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Define HAPPINESS for Yourself – Alfred Hitchcock – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is define happiness for yourself
over you Alfred Hitchcock mr. Hitchcock
what is your definition of happiness a
clear horizon nothing to worry about on
your plate only things that are creative
and not destructive when that within
yourself within me I can’t bear
I can’t bear feelings between people
I’ve been hatred is wasted energy and
it’s all non-productive some be
sensitive a sharp word said by say a
person who has a temper if they’re close
to me that’s me for days I know we’re
only human we do go in through these
various emotions call them negative
emotions but when all these are removed
and you can look forward on the road is
clear ahead and now you’re going to
create something Allen that’s as happy
as I would ever want to be I think this
is one of the most important exercises
that you can do not just as an
entrepreneur as a human being to
understand what happiness looks like for
you so that you can build a life and a
business that makes you happier
self-awareness is important it’s why I
wrote the book your one word to
understand what is the thing that makes
you come alive with understanding that
understanding what your one main core
value is that you love and then being
proactive in going after that and so in
the book we go through that exercise of
thinking about
everything that has made you come alive
in the past what makes you happy make a
list of all the things that make you
happy the movies you watch and the
people in your life and what you loved
about your parents and whoever your
favorite teacher was of the hundreds of
teachers that you had the one or two
people that stood out what was it about
them what were the highest highs in your
life what were you doing what are the
activities that make you come alive and
to build a happy life you want to be
around that as much as possible you want
to be doing things that make you come
alive right who wants a life that is
boring that you’re doing stuff that is
just repetitive and beneath you
consistently nobody wants that life but
doing the thing that creates a spark for
you that adds tons of value to other
people’s lives that give you that proud
feeling of the work that you’re doing is
contributing that’s what you want to get
to and so making that list of all the
things that make you come alive and then
finding what’s the common theme between
all of those things for me it’s belief
you know I’ve talked about my favorite
movie is some biscuit about this
undersized horse and oversized jockey
and owner that had no money that
everybody was counting out and somehow
those three guys all came together and
the one in tanta races they beat all the
odds that underdog story of bullying and
my parents told me I was like is truly
car America I could do anything I wanted
is believe and my favorite teachers were
about believe and the people that I want
to surround myself with need to be about
believe and why it’s so important is
because understanding what value is so
important to me and was in the past now
lets me build a future that’s better so
I can build a business around believe I
can bring teammates on board who believe
and believe I can be more proactive
instead of having life happen to me by
accident or instead of even worse having
other people’s projections of what I
should do impact me if you don’t know
what you stand for you will fall for
anything you’ll just be walking around
living up to other people’s expectations
instead of doing the thing that you want
to do what a lot of people don’t have
the clarity a lot of people walk through
life feeling like they could be doing
way more
you know that you could be doing way
more in your life and you’re currently
doing right now but you don’t know what
to do because you’re not clear on what
your value is you’re not clear what you
stand for so you can build that ideal
life in my view I’m biased I wrote a
book about it but in vive you it’s one
of these single most important exercises
that you can ever do in your life
whether you’re an entrepreneur or not to
understand what it is that makes you
what your most important core value is
for you has always been always will be
and then with design with intent with
purpose building a life and a business
around it that will make you happy
forever imagine that it’s possible it’s
achievable and I want it for you so the
question today today is how to use
define happiness for yourself what is
your one word leave in the comments
below I’m going to join in the
discussion I also want to give a quick
shout out to Regina Ross from Regina’s
beauty boutique calm thank you so much
for Gina for picking up a copy of my
book through one word it really really
really really means a lot to me thank
you guys again for watching I believe in
you I hope you continue to believe in
yourself and whatever your one word is
much love and I’ll see you again
tomorrow morning for another shot event
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