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Elon Musk’s PLANS for MARS & Martian GOVERNMENT | #Trending

in the beginning people would live in
kind of glass domes but but over time
you were terraform Mars and make it like
Earth what kind of government do you
envision for the first Martian time and
what’s your title yeah yeah exactly
what’s that belief nation it’s Evan my
one word is believed and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so to help you on your
journey and help you start to think
bigger today we’re gonna learn a LAN
Musk’s plan for Mars and a Martian
government also if you want to know what
Elon Musk and other successful
entrepreneurs have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next two hundred and fifty four
days I will send you a morning video for
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below there are times when something is
important enough you believe it enough
that you do it in spite of the fear you
want given your planning and bring a
million colonists to Mars what are the
pressing future technologies that need
to be developed in order to support a
robust and thriving surface colony so as
technology for I guess survival the
first challenge is just getting there at
all and like that’s you know SpaceX is
working super hard on program just how
to get large numbers of people and cargo
to Mars just getting that transport
things fold I think will then open up a
tremendous number of opportunities for
people on Mars yeah just like you know
you’re having the Union Pacific Railroad
to California and the you know and look
what what you know resulted I hold a
system of other companies figured out
it’s like what’s gonna get there then
you get then that the opportunities of
entrepreneurs are tremendous and that
ranges everything from you know
everything you can imagine like sorting
the foot you know like this first
Italian restaurant or something on Mars
you know it’s like somebody’s got to do
it that’ll be kind of cool you know like
a iron iron refinery mm-hm you know
resource monitoring you know you know
the like the
the old the entire base of Industry and
and then there probably would be things
like that are just unique to Mars mm-hmm
but we got up we got to get that you
know effectively that Union Pacific
Railroad there in order to get get the
entrepreneurs that and and and then
create a fertile environment for them to
create companies so that that’s that’s
mmm yep there so once you’re there it’s
it’s gonna be I think a lot of exciting
things that can be done and in the
beginning if people would live in kind
of glass domes but but over time they
were terraform Mars and make it like
Earth going back to Mars what kind of
government do you envision for the first
Martian colony and blitzer and what’s
your title yeah yeah exactly
Emperor oh God Emperor I don’t know
it might be too much him if your what
after watch my jokes here not everyone
gets irony
you know much remember so I think the I
think most likely the the form of
government on Mars would be somewhat of
a direct democracy where you vote on
issues where people vote directly on
issues instead of going to
representative government in in you know
when the United States was formed
representative government was the only
thing that was logistically feasible
because people there’s no way it was or
people to communicate instantly a lot of
people’s didn’t even have really access
to mail boxes well there wasn’t even
really a post office is very primitive a
lot of people couldn’t write so you have
to have some form of representative
democracy or things just wouldn’t work
at all but I think my most likely it’s
gonna be people at everyone votes on
every issue and that’s how it goes a few
things I would recommend which is keep
blowers short long Lois it’s like that’s
that’s something suspicious is going on
if there’s long low you know if you if
the size of law exceeds the word count
of Lord of the Rings signs which it does
amazingly then it’s like something’s
wrong so there should be a limit to the
size of the law that I should be able to
digest it like how come you can read the
Constitution and all of the amendments
like you can read those and maybe an
hour and and and we haven’t so much of a
civilization by that and yet modern law
is this obtuse super boring tome that’s
indecipherable to us anyone so I think
direct democracy lowers laws that a
comprehensive oh I think having some
kind of hysteresis on like it should be
easier to remove a lower than create one
because things just get to inertia you
have to have something that’s gonna
coming OSHA so probably I don’t want the
right number of you maybe it’s like
60/40 maybe you require a 60% to get a
law in place but any number above 40%
can remove a little otherwise you just
get lowers just accumulate over time to
cure their time and it’s sort of like
Gulliver where you just get trapped by
all these tiny strings and you can’t
move you get hardening of the arteries
of civilization with law with rules and
rules rules rules so it should be just
easier to get rid of rule then let’s put
one in maybe they should even have like
a some kind of sunset clause so that
they just automatically expire unless
there’s enough of an impetus to keep
them around when do you think you’ll be
able to achieve the aspiration of SpaceX
I’m actually moving people to a place
like Mars well I think we could probably
will you be that person only if I’m
confident that SpaceX will be fine if I
die that’s you know if ice maybe if I
first confident that the mission would
continue if I wasn’t around then I would
do it the most important work ever if
you had to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you Apple
that would be collect a little beacon if
you guys liked this video and want more
Elon Musk check out the top 10 rules we
did on him it’s right there next to me
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there what was your biggest failure and
how did I change you to really think
hard about that failure [Music]
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