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Brandon Carter Gets You MOTIVATED and Spits TRUTH ft. @kingketo | #InstagramLive

what’s up man all good so for those of
you who may not be familiar with the
king of fitness the king of keto the
upcoming king of entrepreneurship mr.
Brandon Carter how you doing man we did
a top-10 on Brandon if you guys aren’t
super feeling with this story go check
that out it was it was an honor putting
together tons of fun diving into your
story it’s it’s amazing everything you
had to go through the thing that just
stands out for me is just the dedication
the commitment just like the everyday
and I think whether people are chasing
their entrepreneurial goals or fitness
goals or life goals
how do you stay committed to chasing
your dreams every day a lot of people
have that issue they want to accomplish
something you know in you have to do
with X Y Z to get to get to that goal
like every day and you know I think you
can get real frustrated you know because
you seem like to work hard every day but
you’re not really no you’re not always
like progress in its best it’s like you
know in it’s kind of like you know when
you see a kid like a kid rope like
everything you see him on Monday Tuesday
looks like throw it off right but you
really you know it seemed like year
later right you know through a lot
because it’s not a huge baby with
negligible it’s the same way with your
goals and I just keep that in mind right
I’m not trying to hit home runs every
day right I’m just trying to think that
little bit every day little bit because
I know after a month after a year ten
years you know that it’ll be substantial
it all adds up but I think we get
frustrated day-to-day we’re looking for
like immediate results but that almost
never happen to happen in nature you
know it doesn’t even happen in nature
you see you plant a plant a seed you
know you come back two days later see
anything you know but
it’s done something negative like
day-to-day but you can come back in a
month then you use this progress so is
that what you tell yourself every
morning like I’m gonna I want little
tiny gains on the seed something like
that I say that I want to do all I can
do each day right because I know it’s
not gonna be like a huge jump right so
I’m gonna get as much stuff lights out
of it out of the day you know there’s a
book the secret allegedly that that book
she faces off another cup you read
called the science of getting rich a guy
named Wallace walked out in that book no
less than 50 times the author’s work and
do all they can be done each day all
they can be done you take my wall at
home I have it put it down the place on
the wall yes that’s way different than
working on your goal right that’s way
too different been working hard today
that’s all that he’s done he’s been I go
all out because I you know I know that
way I mean I hundred percent agree with
you and in watching your videos when
we’re making the top 10 one of the
things that resonated with me was you’re
you’re making YouTube videos and like I
make videos every day and like you could
this railer day don’t make a video you
can bet on me making a video and and
it’s the same thing for me man like four
years ago I had 7000 subscribers now
we’re at 1.6 million because every day
it’s like two to three videos every day
for four years Wow 2 to 3 every day 2 to
3 every day for four years from seven
thousand subs to 1.6 million and so I’m
like I see us as being along the same
path that and and I love your message of
like anybody can do it like I’m not that
special you’re not that special but but
what we’ve done is special and so like
the unlock because most people they
would love to be you in three years but
they don’t want to put in the work to
get there they have a hard time staying
consistent they don’t know if it’s gonna
work out or not yeah and so I think I
think like how do you unlock that in
people because you think that what
you’ve done other people can do they can
same muscle gains it can get the same
entrepreneurial success but they’re just
not putting in the work consistently it
then you tell them I’m the guy kind of
me sometimes you know I don’t know what
I’m talking to people or coaches and
that’s or done like them in that because
I want to be because I feel like that’s
some pumps people just need to hear the
truth and the truth is probably not
working hard enough man like like if you
want to accomplish whatever caucus or
what I’m doing you need to work harder
you know like I’m up at 4:00 and 4:30 or
4 4:30 every day you know like I’m going
for it and I know work until 17 I got a
pump or whatever I’m thinking like 12 14
hour days six seven days a week and I’ve
been doing that for years so like how
get frustrated need to do if it’s longer
to come to our conference because if
you’re not working it’s all you know and
that’s cool that’s cool like maybe you
want if you want have your ambitions
aren’t the same that don’t work then you
don’t need to work as hard right here in
business doesn’t give me your work ethic
that’s an expectation you know I’m just
independent real about you know how many
hours for the new reps and if they’re
not been only honestly you can expect
failure or some there’s a formula right
you know by this point uh sorry three
videos a day the work for years three
four years you know that did that
perform did you laid it out there’s no
traits like it’s not even like I mean
I’m sure you have my little thing you
know SEO things like yes this minor
compared to sort of reps I woulda met
yeah yeah yeah hundred percent yeah
forget it man it’s to work it you just
got it so consistency always wins that’s
what I believe in like you’re an example
that consistency always wins so if you
go back like you had this job working
for your your buddies moving company
you’re doing like already 12 hours a day
of like back-breaking work then you take
the weekend job to to bring in more
income and then you’re like hey I want
to build my business
like I think a lot of people can relate
yeah but they don’t like I’m tired I
come back I’ve worked 12 hours I’m
moving all day long you know how do I
get the energy to work on my company I
already have another weekend job like
people live in that land of excuses so
is that it just turn up on them say hey
it’s possible you can do it you can do
it or like or don’t write like that’s
cool like if you don’t have energy don’t
do it if you want to relax what’s an
easy then take it easy if you want it
but if you want to take it to the next
level you gotta do all these things that
I’m not that smart I’m not that even
that special it’s just relentless work
ethic just relentless I’ll stop at
nothing you know so like if you don’t
want it bad enough you don’t tell me you
can’t don’t the same not willing because
that’s the truth you know if you good
here’s the thing if you put a pun to one
of your family members hits you say you
got to work like this you know for a
week they would do it right so they have
the capacity it’s just it’s the will all
right he’s never done like I don’t like
everything here Kent he’s like will I’m
not willing it though everything can’t
that’s okay you know women like those of
the time when I wanted to be a doctor
and then I really I really like I’ve
only had to go to school and I was like
yeah I’m not willing to do that and I
made peace with that I didn’t complain I
never prayed about that I just I just
luckily I mean I wasn’t willing to go
down that path so I’d make a good
I chose any like working before you
degree you know I’m fine with that one
of the things I loved in making the
video on you was you’re talking about
doing the boring stuff so when people
come and they they see you and it’s like
yeah Here I am working in the gym and
models and covers of magazines and it
looks all glorious butts like hey you
know what like most of my days doing
really really boring stuff Todd talk
about that well I know you can relate to
that right cuz you know edited videos is
not the most exciting work in the world
you know I would imagine you know
especially as many you’d like you’ve got
thousands of videos we have six thousand
five thousand are
bhavanibabu and I would imagine at least
in the beginning you edited the majority
of those yeah yeah absolutely yeah
hours a day and you gotta to research it
especially your solid video because you
got to go on the right clips you got it
down low
stuff it and and then you use it looks
like yourself as scripted it’s not like
off the head so like you got to write a
script and all of that is I would
imagine that was born some of that work
is like it’s not exciting and I think
they like the idea of being a consumer
or an idea of being the idea of being
like famous or popular however it’s when
I realize what it what it takes a lot of
people just not used to in a ticket if
I’m a bumpy and honest I think even
though most people watching this on the
phone it’s like I think these phones
they’ve made it worse because now we’re
just addicted to that consistent
dopamine rush and with consistent that
consistent novelty it’s like our brains
are kind of crazy now and let me train
ourselves looking like the young people
for the young age and well as a result
then that is used to are able to sitting
down and even mourn stuff but that’s
what you need to succeed like it’s not
all funny in games you know you do what
you have to in the present so you can
have what you want in the future I mean
you got to sacrifice the present for the
future but like most people they’d
rather do was fun and exciting like
right now and the end up sacrificing the
future for the present and then wonder
what it lives on in say the Winkies in
fact like I heard you know tell you was
yeah he’s on my wall he’s on my wall
right there people were man when he was
talking to Trump but the only part that
really made me mad the only part of
route that made me mad what he said we
dad we need to make school more fun and
teach kids math and basketball at the
same time and I and I was like oh we
can’t these kids how to avoid doing the
boring stuff like they happen part of
being an adult and accomplished
it’s getting used to doing the boring
stuff the hard stuff it’s never in an
environment where they cultivate that
skill then they’ll never really be able
to succeed in a trade or or or really
anything you know unless they test even
being an actor right you have to sit and
memorize lines and you know the set is
born like I’ve been on set more but even
an actor even though you want to be a
professional soccer player right you
gotta do all these drills or that’s what
we got through all these free throws
it’s not exploding exciting you don’t
like even the exciting jobs come from
learning how to do doing the boring
stuff well over over again would you
agree yeah I mean there’s a lot of just
of just getting the work done there’s a
lot if it’s something consistent I try
to I try to offload that you know I try
to hire teamm like I realize editing is
not my forte so on you know I’ve got 24
people on my team I want to offload that
but like at the beginning it’s all me
everything I do everything yeah
everything every new project is me all
the way and then as I build it up then I
start bringing on a team to surround
myself with yeah yeah and then that’s
good that’s how you optimize yourself
right because but in the beginning that
you gotta get there
you gotta get there I’m sure less stuff
that you hate now but here’s Hillsong
you know like actually like you have 20
you say you got 20 something employees
yeah yeah I have 15 right in in it’s uh
you know this is parts of that that are
difficult you know like didn’t stuff
like there’s no it never gets by easy
you know they everybody they wanted to
meet me like I think should be happy
that it’s hard because that that’s your
women is the gülizar it was going to
separate you so Instagram you know a lot
of people posting motivational stuff
inspirational stuff but then they’re not
actually doing the action like if you
actually look behind the curtains
they’re just they’re posing or they’re
just posting somebody’s quote but then
they’re not actually going off and doing
it yeah and I think like I think one of
the great parts about your stuff is you
start now speaking truth and when you
turn up and start yelling at people like
it’s actual truth which is great but
talk about bridging that gap it’s like
if somebody wants to be in
inspired it’s great like they’re going
to get inspired by a quote but then but
then it’s still just not happening for
them how do you bridge the gap from
inspiration to action yeah gracious
stuff is like the dopamine hit if I was
talking about earlier you know it’s
quick dope immediate but it might give
you some motivation to take some action
momentarily British motivation is
actually motivation can hurt you and
motivation knowledge back because you
never let me only later on time like the
beams are going to go through the full
spectrum of emotions how’s it going to
even you can feel kind of late right
how’s gonna be happy so it’s gonna be
sad it’s not gonna be confident gonna be
insecure like worth enough every time
that’s all of us right so you only work
when you’re motivated then you know it’s
there like the other success is low
because you can’t be as consistent you
know you won’t be consistent and
consistency is key like we’re talking
about earlier so then you don’t really
need motivation which means each
discipline right discipline mean you do
what you’re supposed to do when you’re
supposed to do it you feel like it or
not right it’s whether you feel like it
or not that motivation could be
motivating if you like man I’m excited
can’t wait don’t wanna get after right
um it’s not using discipline when you’re
motivated right you guys Ange is
literally not difficult in your
motivation and in what happens if you
only work when you’re motivated never
build that discipline muscle the more
you the more you use discipline to start
it the more you can deploy it against
your goals but if you all if you can
only work it when you’re motivated in
that discipline muscle you may begin
accurately right you know there now I’m
going to now you depending on some sort
of motivation to actually be going and
you’ll never be motivated all the time
so they’re actually in the service I
think that thing is beautiful when
you’re not motivating you like doing
that the most important time to work and
don’t feel like you that’s the only time
you get to use your discipline right and
the more you use it the stronger it gets
and the more successful you will be as a
result I think I think all power
the cornerstone look to everything if
everything is predicated on how much
disappear I really I really started to
leave there like I don’t know everything
about success directly I leave leave
leave my like discipline the cornerstone
to all success achievement in long-term
mm-hmm I mean I think it’s also the
foundation self-respect like when you
get up and you do the thing that’s
difficult to do that you didn’t think
you could do you don’t have the
motivation to do but then you still do
it that’s how you absolutely build
self-respect for yourself where if you
only know where it’s easy like if you
ran a race against three-year-olds and
you won like who cares like you got the
result of winning but it’s not real
winning yeah you came to came in your
head on that you know you can’t look at
that and say oh I’m proud proud of that
right you can’t hang that trophy on your
wall like I got this I got this other
you know cook on two comma Club award
when you run do over million dollars in
sales selling your stuff with their
software and they give you that at work
and that’s what I’m proud of
right like list it’s like this is right
about listen five percent of all
businesses hit the million dollar margin
so like that’s something I can be proud
but it that was easy it’s like 95
percent of business did that I would
brand wall I would be nothing
you like getting the LLC I need being
proud of registered for that you know
right you know you got yeah you’re right
man that’s a good that’s a really good
point people celebrating the wrong
yeah yeah you think that people are
taught that a little bit like
participation trophies in fraud and you
know prizes before that big place you
think the deaths like that’s talked a
little bit in our in our in our culture
in America I don’t know the good day
another country yeah yeah we have that I
mean I’m Canadian we have that too okay
okay so let me ask you this around
discipline I have a weird philosophy and
see what you think about this and we run
it by you since here you’re the you’re
the king of nutrition and eating and
diet and all that so the common advice
when people are starting to die is get
rid of the junk food out of your house
get rid of out of your condo like clear
it out so you’re not tempted and and I
think there’s actually a good start but
ultimately wake makes you weaker because
whenever you go now and you’re not
the environment you you cheat like you
go on a vacation or you go somewhere
else and like now you’re screwed because
you haven’t built the muscle because
you’ve just made your environment
support your weak behaviors so I have a
strategy called and of Doritos and so I
have this giant bag of Doritos kind of
sitting in front of me
yeah and it’s it’s because I own you
Doritos it’s like the Doritos don’t own
me I own I own you Doritos I’m the weird
duck and like that doesn’t work for
people but but what are your thoughts of
somebody who was trying to get healthy
get up get on a diet like lose some
weight start to build up on on getting
rid of the junk food from from their
from their condo as a long-term strategy
I I think you’re right I think you have
to develop that I find it in Italy men
as people’s mold the average person
lacks discipline so much it is probably
a good strategy to wait avoid it you
know I would be honest you I use some
avoidance tactics too like I keep my
phone on airplane mode when I’m working
or like though like it was initially was
like kind of hard for skin in touch
because and then that’s my fault
because I have two phones I got my
social media stuff on this right but
this is a phone in this fight because
it’s really just over in text messages
in email it’s like this the phone I used
as a phone and the phone and this is
where I got all the crap right and if I
keep this on all the time by eating you
know I’ll fall victim and I feel like
I’m pretty disciplined but in all things
hmm right like I think that you are used
to be athletes they have this ability to
where they are but then you see them
like you know if you call it scandal or
something there need to be a combination
I like what you like I definitely ice
cream in my freezer and I wait to my
cheat day and I look at every day ice
cream I’m not not to think like there
was the time when now gonna be able to
do that right but there’s something to
it like I don’t know that with
everything you tempt yourself too much
you know there’s only your rhythm book
called willpower
no you know but it is a good book me I
think I have a running somewhere so
basically you
study and they were saying that like
this is a book willpower crazy
yeah and they did a bunch of studies and
they were saying it whoa the amount of
discipline yeah if I kind of find out
you know it’s not infinite
you know I’m even making stronger
actions like like you’re doing the
Dorito but maybe until you build up some
discipline like you’re probably more
discipline an average person you know
check it uh I think you got to build it
I filled it up because I know I’m not
discipline all things at least I seen
your story it’s transitioning while in
that like the discipline to hold down
those jobs and break your back every day
to then like bringing that into your
health transformation to then bringing
it to your business like when you pick
the thing that you want to be focused on
you seem to be really good at just
saying I’m doing this is going to be
boring I’m gonna put my head down for
three years and do it every day and then
I’m gonna win yeah people don’t talk
about this a lot I and I wish they would
talk more days all the stuff you have to
give up you know hmm like all the stuff
you have to give up like you know I
can’t though you know like you said I
had two jobs and I was personal training
you know training people and trying to
build my business at the same time so
I’ll order my 14-hour day seven days a
week and I did that for two years
strength you know um how do I’ve never
seen in movies I don’t remember going to
any like barbecue I remember missing
every you know birthday party or you
know my missing whole summer of fun no
and I don’t think people talk about the
sacrifices you’ve ever had to give it up
and if you’re willing to do that you
know like a lot of people pick
themselves up because it could because
they think they fall victim but maybe
it’s it’s really not willing to
sacrifice that thing and that’s cool if
I make you got kid and you say you know
what I have to spend less how my family
time to go maybe feeling the kids more
for me you know um maybe a family’s more
important it’s not to me right like I
comfortable at all call but I think it’s
because I come from so so much pain
right like so much like like severe
poverty did like come by almost afraid
of death like something for me is almost
left that I’m running forward something
think I’m running away from the past so
like I have a different motivation you
know but that’s cool like it’s not a
judgment but I think clear about that
thank you all do you have to give up a
lot I’m sure that probably yeah man I
mean I gave up Doritos you know like I
love it I think your purpose comes from
your pain like I think the thing that
that was so painful you want to make
sure you never go back to ever again and
then also you want to inspire people to
never have to feel that same pain that
you felt what you see is what you’re
doing with all your content and your
transformation and now is it continue
down so you know you’ve had your
transformation now you’re getting into
entrepreneurship and you’re building
your business and you know a couple
years of not paying yourself anything to
build up your your company now starting
to make make money and win awards and
all that you do you wanna is it you want
to help other people become
entrepreneurs as well and like give them
a path to break out of their their
situation oh yeah for sure man I have a
like I’ve been coaching a lot of other
business entrepreneurs and helping them
build their own online businesses man we
did like just crazy success like like
people it’s not uncommon for someone to
start working with us and they go from
like zero or maybe just a little bit of
money to look in their in their fitness
business to make it like you know five
ten dollars a month within like 90 day
just like not uncommon at all for us I
think about inter said I have a Facebook
group called a fitness entrepreneurs
I’ll put it put it on my story after
their company came into it but Elite
Fitness entrepreneurs in man we just had
a crazy success stories man like there’s
one girl and a clean TV from Houston and
she came to me she told me to speak get
up buddy Pedro sister did his business
something and after it yet meet the
culture and you know she was working
like she was working like meeting been
like 14-hour days but the training piece
is one-on-one
she’s one more time freedom you know to
accomplish their goals and
you know she started working with me and
then you know then like 68 minutes
you’ve got this $10,000 a month online
right today we like get rid of almost
all our American clients and last month
to be $20,000 right now since able to
travel around steps way down you got a
light and now that feels good to me
because I remember to see the trailer no
one likes it silly me you don’t feel
like you’re trading time for money in
that in a spy like treasures we’d like
Chinese right right same time distinct
you want to do this if you want to add
and incremented selling you want to
evolve and it’s like it’s very
imperative to feel the whole content and
how is that it’s really cool and I don’t
selected any competition or anything
that some of them like we wanted to
training that girl that wouldn’t one
tourney with me right there man or two
different markets and that’s something I
teach people how to different
differentiate yourself so you’re not
competing with other people like so you
specialize in something right okay like
how you’re you to do not give it like
okay all right like your yeah it’s
very back yeah you know it ladies no
companies you invented invented a genre
you know and I think there’s always room
for quality at the top yeah like people
want to be a personal trainer like if
you’re good there’s still tons of
opportunity for you just because there’s
a million other personal trainers like
there’s always room for quality at the
top always man listen dude I know we’re
kind of getting short on time I really
appreciate all your wisdom advice like
if you had to leave my audience as one
final message from Brandon Carter this
is what they need to hear and know what
do you think this is right results come
from actions right whatever actually you
think you have a result right so if you
have random results you’re working
sometimes if you’re doing rent if you’re
working randomly on your goals you know
your random results right you’re not
gonna be a depend on it so what you want
to do is let me talk about this whole
time you wanna be consistent consistent
actions will yield this consistent
results right now massive action
well you old Massa resolved okay now for
what with this deal massive results that
doesn’t guarantee that he necessarily
means accepts what kinda we go what kind
of actions we need to take to make
success like inevitable like like it’s
like you can’t fit it make it impossible
Phil what kind of actions that I take
for example I lie climb here I can let
swat at it hard right nests hard feel my
miss right put if I drop a bomb on the
building I killed I kept you gonna kill
that fly so like what would be your
goals whatever you kind of copies what
the amount of action it makes billion
possible and it’s going difficult in the
war the everyone’s looking to crazy but
I don’t I love a man Brandon Carter
ladies and gentlemen dude thank you so
much for spending this time with us
love it
thanks man thank you soon Cheers also if
you want to know what I think and what
other successful entrepreneurs think
about building confidence check out my
new 250 for confidence series where
every day to the next 254 days for free
I will send you a 30 second a five
minute video in the morning to help you
build unstoppable confidence the link is
in the description below if you want to
be more confident you need to surround
yourself with things that make you feel
confident realizing that any big
endeavor is the collection of a lot of
small steps that came before if you’re
doing work that you loved you’re more
likely to follow through you’re more
likely to do it because it doesn’t feel
like work because you love doing it
the most important work ever if you had
to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that some
you Apple that would become like a
little beacon if you want more branding
Carter check out the top ten rules video
that I did on him the link is right
there next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
soonerlater you want to stop beating
victim be big door you want to stop you know wider and start being a winner
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