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“Don’t LIVE for the APPROVAL of Others!” | Jay Shetty (@JayShettyIW) | Top 10 Rules

you’ll feel that rejection kills dreams
we all feel that failure kills dreams
there’s four words that we say in our
heads to ourselves that genuinely have
destroyed more dreams than all of those
things put together make your life about
service and helping other people not
just to feel good make that the reason
why you do what you do I grew up in a
family where you can either be a doctor
a lawyer or a failure
those are my three options anything else
would just count me as a failure need
motivation watch a top ten that we
believe nation
what’s that believe nation it seven my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe you have Michael Jordan level
talent at something and I want you to
find it embrace it and use it to make a
difference so let’s get your motivation
to attend and get you believing in you
grab a snack and chewing today’s lessons
from a man who went from being bullied
as a child for being nerdy and
overweight to living as a monk to now
being one of the most viewed people on
the internet he’s Jay Shetty and here’s
my take on his top ten rules of success
volume three
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one stop caring what others think you’ll
feel that rejection kills dreams we all
feel that failure kills dreams we all
feel that people kill dreams you can’t
kill my dreams but actually there’s four
words that we say in our heads to
ourselves that genuinely have destroyed
more dreams than all of those things put
together those four words are what will
people say what will people say how many
times have you stopped yourself from
doing something because you’re scared of
how people will react how many times out
of the fear of someone else’s opinion or
criticism have you stopped yourself from
doing what you believe in how many times
has someone’s perception or perspective
stopped you from living your potential
no matter what you choose to do there
will always be people who find fault
with it there will always be people who
criticize complain you try to bring you
down and tell you that what you’re doing
isn’t right haters can hate it’s crazy
that we give up what we most want in
life just based on people’s opinions and
the crazy thing is if we’re living for
other people’s opinions we’ll never be
right there’ll always be someone with
something that they won’t agree with and
this is why it’s so important that we
work with our own conviction we work on
what matters to us
it was Aristotle who told us that there
were only three ways to avoid criticism
do nothing say nothing be nothing and
I’m sure none of us want that of our
future rule number 2 live fully when we
die our life line does this right it
looks like this
when you’re living your life one’s doing
this notice how that connects with our
real experience of life real life is ups
and downs stagnant life death looks like
this being an entrepreneur looks like
one’s living ones dead you choose when I
saw that I start to visualize that I
realized that every time I failed every
time things went wrong every time I
chose to risk to live my passion and
things didn’t work out and they don’t
work out even now they don’t work out
and when I analyze the lives of
entrepreneurs and look at how things
haven’t worked out I just remind myself
that’s living
that’s not rule number three make your
life about service your musician serve
if you’re a coda serve if your orchestra
leader serve if you’re a entrepreneur
serve like make your life about service
and helping other people not just to
feel good but make that the reason why
you do what you do mmm don’t make that
what happens because you have money make
that the reason you do what you do yeah
and if people start with service then
you’ll experience love then you’ll
experience compassion then you’ll
experience gratitude services Ghandi
said that you find yourself when you
lose yourself in the service of others
and and that’s the deepest level of
self-actualization so know that you’re
the soul and the consciousness not the
body know that you have a unique genius
and don’t settle for any less and use
both of those to serve other people as
the reason for the first – rule number
four prioritize growth
I remember this video that went viral
around two years ago with this young
girl around two years old started to
crawl and walk in her parents living
room she went up to the television
screen and she decided to try and get it
to swipe she started doing this with a
little hands and fingers hoping that the
television screen would swipe to her
complete bewilderment the television
screen did not swipe Oh
all of his sudden tears started to run
down her eyes because she in her
two-year old life had never come across
the screen that didn’t swipe it doesn’t
work what do you mean it doesn’t work it
doesn’t work she probably used her
parents iPad or laptop
she used a parent screen and she’d been
seeing screen swipe for two years but
this screen did not swipe in two years
she had developed a belief that every
screen in her life swipes imagine if in
two years
she was completely conditioned to
believe that every screen swipes how
quickly we all become conditioned in two
decades for decades six decades or even
more they say that the biggest challenge
today is not simply to learn but to
learn unlearn and relearn wait what
so I want you to think about in your
mind the one habit that you want to
change now if you truly want to change
your habit psychologists and researchers
say it will take anywhere from 21 to 90
days if you want to change anything in
your life you have to start with a small
step but make it a big priority one of
the biggest mistakes people make is they
try to make big changes and make them a
small priority and a bad one rule number
five don’t settle what happened in
societies that were clouded by the noise
the noise of family expectations the
noise of our parents I grew up in a
family where you can either be a doctor
a lawyer or a failure
those are my three options anything else
would just count me as a failure right
I’m standing up here in front of you all
as a failure we focus so much on life in
what we want to be as opposed to who we
want to be we’ve always been told that
life and jobs and careers are like boxes
and containers there’s only a finite
number of options you can decide right
now that I don’t want to be defined by
this box I don’t want to be defined by
this container I don’t want to feel that
if only I live in this container then
I’ll be able to be successful rule
number six find self-awareness most of
us just throw ourselves into the deep
end and then try swim and figure it out
right monk life actually begins at like
five years old like the training of my
life is ultimately training in
actualization and self-awareness it’s
meant to start when you’re five the
problem is we all went to normal schools
that try to put stuff in us rather than
takes it out of us crazy you talk about
right right right like you know you were
told at school that you weren’t very
good and you weren’t gonna English and
now you have a New York Times bestseller
right yeah and it and it’s like but no
one noticed that potential inside you no
one noticed that all Lewis was really
creative Wow and you’re not the only
person there’s so many people who feel
like that so the modern schooling system
didn’t extrapolate your
self-actualization your element and just
try to put maths English science inside
so the point is that you’re trying to
get to such a strong foundation that
when you interact in the world you’re
going with a sense of strength fuel
energy to make a difference rather than
going into the world and then going oh
my god where am I trying to figure it
out and I find what happens today is
that when you don’t we all know this we
I mean self loves become such a big
thing now and when people don’t figure
yeah it’s like a huge trade but but my
point is that if you don’t start at a
place where you have self awareness self
actualization you have figured out what
works for you what your strengths are
how you want to be in an environment
when you walk out there most of us just
pretend to be someone else most of us
get lost most of us get carried away
yeah so my point is strengthen yourself
grow yourself and then of course
interact with the world rule number
seven go beyond wanting money Steve Jobs
said that you should never start a
company with the goal of getting rich it
should be about starting a company
to make something you believe it we
should clean to make a difference break
down boundaries babe
borders and ignite ideas to innovate
incessantly and create for people where
they can never kinder up themselves
Henry Ford said that if I had asked
people what they wanted they would have
said faster horses and that’s the beauty
of being beyond wanting money and going
beyond wanting fame then the unwanted
power that you actually craft something
that involves people’s daily lives that
you actually create something that
enhances someone’s human experience
people respond to people who want to do
more than just gain for themselves we
were attracted by selflessness we’re
attracted by renunciation we’re
attracted by the quality of when people
want to give rather than take well they
want to share rather than people when
they wanna do and serve rather than just
hold Steve Jobs said being the richest
man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me
what matters to me is going to sleep
feeling like we’ve done something
rule number eight use your time wisely
I’m not telling you to not work at a
corporate I think corporate experience
is great what I’m saying is don’t lose
this voice work to 6:00 p.m. every day
then go home and work will you actually
care about use your weekends to not be
on Instagram and actually do what you
care about you do that you’re investing
in your meaning you can be making enough
money and make the switch that’s what’s
up for all of you who have a great
degree have a great education you’ve got
that job lined up use it just don’t
become a servant of that job don’t just
say oh I’m in prison now I’m just going
to use my weekends to hang out if you do
want to do that that’s cool too if you
say to me J actually whatever you’re
saying I don’t want I just want to hang
out and have a good time I don’t even
want meaning or purpose that’s cool with
me too but if you want to be happy and
you want to be fulfilled and you want to
have an impact on the world then use
your time waste
I used to go home after my corporate job
at 8 p.m. and
– 1 a.m. on my own every day so do your
job get a job if that’s where you need
to go with if you can go all-in
be safe be secure but then don’t waste
that time on not doing that then
complaining that you don’t have what you
rule number 9 stop chasing a false
reality one thing I’ve been observing is
that achievement or ambition is broken
down into five stages learn experiment
perform struggle right right now the
challenge of the one of those is is that
we want to thrive all the time we want
to be in thrive zone we want to be
winning those awards getting those views
getting those messages getting those
lights all the time we want to be
noticed and recognized but actually if
we took a step back we realized we need
to be learning we need to be experiment
and so what happens is that we get
confused by where we are and so our
expectation of what we want is totally
blurred and we start chasing a false
reality and that’s why we find that we
get disappointed and confused when we
know we should actually be performing we
actually need to do we need to act
rather than chasing that thriving
feeling all the time so next time you
think things aren’t working out next
time you feel you’re not on the right
track step back and ask yourself should
I be learning should I be experimenting
should I be thriving
should I be performing it should I be
strongly that one comes around a lot
more than you can imagine and rule
number ten my personal favorite as well
as the last one before a very special
bonus clip is don’t live for the
approval of others let me tell you about
this girl called clear I think you might
know someone like her – she had the
dream of becoming a model she said she
was going to move to LA to pursue it
seriously she took care of herself at
least her body well someone told me she
did ads for L’Oreal she had so many
followers on Instagram who all loved her
within a minute of her posting a picture
there would be hundreds and hundreds of
comments all telling her how beautiful
she was how good she looked comment
after comment like after like she was a
real entertainer she was always making
everyone loved I remember every guy
wanted her number but but she kept to
herself she just had this infectious
energy she got along with everyone she
was always the life of the party she was
never seen in the same outfit twice
boxes and boxes of Amazon Prime on
Instagram she was the perfect girl with
the perfect life the perfect world the
perfect guys nothing’s perfect right it
seemed like she was always having the
best time with her friends always
traveling new experiences and so many
great stories to share until people
started to notice I think she lived like
two lives no one really knew her inside
she had everyone to text but no one to
talk to everyone to follow but no one to
walk with when the phone was up her
world was a stage but it was down a
reality came she had an invite to every
still felt lonely she had all the
friends in the world but still felt no
one really knows me she was going
through pain but never showed that side
it was something she hid from the world
maybe we just never asked she had masked
her sadness it won’t look like the ideal
life she was always flying high in the
air but fellow inside her inbox who is
full but she felt empty within she was
happy on the outside but struggling with
depression and anxiety
she had an addiction that everyone
called a lifestyle but she was
struggling with mental health the people
were just occupied by her physical
see people think depression is sadness
people think depression is crying
people think depression is being quiet
depression is when we smile or we want
to cry it’s when we talk but we want to
be quiet it’s when we pretend like we’re
happy but when not
depression is not always obvious she
drank to drown her pain but the pain and
how to swim she was sick of crying tired
of trying smiling but inside she was
dying it’s amazing how we can think we
know someone and still know them at all
I don’t think we understand how
stressful it is to explain what’s going
on in your head when you don’t even
understand yourself we use filters to
lighten our photos whilst we carry the
heavy weight of stress remember it’s
okay to have highlight reels but make
sure someone knows how you really feel
it’s okay to use FaceTime but make sure
you spend quality time face-to-face it’s
okay to have followers but make sure you
have true friends
for the approval of others tocuman the
moments you’re most in love with
yourself not just the moments you think
people will love the most when someone
doesn’t pose for a few days we ask if
they’re okay when someone posts every
day we assume they are tell people you
love them be a trustworthy friend tell
them that they matter tell them that
they’ve survived a lot and they’re ready
to thrive now people who care will ask
how you’re doing people who love you
wait till you tell the truth and that’s
why Robin Williams said I used to think
that the worst thing in life was to end
up alone it’s not the worst thing in
life is to end up with people who make
now I’ve got a really special bonus Jay
Shetty clip on how to stop your ego that
I think you’re really gonna enjoy but
before that I want to make sure we’re
moving from not just watch another video
but to actually taking some kind of
action in your life in your business so
it’s time for the three questions answer
these questions by yourself talk about
them with a friend or leave the answers
in the comments below here we go
question number one whose opinion
matters to you that you need to let go
of this week question number two what
will you no longer settle for starting
today and question number three what
three things will you do to grow this
week thank you guys so much for watching
I believe in you I hope we continue to
believe in yourself and whatever your
one word is much love I’ll see you soon
there’s a month we were taught two
things to remember two things to forget
always remember the bad you’ve done to
others and remember the good others have
done for you I always remember the bad
you’ve done to others and the good
others have done to you when you
remember the bad you’ve done to others
you always feel grounded you’ll always
feel humbled you never let your ego get
over you and when you remember the good
others have done for you you feel
grateful two things to forget forget the
good you’ve done for others if you get
fixated and fascinated by that too long
your egos gonna grow and forget the bad
others have done to you that doesn’t
mean you have to be their best friend
lydiana but to forget because otherwise
that’s just gonna drain your energy
forever and those two points have really
stayed with me because they both stopped
you from ego and they increased
gratitude yeah and they keep you humble
and grounded and so I aspire for that
altruistic world domination
honey Empire right I’m grateful I
understand why I’m here I think because
I am so open I wanted to think I’m
saying it’s a bloody brief life all of
you have the potential for enormous
success if you want to know what Gary
Vee DJ Khalid Oprah and others know
about empire building that most people
miss check out the link in the description for a free bonus video
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