenge here
is nobody knows these guys so high
that’s right I think it more of like
sharing some of the surprising secrets
that you’ve learned so if you take it
you know the top five lessons that you
found to be common trace amongst
billionaire entrepreneur that’s a good
idea and then sharing that it could be a
press release it could be coming on that
I’m doing media it could be you know
writing guest blog posts for people but
sharing some of those lessons it kind of
pulls me like you will want to learn
more about that what do you mean people
don’t care about the money how is that
even possible and then it brought some
intrigue to have people want to go and
check out the book yeah okay well no I
like that’s really the thanks I
appreciate it I that’s a really really
good counsel Wendy I had other enjoyment
without one guy was worth ten billion
dollars and through the crash of 2008 he
lost eight billion in one year and he
didn’t even miss a beat so he’s worth
two billion so what I was going to just
write 50 chapters of 50 successful
people but when I got on and God going I
thought no one will be interested it’ll
get boring you say you know John and
George ill start with nothing work hard
get a new product or I filled it up and
sell ice always interesting wow you can
come up with five lessons that you don’t
learn from these guys for private
lessons then I think that’s a good Cesar
okay I don’t know that’s a good idea I’d
look check check me out when you have a
chance it’s the unknown billionaires
dot-com and it’s also just been on
amazon for two days
alright the unknown billionaires calm
thanks for coming Mike I appreciate it
thanks Evan I’m going to check that out
as interesting see all you guys are out
there trying to promote your stuff you
have to figure out what your angel is
right so billionaire that’s great but
give me something give me a cheeser give
me give me some lessons that I can learn
right what it so that the thing about
billionaires not sharing about money
what do you mean they don’t care about
money all right something like that and
you make it press release and you put a
list of bloggers and you put this stuff
out there it draws interest for me to
want to go check out your stuff okay
welcome back to the Evan Carmichael show
I believe in entrepreneurs and this show
it’s helping you figure out what you
stand for so you can stand out in the
world now I believe you have is one word
that helps define who you are and when
you figure out what that is it makes it
so much easier to make decisions for
people to talk about you and beautifully
and motivated with your business here’s
an example k silvio berlusconi he’s a
billionaire entrepreneur and italy was
the former prime minister and people
said well you’re not sprinter your
polish and how do you merge these two
worlds and he said the link between my
experience as an entrepreneur and as a
politician is all in one word freedom
super game is one gorgeous freedom and
everything he does is all about freedom
here’s another example ebar nope she’s a
famous photographer she’s shocked her to
the Marilyn Monroe we Elizabeth Malcolm
X and she did this for decades and
people a sort of like how do you keep
going for decades no don’t you get tired
of this I think it tires be taking
pictures and she says well what drew me
to keep going if I had to use a single
word it would be curiosity so hurry word
is curiosity and when you figure out
your word you apply that to every aspect
of your life in your business and you
can think about the people who have had
a lot of success in building in
movements in building companies can be
summed up in one word so Martin Luther
King maybe he’s a quality Oprah Winfrey
should be heart steve jobs could be
impact my word is belief i’m all about
believing in entrepreneurs you know my
parents believed in me and that’s why i
love them my favorite movies it’s
Seabiscuit which is about a horse that
nobody believed in everybody counted out
except for a couple people and they said
hey we can win this thing and and they
turned out horse until winter and so my
one worded to believe and that applies
to everything that I Sue and the
products that I shall the seminars I
sell the advertising the sponsorship you
know all the programs that i create
around belief and I think you have to
believe in what you’re doing this
fashion believe that you can do it it’s
confidence and believed that it’ll work
ever it’s conviction people know that I
care and so it fuses out and it’s easy
to talk about and easy for me to make
decisions and so the challenge for you
now to find your one word to help you
grow your business and apply it to your
life now we’re going to come back and
then next we’re going to tell you how to
do your one word but first time I get to
the call I have a Joe on the line Joe
where you from how can I help hey how
you doing this is joe juni know how are
you I’m great Joe how are you all right
it’s nice to hear your voice and listen
on a radio show like to thank you for
having me on the show today and give his
mom a comic in a wheelchair should i do
i’m a yeah i’m a professional comedian
in a wheelchair and you know i think and
I’ve been in it since I was 5 48 and
what I do buses make people laugh I joke
around about everything from my
disability to everybody else’s flight in
life and and I take bad situations and
and make them happy and tell them that
it’s not as bad as it seems and you’re
right about what he was just talking
about saying things with conviction and
believing in yourself and having out
this believe in you makes a big
difference in the world because that
emanates and people respond to that it’s
awesome how can I help what’s going on
with your business well what I’m looking
to do as a comic I wanted to do a show a
TV show a television series something
that’s never been done before me being
in a wheelchair an actual comic in a
wheelchair that are taking an actor and
putting him in a wheelchair having
somebody portray what real life in the
wheelchair is and we had joe patroni who
I’ve worked with he’s a comic as well
and we were
well together and I was talking to him
about teaming up and doing two types of
one is in television show almost like a
day-to-day life TV series about me and
him being brothers after train family
life and growing up together one brother
in a wheelchair one brother walking or
what it was like coming from a big
Italian family and then another show is
I wanted to go out what kind of reality
show and joke with the people and make
my disability worse than what it was to
see how far I can get people to do
things like you know I wanted to go out
and say would you tie my shoes for me
and play up the disability and see how
far people would go and fill that you
know can you help me go to the bedroom
and undo my zipper and things like that
and see how people would go to do these
things and I really did the challenge
what’s the challenge and I was going to
me shows it right now is I’m Elijah
getting sponsorship and having somebody
to actually produce the show I mean I
have the concept and you know I have
material written for the show it’s just
basically finance and getting the right
crew to work to put it all together to
make it a big package do you have an
audience I yes the audience was a
younger audience I would say from
anywhere from 18 to 40 is a martyr you
have a following now like you have a
youtube channel and Twitter audience and
you have your own audience yet no but
what happened was I’ve been doing comedy
since 1984 and I started out in Long
Island at these high comedy club in
Huntington and my career was actually
taken off where I was scheduled to go on
being with Letterman at the time but I
want golf or angry the Russian I was
fighting for custody for my son and I am
blessed because I want and I got custody
but I winded up missing to show cause of
it and I have no regrets my no mean
because my son comes first but i just
recently you know after being away from
it got back into it and when I
on stage people would taking notes and I
was getting good write-ups and articles
and they were like look you know you got
to get back out there and you got to be
seen and so I started I started booking
myself and you know I’ll show media to
yes Joe yeah I don’t get it all laid out
going like if you can’t post this
reality show on the street but you could
just do that you can have somebody Dylan
you and go on the street and just an art
like you got it a building an audience
is what these what the network’s want to
see is that you’re a known quantity okay
this they’re much more willing to listen
to you whatever your idea is crazy or
not if you have a following right if you
say hey look I’ve got millions of views
on YouTube then you become up much more
credible whatever it is that you want to
do whatever your show idea is but if you
go to them with nothing but then it got
harder right you’re with your with every
other comedian who goes up and pushes
them an idea absolutely I agree real you
could start you like it’s great you have
the concept all that is awesome but
start building an audience right like a
weekly show on YouTube maybe one of them
is just your stand-up routine that
you’re doing you know in your house or
whatever and two could be on the street
you’re you’re interacting with people
and you serve lighten up your channel
and people will notice you write like
networks are looking for talent to come
on who can help launch new shows and
there are recruiting people from YouTube
who have popular channels but like you
got to make yourself more of a known
quantity to give you some more
credibility oh man yeah absolutely does
absolutely okay you know what it is
because I’ve never been you know you’re
excited know about YouTube but I didn’t
know until just recently how powerful it
truly is the YouTube channel are fine
and don’t make it complicated if you’re
hit your iPhone out and go and start
recording and when you when you put your
first video up sending email because I
want to see it okay Joe absolutely
absolutely juice for calling in thanks
for calling it for everybody was trying
to launch something you know you got to
build momentum because you can’t go pick
a country with nothing so build an
audience filled traction children that
you’re known quantity and then Mike
one in particular welcome back to Evan
Carmichael show I believe in
entrepreneurs I wanted to do you have
massive success with your company and I
believe as a foundation of all of this
is finding the one word that defines who
you are you can help make important
business decisions you can help make it
easy for people to talk about you and to
help you stay motivated every day when
you wake up to feel like you’re doing
something important with your life so
how do you find you one word already
talking about a few of them we talked
about Martin Luther King doing equality
over winter being hard Steve Jobs mean
impact minus believe how do you find
your one work what you want to do is
think about all of the good things that
have happened in your life all the
things that you enjoy things that make
you cum a lot so think about your
favorite movie thank you buddy your
favorite of all your favorite song who’s
your best friend what quotes do you love
that inspires you who are the people who
you’d like to hang out with who is your
favorite box or your favorite employees
now there’s a common thread that brings
all of these things together that may
seem totally unrelated but they’re not
they’re not because you love all of
these things and there’s a common theme
between them that can be distilled down
to one word that’s what you need to find
for your business okay why are you with
your spouse who is your favorite teacher
in school you know what do you love
about your parents what activities you
do that makes you come alive what do you
look forward to most of the week what
was the last time you felt really happy
you know all of these things they’re all
connected and you’ve got to find out
what that connective tissue with and
bring it down to one word now some of
you may know right away you may have
your one word right away it comes to my
neck boom this is me my one word
biography fellas define myself in one
word here’s what it would be and for
others that may take time you know for
me it took time I had to write down
although these things and try to find
the connective tissue it took me a while
to figure it out but people care a lot
more about what you stand for people
want to know who you are and what you
stand for more than what you do when you
can when you can convince somebody of
what we stand for make them feel
something then they’re much more likely
to want to block you
do business with you or for clients to
you she’s got to figure out what that
one word is when you figure it out I
want you to tweet me ok my twitter
handle is Evan Carmichael when you know
what your one word is and you feel proud
and you slept on it the next day you
wake up its ills that one word you know
that this is what you want to do tweet
me and if you have questions about it
you can call in to you can tweet me as
well because it’s so important for you
to find this it can have such an impact
on your life on your business that I
want to make sure that you can move
forward with it I have Darren underline
daring were you from how can I help yeah
i’m here from newark delaware i agree
with your one word and when I kind of
evolved finding my one word which was
back in the 90s when the economy went
down and I got laid off and everything i
SAT and thought about what did I really
enjoy when I was a kid before society
ami in five other directions so yeah and
when I just well I always like buying
and selling things I like exploring and
sharing and I went over to China back in
the 90s and started importing wood
crafts and then I evolved in the
statuary and bronze statuary and I talk
to you about a year ago and you advised
me not to stock things but to do the
custom things and I’m doing that out all
right probably yeah it’s quite a quite a
lot of exploring I mean it’s a real
eye-opener going other countries and
seeing how gifted we are here in America
and how much opportunity we do have
daring the Explorer I love it so what
can I help you in well I’m tryin to
explore how to UM you know do some pop
sort of fiberglass statue Aryan volume
and of course everybody likes the
license things of Star Wars characters
and you know on and on and on and in
trying to talk to some of these
companies about getting a license I mean
you don’t want to do it illegally you’re
trying to do it you know all above board
and be licensed trying to talk to the
company’s again at license seems to be
impossible it’s almost like they don’t
want you to look what’s the product
you’re trying to create so stop
well I’ve been doing a lot of retro
stuff an old style automotive stuff is
selling right now along with all the
muscle cars and stuff but I’m getting
requests in arena toy what are you
actually making um like I made for one
company they wanted a reproduction of a
Bob’s Big Boy statue you know the old
restaurant chain okay but I have a lot
of people requesting you know like a
life-sized Star Wars figure and things
like that out of like fiberglass so it’s
not too costly but you know I don’t want
to do it lesson get a you know licensed
but your your expertise is creating
these like you can get any designer to
give you you can make a little statue
out of fiberglass to them right well in
general I stick with larger things you
know life-size life-size that okay right
okay it’s not it’s not the big volume of
a toy company would make or anything
like that right and your market you want
to go consumer with this i right why not
go corporate I’m having trouble you know
because I know when they introduce a
movie they put some statuary in the
lobbies and I haven’t just can’t find
the right person to talk to where do
people how to make up with these people
I mean I’ve tried the marketing
divisions and I’ve tried their licensing
divisions but I just keep getting you
know blocks yeah you know what if the
agency’s a lot of times of companies
they don’t do it themselves they work to
marketing and PR agencies those are the
guys you should talk to okay so be a
private agency yeah like a lot of so
Star Wars you know Lucas Films whatever
comes up with a new movie they will
often hire a marketing agency or PR
agency the help spread the word and
applying all their campaigns and that
got everything from social media two
trailers you know the making statues all
of that stuff a lot of it is not done
in-house they have they have you know
approval decision but a lot of that work
is done by marketing agency all right so
they should go guy should know what you
can do any suggestion on how to find
those agencies I mean others new
agencies every movie that comes out to
resubscribe Orser like an anteater yeah
they’re like I’ve agencies but but for
marketing some of the eye base is
getting to marketing as well it’s not
like there are there are new ones
opening up all the time I mean there are
but a lot of them are more established
and have long-term relationships with
the movie studios and other clients
right like why can’t you make a
life-size Ronald McDonald’s for
McDonald’s for their next trade show or
write any of those should be able to
work for you not just movies and what we
need is a marketing nations they may not
agree sinking this they may be thinking
okay we got their usual social media
campaigns and you know our ads span and
all this stuff do you not to be it’s not
on the radar let’s do a life-sized
statue because they don’t they don’t
know it’s possible we’re introducing
yourself to say hey here’s an option for
any of your marketing campaigns if you
need a life-sized statue of whether
you’re your mascot or whoever it is we
can make it happen for you right can you
serve as my clients around around
America across the country are you
geographic I actually ship stuff all
over the world might a lot of unit
University and corporate mascots and
bronze statuary but they’re not spending
on bronze these days so I’m looking for
some of the lower costs a little higher
volume yeah and the other the other area
I’ve been looking is to you know export
to so many emergency emerging markets
that I actually buy from you know I just
want to say one thing about exporting
you know everything that gets imported
to united states from like vietnam or
china or Thailand and so many other
markets basically comes in here tax-free
there’s no duty on it there’s a very
small fee but if I want to export
something to China or Thailand they’re
going to take that American product and
probably double or triple the price with
taxes and I guess my little rant here is
I feel like with an offer another show
there I mean I mean we need extra
business I mean if you want to sell
Chevy over there they’re going to double
the price of it but yeah
ship something near we don’t tax at all
I mean shouldn’t we get a mutual tax
rate I mean we need that business now in
America you got to call up your local
congressman and let them have a cc or
your what you got to say here they’re
okay I don’t expect anything to be heard
but I just wonder whose side they’re on
that’s all yeah I know well thanks for
calling and your best bet is going to be
going out to the market agencies all
right you got a thanks good luck there
and for those of you calling in trying
to go up the consumer market can be
really really tough these guys are one
off sales and don’t spend a lot of money
it’s better to go through partnerships
and the south of business if Darren seem
sell the one marketing agency they’re
going to keep selling them over and over
and over and over again welcome back
giving Carmichael show I believe when
entrepreneurs we’ve been talking about
finding your one word and applying it to
your business finding your wanna Lord
helps you make better decisions helps
you stay motivated helps to make it easy
for people to share your business idea
and spread the word about you once you
find your one word it’s time to apply it
to your company and you have to figure
out are you a mind or not so here’s an
example a caller called in not too long
ago with a florist and once it stand out
with his flower comprehend there’s tons
of flour company so how do you sound the
fire company and he said his one word
was calm now you’re not just a flower
shop you’re selling calm right and so
everything in the business has to be
about calm and it started because
flowers make him feel calm when he was
going some structural times in his life
he got flowers that and he looked at
them and just put him in a different
world and made it feel calm and he
wanted other people to have that same
feeling that’s why I said in a flower
shop there’s a powerful story but now
when you walk into a flower shop you
should you should feel calm looking at
this sign you should feel calm when
you’re meeting the employees the maybe
just calm music when you walk in the the
flowers provide she should make you feel
calm right everything that you now do
with your business should be around your
one word right it has to be a line
because if it’s not then you’re not
going to be happy and you’re not going
to get results if you gotta figure out
what do one word is and then look
each of what you’re doing in your life
and in your business and you feel like
you’re just running in circles it’s
probably because things are not aligned
for you so compare you one word to your
company is everything a lot from how you
treat customers through your websites to
who’s on your team to your marketing
everything does it relate hear one word
and it’s easy to communicate I thanks
for one last caller I’ve got a Laura on
the line more where are you from and how
can I help hi I’m from st. Louis about
an hour outside of st. Louis and I have
a spiritual retreat that I am launching
I have a 70-acre piece of property that
i purchased and i am there are several
buildings to rehab it was once owned by
Washington University and it SAT
abandoned for about 20 years before i
bought it so in the visionary in me sees
it done but the step-by-step girl needs
some help and so my right question is
how do i maintain my vision and the
integrity and authenticity of what i’m
creating in this healing retreat space
and be open for partners and funding and
assistance on that level what’s the
magic way to do that and I apologize for
the realness of the farm with the
roosters in the background that’s
awesome i love it that’s great you know
what is a big challenge it’s a huge hunk
Junktion earth were dreamers were
visionaries if you have this big picture
things or what we want to accomplish but
then you know any time to execute it can
be challenging and it can be it could be
soul-crushing for how long it takes and
the rejection that comes along with it
the key i found is one that has to mean
something to you and this sounds like it
does right so you have this big vision
has it means something important to you
you’re going to help change people’s
lives up there to keep that in mind all
the time right in your day-to-day
struggle but you’re battling to win
these little fights you keep that big
picture in mind of what you’re trying to
and three help communicate that message
to other people right if you just
talking about the filling the down to
one word but if people understand what
it is that you’re trying to build and
they really feel it right it’s not just
looking at it from a business hey I can
make a lot of money because you don’t
want an investor who’s just in it for
the money I want somebody who I love
that rooster it’s awesome okay it’s the
realness of living on the land it’s not
I thought they were only going to do it
in the morning though it’s you normal
here leeson yes well they don’t know
that yes they do all day long they go
all day long even when you’re attracting
be so if you’re clear in your Mexican is
why you want to start this thing then
you’re going to attract people who also
believe in the same thing as you and
have different skill sets some of them
will have marketing experience some of
them will have money and looking to
invest in something and you don’t want
somebody to come in just because they
have money and are looking to eke out
every last dollar from this exactly and
that’s that’s what I’ve been so clear
about from the beginning that whoever
came in needs to catch the vision and be
in a heart space also on the whole
healing mission of what what it’s about
and so for me it’s it’s being able to
you know as people who want to play and
want to move here and how do I play and
and how do I do that so it’s for me it’s
being able when somebody does come and
say I want to participate financially
it’s knowing the way to do that to
structure it so that it’s a win-win are
people already coming to you for your
the exorcism yeah okay you know I have
some spaces for people to stay and I’ll
do some one-on-one or some small group
workshops and then I have events and
gatherings where people come out and
everybody just falls in love with the
space and says oh my gosh i love your
vision how can i play yeah so i would
share your vision with everybody who
comes in and say here’s what a play so
that was a great weekend i just spent
with you Laura I said great you know
this is what i really want to build what
i really want to take over the 74
property and build up you know whatever
XYZ is in your plan
and if you share that people will find
ways to want to help you out right right
we’ll come not everybody who comes can
help you but there will be like people
who obviously are on the same page is
you because it just had a great
experience and you’ve open up their
lives and they want to help you build
your vision right and they’ll find ways
that you may have people who are great
at marketing your people who are
investors or people who you can
contribute in a lot of different ways if
you let them right if you tell them what
you’re trying to build and people often
rise to the occasion to help you and I
think that’s the that’s the exciting
part is seeing they the generation of
interest in when people’s lives are
touched they do want to participate and
I think it’s the part of me that’s the
creative part that is not left brain
linear how do we structure it if you
want to participate this is how much you
put in this is what you get back and so
it sounds like what you’re saying is
almost in my creation and manifesting
looking at creating somebody that could
help me with that piece that maybe isn’t
my power skill what I wouldn’t worry
about the structure and yet just make
sure that you’re getting the right
people on board and you’ll figure it out
as it comes not that that piece is not
as big as finding the right person right
I think you’re directly right thank you
so much no problem good luck Laura it’s
so important to share your vision guys
share your vision with your customers if
they love you they will find ways to
help you Wow in another great show can’t
believe how quickly that power comes up
I want to thank again my my producers
Lauren and Josh you guys walk as always
join me in two weeks I will be back in
the meantime keep believing and good
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