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Ariana Grande’s Top 10 Rules For Success (@ArianaGrande)

why hold back you can only one life just
have fun and be yourself and don’t worry
about the rest
I only sort of care about the music
which is kind of detrimental because
when I go down the red carpet I feel
like I’m going to have a heart attack
and pass out and die when you do things
and when you try things that you’re
normally afraid of sometimes the outcome
can be incredible she’s an American
singer and actress her debut album yours
truly debuted at number one on the US
Billboard 200 her music videos have been
viewed more than 7 billion times online
she’s ariana grande and here is my take
under top-10 rules for success rule
number one is my personal favorite and
I’d love to know which one you guys like
the best and as always you’re watching
if you hear something that really
resonates with you please leave in the
comments below
hopeful to run it to other people can be
inspired as well and when you write it
down it’s much more likely to stick with
you as well
you look back and you see old Arianna –
new Arianna and you think about how much
you’ve learned and how much you’ve grown
it’s a shame yeah can you pinpoint one
or two things like the biggest thing
you’ve learned over the last maybe four
years when I guess when you just like be
yourself you know and in your most
genuine possible way and are completely
unafraid that’s when everything starts
to fall into place and that takes a
while see with so much public like you
know rumors and opinions you know what I
mean it’s like you get scared and you
want to hold back a little but then I
was like you know what like none of this
would be happening if I just show like
just like God and just was myself and I
went out and I was my silly self and
then you go and it all goes away and
then they’re like that’s me and you like
my teammate though yeah when you let go
and you’re like here you go take it or
leave it whether you like it or not
unless it can be used like why hold back
you get you can only one life just have
fun and be yourself and don’t worry
about the rest and all falls into place
for me music has always come first and
foremost so that’s like I really only
care about the creative like I only care
about like becoming better at my craft
and creating and writing and expressing
myself and you know training you know
practicing dance getting better like
trying to become more comfortable and
you know for me that’s the most
important thing so when I do things like
that or photo shoots or things like that
it does take a lot more work but I do
feel like I’m getting a little better at
I’ve just been like I’ve been working
but also like working on things that I
really want to be working on right now
which is really exciting and very
fulfilling I’m very like like what like
new music which is so exciting because I
thought that since I just put an album
out that I wouldn’t you know be able to
start new music but I just haven’t
really left the studio and I’ve just
been like making lots of great music and
been inspired and just it’s been feeling
so good I love that it feels good yeah I
mean I guess you don’t have to put new
music out but I don’t have to I want
doing right yeah it’s like I love
creating and make
music I’ve loved music my whole life and
right now I’m in a position where I get
to do it and pursue it and it’s sort of
my like life now so that’s a dream come
I think about it for too long kept a
little intimidating but not really I
really enjoy it and I feel so blessed
and so lucky I just try and make music
that makes me happy
that’s what I’m most passionate about I
don’t really like or pay attention to
the like celebrity part of it at all I’m
really just only I only sort of care
about the music which is kind of
detrimental because when I go down in
red carpet I feel like I’m going to have
a heart attack and pass out and die so
it’s kind of like bad I need to get over
it but I don’t know maybe about
something and you awkward and weird well
my favorite songs actually better than
snakes which they Sean – don’t
understand but it was amazing saying was
a great learning experience I ran so
much because I like our Chinese things
and I explored songs I never done before
like tricks but free which is an ATM in
another dimension like that before
um there’s a great buying experience I
heard the song when I was living with
with Max and holidays like what do you
think of this and they played from you
know like well it’s really different but
I am obsessed with it and so I wanted to
take that chance and really try it and
I’m sort of on Overmind or something new
something that I’ve never done before
that was really different to me and I
was kind of terrified to approach it at
first but then it became one of my
so we’re excited about it and I love
doing new things and
being surprised by the outcome I really
liked it
the last thing I expected to hear was
bangbang because I sort of like forgot
about it I guess I was so focused on the
rest of the album that I didn’t really
think about it too much and it was bang
bang and Jessie J was thinking and I was
like oh my god I was like this is
amazing and then the second birth came
in and it was me and I was like I’m not
about to have it do it with Jessie J and
then Nicki came in and I almost had a
heart attack and so that was sort of how
it happened it was a complete surprise
to me when you do things and when you
try things that you’re normally afraid
of sometimes the outcome can be
incredible you know if you’re if things
are upsetting you make sure that your
intention is directed why is this thing
bothering me am I giving in to my ego or
is this actually a real problem what not
a lot of 21 year olds have a great
concept of their own ego and certainly
not perform as it was always really
interesting that you talked about that
what sort of situations have you had to
say you know what I’m going to park my
ego this is about my go oh my goodness
well it’s really hard because you know
especially being like on camera all the
time and things like that you know it’s
just it’s very stressful knowing that
you are you like you know you’ve gone
from being just a person who loves to
sing as he loves to dance and perform
and music to a person who is literally
like material for people to write blogs
and then like de-sect you and like start
things and pull it out and inaccurate
like depiction of you and have many
people believe it and then like you know
that that whole thing is very weird but
at the same time that comes with the
territory it’s what I signed up for and
if I were to worry about that that would
be me giving in to my ego and I try to
not I just try to not see it you know on
my planet I’ll be here for a while
they’ll get to see the real me they’ll
get to see they’ll get to know all of it
in order regardless of what business
you’re involved in or what industry you
work in taking care of yourself as a
full-time job I think that you know
singing and performing and making music
that’s not my job that’s sort of like my
Dharma that’s kind of just like what I
do my real job is like taking care of
myself and like
fixing myself and growing as a person
and like taking care of my family and my
friends and people that I love and
things like that like that’s the real
work and I think that it’s so hard
you’ve done so much already and you’re
still young so as there been a point in
your life that you’ve been like I don’t
think I can do this or like it’s gotten
too hard that you almost wanted to quit
there are definitely times where it’s
it’s very very tasking and very like you
know emotionally tasking I’ll just like
get home from like a really long day and
like go in my bed and like cry for like
a minute but um but I really love what I
do what I do makes me really happy and I
wouldn’t quit ever and I wouldn’t trade
it for anything my family is the most
important thing in the world to me my
family my friends my friends I’ve had
since middle school since elementary
school and I feel like there’s a work
aspect of my life where like some of it
is kind of weird and someone is kind of
like wow blood people out there that
like you know what I mean but I still
feel like the person that I was growing
up in Boca because I kept such a really
healthy environment around me and I’m
really grateful for that like my best
friends are my best friends from like
Pine Crest Boca and like it has been a
really wild ride and I don’t know if if
it weren’t for those people if I would
still be able to maintain that normalcy
and that’s healthy bubbles and I’m super
grateful for that earlier this summer
you were in a donut shop you’re in
California you said some hurtful things
about Americans and about people’s
weight a lot of people watching felt
offended by your words okay what do you
want to say first of all I mean my
behavior was very offensive and I
apologized there is no excuse or there
is nothing to justify it but
and you know I think that as human
beings we all say and do things that we
don’t mean at all sometimes and we have
to learn from it I mean that’s part of
our process we have to learn from our
mistakes and that’s how we grow
I think ye – the day you were on The
Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon who’s my
man cried I love it right he’s the best
and you’re going to do Broadway versions
of rap songs doing 99 problems
thrift-shop insane in the membrane yes
did you is that is that some of the
stuff that’s on your iPod you have to
learn a script or no that was actually
something that I pitched to them because
that’s something that I love to do
I love taking very very filthy rap songs
and singing them properly because to me
it’s really funny Larry I make myself
laugh and some people don’t even laugh
that hard oh yeah I feel like I make
myself laugh harder than I make my
friends laugh sometimes but that’s the
most important thing yeah laughing oh
that’s the most important I like to
laugh at myself if you can’t laugh at
yourself and you can’t live properly I’m
sure you don’t thank you so seriously
mr. president mrs. Obama
what’s that power yeah good to see you
it’s good it’s all good
all right good so so thank you for
having me um I baby I’m seriously so
I just become all about that but no no
thank you
thank you guys so much for watching I
made this video because Easter 79 asked
me to also if you want to nominate
someone for the next top 10 video please
check the description for a link to a
video where you can vote for people and
put in your suggestions as well I’d love
to know what did you take from this
video what was the most important lesson
that you learned that blew your mind
that you’re going to immediately apply
to your life or your business somehow
please leave it down the comments below
I’m super curious to find out I also
want to give a quick shout out to Kevin
Fiedler Kevin thank you so much you’re
picking up a copy of my book your
one-word taking that picture posted on
Twitter I really really appreciate it
hope you’re enjoying the read and the
copy as well so thank you guys again for
watching I believe in you I hope you
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one word is much love I’ll
see you soon
are you actually sort of always
recording or are you kind of yeah I’m
always recording started working on the
second album and rather that’s more like
you can’t it out I know but I just love
making music so I don’t want to stop
enough all these ideas now the first one
is out and I’ve had like you know I’ve
gotten to read the reviews and see what
my fans thinking what they really like
and what you want more of an and myself
I’ve grown as a person and as an artist
and and I want to push myself vocally on
the second album a little more and and
just like yeah experiment and tell what
you know stories that I’ve learned in
the past couple months
I think women should be able to express
themselves however they like I mean I
think that’s feminism taking pride in
your body taking pride in your work and
doing whatever you want I don’t think to
be a feminist you have to cover yourself
up or do something a certain way I think
you get to be strong in yourself and do
what you feel they’re doing and that’s
but that’s also just in general people
should be able to do what they want and
not be stereotyped I’m very excited
because I got to work on the album for
three years so I feel like I finally did
something that I am really proud of and
coming from the most like the biggest
perfectionist / like you’ve ever met in
your entire life and it that means a lot
for me today that I actually like it but
yeah I it’s really cool like it’s like
R&B pop with the throwback v and this
sort of doo-wop e undertone and that was
yeah that’s what I wanted and that’s
what I think we captured in a very happy
it’s like a labor of love and must be
nice to have like a perfect actor like
yes I’m so proud of it
you know I so I don’t like to I never
speak highly about myself or about my
work yes good but this is something that
I am actually very very excited
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