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Be Happy – Smile :)

smile so I’m a big believer in finding
your one word I believe there’s one word
that connects everything in your past it
connects who you are if you think about
the movies like to watch the books like
to read the friends you like to hang out
with though the jobs you’ve had the
companies you work for there’s a common
thread that connects all of them and for
me it’s believed and when you find that
one word I read decision that you have
to make in your life and in your
business becomes a lot easier so once
i’m here in orlando different background
than usual obviously really sick as you
can tell i went to buy some breakfast
and I’ve picked up a box of Cheerios and
what made me smile when it bought this
box is this so this is the front of the
box and this is the back of the box how
often have you seen a back of a cereal
box so simple and so easy to understand
usually the box of the boxes are filled
with crap tons of crap here it just says
smile this is a great campaign for
cheerios because we understand what
they’re about we know you sell food
right it’s like that’s not people don’t
care what it is that you sell yet people
want to know who it is that you are what
you stand for and cheerios stands for
smiling how does that make it easy
materials it’s easy for me to talk about
them hey I’m making this video about
them right I’m already spreading the
message i’m smiling i’m just writing a
smile message it’s easy for their
marketing if they come up with campaigns
who want to share on facebook what to
put in the newsletter the right stories
to tell it should be all about making
people smile right if they’re thinking
about hiring new people on their team
they’re thinking about bringing on a new
supply or a new ad agency it should be
somebody who makes them smile but if you
don’t like the smile you shouldn’t be a
good fit to go work at cheerios it’s
just not the right company for you to
work out and it helps make your
decisions easier I love this box it
makes me smile I want you to find your
word I want you to find your word and
start to really incorporate into
everything that you do I find some
people are really resistant at the start
I got to know how to find my word I
don’t know
where it is or they do find it but that
I don’t know how to incorporate it I
don’t know what to do but a lot of times
people just pick it up and run with it
they start seeing amazing results when
you don’t know what your ward is or when
you don’t live your word that’s the path
on happiness that’s the path and not
achieving success it doesn’t matter what
product or service you sell right
service that’s our smile smile is not a
product it’s not a service system it’s a
value right is something that that
terial stands for they could sell
anything well I saw I’m believed right I
help entrepreneurs but I could be doing
anything else so find your one word
embrace it and corporate into everything
that you do and you have a lot more
success believe you guys like this video
please give it a thumbs up below let me
know what you think in the comments if
you think it should do more voices more
videos when I’m sick leave it below to
and click on my face to subscribe to the
channel thank you so much LSI’s
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