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Do it right NOW – Chael Sonnen – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is do it right now over to you
Chael Simon change your shoes get out
the door right now
don’t waste any time don’t do it
tomorrow don’t if you got a habit you
want to drop your habit drop it right
now don’t think I’ll do it next week
don’t wait for a resolution of some sort
don’t waste any time start right now
that would be that would be my biggest
advice but that’s what drives me you
know I’ve got a goal you always you
always want to set a goal then set your
little little goals to achieve the big
goal and you know being consistent and
being driven and good things will happen
I think people are just afraid whether
you’re afraid of how people are gonna
judge you you’re afraid that you’re
gonna fail you’re afraid that it’s not
gonna work out people are just afraid
and you have these big dreams and these
big goals you never seem to be able to
reach them you always seem to start and
stop and start and stop and start and
stop and what happens to so many people
so many entrepreneurs especially is you
have these moments of boldness where you
feel like you can do anything where you
have this fantastic idea that’s gonna
change the world and change your outcome
and you write it down and then you go to
sleep and then you wake up the next day
and that bravery is gone the idea is
still there the I still the idea is
still potentially a great idea but your
bravery is gone you’re back to the
weakest version of yourself instead of
the strongest version of yourself you’re
all the fears that you have inside you
come back and this happens to people on
a daily basis this is part of why I
created the end stressful series to give
you something every single morning to
give me something every single morning
is people to consume and watch and push
myself and not be afraid and push
through the fear that comes out there’s
a girl who have been helping in one of
my businesses who has seen explosive
transformation in the past few months
explosive she’s she’s she’s a new purse
and it came out of just a few
conversations because she was frustrated
in what she was doing in a lot of her
life she was frustrated how she was she
was holding herself back and when she
realized that she was able to take off
and grow grow way faster than a lot of
the other people that I’ve spent way
more time with I’ve had limited amounts
of time with her and she’s exploded
forward because she had the pent up
demand and she did something about it I
could give you the best advice in the
world right helping with my marketing
strategy help me get financing help me
get into the media I can give you all
the strategies in the world but you
don’t do anything about it
nothing’s ever gonna change and so the
key is to when you have that moment of
boldness even if it’s 2:00 a.m. you’re
getting out of bed and you start taking
action and you commit to somebody else
you commit to yourself and you commit to
somebody else that you’re gonna start
taking action right now and stop letting
your fears hold you back from becoming
the person and you honor that you could
be so the question today today is I’m
curious what are the fears that hold you
back right now from doing the thing that
you know you need to do but you just
can’t do it
what are those fears leaving the
comments below I’ll join the discussion
thank you guys so much for watching have
an amazing day continue to believe and
I’ll see you again tomorrow morning for
another shot events Press
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