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Dr. John Maxwell – Do These 5 Things If You Want To Attract Better Into Your Life!

if you want 2019 to be the year that you
really want to be here’s the secret of
making it a great year I’ll guarantee it
if you’ll just do what I’m about to
share it’s just going to set you up for
an incredible 2019
every day serve someone
every day
every day had value to people every day
serve one every day live the intentional
life of doing for others sometimes what
they cannot do for themselves and if you
will put people first and add value to
them and serve them it becomes
absolutely amazing what you and I are
going to have and achieve how we’re
going to help people and in return how
it comes back to us Benjamin Franklin
said this no one is useless in this
world who lightens the burden of someone
else if you’re if you’re helping someone
else lift a load in your life you become
a very useful person but hotland Gandhi
said that the best way to find yourself
is to lose yourself in the service of
others but perhaps on this kind of a
theme my favorite quote is from Albert
Schweitzer who said I don’t know what
your destiny will be but one thing I do
know the only ones among you who will be
really happy are those who have sought
and found how to serve
the happiest people are not always the
most successful people but they’re the
ones who serve the best I’ve met a lot
of unhappy successful people haven’t you
but I’ve never met never met an unhappy
person that gave their life of serving
and giving and adding value to other
Martin Luther King jr. said everybody
can be great because everybody can serve
if you will help people get what they
want then you’ll receive everything that
you need in life we’ve got to work at
this we’ve got it well if 2019 is gonna
be incredible year you’re gonna have to
look at the year and say yourself what
can I do to add value to people instead
of what our people want to do to add
value to me what can I do to serve
people instead of I wonder who in this
next year is going to serving we’re
going to have to do a complete mind
shift in that whole process service /
status you know there are two kinds of
people they’re the people that do what
is right and then feel good and there
are some people who want to feel good
before they do what is right and if you
want to feel good before you ever do
what is right you and I’ll not do a lot
of things right because we’ll let our
emotions control of it but the moment
that we said no I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m
going to do the right thing and then
I’ll let the emotion I’ll let the
emotion fall key character or over
comfort that now here’s the key if you
and I are going to make 2019 a great
year of serving people let me tell you
the first thing it’s gonna happen to you
the first thing is gonna have is we’re
gonna be in convenience because when you
have to serve people when you serve
people they don’t do it on your
sometimes people say but I don’t know if
I could do that I really know if I have
lose cutting listen to me the moment
that we really have a desire to add
value to other people our whole life
will begin to change and so if 2019 is
going to be the year that we really want
to make it I want to share with you
right now five things I do every day
and I want you to do them every day and
this year and I will promise you I will
promise you your life is about two
incredibly change and and all five of
these things I’m going to give you right
now you can do it these are these are
hard these aren’t complicated every day
number one every day I value people
and that’s the foundation of everything
we’re talking about if I don’t value
people I’ll never add value to them I’ll
manipulate them I’ll do all kind of bad
things but it all begins with valuing
people number two every day I think of
ways to add value to people in other
words I’ll look at my schedule in the
morning I’ll say where I’m gonna go who
I’m gonna see perhaps I’ll say okay
what can I do to add value to those
people I think of ways that value number
3 every day I look for ways dad value
people number 4
every day I do things that value
every day in fact at the end of the day
the last thing I do every evening is I
do a 10-minute inventory of my day and
one of the questions I ask is who did I
add value to today who did I serve today
okay every day every day
I value people thank you voice that
value people look for ways that value
people do things that add value to
people and their refine I encourage
others to add value to me I do those five things every day
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