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DON’T GIVE UP on Your DREAMS! – #OneRule

never ever ever give up never give up
never give up
what’s up believe nation it’s I’ve been
my one word is believe and I believe in
you I believe you have an amazing gift
inside you that I want to see exploded
onto the world now I started the one
rule series because I consumed tons of
content we make top 10 videos all the
time and some of the rules that we show
I repeat it over and over and over again
and so that’s the point of this series
to smush together those most common
rules and deliver it in a package for
you so today we’re gonna learn how you
cannot give up on your dreams when you
young and your kid you have so many I
grew up in the hood man I’m Flint
Michigan where I’m from and they save
you Tara Cruise you can do anything you
want to do you can do anything you want
to do and then as soon as you go to
class you tell them what you want to do
and then I met what makes you think
you’re gonna do something like that man
crazy yeah and I say okay wait which one
is it now can I do in a kid I do it
right so I started to call people on
that I started to call people and I said
you know what I’m gonna go for it I’m
gonna just try something that I’ve never
done before I want to design furniture I
want to be a part of this thing and so
I’m going and you know what happened
it’s not work people started doing it
started happening
we took the furniture from my line which
we went in front of all the best people
in the whole world and it got accepted
and people were saying how great it was
and how beautiful it was and I said man
don’t never let anybody talk you out of
something like that it never man
I’m a dreamer I would like to know when
you’re in that moment failing hmm and
you have to keep going what do you say
to yourself what if a lot of times I’ll
be in a tours at Mile Run or something
like that and I’m all jacked up body’s
broken mines broken spirits broken I
started to say what if I can pull this
off when I first walked into the Navy
SEAL recruiters office he looked at me
and said only been 35 african-americans
and 70 years make it through you know I
said to myself what if I can be the 36th
it’s the what if I can pull off a
miracle what if I can become someone
that no one thinks I can be and just
that just me talking about that
I haven’t hair going up on my arms
because it makes me just like what if I
can be that guy that people who called
nigger and this and that and now I’m
speaking that Tom fairy event what is
that’s it every single morning Monday
through Fridays at 9:00 a.m. I host a
live call-in radio show on Sirius
satellite radio it’s called make it
happen with Mel Robbins and the thing
that’s been so crazy about that show is
every single person that calls me on
that show they call in because they’re
feeling stuck in their lives and they’re
resigned about their ability to change
their lives and I’m not talking about
people that are nuts I’m talking about
successful people like you and me that
just somehow got stuck in their lives
and I’m not talking about people that
are looking for cheesy self-help I’m
talking about people that really want to
figure out how to move themselves
forward and you know I find that so many
of us think that our dreams are
unreachable or unrealistic and it’s just
so sad I mean people think that their
dreams disappear and if that’s what you
think congratulations you’re officially
stuck and the truth is that our dreams
are always there and they don’t ever
give up on us we give up on them but
here’s the secret if you just force
yourself and I mean forced because I
know damn well none of you want to do
anything about this and I also know
you’re sitting there like yeah the
self-help crap this isn’t for me
but if you just force yourself to take a
couple small steps there’s always a
surprise there’s always a surprise
waiting so I love the storm Colonel
Sanders is one of my favorite stories
and examples to give up an older
entrepreneur this guy didn’t really
start franchising his business KFC until
he was in his 60s and didn’t really
become an icon or someone super
well-known until he was in his 70s how
many people quit too soon on their
business I can’t tell you how many
people come up to me and say Evan I’m 25
years old is it too late to get started
like what are you talking about and
really just comes down to just your
belief system here was a guy who was 62
years old when he was franchising KFC
where a lot of people would be saying
I’m getting ready to retire
ready to slow down I’m getting ready to
wind things up you know just ease into
the rest of my life and use a guy who
said no I’m gonna I’m gonna crush it I’m
just getting started I want to build an
empire right and this really comes down
to whether you believe it can happen or
it can happen you’re right if you
believe at 62 years old that you’re too
old to get started on something new then
you’re right and you won’t take action
but if you believe that age is just a
number and 62 means you’ve got lots of
experience and you’re ready to go crush
some new project then you’re right as
well and so you have to be really
careful to pay attention to the story
that you’re telling yourself because a
lot of times we’re holding ourselves
back with these excuses of we’re too old
we’re too young we’ve come from the
wrong country we don’t have the right
education you know the right parents on
and on and on and as long as you believe
that reinforcing story then it’s going
to continue to perpetuate now in terms
of don’t quitting this is a lot of
advising don’t quit don’t quit don’t
quit don’t quit you should not quit when
it’s your dream when this is something
that you really really really really
want to do then you can’t quit on it but
if it’s something that you’ve lost the
passion or you don’t feel energized by
it anymore
it feels like work to show up then
that’s when you quit and some people ask
me should I quit this thing or not well
is it still your dream are you still
passionate about are you still excited
about it because if you are then you
enjoy the process and yes you want to
get the results and yes you want to win
and yes you want to make the money yes
what I have that impact but you still
enjoy the process
I’d like making YouTube videos this is
fun for me it’s enjoyable for me I’m
growing through it and even if I wasn’t
on the path to hitting a million
subscribers I would still be doing it
because I love doing it and if I was on
the path that hit a million subscribers
and I stopped liking it then I would
leave I would sell it I would go do
something else because you cannot do
great things when you don’t love what
you do and so as long as it’s still your
passion as long as it’s still your dream
you have to keep going or you’re gonna
live the rest of your life from your
graph but you’ve lost that passion then
get out immediately and go do something
else that does bring you excitement joy
energy fulfilment studies of directing
Howard so even though I was
you know thinking of theater and
thinking of a film I was thinking about
you know being behind the camera being
you know in the in the audience
blocking scenes as opposed to being on
stage and a zero point work got more
serious as an actor and kind of give up
the direction your day job I have it I
have it I haven’t given it up I still
haven’t given it up no I think I think
directing isn’t my future you know I’ve
recently sold a pitch to Universal so
I’m writing something you know so it’s
not it’s not like I’ve given that up
it’s just that you know kind of want to
write right now and I ask sitting get
off of it stay in front of a competition
because there’s two ways in this
industry you you move with it or it
moves you and I’ve seen so many sad
stories across the decade where chefs
have just got lazy got lazy given up and
lost that hunger to be competitive
because it’s the best job in the world
that’s not really a job it’s a passion
because when you’re rubbing shoulders
and here we are now 10 years later and
I’ve got a restaurant next door to Jamie
Oliver’s and we’re both literally 2
meters apart phenomenal chef and we keep
each other on our toes so that’s
exciting for me and that’s been the one
key issue across the 10 years of filming
Kitchen Nightmares never ever ever give
up never give up work hard and continue
to learn not only do I talk to talk I
try and walk the walk I left LSU in 1992
2000 I received my bachelor’s so my mom
says she’s going with me
mama had an alter ego to it and the name
was bigger bill
2004 I received my MBA a 2012 I received
my doctorate in education
he’s Tyler of the jet ski and uh that
was a carnival mm your carnival was
how do you feel this fourth one mm-hmm
do you think that it would grow to be
something no he was gonna cancel it this
year though we didn’t we just literally
like came in we did it and then a lot of
people came
why were you gonna cancel it I don’t
know we couldn’t find anyone that
performed it was just such like cuz
we’re like specific on how we like
wanted who we want it they’re like
things like that and we didn’t come up
with the perfect thing and it was just a
depressing time and we was about to say
kid until he was like what do we do it
like where’s our spirit and we just we
ran it back in
there’s our biggest we dummy doubled up
since last year it’s crazy
growing up you know I grew up I wasn’t
the richest but I had a rich family and
in spirit and in support and you know
standing here with 19 championships is
something I never thought would happen
you know just I went on the courts with
just a ball and a racket and a hope and
and that’s all I had and I it’s
inspiring for all you guys out there
that want to do something and want to be
the best that you can be and want to do
the best that you can do you just never
give up because you never know what can
happen you never know who you can
inspire and who you can influence you
don’t give up because we never know once
recesses around the core
that’s exactly what happened to me I
just kept on uploading songs and songs
and songs we use your channel onto my
soundcloud page and I got picked up an
aquifer Suns and that’s where it all
started and I was the Prima c major key
for my success now I’ve got a very
special bonus rule from inky johnson
that you’re gonna love but before that
the commitment of the day I want to know
what are you committing to do after
watching this video
don’t just watch another video and don’t
take any kind of action you watched it
you spent the time what is your
commitment of the day going to be
because you watch this video leave it
down in the comments below I’m really
curious to find out thank you guys so
much for watching I believe in you
I hope continue to believe in yourself
and whatever you’re one where it is much
love I’ll see you soon and enjoy the
bonus clip no situation no mercy
can you see about I can speak for
certain please I know
because we are construction with plenty
powers of previous people’s on 20 of
detours with really important spots to
give up but just as if you were
I’m going to get to that the only thing
about life and destination maybe that
goal or a dream or whatever it is that
you’re aspire to do with your life the
one thing that I can tell you right now
ahead I’m glad anything special but the
one thing I can guarantee you people
will believe you with this if you don’t
give up if you don’t stop
if you don’t dip it nothing will defeat
nothing will conquer you nothing will
stop never give up never stop never
doubt yourself there’s always there’s
always somebody the most important work
ever if you had to think of one word
that’s most important to you that sums
you Apple so it would be like a little
beacon they believe nation if you want
to know what the most important one word
is for Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk
Oprah Winfrey and Howard
Schultz I have a very special secret
video for you check the description for
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