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Are you holding YOURSELF back?

so last weekend made a video talking
about conquering your nerves and my
experience working with camera operators
to help me build my channel and produce
better videos and after that video I
went out and I had dinner with a buddy
of mine and realized that the issue went
a lot deeper than me just being nervous
I figured out that I hate letting people
down just that’s a personality trait of
mine and for the most part it’s good
right it means you’re gonna it means I
work harder than I may need to it means
that you know I tend to be a good boss
you know I always show up early for
things and for the most part it’s good
in life but I found that this trait was
hurting me in making the videos because
my usual process before I recorded it
myself when I didn’t have a cameraman
was before each question I would pace
for five minutes maybe a little bit less
and just think about what I wanted to
say before I go out on camera and now I
would find that I didn’t want to make
Jason wait those five minutes I didn’t
want him to be bored I didn’t want to
let him down and so why what’s happened
was I was rushing right I didn’t think
the time that I needed to make a good
video to be the best that I could be and
rushed and as a result felt unprepared
coming to each video and then as I
thought about it I thought well you know
I’m doing myself with this service I’m
doing you guys a disservice and I’m
doing Jason to the service too because
you know his goal with all of this is to
help me make videos that have an impact
so the better that I can be the better
he’s going to feel about the quality
work he’s producing and so it was just
the awareness first right recognizing
that this was a habit that i was holding
myself back from and it was hurt in the
end result that I was coming up with and
since then we’ve changed it right I let
jason know what was happening he’s using
that time now to film some extra b-roll
and he was happy to do it didn’t give me
a hard time at all and even if he’s just
sitting there waiting for five minutes
he’s having and the funny part about it
is we all have these things in our lives
that hold us back and the challenge is
it just happens right you do it out of
habit you do it without thinking about
it so you do these things in your own
life and your own business that hold you
back you’re not even aware of so you
can’t fix it until you’re aware of it
and so that’s the first step and I would
encourage you to think about what are
some of the habits that you have that
may support you in some areas of your
life but in some specific areas hold you
back and hurt you from getting to that
next step and I’d actually love to hear
that I love to hear from you when your
comments below what habits you feel you
have that hold you back from reaching a
love of success that you think you
should have and and you’d like to get
more were up so leave that below so
that’s my story for this week thank you
guys so much for watching I appreciate
all the love and I’ll support you guys
given the videos continue to believe and
I’ll see you soon
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