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Be RESOURCEFUL – Julius Yego (@JuliusYegoKE) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is be resourceful overdue Julius
yay go but then Norway in Canada can
have a place for EE in training I didn’t
have any court I was doing training
alone I saw it as like life was going
against me to us the lowest for me
but I didn’t even give up something came
into my mind – what the YouTube videos I
could go to the cyber look at the great
javelin throwers see what they do in
their normal training and I will come
and practice the following day where you
don’t have the facilities you try on
yourself to improvise what you have
the past few years when I was doing the
training alone it’s a big challenge but
now I have partners we train together
network training easy and it’s fun I
like being me
the videos of these guys really helped
me a lot in 2010 I throw 75 after that I
keep watching those video
in 2011 I want the old African games it
was the first time that Kenya was
winning a gold medal in javelin
in 2012 when I threw it 181 nice cream
because I didn’t believe that I was
making the Olympic penalty but the first
time somebody in the finals from Kenya
and after class well I didn’t stop from
there in 2014 it was a big thing by one
goal for the first time in criminal
games 2015 is especially affirming the
world championships 92 meters now a big
draw and winning a gold medal I will
never forget that forever
now I’m the world champion it’s like a
dream I love this video because
entrepreneurship is all about not how
many resources you have but how
resourceful you can be you never have
enough resources you never have the
right family right connections or enough
money or whatever it’s about what you do
with what you have and too many people
complain too many people complain that
because they don’t come from the right
family because you know they’re an
immigrant or because you know whatever
excuse that’s coming to your head look
yourself in a mirror and ask yourself I
can’t be successful because what
whatever that reason is typically what
people do is they blame somebody else
right you blame the government you blame
your parents you blame your school you
blame your bank you blame investors you
blame everybody else except you because
it’s never your fault because you’re
great because you’re doing everything
right you’re amazing it’s somebody
else’s fault and until you accept that
responsibility you’re never going to
grow you’re never gonna get to where you
want to be it’s always about what you do
with the resources that you have instead
of thinking that you need to have these
insane resources you look at Julius you
look at this clip here’s a guy who had
every excuse in the world for not to be
successful right he’s coming from Africa
never had a successful javelin program
there ever he has no money he can’t buy
the best gear he doesn’t have coaches
there’s no training program there what
what does he do he doesn’t have a
training facility he doesn’t have
friends who support him and believe in
him at the start what does he do he
watches YouTube videos he uses what he
has that’s available to him he has an
internet connection
so he goes to YouTube and he learns how
to be a great javelin thrower eventually
working his way up to becoming the world
champion he could have complained he
could have sat back he could have hated
his life
you could have blamed the world for why
he is not successful but instead he bet
on himself he invested in himself and he
became a world champion whatever
position you’re at right now wherever
you are right now in your business you
will have more resources than Julius had
when he was starting up period so you
have no excuse for not becoming the
world champion at what you do there’s no
reason it’s just you and it will never
happen until you accept the
responsibility until you believe that
you are not where you want to be because
of you nobody else’s fault people are
paying so much attention to the election
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will not
save your business it doesn’t matter who
becomes president it won’t have an
impact on your company I’m still gonna
go get mine you can still go get yours
neither of them are gonna come in and
work your business and get you sales
that’s on you stop blaming other people
and start being resourceful because of
Julius can work up from where he was to
become a world champion you have no
reason in the world why you can’t do the
same thing in your business so the
question today today is I’m curious what
you feel like the resources that you’re
missing what’s the reason you’re telling
yourself that you can’t be successful
who are you blaming or what resource is
missing right now that you feel is
holding you back
release it leave it in the comments
release it take responsibility I’m gonna
join in the discussion to leave that
comment below thank you guys so much for
watching have an amazing day if you need
to believe and I’ll see you again
tomorrow morning for another shot event
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