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Dan Pena MOTIVATION – #MentorMeDan

hello belief nation I started a mentor
me series to try to hang around people
who’ve done a lot more than us and
hopefully by spending a little bit more
time with them some of how they think
their values their beliefs their
mindsets their attitudes seeps in to us
to help us become the best version of
ourselves so today we’re going to learn
from Dan Pina and some of his best
motivation mentor me Dan rule number two
is my personal favorite and I’d love to
know which one you guys like the best
and as always guys if you’re watching if
you hear something that really resonates
with you please leave it down the
comments below put quotes around it so
other people can be inspired as well and
when you write it down it’s much more
likely to stick with yourself as well
advice I ever got from mr. Brazos duet
he didn’t say just do it he didn’t swear
and the best advice I’ve ever given
anybody it just do it we take too much
time procrastinating we take too and
because we’re afraid of failure and fear
is false expectations appearing real
we’re worried about what other people
think we’re trying to fit in and I can
go through a whole litany of both not
it’s not post is not true litany of
stuff why you are where you are because
you just didn’t do it you didn’t want to
make a mistake you got a mortgage you
got a two ex-wives you got a 15 year old
daughter who’s pregnant I know you’re
your dad’s got Alzheimer’s your mother’s
got emphysema spitting up blood I can go
on and on and on and on but the bottom
line is if you had 15 years ago you had
just done it 10 years ago you just done
it five years ago if you just done it
six months ago if you just done it you
probably wouldn’t be in the position
you’re in now so I’m saying no matter
what your age is it’s still time to just
go out and do it just go do it most of
you lack the skills sell your vision
with clarity because you don’t practice
and and the travesty Willie is is
because you don’t believe enough in it
these don’t and if what you’re trying to
finance isn’t your dream isn’t your
vision I mean the banker or the person
on the other side of the table sees to
it clearly they know just absolutely
definitively because at the end of the
day they want to feel down deep inside
warm-and-fuzzy that this person or this
person will do whatever it takes to pay
me back the money and if you don’t
believe with all your heart then you’re
not going to you know go that extra mile
that’s what they want to believe and
most of you don’t believe passionately
in what you’re doing and that’s why it’s
very easy for me to say you ought to
turn the damn key just walk away and
look for something that you can
passionately believe in is that so
difficult I’m 15 pounds overweight my
doctor said and he said you know if you
wanted to be in perfect health which
everything else is perfect my health I’m
well you should lose 15 pounds and I
said I’d have to give up three or four
martinis and a bottle of wine every
night I’m not willing to do that it’s I
know what it takes and I know what I
have to do I used to run marathons on
the Boston Marathon and I know what it
took the Train and I’m not you know I
don’t run like that anymore I
Stairmaster but I mean I we all know how
to lose weight we all know how to get
physically fit we all know how to build
our businesses I can go to the Yellow
Pages today and pick out any businesses
in this room and I can find somebody
that’s beating your brains out I don’t
care what you do and as some of you have
heard me say but I’m going to say it
again because it’s important for this
example again we’re all have 100 IQ for
some of you I’m giving you some for some
I’m taken away some we all know nobody
can have 10 times our IQ well then why
the hell do people make 10 times more
than we do a thousand times more than we
do why because they think and dream
bigger than we do high-performance
people have
high expectations not average
expectations it is simple
can everybody in this room do it no
because everybody in this room is not
willing to make the sacrifices I don’t
know how to do it four hour workweek
which came up a little earlier I don’t
know and I know Ferriss and if you
believe the 4-hour workweek I’ve had a
bridge to sell you
in New York I mean one of the comments
from the seminar the distended
some of the 1820 kids all of which were
about half my age we had a couple of old
gits in their 40s but most of them were
less than 30 they commented at breakfast
the last day which was a Saturday or
Sunday they said how can he still be so
fired up running on two hundred percent
of all its cylinders when he’s been on a
seat 15 hours a day for six seven eight
days and we’ve been sitting on our arses
and we’re tired and he’s not you know
why because I and if you don’t find
something that you love what you do
don’t bother because if you don’t have a
passion for what you do and your love it
gets old I say this stretching a little
it’s like a significant other that
you’ve been around too much you know
what I mean everybody in this room can
relate to that I think okay well if
you’re not passionate about what you do
in life it gets old and then it becomes
work and as soon as it becomes work
you’re finished the reason why I’m fired
up at the end of a 67 day week of 15 18
hours a day is because I’m passionate
about totally new sorry asses across the
goal line because that’s my goal in life
now to pull as many of the sorry
individuals on the planet across the
goal line as I can before they put dirt
on me but does that look like your group
doesn’t look like your group I mean in
no way shape manner or form you know
maybe if we had a bunch of bunny rabbits
running there
or it’s unbelievable but again you are
who you hang around with you know and as
Oprah Winfrey says and which I talk
about a lot is that you want people with
a like mind and that are better than you
smarter than you more intelligent than
you to get on your bus don’t be so
concerned about what you’re going to do
with those people but you want to you
know the joint brain is you know there’s
nothing the joint brain collective brain
or brain can’t overcome and I give the
example of the atomic bomb Manhattan
Project and they were put together and
they were told we need we need to
develop a weapon of mass destruction
which they didn’t call it that back in
those days in the middle 40s to end the
war in the Pacific and they did they
didn’t know if implode or explode but
they did but if you’re if your team
doesn’t look like that then you should I
won’t say you should give serious
thought you should just change if you
are not experiencing anxiety if your
problems are not replaced as soon as you
saw one or the bigger one that’s
geometrically bigger then you’re not
growing I hate to hear people tell me my
business is running smoothly
everything’s great well then he might as
well or she might as well blow their
brains out because they sure as hell
aren’t growing what my deal is all about
is growing geometrically quantumly and
just remember that and keep an open mind
because I have been there and done that
there’s no question about that yeah yeah
another thing I said this yesterday just
because you haven’t done it just because
you’ve never been around somebody that
hasn’t done that hasn’t done it and just
because you’ve never heard of it
doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist the
absence of evidence is not evidence of
their absence I’m going to pay something
they’re real foreign to you something
that you’ve been taught by your parents
your grandparents in school and
basically all that is crap I’m not
talking about moral issues and things
like that a religion I don’t get into
I was raised a Roman Catholic if that is
and I’m still a Roman Catholic and my
wife’s a convert Catholic if that gives
you any idea about why Staunton religion
but I’ll be glad to debate and he’s out
during the break so just keep an open
mind the high performance people that I
will continue to allude to all day long
live in a different world than you they
came from the same world as you did but
they live in a different world they
think differently unless we build the
right foundation I mean the house will
be woolly and it will be you know you
got it we got to build the right
foundation and for the most part most
people in this room and most people
listen on YouTube have to come to the
realization as sad as it is if you have
pissed you have urinated heretofore
up until this morning your entire life
down a peaceful very simple that’s it if
you want to create massive wealth if you
just want to be a happy slappy housewife
from Dundee or happy slappy bimbo from
Toronto or happy slappy guy who goes to
the Little League games as base to
Arizona then that’s okay but if you want
to create some money and money’s not
everything but if you don’t money think
money can buy happiness you don’t know
where to shop you can get money and then
go save the world
then get money and save the forest in
Brazil you make money and go save global
warming which I don’t believe in because
I mean and say that the pimp kids in by
a for no elections but without money you
can’t save up thing don’t you understand
don’t the Ariat on YouTube understand
that until you make some shekels until
you make some coin you can’t help
because if love got the job done you
wouldn’t all be helped Matthew and I
were discussing some of the things
about why you’ve discounted and on a
subconscious level some of the things
that happened because absence of
evidence is not evidence of absence and
he said it something very profound for
an australian this is heavy duty but he
said I decided to do it even though it
was stupid I decided to do it
stupid meaning that follow the process
to an intellectually white guy was an
engineer until you won’t you you see
you’ll figure out a better way and he
followed the stupid process that works
and has been working for 45 years 27
years before when I was doing it in 22
years since I’ve been coaching and he
called it I wasn’t trying to be
insulting everything because I just
decided to follow this you know how did
you say instead of trying to be strong I
was just trying to be stupid shut it out
of my brain and just do it and what
happened he did it and that’s why it’s
hard with the youtubers and all the
other because you can’t dumb you know
dumb down you won’t you will not believe
that it’s easy you can’t you know you
won’t it seemed but he put it very
succinctly you know just dumb down and
shut off that part of his brain and just
follow the steps
you don’t need case studies you have a
you have a template you having inscript
that a monkey can read that Alex wants a
case study because you wants to notice
behind it because he’s stupid
and that’s why for your don’t need any
case studies how many times do I have to
say you haven’t script I said then
change a word on the script not a comma
if it’s got mr. once ended up misspelled
the last thing you need is a case study
this is why you poor this is what I
watching this on YouTube are so poor
thank you guys so much for watching I
hope you enjoyed I’d love to know what
did you take from this video that you’re
going to immediately apply to your life
or to your business what was the most
important lesson that you learned please
leave it down in the comments below I’m
super curious to find out I also want to
give a quick share the two-thirds wisdom
thank you so much for picking up a copy
of my book through one word and making
that review on your YouTube channel I’m
glad you enjoyed the book and I really
really appreciate your support
so thank you guys again for watching I
believe in you I hope you continue to
believe in yourself and whatever your
one word is much love I’ll see you soon
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