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Business Name Ideas – How to pick your business name? – Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to
another edition of ask Evan in today’s
episode I’m going to answer a question
from one of my four members GT who was
asking about naming a business we wrote
what’s in a name how do you recommend
the marketer goes about selecting an
appropriate name what are the things to
consider we’re talking about a business
name narrow box saying I would create a
video reply and we’ve had a whole range
of different thoughts of people writing
in and giving their thoughts on what you
should come about you know creating name
is important or not for me uh it’s a
tough one I don’t think it honestly
matters too much what you name your
business for my case I was actually
upset at the beginning when I was
launching my company they haven’t
comical calm when I first did it it was
just to show where i was i just sold my
company and I was doing a lot of
speaking and helping a lot of
entrepreneurs and I used my website just
basically to talk about where i was
going to be talking and what topics I
was talking about and that’s why I
started off my name so just wherever
mirka was and then as I grew the
business I thought you know that’s a
time there was no revenue model
associated with except speaking so as I
grew and got more content got more
people involved I thought man I really
wish I named my company entrepreneur
advice there entrepreneur tips or
something like that with keywords in the
name and people would really know what I
did instantaneously and I kind of kicked
myself later on for not thinking
thinking about it back then because now
all the all the good domain names are
taken but then after I later realized
that you know I’m building a brand here
and a lot of people were curious about
me and now I’m really grateful that I
built it off of my name and people you
know see the name and they get curious
as to who was Evan Carmichael and what
is this website all about and what does
he have to say and so I’ve been able to
transition my brand to being know me
being more involved in doing a lot more
marketing myself and doing the videos
and all that stuff and so now I’m happy
that I chose that name and I think
whatever name you end up with it’s not
going to matter to too much but I know
people are you know advocating one way
or the other and sometimes people get
really passionate about it so I thought
what might
is to share some of what some famous
entrepreneurs went through when picking
their name and we we made a little
infographic that was originally meant to
go on facebook that we never actually
published so this is kind of a sneak
peek behind the scenes of something that
that might come on facebook soon we
haven’t we haven’t done it yet and it’s
basically about how to pick a name for
your business and how famous some pros
have done it themselves so I’ll quickly
load up the graphic behind here and so
this is it so it’s neat a company name
and I’ll just move that out of the way
so these are different ways of famous on
Turner’s have done it so the first one
is George Eastman and your number one
strategy is make up a new word so
Eastman founded Kodak and in his view
the name must mean nothing if the name
has no dictionary definition then it
must be only associated with your
product I devised the name myself the
letter K has been a favor with me it
seems strong incisive sort of letter
they became a question of trying out a
great number of combinations of letters
that made words starting and ending with
K so we want to k at the beginning and K
at the end so we came up with Kodak and
it’s true Kodak doesn’t mean anything
and when you think Kodak that’s the only
definition so that’s how he came up with
the name number to flip a coin so bill
hewlett dave packard there from the the
founders of hewlett-packard they their
names were Hewlett and Packard and they
you know flip the coin to the side whose
name would go first and park we actually
won the toss but decided to let his
friend hewitt Hewlett get the name at
the start so became hewlett-packard so
again here you know has nothing to do
with the products or companies the
products that they’re selling which can
help you as you evolve your your
business you know you can get into
different product lines where if you you
know are only called you know Jonathan’s
microphones then if microphones go
obsolete or you know if your bills
typewriters know typewriters might go
obsolete so your business might have to
change where if you have it around your
name or a name that doesn’t know mean
anything you can always evolve your
the next one here is Richard Branson so
his was have fun with it so when he
started this company he asked the people
who are working with him what do you
think the company should be called and
they said since we’re complete virgins
at the business let’s call it that
virgin and that’s how the in virgin came
about so again virgin could be anything
and he’s been able to apply that name
across so many different companies and
people just associate the name virgin
with lots of different industries and
specifically the Richard Branson so
again he’s not tying himself into one
particular product or service the next
one is be trendy this is akio morita who
is a founder of Sony and when he first
started this company Sony it was called
Tokyo telecommunications engineering
corporation so it was you know really
long and he wanted something short and
quick and he combined the word sonus
which was latin for sound with Sonny Boy
which was a popular trend the word at
the time it was to describe a young
person and he combined them to create
sony and that’s what the name sony came
from so again i have made up word
something that was hopefully trendy at
the time and had some kind of meaning
with the sonus and again sony’s been
able to branch out a whole bunch of
different products and services you can
use an acronym so this is how Yahoo got
started so Yahoo stands for yet another
hierarchical officious Oracle so that’s
the official name of Yahoo where it came
from and since yeah who was already
trademarked as a BBQ sauce they had to
add the excellent ! at the end of it so
you know original is Jerry’s guide to
World Wide Web but we settled on yahoo
it was a pretty recognizable name so
they originally called it around his
name so no Jerry’s guide to a world wide
web and then they decide to use an
acronym so again yahoo doesn’t
necessarily mean anything has a you know
connotation of you know being fun and
exciting but it stands for you know the
the yeh oo stands for something so they
using acronym again let some branch jump
to the whole bunch of different areas
next one be meaningful so this is from
phil knight you started nike so you want
to change the name as original company
name was brutally ribbon sports and you
want to name it something else
and his favorite company name was
dimension six but his team didn’t like
that name so they decided to you know
come up with another name and came up
with Nike which is the Greek goddess of
victory and initially he didn’t like the
name he thought you know he wanted to go
with dimension six but he was managed to
be convinced that Nike was a better name
and so that stuck imagine of Nike was
called Blue Ribbon sports or dimension
six and again they’ve been a little
bright child to whole bunch of different
products and services too and then the
last one just for this one here the
quick seven tips look up definitions so
this is where Twitter came from so
Twitter was hatched from a day-long
brainstorming session between the three
founders Jack Dorsey Evan Williams biz
stone and they actually began the
company without having a name so one of
the quotes here the working name was
just status for a while it actually
didn’t have a name we’re a name we’re
trying to name it so I need to add a
capital W there we came across the word
Twitter and it was just perfect the
definition was a short bursts of
inconsequential information that’s the
definition of a Twitter and chirps from
birds and that’s exactly what the
product was so they looked up meanings
of the name different definitions and
came up with the word Twitter so you
know I don’t think that it really
matters to too much what your company
name is I know something you guys might
disagree and looking at how these famous
entrepreneurs came up with the name for
themselves you’ll see that its range
from a whole bunch of different options
and again a lot of times the name
doesn’t actually mean to too much but
hopefully gives you guys some food for
thought and sneak peek at an infographic
that might be heading your way soon on
our Facebook page so thanks for your
time if you guys liked the video please
give it a thumbs up below I always
appreciate seeing those thumbs ups come
in and it makes me want to do more of
these videos for you guys and if you
have a comment about this if you want to
share how you came up with your name or
if you have a question you want me to
answer please leave a comment under the
video and I’ll definitely check it out
so thank you and we’ll see you on the
next episode
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