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DOMINATE THE GRIND – Motivational Speech on Success – Motivation Video

dominate dominate whatever you want you
got to commit all the way in and think
in terms of domination not a spectator
you don’t want to be a spectator folks
spectators pay players get paid what I
want to talk to you today about is like
how do you get to that next level not my
whole life whether I was doing well or
doing very poorly which I have I’ve
always wanted to know how do I get to
that next place okay how do I get myself
individually is an individual to that
next place how do I get my business to
the next place how do I get other people
to the next place so when Alex says that
he stole my god it’s true he did and I
admire him for being a predator today
what I want to talk to you about is how
to dominate not compete the truth is the
fact that Alex could take one of my guys
doesn’t make him a bad guy
it makes my system weak I shouldn’t
resent him because he grabs somebody out
of my organization hoorah for him is
your great shame on me for having not
having the holes of the Lynx tight
enough of my organization that this guy
wouldn’t leave me it’s not his fault
it’s not alex fault it’s my fault
so look in my life I mean what I’m going
to give you for the next 50 or 60
minutes look if you want to get rich you
want to be really successful when I say
rich I’m not talking about money I’m
talking about a rich life freedom time
with family choices get to do what you
want you get to move where you want go
where you want to do what you want I’ve
lived in Los Angeles California for ten
years I was in La Jolla California for
twelve years before that I left Texas
zero percent state income tax to move to
California was willing to pay the 10.3 I
was fine with the 10.3 now they want to
take it to 13
and I told Jerry Brown if you raise it
to 13 I’m leaving I’m gonna pick up my
family i’ma pick up my business why
because I’m free I’m free I get to roll
baby I get to do what I want go where I
want that’s why I’m in business for
myself I’m not trapped I’m not a slave
you’re not going to handcuff me so I’m
going to go where it’s friendly where
people are supportive where it’s good
for me and my business in my family and
the people that work with me and where
it’s good for me and I would expect it
that’s why you got in business for
yourself right look if you want to be in
business for yourself and free you must
learn to dominate you cannot compete
okay how many were trained this
competition is the healthy thing that
message was not being delivered to
entrepreneurs that message was being
delivered to consumers
there was somebody saying look the more
more oil companies we have to better
because it’s good for the customer right
the more technology companies we have is
not just Microsoft the better for the
customer and intermittent inventions and
you know improvements and products comes
from competition but if you’re the one
playing the game you want to dominate
the field
would you agree let’s say I’m playing a
football game or a basketball game or
baseball game I want to be on offense
the whole time
right if I owned banks I’d want to own
every bank I’d want the New World Order
I’d want to dominate planet earth okay
how many of your room have an iPhone how
many in the room have a phone that looks
like me see where’s none at I never let
go of my phone ever you know why because
this phone is a prospecting tool this
prompt phone is a way for me to stay in
communication with millions of people
this is kind of fun anymore right when
Steve Jobs got into the business of
printing phones you know what his
company told Stevie don’t do it do not
do it stay with your iPods broke leave
the phone alone
okay he’s like I’m gonna make a phone so
sexy you’ll know this story I’m gonna
make a phone so sexy though people will
want to lick the buttons off the phone
how many of you have an Apple product an
iPhone how many of you blick your phone
again most of you in a room bought that
phone in the last five years
you bought it through the single worst
contraction in the history of the United
States and you spent five hundred bucks
on it plus one hundred and a quarter you
spend every month right you got about
two thousand dollars wrapped up in a
phone and you haven’t even considered
what you paid for that phone and you
don’t use it you don’t use it properly
and I’m telling you if you don’t have a
piece of technology like this it’s
impossible for you to dominate
impossible if you this is called a smart
phone if you don’t have a smart phone
what kind of phone do you have that
would be a dumb phone right Debbie I got
a dumb phone I got one of the old
blackberries all I can do is email with
it did you want it you want this thing
to do everything you want this thing I
want to be everywhere all at the same
time that’s freedom okay so look I want
to talk to you about domination not
competition and I don’t want to talk
about you dominating other people
physically I want to talk about
dominating space by using things like
Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn and
Google+ and blogging and becoming an
expert in your field to where when
somebody thinks about your business
your picture comes up if that’s not
happening you are going to blame the
marketplace the marketplace will will
deliver pain to the people that compete
why because they’re all competing and
then there’s this one guy way out in the
he doesn’t defeat right that’s where you
want to be that’s how you have to think
now okay you’re in a new economy how
many believe just this economy the one
you’re in right now is extremely fragile
filled with tremendous amounts of
uncertainty how many agree with that
how many agree also come 2013 when this
election gets handled whether it’s mitt
but whether it’s mr. Barack Obama
whoever it is how many believe they got
their hands full we haven’t even solved
the debt problem yet okay you think this
thing couldn’t roll over again I’m here
to tell you it can and you know who’s
going to who’s going to feel the pain
the people that compete who will cherish
that moment other people that dominate
space why because people that dominate
like contractions people that are
extremely well versed well trained you
know if I’m training for a ball game
right I’m the best trained team I like a
muddy field I like it wet I like there I
like to ice on the field
would you agree because mother my
competition is not as well-trained I
want to dominate space I actually look
for opportunities of contraction trust
me folks in your lifetime you’re going
to see another contraction more severe
severe than the one you saw in 2007 more
severe does that scare you
scares me it scares me enough to say hey
buddy you got to better get busy
I was 51 years old when Lehman’s
collapse okay misses that right knows 49
years old when Leamas collapse I had
never written a book in my life it was
on Thursday afternoon Lehman’s it had
been made clear that Bear Stearns and
Lehman s’ were done
okay on that day I’m sorry I started
writing a book by Sunday I was finished
with this book I wrote the chapters
between Thursday and Saturday okay on
Sunday I started writing the book in
three hours that was finished this book
is about on that day I wrote all people
on planet Earth became sales people when
Lehman’s collapsed because money wasn’t
available in you want who did well how
many people just got wiped out of real
estate the pretenders did right if the
guy that was abusive huh now I got in
the markets business he came make seven
hundred grand any more Kenny churches he
never deserved a seven hundred see the
marketplace will always discipline
people that aren’t prepared success
loves preparation it loves it it admires
it it just flows money back to it
success loves preparation and the
marketplace will discipline those that
are just stuck in the pack so today I’m
not going to talk to you about
dominating your market or even
dominating your competition but I want
to start thinking about how are you
dominating yourself like what do you
think the number one thing that most of
us have our attention on every day and
one of the things one of the things that
makes these conferences so beautiful is
you get pulled out of some of that noise
out here would you agree who do you
think your number one competition number
one problem in real estate today is
yourself okay who else who else could it
say again absolutely the people around
you anytime I have production stall in
any of my companies the first thing I
look at I don’t look for talent I look
to get rid of people
first thing I do every time who can I
get rid of I’m looking for somebody to
freaking kill I need to get rid of
somebody you know why because I push
with so much force into my universe into
my businesses whether it’s buying real
estate apartments whether it’s it’s
pushing rents up whether it’s doing my
seminar business my book business I push
so hard that if I’m not getting results
all the time somebody has to be pushing
back somebody in my organization
actually has to have the intention
conscious or unconscious to hold me up
the first thing I’m gonna do is start
get rid of people okay who is it who is
it I’m looking for the I’m looking for
the cancer in my organization you know
you talk about people dying from disease
when people die from negativity every
day they just gotta wait 80 years to
make it official how many of you know
negative people how many the room have
been negative before you have been
negative you know why because the number
one dominating force on planet Earth is
the media
it’s the media the media 800 TV channel
spew negativity onto the American public
in every other country on planet Earth
they they just puke it on you oh but I
watched Fox good they puke it Fox and
they do it MSNBC it’s just you’re in
agreement with the puke I got some
conservative puke I got some liberal
puke right and you got stops all in the
middle he’s like okay I’m I’m just a
independent puker the puke is puke
would you agree just because you’ve got
used to it all
I like a rallys puke I like an ADIZ puke
I use every one of the news channels if
you’ll see me on TV doing this one day
okay I don’t I don’t watch this I make
news see the shift you see the slight
shift don’t watch the news decide when
you leave here today to make the news
right you don’t read the newspaper you
write newspaper articles
you don’t read books ya read them but
learn to write up and you know you don’t
need to take the Brit you don’t need to
spend a lifetime right in the book this
was three hours okay we still 40,000
copies that is one book and it was
self-published it’s never ever ever been
in a bookstore a guy writes pieces then
you got misspelled words all in that
book I’m like yeah get what so what
where are they
123 128 134 165 120 I’m like yeah yeah
and bad grammar too I’m like yeah what’s
your point
cuz man you got misspelled working a
book it’s a best-seller bitch okay so it
it ain’t best written okay you know what
I’m not this warped bitch just so any
nobody under think that that’s a cuss
word the word bitch look it up in the
dictionary means a complain or a wine or
excuse maker I wear a little ban on my
pen here on my wrist here it’s a little
black band and it says champions
dominate and on the other side don’t be
a little bitch yeah that’s right
because I don’t need it I need to get
rid of the whiners the excuse makers oh
my god is to market it’s the market oh
my god surprises holy inventory okay now
I’m much good there’s too much inventory
now – a little inventory you human
beings have so many excuses that is
unbelievable you know why because you
watch the news too much because you’ve
agreed to receive news not make news so
when Lehman’s collapsed I watched 25
years of hard work
either either dissipate and I’ve done
everything right everything okay
conservative never use high leverage I
put sometimes I’ll put 40 percent or 50
percent down on the deal
everything cash flows from day one I
didn’t do any of the stuff all the
problem it did all the over leverage the
getting all the builders that have never
been disclosed it really created this
problem it wasn’t the banks it was the
builders bring in product to the banks
born 115 percent building product that
couldn’t be sold yet making up actual
buyers for the product okay I didn’t do
anything wrong yet was that caught up in
it all my assets gets frozen I got a
bank that I owe 42 million dollars to
the bank goes under new bank comes in
they don’t know me they’re like hey
let’s go right because my loans maturing
values had gone down and I’m sitting
with my wife’s and tell my god I got
four businesses and they’re all on
stalled ins ins died what does this mean
grant my wife’s an actress okay what
does this mean I said buddy this is the
biggest opportunity of our lifetime
it’s the biggest it’s the monster okay
now here’s the problem with it you’re
going to 40% let then you’ve seen me
before okay you’re not going to see me
much because I’m going to go out into
the marketplace right now and I am going
to literally cover up this is my moment
to expand into the marketplace while
everybody was doing what
whatever was everybody doing for three
years I’ll love them retract it okay
this is my moment to dominate not
compete so that’s really what I want to
tell you about today I want you to walk
out thinking man how do i dominate not
other people how do I start dominating
my own self my own time if you know what
day it is you’re not busy enough okay
homie and I can’t wait to Friday do that
only what what day is it right now you
should know it’s Monday you should be
busy you should be but grant Sunday it’s
the Lord’s Day it’s the day we take off
you need to reread that whole deal God
created the universes in six days and
took a break okay everybody’s stuck on
the Sunday okay you forgot about the
party did before that I know people
taking Saturdays and Sundays up and they
didn’t create anything all week true or
not true look I hear about the
unemployment numbers every day I said I
sure wish they talked about all the
people that are employed that don’t
deserve a job because there’s millions
of those still in the marketplace and
the next time we get another contraction
those people are going to get fit
delivered pain
that’s what the marketplace does man it
basically gets the twins anybody that
refuses to discipline yourself
it’s the correction so look here’s the
deal I might be wrong and what I say
okay I might be wrong and the things I
do in my life and the business that I
started my family’s told me not to start
every business that I’ve been involved
in every one of them every one of them
was a risk every one of my handed shake
take a chance I remember my mom used to
tell me I wouldn’t do that if I were you
I wouldn’t do that if I were you I
wouldn’t do that if I were you I’m like
mommy you wouldn’t do anything you
wouldn’t do anything except be the
mother a great mother to five children
my mother was an entrepreneur she didn’t
have my dreams just because she’s my mom
doesn’t mean she dreams like me would
you agree okay
my mom was wrong about everything she
told me not to do love my mom today okay
unbelievable friend of mine she was
wrong I needed to do those things okay
Steve Jobs needed to build this phone
would you agree did he help a lot of
people did he make some money while he
was good 119 billion dollars in five
years in the bank cash I’m not going out
probably I’m talking about in the in
done in the bank sitting there okay
brings a great product to the
marketplace domination or competition
total domination coca-cola competition
or domination total domination okay
Exxon total domination you see what I’m
you want to be in a dominating point
okay so what we got to do is we got to
get you thinking we got to get you
thinking like the dominators think how
do they act how does Warren Buffett act
what is more an buff to do with azama
without those are the people I study
today I don’t study the people that I
went to school with the teachers I went
to school with
I don’t even study my own family members
okay I’m looking for people that are way
up here that I could say what are they
doing because they’re doing it right
my dad dad Lee was 52 years old my dad
worked his whole life to provide for
five kids and his wife and he did his
job and then he died
I thought the program I want to get on
that the program you want to be on my
dad dad his Rick he bought his dream
house nine months before he died he
leads to ten-year-old boys one of many
on the twins two ten-year-old boys never
got to enjoy I never got to enjoy him
why because he works so hard with no
concept of freedom he was he had a good
job he made some money but he is
basically imprisoned in his thinking
that work is hard
it is difficult to compete would you
agree Real Estate’s difficult how many
agree it’s difficult and when it gets
good what happens everybody comes into
it right and then you’re like what’s
this guy doing it okay but this guy
doing right now so I look to surround
myself with people that can dominate
people that are certain okay people that
know what they’re doing people that are
in control so when I say I’ll be
uncertain I might be wrong I might be
wrong about it would you’re great like
I’m leaving California I might wrong but
I’m certain in my wrongness somebody
said how do you even know how you know
you’re going to like Miami look I’m
going after I made a decision I’m going
to Miami I move into my a man will like
Miami once you go try it out don’t need
to try it out I’m committed of course I
need a realtor okay no offense but it’s
a dumb question why would you ask me do
I need a realtor do you think I don’t
need a realtor no I got the Internet I
mean really really those are those
things you’re asking out of an old
economy you got to change some of your
kids you got to think different Austin
Texas I don’t own anything in Austin one
year ago last October I’m in in exchange
out of California I find a piece of
property on the internet it’s called
nominally no apartments in Round Rock
Texas anybody know that property
property has been on the market for ten
months is two hundred and forty two
units it cash flows right now it’s great
property ten years old I call this guy
the king of Austin commercial real
estate Charles Grant Cardone from Los
Angeles California I want to buy Round
Rock yeah sure
this guides Hakeem he’s a legend okay we
see all legends have this cycle where
they legend and then they lose interest
and they keep coasting as legends and
then what happens they’re not running
the game anymore they’re not they don’t
want to dominate they’re arresting on
yesterday’s laurels they’re not reading
anymore they’re not studying anymore
they’re not coming to conferences
anymore right they’re not in the game
anymore they’re not preparing anything
I’m listening to the phone call okay
because I think everything I think is in
terms of Domonic everything every phone
column on every email on this and all
the time for that moment where I can
seize an opportunity like like like Alex
did with stealing some of my people okay
okay a true American he is I like that
about you day again see that the guy I
could trust that’s the kind of guy I
want to be important partnership with
not somebody I wouldn’t trust why cuz
he’s aggressive duty the winner that’s
why you came I know I don’t want to be
around people and you rest
you’ve been working soul
a god now when you’re going to take a
vacation I mean get a little break you
know my assistant said you need to get
some rest I’m gonna get the hotel when
you read out into Orlando tonight I’m
gonna get just out on my pain man I
don’t need no tip I asked you for a
hotel don’t these took eight you don’t
know if I’m tired or not you’re tired
you go get some rest
I’m fine how many of you not yet you
never if you ever seen anybody die from
work I want to see your hands you ever
seen that happen I’m gonna happen to you
people are dying every day they don’t
get burnout you don’t get burnout you
lose your purpose you lose your purpose
use your meaning when I’m tired I look
at my purpose what’s my purpose okay
what’s my purpose
oh my games not big enough a games not
big enough my babies are big enough I’m
not interested anymore right so here I
am limits collapse it falls up I got
real escape tied up okay I start blowing
these books out every six months I’m
right in the book and then I start
standing back in the marketplace with
real estate I started looking for
opportunities real estate I call this
Charles a car got up I’m like hey that
242 units in Round Rock I want to buy it
this is what he tells me I’ve never sold
anything to anybody in California I said
we’ll do we’re going to go in we’re
going to go ahead and break that up for
you okay you’re not going to be able to
say that you guys are too difficult to
work with I’m like dude I’m the easiest
clothes you will ever get in your life
what am i doing right now he’s like look
the seller wants full price product
products been on the marketplace for ten
months I don’t tell Charles it’s been on
the market until Charles its overpriced
this is what I tell Charles I’m going to
buy under clothes in 30 days I’m going
there tomorrow I’ll be there tomorrow
I’m going to plane tomorrow would you at
least drive over there and meet me okay
2,000 miles for me and it’s probably 18
miles for you I’m going to pay full
price for our Charlie okay it’s going to
be the easiest deal you ever did in your
whole freakin life okay
I guarantee I’ll get a loan or I’ll take
a sport which you would you meet me
tomorrow what am i doing right now
huh I’m selling him I’m not dissing
begging shit this is beggin so please
leave a Johnny Charlie try to breathe
please Joe I’m selling charlie right now
what a buyer has to sell to get a loan I
gotta sell the bank
you guys don’t in real estate you’re
business people and every business
person has to sell you show me one
business doesn’t have to sell the day
Steve Jobs died they called him
everything inventor genius world
changers being the universe they called
him all these things not one tweet and
there was hundreds of thousands of
tweets not one tweet said Steve Jobs
master but that’s what he was why cuz in
America we have this disdain for self we
have a hate a dislike you don’t even put
it on your business card do you oh
should I keep
I’ll call myself anything
right you tell me somebody that’s not a
salesperson what do you think what
happened if you go to India you go to
Mexico or you go to China and I walk in
a room that I am a master salesperson I
know everything about a sale I know is
much about selling as a neurosurg it
knows about the brain I know when
somebody says budget it’s over our
I actually know that that means they’ll
go over their budget you don’t know that
you don’t know that you don’t understand
what somebody says they have a budget if
you really break that down you’d
understand that they’re actually saying
above from everybody except to you and
that’s why I put a budget in place I’m
trying to control my urge to purchase so
when somebody says to me but it’s more
money than we planned on a sound right
there it won’t be the first time all
right you’re right let’s do it
the products too much money do you hear
that objection you knew that before you
called me and you still made the phone
call let’s go see you today okay I’m
selling a piece of real estate in and
I’ll come back to the Round Rock story
my house is being sold in Hollywood
every realtor in town told me it was too
much money every ruler it’s too much fun
they said I was an idiot they said I was
stupid they said he’s insane okay the
person that’s going to buy my house is
going to be a billionaire it doesn’t
matter a million dollars here a million
dollars there it doesn’t matter right
did you overpay for everything god this
worth 39 million dollars does the
overpay for stuff
huh what do you think every day so why
should he overpay for my house what’s
the difference man come on bro it’s his
money in this role but but selling my
real estate in Hollywood during the
during a tough market I have to keep the
realtor sold you got to stay certain
how do you know it’s overpriced Alex
were showing you numbers today you were
wrong but for the last 30 years right
Miami you can’t buy anything in Miami
they said they had 10 years of condo
stock in Miami
do they got too much the condo stuff
stock or left okay if you look at the
prices in Miami they are straight up and
vertical it’s the hottest real estate
market in the country you got people
from Argentina Brazil coming in you’ve
got people from Russia and Europe and
France saying this is cheap but the
steel see people in the neighborhood
never change the money you know why
because they’re looking in the rearview
mirror how many of you drive a car next
time you get in your car I want you to
pay attention to the windshield okay
it’s that big the rearview mirror is
about that
I could take my rearview mirrors out
jerk them out my car because I have all
my attention up in front of me the other
thing is I go extremely fast so I don’t
have people on the side of my brother
the ticket I want to get there quick I
value my time do you right so this
choice of car guys like oh my god you
you’re going to come out here you really
a guard have you looked over stuff dude
I’ll pay the full price I’ll do the deal
and what I realized was Charles Sekar
was the wrong broker to list this
property he was doing this to everybody
he wasn’t doing it just to me okay I
bought the property paid full price
closed on a Thursday put it back on the
market – Colin Thursday for eighteen
point six million dollars closed in
three months for 18.3 and I paid sixteen
this happened six months ago in Austin
tough tough market of I thought again
would you grow multifamily product be
quality a lot of institutions could look
at that kind of product it’s big enough
look you got to get in the game to
dominate the game you’ve got to look for
every opportunity how many believe
you’re missing opportunities right now
there are coming patches there there
there you got it you got to get in the
game you can’t be in a newspaper you
can’t be on TV you can’t be watching
Anderson Cooper and his little tight
t-shirt and he comes out and thinks it’s
big news I’m like dude everybody knew
come on bro okay
biggest problems biggest problems okay
number one biggest problem is
uncertainty it’s not competition it’s
not the banks of not leverage it’s not
it is uncertainty you’re uncertain if
you’re uncertain I’m uncertain would you
you get uncertain I don’t know if I
should do it or not number two obscurity
I don’t know who you are if you don’t
know who I am and that’s why I told Alex
I said let’s do the video I said we get
the video double yeah we do people have
to know who they’re doing business with
if I’m obscure and you don’t know me
okay you’re Lehman’s collapse nobody
knows me so I write a book I write this
book come out with it six months later
write a book I’m closing the deal okay
we publish that book we talk about it
this book comes out if you’re not first
you’re last I’m talking about it this is
in one year three books okay if you’re
not first you’re last is the book about
how to literally get people to not
forget you okay that becomes a New York
Times bestseller and then I come out
with the 10x rule this out sells every
other business book in in airports now
why am i writing books
there’s no money in book stops why would
I write four books
the average American leads one book
why would I write said yeah notoriety
I’m trying to cover up space
these are losers I lose money selling
books okay oh they’ll be waiting
this is cheering by the way give Jared a
big hand okay
Jared help me wins the money last guy
playing blackjack we dominated again
these people dominate what let’s look
around this Odin look around this place
can we get you something to drink I can
eat cigarette
why they doing that they know what you
leave in that table can they get you
insurance I got some insurance for that
16 – look if they offer it to you in
this town don’t take it why am i doing
this because I want readers to know me
the average American reads one book a
year the top CEOs in America read book
five books them up 60 plus books here
yeah you want to be in the game read I
buy books I’m not I don’t care about the
30 bucks the book costs you know what
I’m looking for I’m looking for 1
million dollars
every book oh I’m looking for a million
bucks ok I quit looking for 10 dollars
I did that when I was a kid I’m looking
for millions now I’m looking for a
million dollars how many believe this is
much work to work for 10 dollars as it
is for a million it’s the same amount of
work man same amount of rejections same
on that uphill it’s the same amount of
bullshit ok so just change the target ok
if you were homeless and I was going to
coach you out of homeless the first
thing I would tell you is not to change
your clothes not change your location
just change your ask
to ask do I know can you give me a
how about a hundred man just a hundred
man how many believe he’d be better off
at the end of the day if he was asking
for a hundred rather than a quarter just
to change the amount you’re asking for
do you see what I’m saying
you know when I go into an organization
I want to do the easy stuff not the hard
stuff I don’t want to change the guys
clothes this location and everything I
just want to change one little thing so
today I’m telling talking to you about
man change what you’re reading every day
change what you’re reading change the
influence of your giddy
a guy gets this book we heard this last
night he’s on the audio version of this
book he goes from 30,000 a month in
income to 80,000 a month in income in
one month he’s been on the program for
four days okay
he’s like oh my god man I scored the
first the fourth day I was on the
program he starts listening to it again
everywhere he goes he’s listened to this
audio program all of a sudden it changes
the way he’s thinking about how much
action he has to take it takes ten times
the amount of activity phone calls
emails it takes ten times just to
perverse through noise would you agree
you’re trying to get people’s attention
because you’re an obscurity with them
hey could you meet me tonight he’s
thinking about picking up his daughter
tonight you’re enough security he
doesn’t know who you are yet so if you
want to get successful a couple things
you got to do you got to get certain how
many degree with that okay that doesn’t
mean at this conference this weekend
that means when you leave here man what
can I cover myself up so that I’m
number two how do I get out of obscurity
how do I get people knowing everybody
you should write a book everybody in
this room should write a book you should
be writing ball
blogs you should be tweeting every day
okay twitter twitter in facebook these
are not new things
these are prospecting tools these are
tools that cost nothing and for those of
you in the room have kind of like just
said I don’t have time for social media
I got a business to run anybody ever
heard anybody say that I don’t have time
for Twitter I’m running a business into
the ground
okay just just just to crash some old
beliefs okay just so you see what this
this does I’m gonna take a picture of
these people over here okay
and just tell me anybody got a second
hand on their watch tell me how long
this takes a watch okay sorry let’s see
how long that take ten seconds 223
thousand people will see that tweet I
don’t have time for Twitter no you you
you’re competing and not dominating
you’re not using the tools available to
you they’re free Facebook and Twitter or
your friends LinkedIn is your friend you
need to understand them you can’t
delegate this okay you don’t turn this
over one of your people in the office
there’s not a person in my office that
can come to me and those more Facebook
Twitter Linkedin communicating because
not going to have a social media person
he doesn’t know how to communicate with
your great he knows all this fancy stuff
about Twitter but he doesn’t know how to
market on it you know how to get a chick
on it you want to get attention you got
to get out of them security with people
the third problem you have is they’re
not thinking about you when they go to
pull the trigger yeah I knew you were in
real estate how many had this situation
they didn’t cute a list your house
because they forgot about oh my god I
forgot how many had that experience you
failed them for three they weren’t
thinking about you when they were ready
to pull the trick and number four
because you lack persistence it’s very
difficult to be persistent particularly
if you’re living in it in a in a
thinking that I’m going to try once i’ma
try twice I’m a threat three times and
that’s it
it’s going to take wait more than three
times would you agree
my wife watched me call one man 15 times
in three days without a return phone
call just like how many times you gonna
call it i’ma call mental do we talk
my god I’m like it worked on you
it worked on you I meet this one you
ever seen a healthy guy with a beautiful
you ever something that yeah how did how
did he do that that is impossible
how many seen that before okay I met my
wife the first night I moved to Los
Angeles I met her I knew immediately I’m
like that’s my wife right now I’m gonna
marriage she’s gonna have my children
guaranteed I know for sure I called my
mom hey I met my wife tonight
you’ve been out with it now she doesn’t
have anything to do it okay what’s my
job now
I got a cellar I don’t need to date her
I got a cellar
I called her twice a month for 13 months
without a return phone call if you ask
my wife ask her the story if you ever
meet her great chick 13 months man twice
a month not one return phone call okay
her friends like grant you got a quick
caller man this is like bordering on
stalking I’m like it’s not stalking if
it works
if it works is it stalking no its
marriage okay I need to stay interested
see this is what people did they set a
target remember when you were a kid and
you set targets or a big giant had
nothing to do with reason they were
giant right and then you had some
difficulty getting to it and somebody
said what do your goals are unrealistic
you need to drop your goals down and add
40 years and end up with nothing
certainly not couldn’t grew it with your
how many believe you have more potential
than you’re going for right now to this
way up here it’s it’s beyond what you’re
going for so you want to set it here I
want to set my targets up here I never
lower a target never ever that’s my
target I’ll fail on my target my whole
lifetime I might fail on that target but
I won’t let it let it go so when I when
I first started buying real estate I
used to write this down I own ten
apartments own 10 plus department that’s
all I’ve asked partly on 10 Plus
apartment so I’m Tim Plus apartment
sound 10 plus support first deal I ever
bought was 38 units about 38 101 I just
changed my number next deal about was 40
actually all about 70 next deal a lot
was to let’s go I got to stay interested
I got to keep my targets up here I got
to keep changing that target so I mean
yeah I’m not talking to talk success
money accumulation what about keeping
interested in my potential it is my duty
it’s my obligation it’s my
responsibility and I would say to you I
guess you can hear the problem up I just
wanted to show you guys know okay I
would say to you that it’s your duty
your obligation and your responsibility
to fulfill your potential and that that
actually was success is success is not
money success is I’m going to get this
chick to marry me
right I’m gonna get I’m gonna get her
attention what was my problem
uncertainty okay let me X that off dude
I’m certain she’s the right one okay she
is the one oh yeah calls from the phone
hey man can you handle if you have any
short sales sir did somebody tell you to
ask for me
you know powerful that line is you know
powerful that opening line is you have
no short sale inventory nothing zero
it’s been going for 90 days
you got anything to this being short
sold heating up the bank did somebody
tell you to ask for me would you just
say to him you’re God right you didn’t
think you had any product you said I’m
your guy I can help you you see if we
had a bankruptcy two years ago did some
of idea tell you I asked fun this
enthusiasm what’s your enthusiasm at of
yeah it’s in your living room
you’re watching Jennifer Lopez on
American Idol
that’s worth a that you left it right
here oh she was so good look dude what
are you doing man what are you doing you
know what most people are going to spend
more time in their life working than any
other single thing and not being
successful man work is good it’s
unbelievable particularly when you’re
women right me having to work for my
wife it’s good for me right or wrong
okay she don’t want to go out with me so
I’ll lower my target let me go get an 8
okay that doesn’t work let me get a 6
whatever that is right okay let me get a
4 all right I’ll just go to a strip
that’s why most guys no offense ladies
but that’s one girl it that girl they
want because they take shortcut use too
many quick options when you
you got to be totally committed
everybody agree you got to be completely
uncertain you want a million dollars you
want two million dollars you want five
million dollars how much money do you
want how much success do you want how
much notoriety do you want you want a
New York Times best seller why can’t you
have everything open up 65 so what man
Colonel Colonel Harland Sanders made all
his money after you was 65 years old he
wasted the first 64 years okay I’ve got
a little girl a little girl I have this
baby we have two babies right now both
of them born at my house we don’t go to
hospitals I go to the doctors my wife’s
pregnant is she really played on oh my
god I’m so excited I know I did that
grant what hospital y’all going to did
we go into a hospital she ain’t sick
she’s pregnant why would I bring her to
a place with sick people that’s just
dumb grand man you got to bring a gospel
no I don’t you got to come to the house
help me I didn’t go to hospital have sex
Witter I didn’t start a daring or finish
it there baby grant you don’t know
anything about having children good I
don’t know anything about most things I
did the first time but you know what I’m
certain we ain’t going to hospital it’s
not complicated she’s young enough she’s
in good shape I got a decent head on my
shoulders don’t show me what to do we’re
going to do it to happen I am NOT going
to have the single most important single
moment of my life
robbed the hospital because I get a
third row seat and I get to hug a
vending machine the whole time cuz they
kick me back to the curb and say get
back there buddy with the professionals
I want to be involved see what I’m
telling you everything in life the phone
calls the phone calls whatever you’re
doing do what is happening get involved
in your business or you will be
disciplined again and it’s going to be
ugly and it’s going to be painful for a
lot of people but God says you know
grant I hear you talk about money a lot
and you know I just want to tell you
money won’t make you happy
listen yeah what’s your point dude your
point is you ain’t got any money that’s
why you’re given this dumb advice
because being broke won’t make you happy
either okay I tried the experiment I
went on the experiment
how many been on the broke experiment
were you happy were you like oh my god
this is good look if you took five
million dollars out of the marketplace
and you made five million dollars from
Planet Earth with anybody knowing a bit
took place would anybody know anything
happened would you do good things for
that money good
how many believed the work for five
million is going to be the same work for
fifty thousand same process same
involvement look you’re occupied either
way okay so if you’re not sure of your
value if you think you’re worth 80 grand
you’re worth 80 grand
would you bring if you think you’re
worth 150 grand you’ll probably worth
150 if you think you whatever you think
you’re worth if you’re not sure of your
own value your own goals and what you
want the world will never reward you of
what you want your value and your goals
never it won’t happen
can’t happen
I’ve got to remind myself every day what
is my value in the marketplace what are
my goals in the marketplace what am i
worth in the marketplace ok what do I
deserve in the market I deserve those
242 units I deserve to make money on
this 242 years I deserve to sell this
house and make a profit I deserve to be
able to move to Miami I deserve this
woman I deserve these two kids I deserve
to have my kids learn to swim rather
than putting a fence around the pool
because I don’t want a fence around my
pool I hate the fence just teach them
how to swim man dominate the kid put the
kid in the pool every day ok she’s three
days old I’m dumping her in the pool
every day try this try this try this try
this ok she’s not crying the moms crying
the babies are gay is cool dude I’ve
been in water for nine months whatever
right my daughter is one year all I can
throw in the pool walk away at one year
or can walk away she could swim the
entire length of the pool at 3 she can
swim it underwater I know I got we got
friends that are 8 years old they get
around the pool and everybody’s freaked
out the point is what dominate whatever
you want you got to commit all the way
in and think in terms of domination not
a spectator you don’t want to be a
spectator folks spectators pay players
get paid
believe you look at the word up believe
this is in a web section area okay you
probably have one of those if you don’t
have one at your house you can certainly
google it it’s going to say this to have
confidence in the truth the existence or
the reliability of something although
without an absolute proof how many
believe that the real estate market is
getting better okay
how many believe it could get worse good
that’s right and when it gets worse what
are you gonna believe I’m a believe a
did there’s still value there we got
good there’s still value there okay I
mean how many how many of you have shown
somebody a house before they didn’t pull
the trigger and and they regretted it
you know what’s shame on you
why didn’t you shut that deal down I
don’t want to pressure anybody if you
won’t pressure a client that you like
it’s because you don’t believe in you
the product okay or the company that you
represent period if you will not
pressure somebody to do the right thing
it’s something you don’t believe in look
at the word would it believe me they
have confidence in the truth what is the
truth this is a good deal and you need
to do it or pressure me grant I sure in
the sign right there
let’s do this it’s the right thing why
he looks at me and says what oh my god
this guy’s so certain are you sure it’s
the right thing guarantee it’s the right
thing lean on the pan let’s do it
and you’re thinking to yourself I
couldn’t do that right now dude I wasn’t
taught how to do this that’s been 17
years in school they don’t teach you
this you have to train this muscle okay
if one of your children was crossing the
street and you knew it was a bad thing
would your pressure I’m not too exactly
wise pressure of that thing it makes
diamonds but I know so many people in
business I don’t want to pressure
anybody do you need to pressure yourself
you need to cook yourself you need a
necessity level way up here look the
middle class in America is failing folks
it’s failing you know why because it
doesn’t push itself hard enough it
operates on a premise based on just
enough I’m going to make enough vacation
enough save enough just enough oh forgot
to plan on Lehman’s oh forgot to plan on
foreclosures Oh forgot the plan on LIBOR
oops forgot the plan on the internet bus
and that’s why the middle class is
failing the middle classes that failing
because of politics
okay the middle class is failing because
the middle class is using the wrong
formula a formula that worked 40 years
ago might not work in the US economy
today right
maybe Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday that five day job maybe that a
gigs operand maybe it’s seven days now
maybe it’s a seven day pitch now I don’t
know I know in my life it’s seven days
I’ll never ever have my freedom taken
from me again
so it’s not money I’m trying to
accumulate its market share I’m trying
to accumulate I’m trying to accumulate
market share so when things soften again
who’s left the strongest player in the
market so although without absolute
proof that one is right in doing so only
if one believes in something can one act
purposefully okay that means I need to
be every day selling myself selling
I’m going to write a New York Times
bestselling book okay I’m going to speak
to tens of thousands of people I’m going
to help millions of people on planet
earth I’m literally reminding myself
every day when I wake up in the morning
I write my goals down when I go to bed
at night I write my goals down it’s the
first thing and the last thing I do
every day
I’ve been doing that for 25 years this
again I’m dominating myself in my own
thinking success formula okay here are
four steps that I learned when I was 51
years old I’m like oh man there it is
baby that’s it that’s it that’s what
you’ve been doing that’s what all the
successful people to do it here are four
steps you must take to create the next
level of success in your life number one
you must get attention
hey see that’s what I mean you got to
get attention if you got a screen to get
it get it okay the moment used to hate
you listening to me see the moment you
start doing that you’re going to start
getting criticism when you hit that
right ban that right tone level of
attention okay well you’re really
getting attention you’re going to get
criticism somebody can say do you need
to quiet down bro you need to bring it
down a notch brah right but you freaking
do we hey this is a party let’s not talk
business now go chill I’m getting
criticism is that good or bad
the Kardashians love it right the
Kardashians have worked this formula
perfectly monster attention no product
there’s no product huh is that a product
that ain’t a product man look at that
look at that and look at that over and
over a little a little bit huh okay look
at that look at that okay and she gets
criticism she they didn’t start banking
until they got the haters they had to
get haters wherever they got criticism
they actually kept throwing wood on the
fire to actually get something bigger
than criticism which was hate which was
I hate those people
that’s what promoted them it wasn’t the
promotion that promote them it was the
disgust for them okay and until they
moved into this fourth step which is
admiration see most people stop here you
get a little criticism and you shut it
down I’m calling you back too much okay
I won’t do that again
you should call him back more you send
an email back and quit sending me emails
no you should double up okay you should
stay with the cycle until you close the
cycle folks why because you believe you
believe it’s the right thing to do
belief is not something some esoteric
thing belief is some action you take all
the time in the marketplace say hey I’m
doing the right thing for you you just
don’t know it
your confidence okay you got to build it
until you’re invincible that’s why you
come to this that’s why you read books
that’s why you bury yourself in audio
programs the Internet is a very
dangerous place today because you can
look at anything what do these people
have in common okay there’s Michael
Jordan Warren Buffett Steve Jobs Oprah a
Navy SEAL and my mother okay you know
what they had in common this greatness
has in common immersion they’re immersed
they’re immersed completely in their
environment number two they’re dedicated
completely dedicated three they have a
total total commitment
my mother was as committed as Warren
Buffett is do you know what Warren
Buffett spends most of his time doing
reading most of his time during the day
is spent reading and their duty driven
all those people are Duty driven okay
whether it was my mom
Oprah Steve Jobs Warren Buffett at some
point it was no longer for money it was
duty it’s my obligation it’s some some
sense of I have to do this so what do
you hear me say to you today
what do you hear me say immerse yourself
okay you have to immerse yourself right
now with reading the right reading audio
programs video find YouTube channels
that are good for you to where you can
watch YouTube like we started dropping
videos on YouTube maybe twenty four
months ago we dropped about 900 videos
on YouTube that’s what got me my TV show
people saw me on YouTube the UK found
YouTube videos two weeks ago
do we love what you’re doing on YouTube
man can you come out to the UK and do a
TV show why I’m breaking through
obscurity anybody can do this folks
anybody can do this this is not about a
college degree this is about massive
amount of action to get attention for
yourself your brand your company your
products your ideas your dreams then
this is what I would tell you to do okay
and I’m a closeout here number one I
would immerse yourself with books audio
video daily okay you hit all three of
those well I’m reading something
listening to something and watching
something these are completely different
ways to learn number two you want to
test your abilities actually if you have
employees how many of you have employees
you need to test their abilities just
cuz somebody’s good at what they do
doesn’t mean they have an ability you
want to test their abilities with
assignments tests and drills look the
economy needs people like me and you
drive in the marketplace its
entrepreneurs and businesses that build
economies would you agree it’s me and
you not government’s governments do not
build economies people build economies
entrepreneurs people would add this
people that are driven you people like
Alex are the ones that make the economy
and frankly folks it’s your duty as an
American to get out into the marketplace
and be a role model and recreate this
economy Thank You meryt very much
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