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I had to create Goggins because David
Goggins was a weak kid so I created
Goggins so the crucible of life that I
decided to take to become who I wanted
to become I created Gaga’s Goggins is
the guy talking right now
David Goggins was a kid that got bullied
in all his other things and I created
Goggins mm-hmm I created I was proud of
you’re you’re constantly looking for me
everybody’s journeys different
everybody’s Joanie’s different I was on
a journey to see who David Goggins was
and that journey took me in some of the
hardest areas a human being can even
imagine and right now at 41 I’m the
happiest person on the planet because
you know I had a climb Mount Everest
several times just to look down on my
life to see what hell I came from and
that’s what kept me going through all
this stuff like I I envisioned myself
going through like when I was a young
kid and they called me again me all the
time that got my dad beat the hell out
of me and I was had no self-esteem I had
this vision of if I can make it to where
I want to go imagine when I look back on
my damn life how proud I will be and now
I’m here now I’m able to look back on
this life I lived that many people will
never understand because why when you’re
passionate they think you’re crazy and
you can’t even explain to people why
you’re doing and why you did what you
did because you found your purpose and
once you find your purpose you can’t
really explain it to normal people
because they don’t understand passion
because they live everyday life just
going not really finding their purpose
so I become a foreign language to people
and think so they put me in a category
if you’re just crazy no no no no no I’m
passionate I found my purpose in this
so how I think about is when I made the
decision the conscious decision to
become a warrior I realized that my
mentality had to be very different and
what that meant was I had to put myself
through a bunch of crucibles to gain the
warrior mentality some guys are born
with it I believe that some guys is born
because they have some great childhood
and their dad’s tough on them and they
build this mental toughness and this
discipline this kid I didn’t have this
so I had to design a crucible to put
myself through to gain this warrior
mentality so what I mean by warrior
mentality which is why some people will
take what I say so literally you need to
say my god you’re just crazy you’re gone
no God had to put some people on this
planet earth to do very dangerous things
to protect this country love it or not
I’m one of those people so to have the
mentality that I have to be in a room
that’s ten by ten I have a weapon I’m
outside a door I don’t know what’s
behind that door so our job as a still
most of our time like most of our job is
to go behind open the door and say
surprise we’re here the thing about the
surprise is I don’t know what’s behind
that door so they have that kind of
mindset to say I don’t look at a k47 in
the face repeatedly no kind of mind it
takes to open that door and not be
afraid to shut that door run away I was
building that callous mind through these
things bad waters through so even after
I became a seal I was still in the
journey become a better warrior right
and these races and all these you guys
might be an ultra runner I saw first
ones about raising money but also the
selfish side of it always I was building
a warrior mentality but put myself in
the crucible of Hell at Mile 6135 my
race in bed water what do you think him
blisters shin splint stress fractures
peeing blood maybe where you could do
now David how are you gonna get the next
70 miles in this race
a lot of people set these great goals
like they want to do bad water or they
want to do an Ironman or they want to be
a millionaire or whatever they want to
do that these great goal lists and
they’re in there amazing goals are
important but what we don’t do in life
which is why people quit and still
training and they quit in these
different things we don’t look at
ourselves in the accountability mirror
and take care of the number one thing
before you start a goal let’s take care
of our insecurities because they’re
gonna surface when you put yourself in
the crucible and you’re suffering mm-hmm
you may be the best physically fit
person on the planet if you haven’t
handled your mind and handled your
jealousies your insecurities whatever
happened to a child and in between
they’re gonna surface at the time when
your mind starts to question why the
hell am I out here in this race
what keeps a person in the fight is no
one is having purpose having purpose
leave the ego at the door because the
ego will kill you every time you will
always quit so that’s why I was I’ve
been able to get through things because
I know I was a scared uneducated kid who
stuttered and had zero and I had to look
at myself in the mirror and hold myself
accountable for who I wasn’t and who I
wanted to be another was external I
don’t care about money I didn’t care
about awards I don’t care about medals I
don’t care about bad water I don’t care
about ultra running these were all
things for me to build the extent that
internal in myself so like you know
people don’t don’t get it twisted man
this is I did this to be proud of Who I
am as a human being and most people live
a lie I hated the lie I lived in a lie I
lived was I was nothing I knew I was
nothing and my journey I wanted to be
something I want to be proud of who I
was and it took me in that direction
once you realize why America gonna
continue to do I now know for 100% fact
I can do anything I want to do I’m gonna
fail probably a million times trying to
do it by guarantee one thing you will
then read about 20 years from now
David Goggins doing we set out to do and
he failed for 20 years you’re reading a
paper that son of a bitch actually did
it because I know I can now I figured
out how a human being can endure more
than what they think is possible with
nothing like people think you need great
parents you need great urging all this
stuff I think you need to have all this
stuff and they have this thing like well
maybe it wasn’t meant to be if I had
that mindset one damn time my life I’d
be a 400-pound man spraying for
cockroaches still right so my whole
thing is now I know how to think
properly to be successful in all kinds
of aspects of life and it’s not about
it’s nobody’s being a seal it’s not
about pull up records or anything like
that it’s about if you want to be better
you have to change the way you your
perceived limitations and take the
barriers down
motivation is crap like right now
there’s people out here right now who’s
gonna hear this podcast and maybe
they’ll think we’re gonna think whatever
you want you about David Goggin
I don’t care kind of the truth I know
the truth I know that my journey sucked
and I didn’t like it I didn’t want to be
a seal I didn’t want to be a ranger I
didn’t I hate I I’m I’m afraid of
heights I’m afraid of cold dark water
that’s why I was only 36
african-american in 70 years become a
believe what you want think I’m crazy
because while you think this cuz you
can’t see yourself going further than
what you can so you want to put a tag on
David Goggins will tag me I’m sorry to
say I say beyond motivated because it
takes that to be successful I may
motivate you right now if you’re living
in Chicago and it’s -2° and I’m
motivated you to get out of your house
and go run two miles but that wind chill
hit your face once you go outside that
motivation is gonna go away real fast
you go back inside and search ass in
that couch a person that’s driven and
passionate they go outside feel that
wind chill they go back inside to get a
new hat because I’m going to get my damn
running today right
failure is this a word for me
failure was me having more information
on how to succeed
that’s all failure became to me so I
failed so much pull up records running
events had to quit this buds Rangers all
this crap had to go back through all
that was was oh I felt because of these
reasons here go back to the drawing
board figure out the right equation and
put together go back fail again oh but I
got more information I’m a very small
category of warriors real warriors and I
want to say that is a whole different
mentality so I’ve worked with people who
had the courage to jump on grenades and
killed themselves to save everybody
around them that’s the kind of mentality
it takes to be a seal that does every
Navy still have it no but that’s what
seals are that’s what we tried to that’s
why Navy SEAL training buzz is so hard
we’re trying to find that person who’s
willing to go the distance in the
distance is your life so when I’m
talking to people right now maybe what I
say to you does not resonate because
while you’re not willing to give your
life for something every seal at least
most I can’t speak for everyone most of
us are a lot of people who go fight for
this country a lot of them are not
willing to do that am i talking bad
about no don’t take it and twist my
words people ike the twist works I thank
you for your sacrifice to thank you for
that a lot of people are scared Navy
SEALs are scared also but a lot of us
have a way to realize what we have
decided to do with our lives and it
takes a great sacrifice that sacrifice
could be your life and that you have to
be able to do that to become a warrior
if you go into combat scared you can be
scared but you can’t be so scared it
makes you afraid to fight that makes
sense we’re able to control that and a
lot of us are able to put ourselves in
hell and become the devil
I get it you have to have knowledge to
be great at something and to lose weight
to be a smart as you got to have
knowledge knowledge is power if I want
to tell you right now man how much damn
knowledge do you need you can go on the
internet right now and figure out how to
drop five pounds tomorrow everything is
right there at your service if you want
it you will achieve it but if you want
to waste time and figure out ask all
these questions I’m gonna give
you the same answer
stop asking the question in chief what
you want if I asked a bunch of quest I
would still be trying to figure out how
to run a hundred miles so many people
tell me I would love to run bad water
one day why the haven’t you done it
you told me that five years ago I wonder
what I did I did it on bad water I did
it in four months I qualified in four
days and ran the damn race I wanted to
be a Navy SEAL he’ll lose 105 pounds in
60 days to get in and do it I lost the
weight and became a damn seal I wanted
to be a ranger at 41 years old people
could what you gonna do next
I don’t know I’m already done it cuz a
second I thought about it I researched
it I didn’t ask questions I achieved it
we waste tons of time not starting our
journey for asking so many
questions on how to start the journey
get an idea
start walking and figure this out
as you go Vision Quest
so everything I was afraid of I’m a sort
of meet it right in the face and
overcome it right now what I’m working
on now is learning how most people think
because my whole thing why I was hardly
going social media because why people
would give me this week crap and I
absolutely cannot understand this
freaking mentality so I would just go
off cuz I would go back to where I came
from and I would approach you in a way
that was garanimal animalistic like what
is wrong why don’t you go somewhere in
your mind where you find out who the
hell you are
there’s very few people if any that have
done what you’ve done mentally so I had
to go back and I’m always better in how
I think people will change their car
they’ll change their underwear they’ll
change their husband their wife their
change their diet but very few people
change the way they think and that’s why
they always themselves in life they
never changed the way they think oh my
house is old I don’t get a new house I’m
gonna get a new pair of this or that but
the one thing we never changed while we
always stay the damn same and never
wonder why we’re getting better because
we never change the way we think I’m
constantly changing the way I think the
core of Who I am
I’ll never change that I’m proud of that
warrior Spartan mentality but how I deal
with people how you can touch people you
gotta know what what they respond to
then everybody’s responding to me saying
look get your up man stop being a
little punk
I gotta see what’s wrong with you think
don’t thank him and then tell you what
not what you want to hear but kind of
what’s gonna motivate you we’re all
motivated very differently
when you’re passionate about something
and someone’s trying to tell you what
you’re thinking like a lot of people
some people tell me well do you find
love in your life or are you happy with
who you are
I can’t believe you the thing but what
sets me off you set me off was just
honestly people reading into something
because we overthink everything stop
overthinking it’s like get the hell out
there and do it
but there’s giving times in my life
where some people just need to hear
something from a different person
because it may may like I said thinking
it may change the way you think
if you ignore all those comments which I
do most of them some of them you got
attack is why I might put a spark in
your brain to maybe you may think to
yourself wow hmm that just changed my
life right so if you ignore all of them
your knowing the fact of why I am on
social media right to now tell you how
I’m thinking and not just hear the
weaksauce you have that you’re bringing
my way
I think it’s important to not go too far
with it but I always have to make sure
that my refrigerator is empty
and what that means is yeah I’m
successful now I’ve come to Port in my
life I’m very proud of myself I love
myself for all you people out there who
don’t think it
I’m very peaceful I love wrap accomplish
I’m so proud of that but in the day the
worst thing that can happen to a man is
he become civilized once she becomes so
civilized that you have everything you
want that warrior mentality I’m so proud
of that I had to it wasn’t I wasn’t born
with it I had to go through the crucible
of my life to acquire it you’re always
gonna keep that thing sharp like a sword
so you’re always sure you don’t have to
sharpen it every day that you did when
you were going to combat but if you
leave it alone for too long it gets a
little dull and that’s my mind always
want a sharp knife and do these things
every single day of my life
but you always gotta go back and sharpen
that sword every now and to make sure
that that mentality is still there and
your frigerator is still empty because
you always want to keep that edge and
then as it keeps you going forward
after every race I was either in honor
in a wheelchair or whatever because
whenever sickle cell is just not the
smartest thing to do those those
distances at Mile 50 of every hundred
mile race man I was destroyed and I just
had to find but the feeling of the next
50 miles had to go I’ve learned a lot
about David Goggins and in the wheel
there’s always me against me so no I
don’t have any ability
and I’m not gonna ever let anybody make
themselves feel better by telling me
that I was some genetic freak I’m not
gonna make yourself feel better about
that you I suffered and I always say
suffer because that’s what I did it was
miserable the races every single race in
hell week and Buzz in the Ranger School
I suffered tremendously I was not I
should never have been able to do it
which is why I’m so proud of myself I
don’t care what place I came in I don’t
cry walked the husband five miles of bad
water I did it mm-hmm that was the
journey that was the mission that was
about it’s not about oh well this guy’s
just a freak if that makes you feel
that’s fine no you can do it up just a
breath of air in the right mindset
that’s the message so you you watered
down my message by putting me in a
category if I’m crazy I’m a freak
so I talked to my childhood and if
anybody thinks I’m some great person
listen to my childhood again I had to
change my thinking process and basically
the accountability mirrors we did it I
started shaving my head in my face when
I was 16 years old
and I realized when I started shaving my
face in my head I you have a lot of time
to look at your reflection and for some
spark to me I’m like man I’m a piece of
crap like I abduct school a duck score
barely in graduating I’m I’m this I’m
this I’m this I’m all these things man
and I had to really tell myself the
truth and so many people when you say
you’re dumb the first think it was oh no
you’re not
if you’re dumb you’re dumb if you’re fat
you’re fat but if you’re not willing to
tell yourself that and everybody around
you in your circle it continues to give
you this positive feedback if you suck
you suck if you tell yourself you’re
suck that is when you become great
I gotta become I gotta get to the
surface of who I’m not and I held myself
I lied to this person today I’m a liar
I’m a cheater I’m this I’m that now I
tell myself and I fixed these issues
then fix these issues and that part was
hard it was hard to not be jealous of
this person who had this and this and
this had nothing nothing it was hard to
tell this person yeah I’m jealous of you
and I’m insecure I’m a very insecure guy
and I have nothing it was hard to relook
at all that I’m not real smart and I had
but I had to fix these issues and the
accountability mirror was now look at
myself in the mirror and said wow you
fixed these issues
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