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“Be OBSESSED With Your CRAFT!” | Damon Dash | Top 10 Rules

independence is priceless it’s just
people that have never had it don’t even
understand really believe in yourself
and you work hard at it you’ll achieve
it my content is like currency it’s the
the motivation watch top ten with the
leave nation
what’s that belief nation it’s Evan my
one word is believe and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
in today’s lessons from a man who went
from hustling as a young kid selling
newspapers so that he could buy sneakers
and t-shirts to becoming a successful
entrepreneur and co-founder of
Rockefeller Records
he’s Damon Dash and here’s my take on
his top ten rules a success vol 4 also
if you want to know what Damon Dash and
other successful entrepreneurs have to
say about building unstoppable
confidence check out my 250 for
confidence series where every day for
the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below knowing the one
thing you have to really never do is
compare yourself to other people
absolutely that’s the one thing you
can’t do is judge the success to someone
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one be independent independent this
process it’s just people that have never
had it don’t even understand and I mean
expect I’m sure you know and
independence means usually putting up
your own go you have to put up your own
mind that’s independence if someone else
is putting up their money
that’s dependence you understand what
I’m saying
now you got to move when they say you
have to ask you have to be nice you have
to laugh at jokes that aren’t funny you
know I mean you have to be around a
racist and let them say little things
little two things a nerd square that
wouldn’t survive in the street and
independence is like being let me tell
you that perspective of something that’s
independent if there’s like a wild dog
and he has to literally eat the food he
kills he cannot eat unless he kill
something that day and then there’s a
bill that’s change lives in a house but
he has three square meals a day he got
to do tricks he gets tired he just
kicked out and gets beat you gotta walk
he walks on a leash when that dog comes
in the room the wild though wild dog is
the last thing he doesn’t care and sure
in a mansion he doesn’t care that you
eat steak every day he still thinks
you’re her he knows he can take from you
because he knows he has to kill every
day VD you know I mean and that’s a
confidence that’s a rockstar and that’s
the one thing that I know I would never
give up you know the ability to be there
like I laugh at anyone that’s a cage dog
you know walk on a leash told when to
eat and those tricks and rolls over
check rule number two embraced pain
why’s it so hard to bet on yourself for
a lot of people like what’s the hard why
why is that so hard for people to do to
put up their own money and bet on
themselves when they see it really works
out eventually
because because when you put up your
money that’s a struggle and a lot of
people don’t just want to walk into a
struggle and almost like some people
don’t even though they can fight they
not really you know have the discipline
to go to a training camp and really
focus and see it through and like they
don’t want to walk into the to the
struggle to win you have to it so one of
the wing means you have to embrace pain
you have to embrace stroke you don’t
know saying like you have to know that
nothing’s gonna be easy in order to be
the best at it in the world you have to
do it and push yourself from those
people want you know what I’m saying you
gotta be up for that yeah you know what
I’m saying like you if you off orbit you
could do it but not everybody’s up for
it not everybody really the intent
conceptual evening when it for doing
what the pain it takes to go get it and
I have a lot like these people that like
there’s things about them I don’t like
but I respect the fact that they’re
gonna fight to get what they want the
fight and you know as to whether that
our perspective is different and not
that fight every time whether it’s wrong
right the person that fights the hardest
wins you really ultimately know that if
you really believe in yourself and your
catcard at it you’ll achieve it the
question is am I ready to work so hard
that I’m better than everyone else you
understand what I’m saying and you have
to answer that question within yourself
am I ready to embrace all the pain and
nobody else wants to embrace Joe am I
ready to really work harder and do it so
much that I’m better at it than everyone
that does it it’s really about the work
ethic really it’s a professional work
ethic you can’t just be good at
something you have to be able to see
things through and do the things that
you don’t enjoy it’s not only about the
things that you enjoyed that’s the easy
part it’s the things you don’t enjoy
that’s the things that people usually
shut down
they just don’t like it just because you
don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s a
failure rule number three be the plug
not the customer what I do is I’m a
businessman right in any business the
more crowded it is the harder it is to
do it so I never won the hustle on the
crowded block so regardless to what I’m
always looking to do something that
nobody’s doing so all I was looking this
was what’s the next wave logically it
was just logically I was paying
attention you know what I’m saying so
once I realized it I was like I said
element this freedom was ridiculous and
plus like it was like damn if I know how
to make this myself like content is like
currency it’s the thing that makes money
forever and ever it’s over it looks like
it’s like when somebody smokes a joint
the weed is going you got to grow more
weed when somebody looks at something
you can pay over and over again to see
it and you ain’t got to keep making it I
just look at what people pay for and do
it myself I’m the plug I’m never a
customer do it yourself and leverage
your own celebrity right so instead of
letting somebody else make it we make it
and then we don’t have to pay for the
marketing it’s easy so now that I’m a
brand for doing that I can now
completely invest in myself but there’s
two games one is making good work and
one is leveraging celebrity right the
good work you ain’t got to move good
work they find you you ain’t got to
promote your destination when you ain’t
doing so good that’s when there’s the
overcompensation you start having red
carpets every day and do another to
distract the fact that you have no
talent you understand when American
confidence and not giving up is the it
makes you so lean look like a real
artist is someone that’s damn near
obsessed with it like a painter should
be painting eight hours a day rule
number four be confident confidence and
not giving up is the it makes you so
lean like the don’t give a factor that
makes it way you don’t care what people
think you never feel like you’re being
judged you never want to be a part of a
crowd and you just you know you just
feel this about the way you feel about
things you know and then also you got
swag you know you just you just do what
you want regardless of what people think
and it feels good rule number five find
real wealth man you know what I’m an
whoa when you when you’re brand new to
they say my estate is a monster is it
tough my baby peasant you value as
wealth right like if you value your
freedom and your happiness is ultimate
wealth or if you value perception and
physical things is more than that wealth
either God like physical things is
temporary some usual hustle for the
temporary yeah well you’re gonna help
hustle for the forever yes always
absolutely you don’t want to catch that
up you know I’m saying except for
everything for physical well you know
what I mean I think that’s the ultimate
test it’s like yo you’re gonna really be
wealthy meaning are you gonna be happy
are you gonna look at you know say I’m
gonna worry about how people see you and
buying physical things that make you
look better than you are or do you
really want to really feel good rule
number six be obsessed with your craft
how do you want to make money I don’t
know this is what I do right take
yourself to five years where do you want
to be in five years
see the thing about it is to shoot a
movie you need a script right you can’t
just freestyle it you can’t say I want
to say this or kind of like that you got
to be very direct and then you put all
your energy to what you want you
visualize it and then it has to happen
I’m a filmmaker so I’m gonna make movies
yeah I want to make I mean I’ve done
that but I want to do it to where I
don’t have to worry about a regular job
yeah this is the way I would do it so I
would make as many short films as I can
just so people can start seeing that
you’re good I would star in the movie if
I want to be anyone this short film like
a real artist is someone that’s damn
near obsessed with it like a painter
should be painting eight hours a day a
band should be rehearsing eight hours a
day if you’re a businessman you should
be doing your business eight hours a day
so if you’re focused on something and
you’re doing it eight hours a day then
you’re doing it at a professional level
but you got to know what you focused on
and then you can take things into your
own control it doesn’t happen overnight
it’s not easy expect pain expect anxiety
expect everything to go wrong and just
be cool breathe easy and then just see
it out because a lot of people start but
don’t finish when things don’t happen in
a way it’s never gonna happen the way
you want it to happen ever and if it
does do not trust it it’s the devil
it’s important to do things that are
convenient if you only came as a lawyer
when it’s like easy rule number seven do
positive things many amazing talented
performers that came out in the late 80s
and early nineties Mary Jay biggie Jay Z
you were a big part of that
did you realize other time how big that
movement was going to be and then what
it was going to mean for the rest of the
world the rest of the music scene yeah I
did I did you could feel that at the
time yeah every I knew that that’s why I
was the person that was documenting
everything because I knew everything I
was doing in that moment was legendary
for the way I would look at it would be
like damn could you imagine if you had
Jimi Hendrix and David Bowie and John
Lennon before they cracked or Mick
Jagger in like a studio or just kicking
it before they got famous and then
imagine when they did so because I was
so confident in everything I was doing
and all the people around me I knew that
what we were doing would probably set
the stage for history you know saying I
didn’t think anybody was cooler than us
and I knew it actually and you know
turned out I was right you know in all
them I’m from Harlem he had a crew
called the best out and we said those
parties and at the Cotton Club yeah I
kicked a pre DJ and we used to make
t-shirts and we had our names on them
we’ve got basketball games and a lot of
people tried to do what we were doing we
were emulated like I remember when we
were throwing our basketball games would
be like us the best outbursts kept
child’s crew they were called boss and
it was crazy at the Gaucho gym and then
the next thing I would see puff do a
basketball thing but you know it ended
up being tragic but I knew that he was
influenced by what we was doing so I’ve
always seen how my influence has been on
the rest of the world from day one and
it still is like that people still you
know take what I do and they’re
influenced by it that’s why I think at
this point my life at 46 it’s important
to do things that are positive so people
can emulate what I’m doing there
emulating something positive like eating
healthy like taking care of yourself but
being good to women and taking care of
your woman being a good dad like loving
your children like to me that’s altima
wealth rule number eight be loyal and
respectful she’s not convenient if you
only can this be lawyer when it’s like
easy for me
like if this is a bag of money but you
got to do the wrong thing to beat this
love somebody we will get a lot of Robin
yeah I mean just you know so sometimes
but you know respect to me guide you and
protect you from everything if you if
you leave with respect on on anything
the right things will happen
you understand I’ve never seen respect
for anyone in arms way I’ve only seen
respect I’ve always always protect you
and then also the ultimate test is
always like to disrespect the people you
love to get something physical like some
play you understand what I’m saying
that’s a good test well I mean and tests
aren’t meant to be easy you know like
that’s what my test was always be able
to be like am I gonna play Monaco so I’m
not gonna get that down you understand I
just couldn’t do it
my family as MIDI sounds I’m sure you
could play the ball on each other all
the time you know that was my problem
with the music business because it was
such a such a disloyal points on my
culture to exploit it the way it was
being exploited and letting other
cultures explain it in that same and
being like aside just cuz I’ll make it
money just cuz I’m alright
mix it up you know cuz I I fought
through it it still didn’t make it
alright to just sit there watch them all
the rest of the culture to me that’s not
always for you know there was like guilt
with it always you know it means your
being around people I didn’t want to be
around when people make me the underdog
it’s funny because they don’t understand
what the game I’m playing
the minute I had daughters I was like I
got us change everything
rule number nine approach things
differently people make me the underdog
it’s funny because they don’t understand
what the game I’m playing
just cuz I’m not playing
but just cuz I’m not moving at the pace
you moving it don’t mean I’m wrong you
know I’m saying you’re already the same
when it’s mine and it’s never been like
what I’ve always liked what someone
thought of record via was dull I was
like a lady with you
like you can’t relate I have a TV show
Network you know that they have both
thoughts I don’t know any other language
but boss Boston you know I’m saying when
people don’t talk in Boston me I don’t
know they say you know I’m saying it’s a
language it’s just a process language
it’s like like people are posting like
bosses and people approach things like
for this a lot of people don’t want to
be bosses because it’s so much
responsibility that come with it you are
saying they scared of it and I always
say that you understand what I’m saying
what but boss only can think about it in
force terms so if someone says they want
to get in business some people might say
well I need somebody to give me a job
that’s not a forest or a horses if I’m
getting my for this if I wanna get in
business but I’m not trying to be hired
my approach is always going to be bossy
you know someone that’s not used to
being the boss your thought process
ain’t boss we don’t have lost cause
fluent boss you know say what I’m saying
around here before winning boss and if
you don’t talk to me and boss I don’t
people think oh that’s just a what I’m
saying I’m not celebrating that your
boss dog is like I speak that yeah let’s
do that later
you should tell with somebody else talks
boss just by their approach one thing
and someone that talks boss doesn’t
speak any other language only balls and
rule number ten the last one before a
very special bonus clip is put family
the minute I had daughters I was like I
got us change everything I can’t do
anything to a girl that I don’t want
another man to do to my daughter the
daughters for sure my daughter’s
changing my life for my arm second
daughter Cholula was born I decided to
quit everything to make sure that
anything I did I put her first not not
the business she before I was like
business first cuz I got to pay for the
kids but it’s like if you’re not there
to spend the money with your kids it
really doesn’t matter they need you and
your company so and and I and I saw all
the things I was missing so you know we
think I’d rather do be on a yacht
pouring champagne or a girl or taking my
daughter to get a cupcake it’s nothing
better than taking your daughter to get
a cupcake you know there’s nothing
better than watching your baby smile you
know so there’s true theology but I it’s
like seems obvious but you know lotto is
really like energy it’s love it’s not
like physical money which really doesn’t
mean anything it’s just how good you
make someone feel it’s how good your
woman feels how good your children feel
like you have as much money as you know
billions of dollars but if you want
happy and you’re lonely you broke if
your kids are unhappy you broke you know
now I’ve got a really special bonus cut
from diamond – on how to play the game
right that I think you’re gonna really
enjoy but before that it’s time for the
three point landing question it’s time
to move from just watching another video
to actually taking action in your life
or your business and if you’re feeling
bold and into these questions in the
comments below
here we go question number one what pain
do you need to embrace right now number
two how can you be the plug instead of
the customer and number three what part
pull that think that the only way you
can make it especially in our business
the entertainment industry that you know
you can’t be an honorable honest
hard-working person you’ve got to be
willing to do whatever it takes
regardless of how you compromise your
own ethics to get to wherever it is you
want to get and I’ve never believed that
and it doesn’t sound like you believe it
now you know I don’t consider that a win
I consider that cheating and I can’t
live with myself I don’t play the game
right but other people don’t like to go
into different cultures and especially
in business it’s like yo you got to win
any way you can if somebody’s slipping
and you don’t take advantage of it
you’re dishonouring your family like
I’ve been in cultures like that mm-hmm
you know we’re lying is okay for your
business you know you’re supposed to do
that or else you’re a sucker so you know
it’s just a matter of perspective and
the cloth you’re cut from and you know
it’s a rougher world when everyone is
cheating and you’re playing the game
right you know it’s a tough world but at
the end of the day it’s worth it because
you know there’s nothing more valuable
than your soul your integrity your
freedom you know just being proud of
yourself I just don’t feel like you know
when you you can’t call yourself a
winner if you’re cheating you know
you’re cheated you know it’s just how I
feel and you might not get caught in the
human form but God will get you you
think I forgot or whatever the Supreme
Being is if you had to think of one word
that’s most important to you or that
sums you Apple that would be like a
little beacon
if you want more Dean – check out the
top 10 rules vol 1 video that I did on
him it’s right there next to me I think
you’re gonna enjoy it it’s you need to
believe and I’ll see you there now in
the fives aren’t good because you look
you hustlin 4th weekend but when you can
do something that’s for yourself and your family
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