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END BAD HABITS, START GOOD ONES – One Of The Greatest Speeches For Success & Millennials

underline all the things that you need

to do to make it happen that you aren’t

doing now the division of your day we

each get 24 hours to manage the broad

divisions of that time are easy to see

one eight hours for sleep two eight

hours for work three eight hours of

spare time you can’t mess around much

with that first division or your health

will suffer you can occasionally steal

an hour or two from your sleep but it’s

a bad habit don’t create any bad habits

the eight hours spent at work are

potentially your most directly

productive need to stay focused on your

purpose your habit of going the extra

mile if this is to be the case the

preceding 15 chapters of this book will

teach you that but in a few lines I’ll

give you some tips to manage that time

more effectively in attaining your

purpose the last eight hours are your

spare time you need to manage them as

well or you’ll find them slipping away

in routine household chores reruns of

mr. Edie and listening to your neighbor

talk about his new lawnmower again this

can be harder but I have some guidelines

to offer as you’ll see managing your

time like managing your life requires

knowing what you want to use it for time

management on the job as our society

gets more complicated there seems to be

more to do I am indebted to the writings

of Alan lakyn and Stephenie Winston for

some of the advice that follows they’ve

spent their time learning about time

prioritizing your tasks make a list of

all the things you need to do today this

week and this month divide another sheet

of paper into four equal sections label

the top left important emergent here you

will enter jobs that you know must be


right away in order for you to be

successful right the day and our each

task you do next to each job

label the top right section important

but not urgent with things here that are

essential to your work but aren’t a

crisis if you pay the most attention to

this section

nothing should end up in the top left

category again make a note next to each

pass about just exactly when it has to

be done it is important to review this

section every day so that nothing slips

over into important and urgent in the

bottom left right unimportant but urgent

this category like the last one requires

you to have a keen sense of your purpose

you have to be able to make a definite

decision about what matters to you most

of the things that fall into it will be

spontaneous someone will want your

advice you may get a call telling you

that you may have to act now to buy that

beautiful timeshare in the Poconos you

won’t bother to write them down because

you can either dismiss them or move them

into important and urgent the category

is on the sheet of paper mostly to

remind you that urgent does not mean

important finally write unimportant and

not urgent in the bottom right it might

not even bother to write tasks down here

since it means that you will never

devote attention to them but again it

helps to remind yourself that there are

many things which can fall into this

category when you complete a task put a

line through it create evidence of your

accomplishment as a reminder of your

efficient use of your time handling

paper two kinds of paper it will cross

your desk valuable a sales update and

superfluous information about the office

pool throw the superfluous stuff away

without even setting it back down on

your desk never give it a second thought

handle the valuable material as little

as possible if you can attend to it

right then and there

read updates sign authorizations write

responses on the spot put reading

material like magazine articles aside

for a regular dedicated time if you

can’t act on a paper for some reason

make a small dot in an upper corner the

next time you pick it up make another

dot you’ll soon see how often you’re

handling the same piece of paper again

and you’ll be motivated to do something

about it

budgeting your spare time routine tasks

will easily expand to fit the time

available and eat up all your spare time

unless you make a definite decision to

devote it to the things you think are

important a lot your time in the

following manner to make sure that you

are able to do all the things you need

to 1 spend one hour a day in quiet

meditation on the following subjects a

your plan for your definite major

purpose the contact with infinite

intelligence affirming your gratitude

for the blessings you have see self

analysis identifying the fears you need

to master and making plans for doing so

D ways to increase harmony in all your

relationships e the things you desire

instead of the things you don’t want to

devote two hours to going the extra mile

by rendering some sort of service to

your community to your spouse or your

family without expecting any kind of

reward for it 3 study and read for self

improvement for an hour or spend an hour

in contact with members of your

mastermind Alliance or close personal

friends this leaves three hours for

relaxation recreation exercise and other

responsibilities as you become familiar

with these activities you may be able to

combine them with other things you can

meditate or read while commuting on the

bus or train if you have to drive to

work listen to audio tapes of

self-improvement books carpool with a

member of your mastermind alliance and

use the driving time for discussion and

problem-solving if your relaxation

involves a worthwhile hobby teach it to

youngsters in local service groups

rendering extra service to your


the possibilities are as many as you can

make them follow this schedule six days

a week and set aside one day for nothing

but mental and physical relaxation and

your religious and philosophical

activities you can spend much of this

time with your family you all will be

glad you did

budgeting your money many people have

written good and valuable books about

specific ways of managing your money

seek them out I won’t provide you with

the nitty-gritty details but I will

remind you of the importance of

budgeting your money like time money

should be spent with a definite purpose

in mind you must create a budget for all

your expenses and you must use

self-discipline in sticking to it your

first priority in any budget should be

to set aside a fixed percentage of your

income for savings the rule is pay

yourself first a strong and growing

savings cushion is an important weapon

in your fight against the fear of

poverty if adversity or ill health

strikes adequate savings will allow you

to start looking for the seed of

equivalent benefit right away you won’t

panic about the mortgage payment and

you’ll be able to recover more quickly

make sure that you have adequate life

insurance if others depend on you the

cost of a good policy is worth the

anguish you will save your dependents

your sudden departure from this life

will be more than enough sadness for

them don’t compound it with the threat

of the for house allocate some portion

of your income to charity this is an

important part of going the extra mile

let’s hope you’ll never have to depend

on some worthy group to help you out but

what right do you have do any ones aid

if you have never given any help

if you’re in debt you need to spend as

much as you can realistically afford to

pay that debt off don’t tell yourself

that you’ll need only $10 a week

spending money when you’ve been blowing

a hundred because once you spend that

eleventh dollar you’ll decide you’ve

already blown your budget it might as

well go all the way it’s a slippery

slope and don’t cut into your savings

allotment to pay your debts either make

savings a habit never back away from a

good habit once you’re out of debt

divide the money you were using to pay

it off between your savings and your

general household and entertainment

expenses you want to cultivate the habit

of increasing your savings whenever your

income Rises but you should also give

yourself some immediate reward for doing

your job you will probably find that

circumstances arise that your budget did

not allow for it may be a health

emergency a new baby on the way a parent

who needs help

don’t let this throw you by developing

and sticking to your budget you’ve

increased your habit of self discipline

you’ve also learned to make your money

serve your purpose you did it before and

you can do it again habits are an

important part of budgeting your time

and money they’re important to every

principal in the science of personal

achievement they are in fact the keys to

all personal achievement the next

chapter will teach you to select and

control your habits on the basis of

cosmic law chapter 17 you are where you

are and what you are because of your

established habits the aim of this book

has been to force you to examine those

habits and teach you ways to change them

to do this you need to understand and

apply a universal principle I call

cosmic habit force cosmic habit force is

the law which makes every living

creature every particle of matter

subject to the influence of its

environment it can work for you or

against you the choice is yours

using natural forces the grandest

example of cosmic habit force is the

operation of the heavens stars and

planets move with clock flight precision

they don’t collide they don’t suddenly

veer off course at least not without

some major change in the forces at work

like a supernova or a black hole which

are themselves just another example of

matter behaving according to establish

patterns a complex system of gravity and

inertia attraction and repulsion keeps

things moving so precisely that for

millennia human beings have been able to

predict the position of the stars and

planets the timing of eclipses and the

regularity of meteor showers sunflowers

don’t grow from turnip seeds

giraffes don’t give birth to tadpoles

clouds don’t release milk everything

does that which is its nature to do all

this is a reflection of universal order

which makes so much of the physical

operation of the world understandable

certainly we are still working to

understand more than we already do but

science is based on the faith that there

is a universal order all actions and

reactions are fixed on the basis of this

order in the science of personal

achievement you seek to take control of

this order by taking control of your

habits you recognize that your thoughts

and actions will become as much a part

of your nature as Pluto’s orbit is a

part of its nature if your habits are

positive the seeds that they plant will

be too but you had to realize that

cosmic habit force always operates your

habits are negative their results will

also be negative this is why you must

take control of your habits through

self-discipline habits become a part of

your nature by repetition you create

thought habits by repeating certain

ideas in your mind cosmic habit force

will take over those patterns of thought

make them more or less permanent

depending on your intensity of

repetition and practice and put them to

work the same thing will happen

with physical habits if you follow the

same route to and from work every day

you make that route a habit you probably

aren’t even aware that it is a habit

till you need to alter your route to go

to a store or visit a friend you aren’t

paying attention when you start your

trip you will probably find yourself

missing the turn or forgetting your task

altogether this is an example of why you

need to be aware of and in control of

all your habits if you’re dominating

mental habits or thoughts of poverty

then cosmic habit force will bring about

poverty in your life if you’re

dominating mental habits are a

prosperity and peace cosmic habit force

will bring them about there is an

endless cycle here repetition of a habit

intensifies it until it becomes an


you can become obsessed with poverty or

with achievement this is why I have

repeatedly stressed that your thoughts

are the only thing you can completely

control if you decide to do so you must

control your thoughts to control your

habits cosmic habit force doesn’t leave

you any room to complain that

opportunity never came your way you will

know that as long as you have the power

to form and express your thoughts you

have the power to change the

circumstances of your life into whatever

you want them to be if your life isn’t

already what you want it to be it is

because you have drifted into your

present circumstances by virtue of

cosmic habit force you can change that

definiteness of purpose backed by the

power of cosmic habit force and enforced

by self-discipline and personal

initiative can bring you to the

circumstances you want money-making

habits so the circumstances you want

include making more money do they here’s

how to go about using cosmic habit force

to do just that step 1 create a clear

mental image of just how much money you

want to make a lot is not a good answer

you need a concrete figure or a

percentage above your car

income step two imagines some of the

results of having that money a new home

sending your daughter to medical school

a comfortable retirement doing this

clarifies which of the ten basic motives

are driving you the more motives you can

associate with making more money the

stronger your push to achieve it step 3

decide how you will earn this extra

money I’ve emphasized again and again

that you can’t get something for nothing

you must have a plan step 4

write out your goal in your plan include

your motives for making more money

instead of a statement like I want to

retire in security write something like

I want to own my own home free and clear

of debt I want to be able to travel and

visit my family three times a year set a

date for starting and achieving this

goal sign your plan make it a contract

with yourself step 5

underline all the things that you need

to do to make it happen that you aren’t

doing now make a separate list of these

things step 6

start doing the things on the list some

of them will be daily tasks such as

spending less money on dining out and

putting more money into your savings

account others will be longer range but

will require daily progress such as

going the extra mile in your job you

have to bend all your efforts and

thoughts to doing these things

step 7 every day read your goal aloud to

yourself until you have it memorized

repeated in your mind you get out of bed

when you start your job when you come

back from lunch when your workday is

finished and before you go to sleep yes

this is just what you should be doing

anyway in connection with your definite

major purpose you are giving cosmic

habit force a pattern to follow a length

of time you need to start conditioning

your mind to get positive results

depends almost entirely on the amount of

faith and enthusiasm you place behind

your words and actions all voluntary

positive habits are the products of

willpower directed toward the attainment

of definite goals if you say to yourself

sometime in my life I want $100,000 you

are saying I am uncertain about my goals

here cosmic habit force cannot come into

play because there is no definite

pattern for it to follow if you say

instead six months from now I want

$100,000 and I will do X Y & Z to get it

cosmic habit force has a pattern to

follow but it will follow that pattern

only when your thoughts and actions lead

it there if you don’t do X Y & Z you

won’t develop cosmic habit for flexible

habits be sure to make your plan

sufficiently flexible so that you can

change it when you are so inspired key

word here is inspired as you put your

plan into action and develop applied

faith infinite intelligence may hand you


and and the one you have made treats

such inspiration respectfully or it will

help you strengthen your plan where it

is weak don’t express contempt for your

hunches you repeatedly say to yourself I

had the most foolish idea today soon you

will be having only foolish ideas

instead write down your hunches as soon

as they occur to you examine them

carefully and be sure you are not

rejecting them simply because they

involve something that hasn’t been done

before or because they don’t conform to

your current habits the purpose of

cosmic habit force is to make your

habits serve you not the other way


don’t let your habits become so

ingrained that whatever useful purpose

they once served they now limit your

opportunity tolerance faith and

enthusiasm American Express enjoyed huge

success with its charge card in the

1980s became a symbol of prestige and

millions of new members signed on more

businesses than ever accepted the card

because they wanted to attract

cardmembers dollars then the economy

changed but American Express habits

didn’t as it became necessary to stretch

every penny and to watch every

percentage of margin card holders began

switching from baha’i fee American

Express card to no fee cards from Visa

and MasterCard that offered almost the

same benefits merchants became angry

because American Express claimed a

higher percentage of each charge than

other cars worse it was slow to credit

merchants accounts the number of card

holders began to fall dramatically in

Boston a group of restaurants even

organized a boycott of American Express

to protest its policies toward merchants

profits disappeared and losses mounted

cosmic habit force was at work American

Express kept doing business the way it

always had until a crisis hit it right

between the eyes the habits that had

made it the premier charge card were not

the habits that would keep it the

premier charge

it’s habits rule them not the other way


whatever your habits cosmic habit force

will carry them out it isn’t enough

merely to develop good habits and leave

it at that

you must remain alert to the effect of

your habits and be willing on a moment’s

notice to change them when new ones will

serve you better beware of these habits

the good news is ironically if you have

any of these habits they will eventually

cause some sort of defeat that will

inspire you to eliminate of course you

can spare yourself that trouble if

you’re willing to examine yourself

identify your negative habits and

resolve to replace them with positive

ones poverty imaginary illness laziness

envy greed vanity cynicism drifting

without aim or purpose irritability

revenge jealousy dishonesty arrogance

stat ISM embrace these habits you can

replace any of the above with one of the

following and profit by doing it

definiteness of purpose this is the

primary good habit makes you more alert

more imaginative

more enthusiastic and it increases your

willpower Hey let your mind dwell on

positive ideas and on clearing away all

negative influences and fears

this takes self-discipline personal

initiative you may have to force

yourself at first to do things without

being told to do them but persistence

will make it easier enthusiasm remember

that control enthusiasm is your goal we

want to be able to summon it at will or

shut it off

when it isn’t appropriate or might

actually be dangerous self-discipline

this is a circular process the more you

exercise it the more you have it going

the extra-mile

start right now by doing something for

which you don’t expect to be paid

directly go the extra mile every day by

sheer effort if necessary and soon the

effort will be replaced by

have it controlling your willpower in

the chapter on self-discipline you

learned about your ego the source of

your willpower developing positive

habits which can be taken over by cosmic

habit force depends heavily on strong

willpower here’s a review of the steps

to strengthen your will step 1

actively allow yourself with other

people who can help you attain your

major purpose a mastermind Alliance

creates multiple patterns for cosmic

habit force to work on step 2 develop

your plan drawing on all the members of

your alliance for knowledge ability and

the power of their faith step 3 distance

yourself from anyone and any

circumstance that make you feel inferior

a positive ego does not grow in a

negative environment

remember that cosmic habit force causes

every living thing to partake of the

dominating influence of its environment

step 4

close the door on the unpleasant

experiences of the past a strong will

doesn’t dwell on the past a vital ego

thrives on hopes and desires of an

as-yet unattained

objective if you keep your mind in a

state of hope and desire cosmic habit

force goes to work changing your hopes

and desires into their material


step 5 surround yourself with every

possible means of impressing your mind

with the nature of your definite purpose

hang Matos on your walls put up pictures

of people doing what you want to do you

want to make it easier to create a

mental image of yourself realizing your

objective the more you create this image

the sooner it will be taken over by a

cosmic habit force and impressed on your

subconscious step 6

watch out that you don’t over inflate

your ego one small prick with a pin and

the escaping hot air will be like a

runaway rocket carrying you far

from where you want to be the three

essentials of cosmic habit force three

qualities underlie the process of

voluntary establishment of a habit

plasticity this is the capability to

change it also implies that once a

change has been made your new form will

hold until a subsequent change is made

you won’t revert to your old status

consider the difference between modeling

clay which is malleable but holds the

shape that is given and Mercury which

can take any shape for a moment but will

never keep it you can be changed by

environmental influences or by your own

decisions frequency of impression

repetition is the mother of habit one of

the factors affecting the speed with

which you habit can be adopted is how

often it is consciously repeated your

ability to do this may vary with

circumstances your job may require

enough concentration on the task at hand

that you have to pay attention only to

it and develop your habits in your spare

time personal initiative also comes into

play if you’re lazy you won’t knock

yourself out developing a habit this can

definitely slow down the process of

acquiring it intensity of impression you

can go through the motions of an

activity or you can concentrate on doing

it concentration builds to have it

quickly you impress the habit on your

subconscious mind and it becomes a part

of everything you do here’s an example

of these three essentials at work a

woman working the swing shift at an

electronics assembly plant was allowed

to 10-minute breaks one at 6:00 p.m. and

one at 10:30

most of her co-workers used these breaks

for cigarettes she didn’t want to

cultivate a bad habit that would affect

her health and make her a less pleasing

personality so she decided instead to

have a snack her garden was in full

bloom so she would have a carrot an

apple or something else she had grown

herself being human she already had


part of everyone’s nature every day

throughout the summer and fall precisely

at 6:00 and at 10:30 she would have her

snack this gave a definite frequency of

impression the element of intensity

varied according to her relative hunger

sometimes she ate with relish because

her meal at home had been small

sometimes she skipped a meal before

coming to work and the intensity of her

hunger was even greater but whenever the

break came she ate no matter how hungry

she was as the months passed she

realized that regardless of what she had

eaten she got hungry before her breaks

she watched the clock waiting for a

chance to eat sometimes it seemed the

time would never come and when her

garden was no longer producing good

fresh food he switched to anything else

she had at home a candy bar a doughnut

cookies this is a clear example of the

voluntary establishment of a habit it

wasn’t really a good habit he began to

put on weight and found she was

distracted from her work for half an

hour before her breaks so she decided to

break her habit and stopped bringing

food this wasn’t the answer because

there was food and the vending machines

at the plant and she just started buying

that not only was she still eating but

she was now spending more money to do it

at this point she really had to seize

possession of her mind inspire it with a

strong motive and take definite action

he set a definite minor purpose to break

her habit he did this by reading

substituting the desire for knowledge

and inspiration for the desire for food

her break came she reached for a book

instead of a candy bar the same

frequency of impression was there of

course the only thing different was the

intensity at first the feeling of hunger

persisted but after a few days he

acquired an appetite for reading which

overwhelmed the old physical desire he

established a new habit to supplant the

old any worthless superfluous or harmful

habit can be broken and replaced with

the more the

terrible one if you want it to be so one

develop definiteness of purpose to

establish a mastermind alliance three

assemble an attractive personality or

use applied faith five go the extra mile

six create personal initiative seven

build a positive mental attitude eight

control your enthusiasm nine and force

self-discipline ten think accurately

eleven control your attention twelve

inspire teamwork thirteen learned from

adversity and defeat fourteen cultivate

creative vision fifteen maintain sound


16 budget your time and money 17 used

cosmic habit force a detailed evaluation

following our concise summaries of the

steps to making each principle a part of

your life read them through and then at

the end of each section stop the tape

write down specific actions you plan to

take to implement the principles then

restart the tape for the next section

the summaries themselves will give you

concrete recommendations about what to

do under the definiteness of purpose you

might write down that you will define

your major goal write out a plan for

achieving it and read that plan aloud to

yourself every day all of which are

mentioned in the summary but if you also

include a date by which you will have

your plan written down you will be

making a commitment to yourself that

will provide you with extra motivation

do not simply pare it back the summary

suggestions consider carefully the

changes you need to make and be as

detailed as possible in writing them out

at a few weeks or months you can look at

these notes recognize the progress

you’ve made

and renew your commitment to success one

develop definiteness of purpose with PMA

the starting point of all worthwhile

achievements you should have one high

desirable outstanding goal and keepeth

ever before you you can have many non

conflicting goals which help you to

reach your major definite goals it is

advisable to have immediate intermediate

and distant objective when you set a

definite major goal you are apt to

recognize that which will help you

achieve it determine or fixing your mind

exactly what you desire be definite

evaluate and determine exactly what you

will give in return set a definite date

for exactly when you intend to possess

your desire identify your desire with a

definite plan for carrying out and

achieving your objective put your plan

into action at once clearly define your

plan for achievement write out precisely

and concisely exactly what you want

exactly when you want to achieve it and

exactly what you intend to give in

return each and every day morning and

evening read your written statement

aloud as you read it see feel and

believe yourself already in possession

of your objective engage in personal

inspection with regularity to determine

whether you’re on the right track and

headed in the right direction so that

you don’t deviate from the path that

leads to the achievement of your

objective guarantee success engaged

daily and study thinking and planning

time with PMA regarding yourself and

your family how you can achieve your

definite goals whatever your mind can

conceive and believe you can achieve

when you have PMA and apply it now stop

the tape and write your commitment to

use this principle in your life then

restart the tape to establish a

mastermind alliance with PMA

a mastermind Alliance is two or more

minds working together in the spirit of

perfect harmony toward the attainment of

a specific objective this principle

makes it possible for you through

association with others to acquire and

utilize the knowledge and experience

needed for the attainment of any desired

goal in life your mastermind alliance

can be created by surrounding yourself

or aligning yourself with the advice

counsel and personal cooperation of

several people who are willing to lend

you their wholehearted aid for the

internment of your objective in the

spirit of perfect harmony you can create

a mastermind alliance with your spouse

your manager a friend a co-worker once a

mastermind Alliance is formed the group

as a whole must become and remain active

the group must move in a definite plan

at a definite time toward a definite

common objective indecision inactivity

or delay will destroy the usefulness of

the Alliance there must be a complete

meeting of the minds without

reservations on the part of any member

you can have several mastermind

alliances each with different objectives

that is an alliance with your spouse to

reach your family objectives an alliance

with your banker or investment councilor

or attorney for your financial

objectives and alliance with your

minister or clergy for your spiritual

objectives and so on now stop the tape

and write your commitment to use this

principle in your life then restart the

tape 3 assemble an attractive

personality with PMA your personality is

your greatest asset or greatest

liability or it embraces everything that

you control mind body and soul a

person’s personality is the person it

shapes the nature of your thoughts your

deed your relationships with others and

it establishes the boundaries of the

space you occupy in the world it is

essential that you develop a pleasing

personality pleasing to yourself and to

others it is imperative

that you develop the habit of being

sensitive to your own reactions to

individuals circumstances and events and

to the reactions of individuals and

groups to what you say think or do

positive factors of a pleasing

personality a positive mental attitude

tolerance alertness common courtesy a

fondness for people flexibility

tactfulness personal magnetism a

pleasant tone of voice control of facial

expressions sportsmanship sincerity a

sense of humor humility of the heart

smiling enthusiasm control of temper and

emotions patience proper dress do unto

others as you would have others do unto

you now stop the tape write your

commitment to use this principle in your

life and then restart the tape number

four use applied faith with PMA faith is

a state of mind through which your aims

desires plans and purposes may be

translated into their physical or

financial equivalent applied faith means

action specifically the habit of

applying your faith under any and all

circumstances it is faith in your God

your self your fellow man and the

unlimited opportunities available to you

faith without action is dead faith is

the art of believing by doing it comes

as a result of persistent action fear

and doubt our faith and reverse gear

faith in its positive application is the

key which will give one direct

communications with infinite

intelligence applied faith is belief in

an objective or purpose backed by

unqualified activity if you want results

try a prayer when you pray express your

gratitude and Thanksgiving for the

blessings you already have received then

ask the good Lord for his help affirm

the objectives of your desire

through prayer each night and morning

inspire your imagination to see yourself

already in possession of them and act

precisely as if you are already in

physical possession of the possession of

anything first takes place mentally by

being imagined in the mind’s eye

prayer is your greatest power I’ll stop

the tape write your commitment to use

this principle in your life and restart

the tape 5 go the extra mile with p.m. a

render more and better service for which

you are paid and do it with a positive

mental attitude form the habit of going

the extra mile because of the pleasure

you get out of it and because of what it

does to you and for you deep down inside

it is inevitable that every seed of

useful service you so will multiply

itself and come back to you in

overwhelming abundance following this

principle will make you indispensable to

other people the principle manifests

itself in two important laws the law of

compensation and the law of increasing

returns these unvarying laws always

reward intelligent effort rendered in

the attitude of faith and rendered

instinctively without regard to the

limits of immediate compensation q1 + q2

+ ma equals C the quality of the service

rendered + the quantity of the service

rendered + the mental attitude in which

it is rendered equals your compensation

in the world and the amount of space you

will occupy in the hearts of your fellow

man make going the extra mile with PMA a

habit I’ll stop the tape write your

commitment to use this principle in your

life and restart the tape 6

create personal initiative with PMA

personal initiative is the inner power

that starts all action it is the power

that inspires the completion of that

which one begins it is the dynamo that

starts the Faculty of the imagination

into action it is in fact self

motivation motivation is that which

induces action or determines choice it

is that which provides a motive a motive

is that inner urge only within the

individual which incites you to action

such as an idea an emotion a desire or

an impulse it is a hope or other force

which starts in an attempt to produce

specific results when you know

principles that can motivate you you

will then know principles that can

motivate others motivate yourself with

PMA hope is the magic ingredient in

motivation but the secret of

accomplishment is getting into action

use and develop the self-starter do it

now now stop the tape and write your

commitment to use this principle in your

number seven build a positive mental


PMA stands for positive mental attitude

a positive mental attitude is the right

honest constructive thought action or

reaction to any person situation or set

of circumstances that does not violate

the laws of God or the right of one’s

fellow man

PMA allows you to build on hope overcome

the negative attitudes of despair and

discouragement it gives you the mental

power the feeling the confidence to do

anything you make up your mind it

PMA is commonly referred to as the I can

I will attitude applicable to all

challenging circumstances in your life

you create and maintain a positive

mental attitude through your own

willpower based on motives of your own

adaptation to develop PMA strive to

understand and apply the golden rules be

considerate and sensitive to the

reactions of others be sensitive to your

own reactions by controlling your

emotional responses be a good finder

believe that any goal can be achieved

and develop what are understood to be

right habits of thought and action a

positive mental attitude is the catalyst

necessary for achieving worthwhile

success achievement is attained through

some combination of P na and

definiteness of purpose with one or more

of the other 15 success principles

maintain the right attitude a positive

mental attitude stop the tape and write

your commitment to use this principle in

your life then restart the tape eight

control your enthusiasm with PMA a

person without enthusiasm is like a

watch without a mainspring father John

O’Brien research professor of theology

at the University of Notre Dame says the

first ingredient which I believe is

absolutely necessary for a successful

efficient and competent individual is


he adds enthusiasm comes from the Greek


that let you look into the root of this

word into its basic fundamental and

original meaning

the first is theists which means God the

other two words are Entei so that in the

early usage of this term of the ancient

Greeks it literally meant God within you

further no battle of any importance can

be won without enthusiasm to become

enthusiastic about achieving a desirable

goal keep your mind on that goal day

after day the more worthy and desirable

your objectives the more dedicated and

enthusiastic you will become understand

and act on William James statement the

emotions are not always immediately

subject to reason but they are always

immediately subject to action enthusiasm

thrives on a positive mind and a

positive action this is the key to

controlling your enthusiasm always give

it a worthy goal to focus on once you

have channeled it toward that goal it

will carry you forward real enthusiasm

comes from within

however enthusiasm is like getting water

from a well first you have to prime the

pump but soon the water flows and flows

and flows you can be enthusiastic about

everything and anything you know or do

enthusiasm is a p.m. a characteristic it

can be generated naturally from one’s

thoughts feelings and emotions but more

important it can be generated at will to

be enthusiastic act enthusiastically

stop the tape now and write your

commitment to use this principle in your

life then restart the tape 9 enforced

self-discipline with PMA self-discipline

enables you to develop control over

yourself self-discipline begins with

mastery of your thoughts what you really

are what you really do your failures and

your successes are the results of habits

we are creatures of habit but because we

are Minds with bodies we can change our


self-discipline is perhaps the most

important function in aiding an

individual in the development and

maintenance of habits of thought which

enable that person to fix his or her

entire attention upon any desired

purpose and to hold it there until that

purpose has been attained if you do not

control your thoughts you do not control

your deeds think first and act afterward

self-discipline is the principle by

which you may voluntarily shape the

patterns of your thoughts to harmonize

with your goals and purposes direct your

thoughts control your emotions ordain

your destiny with PMA stop the tape now

and write your commitment to use this

principle in your life then restart the

tape 10 think accurately with PMA

accurate thinking is based on two major

fundamentals one inductive reasoning

based on the assumption of unknown facts

or hypotheses 2 deductive reasoning

based on known facts or what are

believed to be fact in school we are

taught deductive and inductive reasoning

and the fallacy that results in starting

with the wrong premise in the one

instance and making the wrong inference

in the other accurate thinking and

common sense are in part the result of

experiences you can learn from your own

experiences as well as those of others

when you learn how to recognize relate

assimilate and apply principles in order

to achieve your goal one separate facts

from fiction or hearsay evidence two

separate facts in two classes

important and unimportant be careful of

others opinions they could be dangerous

and destructive make sure your opinions

are not someone else’s prejudices the

accurate thinker learns to use his or

her own judgment and to be cautious no

matter who may endeavour to influence

him or her truth will be truth

regardless of a closed mind ignorance or

refusal to believe stop the tape right

your commitment to use this principle in

your life then restart the tape eleven

control your attention with p.m. a

controlled attention is organized mind

power it is the highest form of

self-discipline controlled attention is

the act of coordinating all the

faculties of the mind and directing

their combined power to a given end or

definite objective it is an act that can

be obtained only by the strictest sort

of self-discipline

it is obvious therefore that when you

voluntarily fix your attention upon a

definite major purpose of a positive

nature and force your mind through your

daily habits of thought to dwell on the

subject you condition your subconscious

mind to act on that purpose controlled

attention when it is focused upon the

object of your definite major purpose is

a medium by which you make positive

application of the principle of

suggestion the mind never remains

inactive not even during sleep it works

continuously by reactions to the

influences which reach it therefore the

object of controlled attention is that

of keeping your mind busy with thought

material which may be helpful in

attaining the object of your desire

controlled attention is self mastery of

the highest order or it is an accepted

fact that the person who controls his or

her own mind they control everything

else keep your mind on the things you

want and off the things you don’t want

I’ll stop the tape write your commitment

to use this principle in your life and restart the tape

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