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Create a Unique Value Proposition or Fail – Ask Evan

you have to have a unique value
proposition for your business a unique
angle that makes you different that
makes people want to pay attention to
you otherwise you’re going to fail hi
I’m Evan Carmichael your friend in all
things entrepreneurship and today i’m
answering a question from one of my
youtube viewers joseph who wrote in
saying he wants to start a credit card
processing company to help small and
medium-sized companies do you have any
tips Congrats shows have want to start
this business it’s awesome but you got
to tell me more you have to have
something to help you stand out because
the logical question is so what there’s
tons of these guys you’re going up
against huge competition what makes you
different and you might even already
know and if you know you got to explain
that in all your materials if you’re
writing the question to me or if you’re
creating a website whatever it is you
got to write down how you’re different
you’re going to get lost otherwise
you’re going up against big companies
with big dollars and you’re not going
able to get through you’re not going to
get your message heard amongst all the
noise so how do you come up with your
unique value proposition maybe it’s a
specific industry you know maybe you’re
going to help restaurants and you have
knowledge about restaurants the other
companies don’t then you can go in and
really help those companies out and
you’re known as the restaurant guy or
maybe you have some extra features that
no other company has you got to find a
way to stand out and it can’t be on
price it was just on price alone it’s a
race to the bottom and it’s going to be
really hard to build a successful
business you want to have something
unique and special about you that you
can justify charging not only market
rates but even a premium why would
people pay more to work with you than
somebody else that’s the question to ask
if you can figure that out you are on to
a pot of gold here’s a quick example
something that I do I work with brands I
work with companies who are trying to
reach the entrepreneur community and
understand them because a lot of brands
have no idea
how to reach entrepreneurs and I’ll
charge a premium for that service if
they want me to write a blog post for
their website I’m trying to I’m
twenty-five hundred dollars we’re
otherwise you can get somebody for 100
bucks or he’ll do it for free I’m way
above market rate but they do it because
I understand the entrepreneur community
and I have a network of my own
entrepreneurs that’s what I’m known as
I’m built up that reputation and I love
doing it you got to find your own thing
why would people pay more to work with
you than somebody else that’s your
unique value proposition you got to
figure out and if you can again you’re
on your way to pot of gold and having a
lot of fun too hopefully that helps for
those of you guys watching if you liked
the video please give it a thumbs up and
also love to hear what you have to think
if you have a comment leave it
underneath the video I always read those
and i always respond so thank you and
I’ll see you soon
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