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Best Nelson Mandela Speeches – #MentorMeMandela

hello believe nation my name is Evan
Carmichael my one word is believe and I
believe that entrepreneurs will solve
all of the major problems in the world I
started as a mentor me series with the
goal to try to hang around people who’ve
done a lot more than us and hopefully by
spending more time with them some of
their mindset their thoughts their
beliefs their attitudes their way of
looking at the world sinks into us to
help us become the best version of
ourself so today we’re going to learn
from Nelson Mandela and some of his best
speeches mentor me Nelson rule number
three is my personal favorite and I’d
love to know which one you guys like the
best and as always guys as you’re
watching if somebody says something that
really resonates with you please leave
it down comment below and put quotes
around it so other people can be
inspired and when you write it down it’s
much more likely to stick for yourself
as well enjoy
I have fought a very family against
white domination I have fought very
firmly against black domination I
cherish the idea of a new South Africa
where all South Africans are equal for
anybody would changing his principles
depending on whom he is dealing that is
not a man who can lead a nation
apparently mister koppel you have not
listened to my item if you have done so
then if you have not been serious in
examining it
I have replied to one of our friends
here that I have refused to be drawn
into the differences that existed
between various communities inside the
USA you have not commented that I am
going to offend anybody by refusing to
involve myself in the internal offense
of the USA of your head
why are you so killed that I should
involve myself in the internal affairs
of Cuba Olivia no I expect you to be
consistent I don’t know if I paralyzed
you know
I’m afraid mr. Mandela that paralysis
does not sit in quite that easily and
like this the point
when I found some place in my country
and a later unser the telephone I then
asked to whom am i speaking
she said you’re speaking to me
I said well lady I know I’m speaking to
you but what’s your name
she said want you to ask for my name was
only I say well lady I sooner to tell
the others I’ll tell you mine but as we
argued as to who should tell his or her
name she became very close and she said
you seem to be a better person
have you passed over truth now my trick
in our country is a university and
reexamination and I said the world ladle
of the very thoughtful
because if the qualification to speak to
you is the possession of a metric
I might work hard and pass my metric and
be in the same class as you are that was
treason she said you will never be in my
class and paint the telephone how I wish
she was here today
we would now discover that I have
achieved more about my mitrik the very
right to the human is denied the other
day to hundreds of millions of people as
a result of poverty and the
unavailability of basic necessities such
as food jobs water and shelter education
health care and a healthy environment as
I sit in cumin my village and call as
ancient as it feels I will continue to
educate the hope idea has emerged a kada
of leaders in my own country and region
on my continent and in the world which
will not allow but any should be denied
their freedom as we were but any should
depend into refugees as we were that any
should be condemned to go hungry as we
were but any should the stripped of the
human dignity everywhere a time for the
heels of the wolves have come the moment
of reach the cousins but divided have
come a time to build if upon us we have
at last achieved our political
emancipation we pledge ourselves to
liberate all our people from the
continuing bondage of poverty
deprivation sovereign gender and other
discrimination we commit ourselves to
the construction of a complete just and
lasting peace
we understand it still that there is no
is road to freedom we know it was that
none of us acting alone can’t achieve
faith we must therefore act together as
a united people for national
reconciliation for Nelson today for the
birth of a new world let there be
justice for all
yet that it is fall if aunt song love
affects on South Korea a human
let’s freedom reign then you were
convicted 1964 for a conspiracy against
the state and in your Winnie period you
said that I am willing to die for this
cause this is very tough thing to say
yes I had the to say that not from a
spirit of bravado but because I
genuinely felt that they were good
huggers and it is the desire of my
freedom fighter to disappear under a
cloud of glory where the doctor see it
is the task of a freedom fighter when
you see that at the end of your days
calm to live the tradition of braver
determination to face even death for
your crucible and I thought about it
it was not because our brave but because
one had a duty to perform after that
moment I have dedicated my life
to this struggle of the African people I
have fought against white domination and
I have against black domination I have
cherished the ideal of a democratic and
free society in which all persons live
together in harmony and with equal
opportunities it is an idea
of which I hope to live for and to see
realized what my lord if it needs be
it is an again for which I am prepared
to die in 1993 I was walking along the
street when I met a couple of tourists
from a well-known western country and
then the husband stopped and sold mr.
Mandela I said were many people mistake
me for that chap and the third would I
be entitled also to mistake you for
doctor I say well you’ll be doing what
many people do it one time to his voice
and said darlin
mr. Mandela she was completely
unimpressed and she said there what is
the famous for and the husband in his
embarrassment that dropped the voice he
said mr. Mandela and at the dear lady
said but I asked to what is he famous
for and without waiting for an answer
from the husband she turned to me and
said what are you famous for
I must confess I couldn’t answer that
we are therefore pleased to announce
that were able once again to increase
old-age pensions are more excited about
because in Davos in Switzerland I told
the plenary session that in a few months
I’ll be standing next to the road saying
please help I’m employed no money a new
wife thank you guys so much for watching
I’d love to know what did you think of
this video what was your favorite clip
and why what lesson are you going to
pull from this clip and immediately
apply somehow to your life or to your
business please leave it down the
comments below I’m super curious to find
out I also want to give a quick shout –
Antonia vena from Antonia vena vlogs
Anthony thank you so much for picking up
a copy of my book your one word and
doing that vlog review on it I really
appreciate the support man and I’m glad
you enjoy doing today I’m going to be
reviewing a book for you guys called
your one-word by Eman Carmichael so
thank you guys again for watching I
believe in you I hope you continue to
believe in yourself and whatever your
one word is much love I’ll see you soon
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