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Don’t LISTEN to others – Chris Rock (@chrisrock) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is don’t listen to others over
to you Chris Rock people trying to tell
you not to say things all the time but
you know I practice everything it’s not
like I ever get up there and think of
something on stage I think of something
on TV I’m pretty much you know trying it
out yeah and honestly sometimes if it’s
the right person telling me not to do
hello I got something here yeah you know
I mean like oh you don’t like it it must
be good I think it’s really important
that when you’re listening to other
people that you use their advice their
opinions as a counselor but not a jailer
too many of us make decisions based
solely on what other people think
instead of listening to what’s inside
and trusting your own gut and intuition
and you can’t live your life based only
on other people’s opinions the most
important person’s opinion is your own I
think it’s especially challenging when
you’re studying up a company because you
have a vision for you want to go right
you’ve got this got your why why I’m
doing this you’ve got this big vision of
what you want to do the problem is you
don’t know how you’re gonna do it right
you don’t know the steps it’s fuzzy in
your head and you’re trying to work it
out and you have conversations with
people to try to figure out what those
steps should be what’s the how gonna
look like and a lot of times the people
who you talk to don’t help right because
you’re not being really articulate right
because you don’t know how it’s gonna
work out and maybe even as you’re
talking you know you see them their face
go kind of weird and now you start to
doubt yourself as to whether it’s a good
idea or not you might now backtrack a
little bit and not believe when your
idea as much but that’s expected like
you don’t know that plan yet because
you’re still trying to figure it out you
expect there to be lots of polls because
you don’t have the answer that’s what
you’re doing right now you’re doing the
research you’re trying to talk to me
we’re trying to figure it out and so
when you’re first starting something out
you can expect people to
not be supportive to not have great
ideas one because they might be jealous
and you know they’re not living their
life they’re not living their dreams
they’re not doing the thing that they
really want to do and so because they’re
they’re so upset and afraid of jealous
they need to now bring other people down
to match them right like you can’t go
off have success because I haven’t had
success now you’re not allowed to go up
success either so that’s a big chunk of
the people and two of the people who
just don’t understand what you’re doing
because you haven’t articulated it well
enough yet because it’s still too early
too soon and too new and so their
feedback might not be relevant helpful
practical because until you get a
clearer picture maybe they can’t support
you where there’s a third group of
people who these are your true friends
these are the people who they may not
fully understand what you’re trying to
do yet but they help you figure it out
they point the holes out in your plan
and instead of poking you and saying
here all the reasons why it’s not gonna
work out
they say whom here’s a here’s a Fault in
the plant how can we fix this what’s a
solution for this problem here’s
something that you’re probably gonna
bump up against how can you get over
that and it’s you need to make sure
you’re struggling stuff with those
quality people so that when your balance
and feedback off of them it’s meaningful
it’s helpful and it can help drive you
to where you want to go so the questions
of a today is do you listen to others
and when and why curious to find out
leave in the comments below and I will
join the discussion thank you guys so
much for watching have an amazing day
continue to believe and I’ll see you
again tomorrow morning for another shot
events press
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