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Become a MASTER of Self-Discipline | Success Motivation

so I do scream to me the other night a
will I want to be an active man I won’t
be active just like you usually people
say stuff to me like that I’m like a man
doing is give them an encouraging word
but I was just sitting here thinking and
it dawned on me 99% of people that say
stuff like that are not willing to do
what it takes to make their dreams come
true the Marines have a saying everybody
wants to go to heaven but nobody wants
to die and that’s just real like the
center of bringing any dream into
fruition is self-discipline something as
simple as food and eating it’s not about
your body as much as it is about your
mind it’s getting command of your mind
to be able to choose actions that are in
your own best interest every day
we are choosing that’s not in our own
best interest right so if the world is
attacking you in the world wants to
fight you in the world’s trying to hold
you down so you gonna kick yourself in
them so you will stop yourself from
getting what you dream self-discipline
is the center of all material success
you cannot win the war against the world
if you can’t win the war against your
own mind
I always say that discipline is the loop
of all good qualities but you have to
absolutely apply it to things outside of
just waking up early it’s it’s
everything it’s working now every day
making yourself stronger and faster and
more flexible and healthier discipline
is eating the right foods to fuel your
system it’s about disciplining your
emotions so you can make good decisions
it’s about having the discipline to
control your ego so your ego doesn’t get
out of hand and control you it’s about
treating people the way you would want
to be treated and and doing the tasks
that you don’t necessarily want to do
but that you know will help you or help
your team it’s about facing your fears
it’s discipline to face your fears so
you can conquer them and that’s what
discipline is discipline means taking
the hard road the uphill road to do
what’s right for yourself and for other
people it’s so often the easy path the
easy path that calls to us to be weak
for that moment to break down for that
moment to give in to the desire and the
short-term gratification but the
discipline will not allow that the
discipline calls for strength and
fortitude and will it won’t accept
weakness it won’t tolerate another
breakdown the discipline can seem like
it’s your worst enemy but the reality is
discipline is your best friend it will
take care of you like nothing else can
we’ll put you on that path the path to
strength and health and intelligence and
happiness and most importantly it’ll put
you on that path to freedom the most
important work ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
or that sums you up or that would become
like a little beacon if you liked this
video and you want to learn more about
how to make every second count check out
the video right next to me I think
you’re gonna enjoy it continue to
believe and I’ll see you there
ask yourself the question what would I
regret that I didn’t do know what you did do but what you didn’t do
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