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Entrepreneur MOTIVATION | How to MASTER Your Business | #MentorMeTony

I mean people in this room know the
mechanics and strategy is beyond what
anybody on earth knows in their category
so it’s really about you being in the
state were you execute my entire life
from the very beginning days how do I do
more for others than anyone else on
earth there is another level the only
reason you keep sitting there isn’t as
you feel so exhausted about where you
are what’s that belief nation it seven
my one would is believe and I believe in
you I believe you have Tony Robbins
level talent adds something and I want
you to find it embrace it and use it to
make a difference now I started the
momentum II series to try to learn for
the people who’ve done a lot more than
us and hopefully by spending a little
more time with them some of their views
mindsets way of thinking seep into us to
help us become the best version of
ourselves so today we’re gonna learn
from one of the best Tony Robbins and
how to master your business mentor me
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one learn to execute you know you get on
an airplane what’s the first thing they
say if we get into trouble masks will
come down oxygens there and the first
thing you got to do is put it on your
kid right no why
they literally tell you to put it on
yourself you selfish bastard what’s the
deal here right but it’s because we
don’t take care of ourselves we can’t
tear them so for leaders what I was tell
them is its you first it starts with you
and it starts with your psychology 80%
of growing a business if you look at
what the choke hold is on that business
it’s always the leader and 80% of that
choke hold is the psychology at 20% the
mechanics I mean people in this room
know the mechanics and strategy is
beyond what anybody on earth knows in
their category so it’s really about you
being in the state where you execute
it’s like I always tell people knowledge
is not power it’s total BS knowledge is
potential power execution Trump’s
knowledge every day of the week and some
of my life is how do you get to yourself
to execute an execution comes from
learning to put yourself in that right
state of it it rule number two
master one thing most people who start
business very often will start two and
three for more and the reason they do it
is does the first one isn’t succeeding
or they don’t want agents exactly right
and so what happens that person is
they’re never going to be successful in
most cases unless they get lucky you get
more people bounce across something
that’s easier to do but most people are
always looking for that next level what
my view is is it’s great to test all
these things but you’ve got to find what
is your flagship but what is it that
you’re gonna commit your soul to because
if you don’t do that the inevitable
channels are gonna come up and you’re
gonna then move on to something
entrepreneurial and so the other thing I
look at is business is about constantly
not only adding such massive value doing
more for others anybody else but it’s
also simultaneously about your own
psychology it’s your ability to go
through thresholds of control it’s like
I can remember when I didn’t have
$50,000 to keep the doors open on my
company I had 12 employees and 11 wanted
to quit as they hated the person running
the show and $50,000 to be like 500
million to me today and I figured out
how to get through that threshold and
once I did like all the problems related
that were handling
you’ve done this as well and then I you
know I have a five million dollar
lawsuit was totally unfair unjust and I
finally had a just the amount of time
energy got to bite the bullet do it five
million was more than I’ve ever met let
me have a partner who took the company
losing a million dollars a day I’ve
turned into 1.5 billion and positive
EBIT uh I’m not bitching name’s Emily
and he wanted me to join him in business
with some other partners not doing the
multi-level side did the business put in
ten million bucks we all put in ten
millions forty million to death but I
signed joint in several which I didn’t
understand in those days what that meant
and two of my partners were supposedly
billionaires and they went broke we
bought some more companies and about a
hundred and twenty million dollars in
debt that I was on the hook for no one
else had any money and I didn’t have to
do a seminar wanted to throw up there’s
a new threshold of control so you know
when you Skeeter your snowboard and you
think you’re maybe you’re just new at it
and you think you’re going down a blue
or green it turns out to be a double
block yeah and so you have two choices
one is you start to go down and you
freaked out you’re gonna die you slam on
the ground to try to hang on for dear
life or the other is baby you focus on
where you want to go and got it away the
curve you find a way to cut and once you
do it a couple of times you know you
have no more fear of that element not my
biggest one out of that that led me to a
billion I have thirty-one companies now
to give you an idea seven different
industries as diverse as like you know
stem cells to personal reality with the
exclusive to the NBA now virtually out
to get an example if we do I got 1,200
plays were on three continents and we
got five billion dollars in sales but I
did that cuz I first stayed on one
friggin yes so masterful at it
rule number three be obsessed with
adding value when you went off on your
own you know that’s kind of the point I
think people you know most businesses
fail at the beginning in the first few
years so there you are on your own what
do you think were the keys to success
those first few years by yourself
obsession without a more value than
anybody else ever dreamed of I mean my
entire life from the very beginning days
was how do I do more for others than
anyone else on earth how do I give them
experiences that are lasting how do I
create change for change
impossible how do I take somebody from
the therapy for seven years in an hour
produce that result and the way I did
that was by challenging traditional
psychologists and psychiatrists and
getting on national radio and saying
giving you were stationed on handle at
an hour which was pretty abrasive you
know as a young kid you can get by with
that stuff but the best part was I
backed it up and so one of the first
interventions I did was in Vancouver
British Columbia Canada on the radio and
this psychiatrist got on the phone and
just on the radio wide I’m just
passionate you are a liar you’re a
charlatan people like you should not be
allowed on the radio and I said sir I
said I said are you you know scientists
used to the course of a physician I said
well a scientist would never make it an
a sumption I said you’ve never met me
right now you never knew my clients no
and you call me a liar on national radio
I said she must be stating your
hypothesis your hypothesis is that I’m a
liar and a charlatan if you’re stating
hypothesis and you’re truly a scientist
you gotta be willing to test it am i
right yeah yeah it’s great not doing a
free guest event the Holiday Inn
tomorrow night anyone hearing my voice
can come I’m gonna do a series of
demonstrations and I’m gonna take one of
your clients and turn around I said
share with me somebody that you’ve never
been able to change I said I’m sure you
got plenty of those you wanna play
hardball because wait a lot of patients
aren’t me to change and I said I haven’t
found any course I’ve done three
therapies total but I superflee a long
story short he told me this woman you’ve
been working on for seven years what a
snake phobia a phony is not just a fear
it’s a funny controlled response to fear
so like she dreamed the snake would bite
her on the face and then the adrenaline
shoot through her body and wake her up
and there’s enough in four to seven
times a night seven years so you know he
was put in the corner and so he brought
her down it took me about 15 minutes at
the end of it
I tested first and she’s screaming and
shaking and then I wrapped the snake
around her and that changed my entire
career because in that moment everything
there was no question everybody saw this
woman is transformed I said you’ve been
treated but that psychiatrist how many
years then I took on sports stars that I
can’t turn around you know I did for my
mother Teresa Nelson Mandela
and as the years went by it just built
it dr. Joe rule number four master the
skill of influence I believe that
leadership is really a skill of
influence is the most important skill
that any human being can master and I
don’t think of leadership as a position
I see it as a skill a tool that all of
us have to have in other words the
quality of your life either really
believe comes down to your level of
leadership other people don’t have to
follow you to be a leader but you have
to live life on your terms and the first
person you have to influence it yourself
you know whether you’re fit or fat you
know whether your kids are out you know
on drugs or not it’s who has more
influence the guy on the street corner
are you with your fitter fatness can you
influence your own hands your own body
your own mind to do what’s necessary so
I think to be able to influence the
thoughts the feelings the emotions and
the actions of another human being
that’s what leadership is I really
believe in order influence people you’ve
got to know what already influences them
the mistake that we make is we don’t
connect enough to figure out who this
person is and what most of us do is try
to lead other people by influencing them
the way we’ve the influence they try to
influence their kid to clean the room
the way that would make you do it
but even though they’re your kid they’re
different than you and so they’re gonna
do it for a different set of reasons
than what you would do it for you might
have done it because someone told you to
but your kids come all day long that’s
not it there has to be something else
it’s a sense of freedom they get from it
or a sense of mass just something that’s
going to move them so I always say there
are two things that influence everyone
if you want to be a leader you have to
know how to change other people’s states
a person is in a no state a person’s in
an angry state persons in a frustrated
state you have to be able to influence
their stake is if you change their state
you’re gonna change the result they get
but the second thing you have to
understand is what are people’s
blueprints blueprints my shorthand for
what are the values what do they believe
what do they fear I always say to people
that life is found in the dance between
what you desire most and what you fear
most if I want to lead you and support
you I got to know your goals your
desires I don’t know what you’re scared
about what you’re fearful about what
stresses you out and if I understand
that I can communicate in a way that’ll
inspire you to maximize not only when
I’m here that’s management leadership is
ongoing and you’ve raised your own
standard and you’re gonna continue to
perform a
rule number five owned your business a
minimum I do is I’d want to know more
about my clients than anybody that may
know about themselves I know man that
from Australia decided he’s a dentist
and he decided he was tired of people
not showing up he was tired of trying to
bill and not getting paid you know
properly there’s insurance it he was
taught all these things one day he just
decided to sit down with everyone was
patience 101 he said I’m changing my
practice I’m wandering to practice where
I’m gonna take a lot less clients and
let go probably half the clients I have
right now I only want to do business
with people who I personally like who
when they come in I want to sit down
have a cup of tea with them what I
understand what’s going on in their life
what their goals are and I want to make
sure that everything in my psyche is
taking care of them and helping them
augment the way they look the way they
feel and their vitality and the health
of their system and he sat down and said
so to do that I want you to know I have
some simple things I’m promising I’ll
give you the best dental care of your
entire life I’m promising that if you
come in your appointment you will not be
delayed more maximum of five minutes
ever I’m any late on all these things I
get the best care this this the most
most attention he goes but this is what
I’m gonna require for patients that work
with me I’ll refer them out someone else
that this is uncomfortable he said I
require that if they cancel they’re
gonna have to pay for it I require they
show up on time because I’m gonna
respect them they respond me I’m going
to also require that in the next six
months that if I do the quality work
that I promised they’ll give me two
referrals to other quality people but
I’d probably want to take care of as
well and he said I’m shutting down any
other form of my business and I’m gonna
spend more quality time with you and I
want the referrals because I don’t spend
time marketing and selling how I spent
I’m putting my attention and making your
life better
he taught Drupal his income and cut the
time he spent doing dental work by more
than 60 percent right just because he
became an owner who owned as this
instead of running around trying to
please everybody and being frustrated
people are canceling and so forth most
of us just don’t own ourselves enough
right and rule number six the last stone
before a very special bonus clip is
don’t give up there is another level the
only reason you keep saying there isn’t
as you feel so exhausted about where you
are but life the universe or God is just
testing you because there is another
if this is good giant jump to excellence
Giants start good poor to good to
excellence there’s a level where all
your dreams are realized there’s a level
that you’ve always dreamed that it is
real it has not gone away but it takes
that extra burst when you think there’s
nothing left there’s no way you’ve tried
everything ten million times and you
keep going it’s almost like God is
saying if you keep hitting this wall
enough times I will see that you will
not stop that you were filled with that
level of determination faith and courage
and then the door opens and you get to
that next level but most people don’t
know is the next level is just two
millimeters above and it’s called
outstanding ladies and gentlemen
outstanding what’s it called what’s it
called what’s it called outstanding
magnificent unstoppable extraordinary
not excellent it’s a different level
it’s a level where you are not one of
the best you are the best you know
what’s amazing you only have to be two
million is more than everybody else and
you get everything you get the joy the
last day the father the family
the passion the economics the freedom
the spirit it’s all there what Jerry
Maguire called
the Quan baby all of it and it’s just
two million years above and most
excellent people give up because they’re
exhausted and there’s some people go the
harder I hit it the more I hit it sooner
or later it’s going down I’m not
stopping and when you do that enough it
I’ve got a really special bonus Tony
Robbins clip on how to be truly
fulfilled that I think you’re really
gonna enjoy but before that question
today I want to know which piece of
Tony’s advice did you resonate with more
master one thing or be obsessed with
adding value master one thing be
obsessed with that in value let me know
put in the comments below thank you guys
so much for watching I believe in you I
hope we continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one where it is much
Michael Gerber the guy that wrote the
e-myth you know talks about why so many
businesses young businesses fail and one
of these things he says is most people
are not really entrepreneurs but they
think that’s what they should be they
think that’s the sexy thing that’s the
most attractive thing that’s the best
answer and what I say to you is you’ve
got to separate the vehicle from the
outcome what is it that’s gonna truly
fulfill you what is it that’s gonna give
you that extraordinary life what’s gonna
make things magnificent on your terms
not somebody else’s terms not your
father your mother your background what
is that really separate the vehicle is
there’s many ways to get to that vehicle
what I’m saying sometimes you got to
reevaluate what’s gonna really make you
fulfill what is your gift are you an
artist are you the talent can produce
something no one else produces as a
skill or a product or a service or some
impact are you incredibly good at
management you really know how to manage
or lead people are you an extraordinary
entrepreneur that has can take that
gigantic gut load of risk and can create
the vision and attract the talent that
you need and the managers and leaders
you may have all three abilities but
which one really fulfills you the most
is going to be the critical question
because we tend to want to do them all
especially the room like this because
you’re all overachievers right me too
and you say well I can do all these yes
you can but what will it do to your
quality of life see again the secrets
gonna be this what is an extraordinary
life on your terms today if you tell
yourself a story long enough you start
to believe it don’t you believe it you
act like I have Tulsa what a wail out of
a handcuffed lightning though Thunder in
jail now you know I’m bad over the last
week I murdered a rock into the stone
hospitalized a brick I’m so mean I make
medicine sick the fundamental key to
success is it can take between eighteen
and two hundred and fifty four days of
taking action for a new habit to stick
I’ve created a new course called 250 for
confidence or every single day for 250
four days I will be sending you a video
between thirty seconds and five minutes
long that you start your morning with
you feel confident it’s absolutely free
check out the link in the description below to get access
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