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Deepak Chopra’s Top 10 Rules For Success (@DeepakChopra)

a good brand is something that you’ll
buy or use the service of when you’re
actually buying the story father ablaze
means finding the core of passion and
excellence within you now for the first
time I think we have the opportunity to
create a wisdom based economy that
actually serves the needs of society by
learning to reawaken your creativity you
will recapture the natural enthusiasm
energy and wonder of youth he’s an
author and public speaker he’s a
prominent figure in the New Age movement
through his books and videos he’s become
one of the most well known and
wealthiest figures in alternative
he’s Deepak Chopra and here is my take
on his top ten rules for success rule
number ten is my personal favorite and
make sure to stick around all through to
the end for some special bonus clips
what we see what we perceive what we
hear what we think what we imagine what
we understand what inspires us all of
that comes from belief and then these
beliefs project as our word we actually
create the world that comes from these
inner beliefs in turn the world
feedbacks on us the world feeds back on
us and it reinforces what we already
believe in so we see what we become and
the world becomes who we are if you talk
to great leaders and this is well done
research even by Jim Collins if you read
his book he says that every leader in
the end says one of the following things
I was lucky or happened to be in the
right place at the right time there were
a lot of meaningful coincidences now if
they happen to be spiritual or religious
they may use expressions like God was on
my side I seem to be guided there was a
state of grace at times I was being
looked after what they’re tapping
– is it deeper intelligence that goes
beyond the personal might call it
transpersonal or you know as the trans
person psychologists call it or you
might call it archetypal if you’re
familiar with the teachings of Carl Jung
but what they do is they they have a
relationship with the story that’s what
a good brand is by the way a brand is a
archetypal story it has themes in it the
good guys the bad guys there’s a little
bit of intrigue there’s mystery there’s
adventure all the ingredients that make
a really good soap opera and they have a
relationship with that and you know a
good brand is something that you’ll buy
or use the service of but you’re
actually buying the story Apple is a
story it’s a very great story you know
and all this all the big brands Nike
shoes it’s the story of the African
American urban air oh no so when you I
one of the things I tell leaders to do
is what’s your story okay can you make
your story emotionally and spiritually
inspiring and you know people will buy
her story as the brand as the service as
the product follow your bliss does not
mean get addicted to pleasure
father ablaze means finding the core of
passion and excellence within you it is
to pursue excellence and ignore success
and if you do that of course success
will be a byproduct but you’re
expressing the highest potential within
yourself and when you do that do you
lose track of time you experience
ecstasy and for when you express that
there’s a need in society for that
particular expression and when society
sees that it honors it makes you a hero
he had the biggest challenge for all
businesses is to restore real business
the economic meltdown was something that
happened because we had lost the true
purpose of business what’s the true
purpose a business even in business
school it’s not well defined you know
this is a big purpose of businesses to
increase shareholder value that’s a
ridiculous thing the purpose of business
is to help society to serve the needs of
society the purpose of a business is to
serve the interests of all that are
considered stakeholders that includes
the community and the larger ecosystem
we created an economy which was based on
spending money that people had not
earned to buy things that they did not
need to impress people that they did not
like of the two point nine trillion
dollars that are circulating in the
world’s markets less than two percent
was going to provide goods and so
versus the rest was what they call
casino so now for the first time I think
we have the opportunity to create a
wisdom based economy that actually
serves the needs of society if you are a
businessman today you need to totally
reinvent yourself you need to ask
yourself you know what are the wisdom
based economies that I can participate
in the green economy is the alternative
energies the people who are planting
trees are making a lot of money business
is wrong so you have to create an
economy that’s based on on serving the
needs the question that was asked was
how do we maximize the use of our time
here’s my answer and I learnt this from
dr. Daniel Siegel a US UCLA
psychotherapist he says divide them time
in 24 hours into the following sections
so sleep time meditation time exercise
sign relationship time down time
creative and play time focused work time
and when you eat and when you’re doing
each of these things then just do those
things don’t do anything else I thought
that was very brilliant and I’ve been
doing this now for a number of years I
sleep at least six to eight hours a day
I meditate early in the morning for
about one and a half hours I go to the
gym after that I walk between five to
ten miles a day I work from about 9
o’clock to 12 noon then I take a full
hour for a mindful lunch I take the
20-minute walk after lunch then I start
working again in the afternoon around
you know 1 o’clock or so 1:32 even and
then I do a short man
Chason at 4:30 in the evening 5 o’clock
and I have an early supper on 6:00 and
I’m in bed by about 10:00 now when I’m
doing this daily routine then I feel
that my rhythms are in order that
connected to the rhythms of the cosmos
and when I’m speaking to someone I’m
present with them I don’t check my
iPhone or my handheld device at the same
time because the cortical brain can only
do one thing at a time so of course the
autonomic nervous system can do many
things at a time do one thing do it
mindfully and do it well pursue
excellence and ignore success stage
attached and divide your time into those
quadrants so apart from running out in
creating a story
what can the viewers right now do today
or tomorrow to make themselves better
leaders first ask yourself those
questions that I mentioned Who am I what
do I want to what kind of team do I want
to have what’s my role in it what are my
skills and strengths what are the skills
and the strengths of the people that I
want to have in my team see if people
are not being fully expressive in their
unique strengths they lose self-esteem
if they’re not having fun I am also a
senior scientist at Gallup Organization
and we find that only 20% of people in
this country are engaged in what they do
about 15 to 20 percent are actively
disengaged they come to work unhappy and
they make it a point of making other
people unhappy and the rest kind of
point are punching in the clock this
costs our economy of something like
three hundred and eighty billion dollars
a year so what makes a fun invigorating
productive environment well if your
supervisor your manager ignores you your
rate of disengagement goes up by 45
percent if the supervisor or manager
doesn’t ignore you but criticize
you your rate of engagement drops to 20%
you would rather be criticized because
you’re now being noticed on the other
hand if your manager notices single
strength that you have your rate of
disengagement Falls to less than 1% this
has huge economic implications each of
us is born as an infinitely creative
being as children we use our rich
imaginations to create entire worlds
whether we were building sand castles at
the beach playing house with a
collection of dolls or pretending to be
our favorite superhero but as we become
adults many of us succumb to the
prevailing cultural meme or belief that
the older we get our brains lose their
capacity to expand adapt transform and
evolve but it’s a lie as numerous
studies have discovered the brain has a
quality referred to as plasticity the
ability to form new neural pathways even
into very old age the brain is fluid
flexible and incredibly adaptable to new
experiences neural plasticity is what
allows us to teach ourselves a new
language learn to play the piano play a
new sport or learn the latest dance move
although you may no longer think of
yourself as a creative or imaginative
person your very existence is evidence
of your innate creativity in every
moment you’re co-creating your reality
through your thoughts your intentions
your words and your actions
we all have unlimited creative potential
because our essential nature is pure
consciousness by learning to reawaken
your creativity you will recapture the
natural enthusiasm energy and wonder of
youth as the ancient Vedic sages of
India observed the secret of immortality
is infinite flexibility
and creativity a victim of conditioning
means that your habitual patterns of
behavior and thinking are a result of
the collective psyche and what we call
normal the collective cycle is actually
the psychopathology of the average dull
ordinary mundane always looking for
fulfillment on something outside if I
had the right job or had the right money
right the right relationship at whatever
the right thing did not be a happy
person but it’s the other way around if
you’re happy you have the right job
you’ll have the right money at the right
success you’ll make the right choices
for your health and have great
relationships a lot of people don’t
really relate business and spirituality
together you don’t really hear about it
how do you think it does work though do
you think you need that part I define
spirituality as self-awareness and also
as elements of compassion love service
honesty authenticity integrity I think
even if you don’t relate to those values
if you incorporate those values your
business is going to thrive
ask yourself what’s your purpose what
kind of contribution do you want to make
what creates joy and ecstasy in you what
are the two or three skills that you
have that when you’re expressing your
unique talents or skills time means
nothing to you it’s not work it’s joy
ask yourself who are your heroes and
heroines in history in mythology and
religion because these are archetypes
that are seeking to find expression
through you and incarnate through you
ask yourself how can this passion of
contribute to relationship give meaning
and purpose to existence and you don’t
need to know the answers if you live the
questions then life has an interesting
way of moving you into the answer
thank you guys so much for watching I
made this video because Calavera Manya
asked me to so there’s a famous
entrepreneur that you want me to profile
next leave in the comments below and
I’ll see what I can do I also love to
know what your Deepak Chopra’s top 10
rules had the biggest impact most
meaningful impact on your life and why
leave it in the comments below and I
will join in the discussion finally what
they give a quick shoutout to Lukas cram
Lukas thank you so much for picking up
my book but those are you watching if
you want to change that a shout-out in a
future video make sure to grab the book
and also email in your receipts so we
can keep track thank you guys so much
for watching continue to believe or
whatever your one word is and I’ll see
you soon
information expands our awareness of
what is okay and so through the Google
Network which is the biggest search
engine we expand our awareness but
there’s another thing that people don’t
understand our state of awareness
actually chooses the information that we
seek out okay so if my state of
awareness is I want to understand the
causes of war terrorism global warming
social injustice economic injustice all
the things that are kind of surfacing
now as the as the what’s happening in
Syria and all the Middle East the
so-called Arab Spring Occupy Wall Street
then my state of awareness looking at
this global picture will seek out the
right information okay so they they co
feed on each other the information
expands awareness but the state of
awareness also expands the information
we seek sure and if by awareness I mean
spirituality which is my definition then
awareness has many more components than
information awareness influences your
moods so you know if you’re depressed
then everything looks dark and bleak it
influences your beliefs it influences
your assumptions it influences your
perceptions it influences your
expectations so in the book my thesis is
that all problems exist because of what
I call contracted awareness
okay contracted awareness means yes you
feel separate from the ecosystem the
Google Network is an ecosystem so you
feel separate from the ecosystem that
nurtures the web of relationships and
that then of course in results in fear
in anxiety
expectations that our doomsday
prophecies in assumptions that
everything is going to go wrong and so
on and so forth so in my mind the
analogy is you’re walking in a dark room
and you have a candle that’s the light
of your awareness and you keep bumping
into stuff and so everything is a
problem and that’s your world but now
imagine that you can expand that candles
light of awareness so now you have a
flashlight and you can move around and
everything that seemed like an obstacle
is actually has a purpose this has a
purpose this has a purpose that screen
has a purpose so all problems are now
opportunities for some purpose so that’s
expanded awareness you know feel
connected to the web of relationships so
some thoughts some beliefs are limiting
you know I’ll never be good enough I’ll
never be successful I’ll never be rich
I’ll never have a good relationship to
ugly I’m not attractive enough I’m not
thin enough etc remember these thoughts
don’t belong to you so you have to
whenever you have these thoughts you
should ask yourself is it true how am I
so sure if this is true is this thought
limiting me how could I go beyond this
limitation what is a thought that is
more empowering how can I create that
thought better still go into the deepest
part of your being which is just silence
and then when the thought intrudes say
doesn’t belong to me
let it pass
observe your thoughts arise and subside
like waves on the ocean you are not the
waves although you get conditioned by
the waves
you are the mighty ocean itself you’re
not just a drop in the ocean you’re the
ocean in the drop itself and in the
depths of the ocean is infinity and you
are the infinite mind conditioned
through society and culture and religion
into the local mind okay is this not
enough to convince you that your
thoughts don’t belong to you when you
take ownership of your thoughts then you
get bamboozled by the gnosis of social
conditioning by the gnosis of cultural
conditioning and then there is no
regionality in that there is no
creativity in that there is no love in
that it’s all conditioned love so please
please understand that you are the
infinite being you are the universe
having a whole human experience but the
human experience is conditioned by
labels by definitions by evaluations by
judgments by opinions and
by words and that you heard as a child
and it’s difficult to break out of this
prison because you know if you’re in a
real prison or so-called real person at
least you see the bars in this prison
which is the hypnosis of social
conditioning the hypnosis of cultural
conditioning you are in a prison that
has no walls and therefore you don’t
realize that you’re in the prison and
therefore you have no desire to escape
that if you escaped
you would find the tumour you would find
the true-self you would find who you
really are and you would be free the
ticket to freedom is not to own your
thoughts the ticket to freedom is to
find the source field within you which
is the source field of the universe so I
like to quote Rumi when you say when he
says Rumi is so great he says why do you
stay in prison
why do you say in prison when the door
is wide open
why do you say stay in prison when the
door is wide open
please do not stay in this prison ask
yourself Who am I in the middle of all
this thought traffic that’s what Rumi
also says in one of his poems
Who am I in the middle of all this
thought traffic
and who you are is the immeasurable
potential of all that was all that is
and all that will ever be true success
comes from self power I’ll repeat that
true success comes from self power true
success is defined as the progressive
realization of wordy goals the ability
to love and have compassion and to be in
touch with the creative power inside you
the ultimate and supreme genius that
mirrors the wisdom of the universe and
self power is true self esteem self
power is not agency power agency power
is outside power that comes from a title
from a bank account or money from
contacts or what you might say your
network of connections agency bar is
weak because it only lasts as long as
the agency lasts true power comes from
self esteem the core of your being it
has the following characteristics when
you have true power
you’re independent of the good and bad
opinions of the world you’re immune to
criticism and flattery but responsive to
feedback you’re fearless you feel
beneath no one but also superior to know
what and when you come from the core of
that being and you ask yourself how can
I help then you have true power
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