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Be Determined MOTIVATION – #OneRule

determination determination determine
the determination determined
determination determines determination
hello believed nation today we’re going
to talk about how you can be determined
and as always as you’re watching the
video if someone says something that
really resonates with you please leave
in the comments below and put quotes
around it so other people can be
inspired as well enjoy what is a world
champion boxer basketball player or
track star Horsham animals I find out
that this Mark Spitz for an example he’s
a world champion but what made him the
world champion was that he seemed to at
the right time when the pressures down
at the last few yards he can get that
lead he’s got enough left a million I
found Ken Norton my last fight if I was
even up in the last round but I had
something that he didn’t have all are
much older that was the last minute kick
what’s that last minute kick is that
something’s this time another strength
but vision wasn’t training the mental
capacity mental dementia realized what’s
involved and how important it is make it
by to do something really too tired to
do your mind makes you do it Mark Spitz
this Olympic track star was mentioning
he wasn’t that much greater than all the
people in the world was some time he won
by just that much and this little
champion is just one who can come out at
the last minute the closes show us and
say the star closes show a 1415 round
fight and this even and that usually
this champion you can depend on him to
come to the last few seconds and find
some adventures it’s a discipline not
only that is mental and physical gear
his body’s in physical shape to do it
plus mentally – he’s got a self in
condition where both fellas maybe
sometimes the wheel can outdo the skill
sometime of fellas wheel is stronger
than the man who is actually better
physically and the determination and
weakens the other man just to see him so
determine did you doubt yourself at any
stage because it would be understandable
if you did I never did know I think
there was definitely times where not in
go cut and go carts was fierce no
problems no whatever just get out and do
what I do but I think there was a moment
when I moved to cars it was really hard
the first few laps was going really well
and then I spun off a crash destroyed
the back of the car and I was petrified
because at school run and tell him and
he’s not an easy guy to you know he’s
you know he’s not he was really
supportive he’s I know where this
happens and and then we did a first few
races disaster and you know I’m there
was one day there’s only one day really
that we got home one day and we sat in
front the garage in the car and we’re
talking and it was like a real down
moment you know like maybe I just made
I’m not really out to adapt to this from
partying to cars and went in you know
had normal dinner went to bed woke up
super early went training next wrestle-1
you know just just got everything so if
I ever had a low moment next day I just
get up with this determination I don’t
know where it come from but I just dug
deep and somehow I just managed to find
it so I was reserved and I was shy and
had it in me but wasn’t quite sure how
to bring it out yet I wanted people to
hear me so bad I want to do my fit but
it was like you know them jitters and
them I’m scared I’m not scared that
whole struggle and everything especially
early on for me which I love being on
stage and stuff like that once I got a
mic I was cold but it was that prompted
me to do it and get up there and not be
scared to grab that and just and just
rock I feel like anybody can do anything
in set their mind to it depends on how
bad you want it and I wanted to do it
you know the stage of my life I don’t
feel like there’s too much that I can’t
do I mean you sound cocky enough but if
I was like really really want to do it I
don’t give up that easy when we found
out that you know
kashf a life insurance was a ripoff of
my term investor difference was a way to
go and they had screwed our family I’m
telling you what I never forgave them
for what they did to my mama and what
they did to me and Angela and I was out
to punish him I wanted to hurt him and
that’s the way they a Williams people
were and the more they tried to you know
destroy us was just millions of wars
that we went through you know you know
when you’re a crusader Crusaders die
hard and so we just made us more
determined to show them you know we’re
gonna let those the enemy you know
defeat us you know as an aspiring
entrepreneur um you know I noticed
you’ve done a lot of things I don’t want
to go along with your credentials I know
we know that I don’t what do you do you
know what what takes what did it take
for you to build your empire man it took
man it took execution time at the time
at the time you know their proper
execution in many different areas in
it took resilience and you know you just
have to show up and show out so often
right on time out of the time you got to
wake up you got to drive you got to be
driven to to go get something done now
you know that and you I’m in for really
and it’s a gamble sometimes you gotta
really really you got to be forward
thinking ahead of the curve when it
comes time to make certain decisions and
you got to be willing to stand on your
stand on yo your beliefs because a lot
of times you don’t only one who can see
it you did other people they don’t see
it really but you got to really believe
in what you got inside of you is telling
you and driving you to a certain goal
for something I can do yeah
determination for me is far more
important than desire desire comes from
a place of thinking I need it
therefore the presupposition is I’m not
good enough because I don’t already have
determination is simply a case of well
there’s one focuses where I’m going yeah
I don’t need it I’m just choosing to get
and get out of the damn way because I’m
moving and by the way right there’s
always been this kind of thing in
Silicon Valley of like you know sort of
this I call it a failure fetish right
failure is good right failure did you
tell you guys are probably all been
taught this heard about this for a lot
of people like failure is a wonderful
thing failure teaches you all this stuff
and it’s great to fail a lot like and we
don’t like buy any of that we think
that’s all complete complete nonsense we
think failure sucks we think failure is
a terribly terribly depressing thing to
go through we think success on the other
hand is wonderful I you know you
wouldn’t think that this is something
you have to actually say out loud but we
do find it to be clarifying when we
point it out and so we are strongly
biased towards people who are so
determined to succeed that they just
they never give up they never quit and I
think that is a huge part of it that’s
something we really look deep we look
try to look deeply for we and you know
you that’s the kind of thing that’s not
listed on a resume right that’s
something that has to be deep in
somebody’s fundamentally deep in
somebody’s character and you have to see
it in their backgrounds then another
important factor is determination and
you should not think the city’s
development can take place within a few
days or few years we must understand is
it if these development even may take
yes so is there our determination if you
boot a way so they consider as a
Buddhist and and want to really practice
is a Buddha Dharma then right upon the
beginning you must you see make up your
mind or doesn’t matter even may take
millions of bills bills of yours doesn’t
the city the worse a day after all what
is the purpose of her life the meaning
of existence nothing you realize
something positive then even you see
days and month or young it is meaningful
if you really wasting our life where was
our life then even one day too long so
once you determined once you make up
your mind some kind of firm
determination and clear authority to it
now and then time is not important so
they’re like a shadow deficit or one of
you see where this so long stays with me
so long sentient beings considered
something remain I will be in order to
serve this death sentence really use it
gives me somewhere to intercept and all
fighting inspiring so the more for them
is the impatience and as I mentioned
before you see they want something is a
quickest on that’s or something then I
can reserve also poorest tactic okay the
cheapest method quickest cheapest method
result will be poorest
so is it so is it that something wrong
so that I would like to share with you
so that’s why you say
I myself alders he recited some mantra
or its you some visualization is a
certain Mandela’s but mine in my daily
practice although my practice very poor
very poor but even then see there I’m
iris in main emphasis on this fall over
tooth and put the cheetah and Karuna so
that really I feel it’s something better
than then through these practice you
will get something practical benefit
realizations big deities sometimes I
think the
keeping oneself almost almost is like
ggd oneself at seeing ones next even
want to see one oneself so therefore I
think we must have subtract us step by
step and with patience with the
determination once you involve or
dedicate it or determine practice then
some improvement you can see is a year
by your declared by at least decade by
decade then you can see or at least some
change some some improvement you can see
once you once you see that that also she
gives you gives you some kind of new
so she change not easy
hey when she was little and you know
that kids when they’re little I like I’m
gonna be a singer or I’m gonna be an
astronaut did you ever for one moment
believe that she would grow to be as as
big as she is right now actually as a
child she was very childish to begin
with okay as a child and she was very
shy with child actually but she was very
determined alright and you know we could
see it in her you know when she was four
no no she would stand in front of the
piano and just bang on the keys and then
she wrote her first her first song it
was used to play money by plight Pink
Floyd right right and she wrote her
first song was called dollar bill I love
him up and Cynthia my wife she still has
it we should we should have that know
you know but was because you know on
that record they use they use actual
money and the cat you know the rat the
registered as instruments and I remember
as a kid I was so fascinated by that so
my dad played me a lot of you know great
music that made me like really fall in
love with the idea of making it the very
minute that you decide upon something
you know that what you want you know
you’re going to do it all of these
negatives that have been bothering you
they pick up their baggage
they just move out they can’t live in a
positive mind
can you imagine a negative frame of mind
and a positive frame of mind occupying
the same space at the same time could
you imagine that no you can’t because it
can’t be done and did you know that the
slightest bit of a negative and mental
attitude is sufficient to destroy the
power of prayer did you know that the
slightest bit of a part of a negative
mental attitude is sufficient destroy
your plan whatever it is you’re doing
carrying out your definiteness of
purpose you have to move with courage
with faith with determination in
connection with carrying out your
definiteness of purpose thank you guys
so much for watching I’d love to know
what did you think of the video did you
enjoy it is going to have an impact on
you what are you going to take into your
life for your business after watching
this video please leave it in the
comments I’m going to join in the
discussion I also want to give a quick
shout at the pro thank you so
much you’re picking up a couple of my
book you’re one word and snapping that
picture of you at the beach reading it I
really really really appreciate it so
thank you guys again for watching I
believe in you I hope you continue to
believe in yourself in whatever your one
word is much love I’ll see you soon
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