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Create products you’re PROUD of – Jessica Alba (@jessicaalba) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is create products that you’re
proud of over to you Jessica Alba the
big differentiator with our company
versus the other companies out there is
you know they spend millions and
millions of dollars on product
development to make a product for one
cent they want to make the cheapest
product as humanly possible and they
don’t really look at the health
ramifications on or the healthiness of
it it’s really just how cheap and
high-volume and we’re exactly the
opposite and so we spend a lot of money
on product development on high
performance on the best ingredients the
healthiest ingredients but really honing
in on performance this is a really
important topic because so many
entrepreneurs try to start a business
just because they’re looking for an
opportunity where they don’t really
actually love the product or service of
creating and you knowingly release
products and services out there that you
wouldn’t use yourself that you’re not
really proud of creating that’s not the
way to success as an entrepreneur you’ve
got to love what you do and you’ve got
to pour that love and energy into the
products you create and make something
that you’re proud of make something that
you would sell to your mother and
recommend to her because you love it so
much that’s the difference when you love
your products that much and you’re
pouring everything you’ve got into it
you’re much more likely to succeed so my
question is a for you guys today is what
do you love about your products leave
the comments below on join the
discussion thank you for watching
continue believe and they’ll see you
again tomorrow morning for another shot
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