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Brain Hacks That Give You Mind Blowing

how to use your brain to create a life
full of magic and amazing opportunities
located in your brain stem is what is
known as the reticular activating system
or as as I like to call it for short
Rather’s role can be likened to a huge
gatekeeper which screens out most of the
incoming data from the environment you
live in the reason why it does is is
that any one time you are surrounded by
2 million bits of data but your brain
only has the ability to process 147 bits
at any given time therefore your brain
only lets in or processes information
which it deems is important and relevant
everything else is screened out your
brain focuses and puts it attention on
things it says is important and relevant
to your survival and well-being how does
your brain decide what’s important and
relevant the only way you can do this is
to assess the external environment
against what is contained in your
long-term memory this includes all your
beliefs experiences and conditioning
this is its default system so if you
choose to believe that something is
impossible then even if it does exist
you will not see it you do of course
have the power to override this R as
default system with the thinking part of
your brain known as the frontal lobes
this is as simple as choosing to put
your attention and focus on what you
basically what you focus on you find
strangely enough quantum physics tells
us the same thing quantum physics tells
us that at any point in time all
possibilities exist and the moment we
focus on one the rest drop out of
let me give you a couple of examples a
common one is finding car parking spaces
have you ever heard or experienced
yourself when you were convinced that
you’ll find a car parking spot in a busy
street you do so as this becomes a habit
of your thinking and focus you always
seem to get a parking spot or others
can’t know often people think that these
parking spots just magically appear and
that they have the Midas touch however
the truth is that the reticular
activating system is working in your
favor because you are focused and
believed that one is available your
brain kicks into action and your sight
is activated to see opportunities for
parking spaces let me give you a couple
of other examples which will demonstrate
the power of your brain to find and
locate things some years ago when I was
working for a large international
company I had the opportunity to spend a
few weeks overseas working on an
assignment during this assignment I had
volunteered to take notes on what needed
to happen when we all returned to our
respective countries when I arrived back
in Australia I misplaced the notes and
as I was the only one who had a copy I
was in a bit of a panic so I decided to
apply the same concept I used to finding
parking spaces and lost keys to finding
these notes back then I didn’t know
about rares and just thought I had this
ability to conjure up lost items so
within an hour of what I term casting it
out there I decided to walk into my
training staffs office and open one of
the cupboards where we stored training
books and other reference material
sitting on one of the shelves was a
stack of papers about 18 inches high
I place my hand roughly into the middle
of the pile of papers and lo and behold
I pull out the missing notes at the time
I thought it was an absolute genius
these days I’m a little more humble and
understand that is my brain’s ability to
see and find things that I focus on now
you may be wondering how my brain did
that your res works at an unconscious
level and remember at any given time we
are surrounded by two million bits of
data but the brain cannot process that
amount of information at once I believe
that at an unconscious level I had
observed these papers being picked up
from my desk along with other training
notes and stored in the reference
cupboard when my focus was placed on
finding the notes my res kicked into
action and led me right to where I could
find the missing notes let me give you
another example I would often talk about
the missing notes and rares in my
mindset training in one example one of
the participants on the program shared
with me his story of how he used rares
after attending the program he was at
the beach and he noticed that this young
boy was upset and crying he has a young
boy what was wrong and the boy explained
that he had lost his good swimming
goggles and his mother was very upset
with him
no worries he says to a young boy I will
find your goggles
so he walks a hundred metres up the
beach sticks his hand in between the
sand and some seaweed and falls out the
goggles much to the astonishment of the
young boy and his mother now how did he
do that the brain has the capacity to
see the smallest thing once she put your
focus there do you think he could have
found the goggles if he believed like
his mother and the young boy that they
I conducted a lot of mindset training
with salespeople and I also have
numerous stories of how they would
miraculously stumble upon unbelievable
sales opportunities and as a result
their sales would triple in size to the
uninitiated it seems like magic but it
isn’t it is what your brain is built to
do I believe it is built this way
because there are ticular activating
system sits in our most primitive brain
the reptilian brain and Raz exists to
find food water as well as detecting
threats to our survival so the question
is how are you using your recta qo
activating system are you on automatic
pilot and letting your conditioned brain
dictate what you see and don’t see or
are you taking matters into your own
hands and focusing on what you want and
then letting Raz do the rest have you
ever thought that when you focus on
other people’s faults and weaknesses you
just see more of them and miss all their
beauty strengths and talents remember
what you focus on you find and what
about when you approach someone with a
new idea or suggestion what are you
focusing on and what you decide to focus
on is what you will see and react to all
possibilities exist you just need to
decide where you choose to put your
focus and attention because it will
decide the difference between an
expansive full life of amazing miracles
and opportunities or one filled with
drama and limitations what would you choose
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