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“DON’T LISTEN to ANYONE!” – Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) – Top 10 Rules

and your confidence should come from who

you are and what you do and you need to

do the work to love yourself sometimes

people just like look at me and start

laughing just and I yeah so I embraced

it at five years old everyone just wants

to quit their day job for their dream

but then when you get there you’re like

oh this sucks too like I’m no happier

need motivation watchit Optima believe

me Shane what’s up at 7:00 my one word

is believe and I believe in you I

believe you have Michael Jordan level

talent at something and I want you to

find it embrace it and make a difference

with it so let’s get your motivation to

attend and get you believing in you grab

a snack and chew in today’s lessons from

a woman who went from having a deal with

anti-semitism as a child growing up

having her father being diagnosed with

multiple sclerosis and working as a

bartender and waitress for two years to

becoming a successful and award-winning

comedian and actress she’s Amy Schumer

and here’s my take on her top ten Rose a

alright let’s kick things off with rule

number one be inspired by negativity

we’re afraid of insults so many women

don’t speak up if somebody wrongs them

just for fear of somebody saying

something mean about you absolutely but

you’re different I am different

different I look at that as an

opportunity can you look at the trolls

as a way to inspire you yeah yeah I

haven’t I couldn’t feel a mean internet

comment now if I wanted to I think I’ve

gotten so desensitized to it over the

years and then it just I feel such

sympathy for the people who feel

motivated to go I mean I don’t even know

anyone that would write a mean comment

on a stranger’s Instagram or whatever

right if I found out one of my friends

wrote something mean on a Kardashian’s

social media I’d be like you’re out of

my phone that’s crazy it’s crazy what is

wrong with you but it used to like

trigger you right I I used to it used to

hurt my feelings when I was you know

this is literally 10 years ago I did

that show Last Comic Standing and people

would I’d get compliments and then I

would just get the most hateful by a

while just cruel and I would think oh

you know I

and you almost accepted as fact like oh

I okay I’m ugly wait this is unbeatable

oh I’m you know the most disgusting

woman alive and and then after a while

you I thought they’re both right yeah it

has nothing to do with that rule number

two my personal favorite listen to

yourself more honestly what I’ve learned

is not to listen to anyone for real yeah

the people advising me are great and

other than my publicist like no

she knows what’s up she let me fall in

front of Kanye and Kim like she doesn’t

she’s cool but you know a lot of people

told me to host the daily show a lot of

people have told me to do a lot of

different things I’ve just said no I

don’t want to be the the funny friend

and it like I’m gonna wait and so I

haven’t listened I never listened to my

teachers that I

respect and yeah so it’s really been at

any time I haven’t followed my instincts

I’ve been burned so I’ve really learned

to listen to myself more rule number

three learn to love yourself that is the

new movie I feel pretty which you came

here in debuted and it looked funny just

from the trailer I saw it the other

night it is hilarious thank and has a

great message so I’m gonna explain the

concept to you guys it’s about a girl

who is really low self-esteem which none

of us can relate to no she’s really low

self-esteem and she she feels invisible

and then she falls off her bike in

SoulCycle and all of a sudden sees

herself just as a gorgeous supermodel

and everything changes for her and it’s

you know it’s really about learning to

love yourself which is what makes

somebody the most attractive and it’s

true it’s like everybody has some like

there are people that have all kinds of

just Morpheus like the you know body

dysmorphia and they think that they’re

too fat when they’re too skinny and

there’s all kinds of so if you just

actually believe that you’re beautiful

why not what’s wrong with just believing

and knowing that because it’s the

confidence like you said yeah just it’s

all men saw yes and your confidence

should come from who you are and what

you do and you need to do the work to

love yourself yeah and then you feel

great and then you wind up getting a

chef husband

yes rule number four embrace your gift

I was playing um Gretel in the sound of

music and I love a good Nazi musical and

and every time I would come out on I was

five and every time I would come out on

stage everybody would laugh and I felt

really stupid and humiliated and I I and

the director could see that like I would

get angry and frustrated every time I

spoke or they would laugh cuz it was a

little girl like and and she was like

she explained to me no Amy it’s it’s

good when you make people laugh you make

them feel better they’re happy and it’s

a it’s a great thing so it was really

explained to me that it was good and

then I had this just kind of ability

like sometimes people just like look at

me and start laughing just

and I yeah so I embraced it at five

years old rule number five live in the

moment did you have a back-up plan

no I never had any plan yeah I didn’t

even have a plan for performing no I

like would just go job to job working at

forever 21 than being a petty cab driver

shampoo girl shampoo girl really yeah I

was the worst I lied and said I had a

lot of experience and that’s something

you really need to be good at like yeah

cuz I was too gentle and there was a guy

that had like you know male pattern

baldness or it’s like just hair around

the back and then what little thing here

so I was just washing his hair and he’s

like wash my whole head I’m like no it’s

spraying off your head at me so yeah I

got five I got fired from all my jobs

pretty quick yeah I had no backup plan

yeah but I mean now even now it’s like I

don’t know what’s gonna happen I’m I

really take good care of both my

siblings so that one day I’ll be able to

kind of Blanche DuBois my way over there

and they’ll have to just like yeah just

like blue jazz and take care of me

rule number six find mentors guys how

many mentors kind of showing the way in

this regard like when you were coming up

or like did that not really exist

sure yes a lot of people like jessa

Karason as a comedian in new york who

just took me on the road with her she’d

and but then also make me pay for gas I

don’t know who cares but I think that

you’ve experienced this too it’s like

you know people like Ellen or Letterman

or Conan like when you you what you like

other funny people you so these people

would really encourage us and reach out

and be like you know Steve Carell I did

this movie had one scene and he was like

I want to encourage you to keep going

like you can you know you probably

thought you’re not funny yet but you

could probably get there and yeah and I

feel really grateful to people like

Ellen or Gloria Steinem like people who

take the time and it makes you like well

I have I have a complete obligation to

do the same rule number seven find your

creative environment I write on stage

alaih I do stand-up so much like I’m not

gonna see my apartment til like

mid-april because I’m on the road doing

stand-up so I write a lot on stage and

then just hang out other comics I just

feel like creative and like those juices

have been flowing so I haven’t had like

a major block for a while you just riff

with other coming yeah we just I mean

just we just trash each other like it’s

just the meanest my friends are like the

meanest group of people and we just you

know someone walks in like if I walked

in wearing like they were just trash me

they were just even just hearing me talk

about like how I’m doing what I’m doing

they would just rip me apart and so I

think that keeping each other humble but

also on your toes ready to fire back

keeps keeps me pretty sharp rule number

eight be resilient you remember what

your first material like what you’re

when you first went up on stage what was

it like why are you doing this to me it

was terrible I was 23 I know what you’re

saying like you should have already

known but I didn’t and I went up and I

was like skywriting that’s stupid right

it’s always fading if a guy proposed to

me that way I would be lying net like

there’s no way there’s no end to this or

you’re gonna laugh like this is

eleven years ago and and then about the

the New York City crosstown bus I wrote

a joker it was like just the theis

anytime you feel it like kind of go down

when they like to let the air out of

that front tire you know somebody

atrocious is about to get on like just

like some leg that they have to carry

look it was eleven years ago but that

moment when you’re being onstage and

maybe didn’t go so well it’s still

somehow it made you want to do it again

and again

why masochism I seriously any any person

is a comedian is a masochist and

delusional and yeah and I was definitely

knows that you really think that’s true

a hundred percent someone’s like okay so

you’re gonna do this thing for the next

eight years and no one’s gonna tell you

you’re good and you’re not gonna be good

and you’re gonna have to live on the

road in hotel rooms making very little

money yeah and like it’ll just be it’s

constant rejection it’s not like an

audition it’s like every sentence out of

your mouth people are like no and you’re

like okay what about this sentence it’s

I’m in a great place right now but being

a stand-up is a hard-ass life and it’s

you think it’s gonna be fun you’re like

oh my god if I can just quit my my

bartending job like everyone just wants

to quit their day job for their dream

but then when you get there you’re like

oh this sucks too like I’m no happier

now than I was when I was waiting tables

I’m always pretty happy but it’s there’s

no I think we’re all just always the

same amount happy rule number nine be a

voice of change you have actually

changed the way so many women perceived

themselves in their lives you have done

that through your work through your art

through yourself I will cry 90 seconds

don’t worry it is true it is true and I

know you didn’t set out to do that

because I know how it works

I know that just being yourself was

enough to bring the warrior to the world

damnit Oprah yeah well right back at you

okay yeah I I didn’t set out to do that

at first I just wanted to perform and

make people laugh and then I I realized

people are paying attention you and you

have this not responsibility but this

opportunity to be a voice for women yeah

and I have done my best to rise to that

and I’m trying to catch up and learn in

real time so that I can what the

responsibilities yeah right Yeah right

people always talk about the

responsibility ask me to you know I’ve

often been asked about does it feel

weighted is it heavy no cuz when you’re

just being yourself it just is right

yeah there’s no fear right because you

really really trust your intentions and

and your potential which is sort of with

this movie that’s what I that’s what I

want and I think that’s what all we both

want for women is for them to get out of

their own way and and have the tools to

live up to their full potential not let

anything hold them back like how they

feel they look or some flaw and rule

number 10 the last one before some bonus

clips have fun last time I was here

right from the show I got courtside

tickets to a Laker game that’s fun yeah

cuz my business agent thought it was a

mad at him for sexually harassing me

well but no I’m like 33 so I’m just

starting to really appreciate that you

know they may and I well it’s true I

can’t speak for everyone I’m not like

sexually her up but in your 20s I feel

like you walk around like it walked past

a construction site and be kind of like

oh like don’t look but then in your 30s

you know you I’m just like what about


it’s like my skirts over my head on

there like we’re eating but

it changes it really does it change so I

got courtside seats which you’ve sat

court sided yeah right I thought I went

I thought would be free booze it’s not

it’s not I guess we’d like be on the

team to get free booze so I go I get

randomly seated next to Dianna Agron

you know the actress she’s on Glee she

played the cheerleader Quinn I mean that

lets you know how hot she is

yes yeah oh there we go there’s the

picture thanks for yes isn’t that great

she’s like the most gorgeous girl ever

heard he was Quinn on that show to pull

off that name yeah like if my name were

Quinn on a show they’d be like oh the

Jolly Irish groundskeeper that does a

jig time and again you know but so she’s

there is she not like an angel so and

she’s the whole night she’s like she’s

like Beth because she knows people are

taking pictures of her I obviously don’t

I learned a lot I learned that my

resting face is just a scowl it’s just

and I learned you can see that I have

isn’t it not a good section like sea

level it just doubles it’s all just I

become the dinosaur in the Jeep in

Jurassic Park just so I’m like no idea

if he was seeing pictures I’m pounding

red wine and I I thought was free and I

I well I get red wine teeth right out

the gate and you know yeah like just

first like sniff of Merlot just True

Blood Mouse I look like I’ve been

feeding and I’m eating popcorn the way I

think we all ate popcorn which is you

know at first I always kind of start out

like one piece at a time you know and

then and then like you get a little more

real right and then eventually you just

like you get real real and it’s just

good like I’ve split my lip trying to

get one more kernel

it’s true my dumb mouth is true a bit of

you google me it’s me I look like her

actually I look like her if she were

stung by a million bees it’s true though

I look like her if you’re like becoming

the whole you know she wanted to be

friends and I’m like I can’t I can’t she

we don’t have we’re not the same thing

like she was telling me hot people

problems you know she’s like he won’t

stop calling and I’m like I hate that


now I’ve got three really special Amy

Schumer bonus clips on how to experiment

have confidence and understand that

there’s no overnight success but before

that I want to know which rule resonated

the most with you what did you learn

from this that you’re going to apply

somehow to your life for your business

leave it down the comments below

I want to hear from you thank you guys

so much for watching I believe in you I

hope we continue to believe in yourself

and whatever your one word is much loved

I’ll see you soon and enjoy the bonus

you doubt what you do I think when I

when any comedian who starts out is just

delusional like the thought that you

warrant people’s attention on stage is

very stupid it’s it’s less self-doubt

and more experimentation and it’s it’s

like a science experiment by the time I

film a special or do something on TV

I’ve tested these jokes to the point of

it feels like science like this is where

people laugh and so I’ll try it and if

it doesn’t work then I I stop doing it

except for a couple times or I’ll get

really indulgent and it just makes me

laugh I think having confidence is sort

of a lifelong battle and you’ll feel

like you’re in a good place and then

maybe somebody makes a comment and you

got to pick yourself back up and I feel

like I’m in a really good place with

confidence but I still have days where I

feel you know I’m in my period or

something though I’m just like I feel

like hot garbage

yeah was it a real confidence boost to

you yourself doing that movie yeah


playing playing her as super overly

confident and living that out I took

that with me and I it left me in a

really good place I have moments where

my confidence has definitely been like

too inflated and then also moments where

I feel really invisible and and bad

about myself too what do you do when you

get enough space I I don’t try to rush

out of there you know I let myself be

there for a minute and I think this is

just a feeling it’ll be replaced by

another feeling and this is not my new

reality this is just a moment in time

and I have a pretty good baseline it’s

kind of hard to think with it at this

point I don’t know if you have this

experience of where people like referred

to you as an overnight success and

you’re like are you out of your mind

I’ve been on the road just like getting

eaten alive by bedbugs for for almost 15

years you know it wasn’t an overnight

thing but there were so many times where

I thought like this is it you know yeah

I’ve been meeting with an agent I’m like

telling my friends like take me out of

your phone cuz I’m going to a new level

raise your standard Apple at the pool

core value is that we believe that

people have passion can change the way

people not one drop of myself work

depends on Europe it’s something to me I

don’t ever give up I’d have to be dead

or completely incapacitated hey believe

nation if you want to see my all-time

favorite top ten roses success I have a

very special secret video for you these

are the individual clips that I have

personally learned the most from and

applied to my life and my business check the link in description for details

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