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I want to just give you a few things

that I think will help you maybe get

your day going in the right direction

and maybe affect the whole rest of your

day and I hope it helps you every single

day of your life now what if I told you

you could be happy every day

and it’s simple it doesn’t matter where

you live what you do or how old you are

it’s a daily habit just like brushing

your teeth start your list today just

take a minute

close your eyes and think about the

things that made you feel warm and happy

and protected and think about what made

you feel okay we can learn more about

people by listening to them

enter any other source and we can also

learn a lot about ourselves by listening

to ourselves


now not only do we need to stop saying

wrong things but we need to say right

things and the best way to stop saying

wrong things is to stay so busy saying

right things that there’s no room for

the wrong things so I think we need to

take a much more positive approach and

not just always talk about what we

shouldn’t do but just talk about what we

should do we overcome evil with good now

let me just talk to you a little bit

about what we should be talking about

let’s give more thanks to God let’s be

thankful for more things let’s get up in

the morning and just look around and

find at least five things that we can

specifically say God I’m thankful for my

family I’m thankful that I’ve got a bed

to sleep in and I’m not sleeping on the

street somewhere


I’m thankful I think God all the time

for clean water because I’ve been in

places where people are drinking water

that you would not believe that any

human being would put in their body I am

so thankful for water


how about heating air conditioning

that’s a good thing to be thankful for

isn’t it I’m thankful to have all kinds

you don’t have to be an Einstein to find

five things to be thankful for and then

maybe the next day we could find five or

maybe even make a list let’s fight the

enemy let’s fight the negative with

positive things

let’s fight evil with good let’s not let

the devil win let’s not let him use our

mouths as a garbage dog what do you want

to happen in the future then start

calling those things that be not as

though they are I’m debt free that’s a

good thing to say I don’t care if you’re

up to your eyeballs in debt start saying

I’m debt free stop saying I can’t find a

quit claiming diseases like they’re your

personal possession



one of the big reasons why we have

difficulty controlling our thoughts

controlling our mouths and especially

controlling our emotions is when we get

too tired we don’t get enough rest we

don’t get enough sleep we don’t have any

balance in our lives we work too much

don’t rest we take on too much

responsibility we get in other people’s

stuff trying to fix their problems when

they don’t even want to fix them it is

so valuable to learn the power of your

anger following impulses self-pity I’m

so disappointed well give reappointed




well I just feel like such a failure

I’ve got a revelation for you you’re not

done if you’re not dead

[Applause] [Music]

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