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App Marketing – How to launch your app

how to launch your app so I got a great
question for one of my YouTube viewers
love you guys
Vanessa who wrote in the saying that she
has a great idea for an app she found
the companies willing to help her but it
cost so much and she’s trying to find a
sponsor to help her get this thing off
the ground here’s the thing when I said
okay if a company is going to charge you
an arm and a leg to launch your app then
they’re not willing to help these guys
aren’t helping you they’re just a
service provider and what you need to do
is not figure out how to get a sponsor
but how to get somebody to help you
build this and be a real team player you
look at the app market okay the app
market is insanely competitive and you
can have success in it but you have to
show momentum you want to go to a
sponsor and say sponsor us why should
they pick your app over the millions of
other apps they’re not going to do it
until you can show some positive
momentum they’re not going to do it off
an idea you have to show something more
here’s what you need to do okay you need
to either be Facebook or you need to be
Apple and this is for any technology
company you have a technology idea you
have two routes to go Facebook or Apple
the Facebook route is you are the
programmer yourself Mark Zuckerberg
started the company he built the first
Facebook because he knew what he was
doing he was a programmer and as he
built it up and got momentum he was able
to raise funding bring on people hire
staff and now I don’t know if he does
any programming or not but doesn’t
matter we’re looking at how do you get
that first million how do you get that
first startup part how do you launch so
you have to know it yourself now
obviously Vanessa this is not you right
now right you don’t know how to build
the app so your second option is it be
Apple Steve Jobs had a vision for what
he wanted personal computers to look
like but he couldn’t do it himself he
was the business guy he was a marketing
guy but he couldn’t actually build it
himself he needed people to help him and
so he partnered up with Steve Wozniak
and Wozniak was a technical genius he
wasn’t a business guy he had no interest
in the business side he wanted to build
great products and together they’re able
to build this great company
and Steve Jobs was then able to hire
other people to help them move to the
next step in the next step you have to
have one of those two options you need
somebody in your company who gets
technology if you want to build a
technology company you need somebody in
your company who understands technology
with your route you can’t be Mark
Zuckerberg I’m not saying go out and
learn how to program that’s not going to
be the best use of your time you need to
go out and be Apple be Steve Jobs find
your Steve Wozniak find a partner who
can come in take a piece of your
business who cares about this as much as
you do who if there’s a problem at 3:00
in the morning they’re going to wake up
and get to work and not charge you an
arm and leg for it you need somebody
inside your company who gets technology
so forget about the sponsor forget about
this company who’s going to help you and
charge you an arm and a leg for it and
start finding a partner who believes in
what you’re doing just as passionate
about about it as you do it’s when they
come on technology side you run the
you form a partnership and make the next
great I believe those we watching like a
video please give it a thumbs up let me
know you think leave a comment below you
have a question just like vanessa did
leave it below make a video response and
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see more videos like this thank you so
much and I’ll see you soon
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