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App Development – How to sell your App to big companies

how to sell your app to big companies I
got a great question for my youtube
viewers love you guys early who wrote in
to say hi I’m early I’m an individual
self-taught iPhone app developer my app
called see that is in its first month
live in the App Store with over 50
downloads and much data
it’s a photo video app social network my
question to you is how can I sell my app
to any sort of company or at least have
companies invest in my app or me for
future successes I’m trying to sell it
but to no avail
thank you mr. Evan so this is a great
question and a huge challenge for a lot
of people because there’s so many apps
out there right there are so many apps
and especially you know on my my home
screen of the phone there’s limited
space right and your app has to be
really good that is that is the first
barrier your app has to be good has to
be something that is amazing okay most
apps either suck or are just okay and if
that’s your app then you’re not going to
have a lot of success with it and you
need to really work to make it better
the key thing I would look at the start
is how many people are starting to talk
about you from these 50 people who’ve
downloaded your app now that’s a small
amount but it’s still 50 people it’s not
one person right how many of them are
using it how many of them load it every
day and are using it and then how many
of them are actually telling their
friends about it because what I like
something I tell my friends about it I
make a video about it I like to show it
off because it’s helping make an impact
in my life so how many of those 50
people are using it and telling their
friends about it and if it’s not a lot
then I wouldn’t even go to a big company
yet because you’re not ready if people
are not using your app every single day
and telling their friends about it and
you’re seeing your growth come from your
current user base you’re getting
word-of-mouth marketing happening if
that’s not happening with your business
if they’re not logging on every day then
you need to make your app better and
that may be a hard truth and I know for
a lot of entrepreneurs it’s frustrating
because you put so much work into this
app and creating it and
like now I want to get it out there I
just want to make some money I got a
search I got to start paying some bills
here but you may be at the point right
now where your app isn’t good enough yet
and you got to invest more into making
it better so again I look at those 50
people are they using it are they
telling their friends if not then work
with those people you have a little bit
of a base work with them to make it
something amazing and then you’re ready
to keep going right you should be seen
your subscriber base grow grow grow grow
grow because they’re using word of mouth
because they love it so much once you
get there
next step is how do you get into these
big companies go through connections and
what I love doing here is finding people
who can help me kick up a storm that you
want people reviewing it you want the
media talking about it you want customer
spreading stories for you and I’d reach
out to targeted people who have an
audience of a corporate market so for
example if you were trying to sell
something entrepreneurs it’d be a good
idea to reach out to me whether you have
an app for entrepreneurs and there’s a
lot of apps that people pitch me in and
most of them suck and I would never use
them so that’s why I never talk about
them but you’d reach out to somebody
like me who works with corporations
instead of entrepreneurs and show them
what you do and again they have to be
wowed right it comes back to is the
product good enough because if you show
me an app and it’s not great and
something I’m not going to use in my day
to day life then I’m not going to talk
about it and then it makes it so much
harder to come back to that person and
say hey we’ve made some changes are you
willing to look at it again you have to
make that first impression count once
you get those connections and it’s not
that hard like these guy I’m looking for
content I’m looking for products all the
time that will help entrepreneurs and
I’m pretty accessible most of these guys
is media guys these bloggers these
social media guys are pretty accessible
that’s how they built their following
but the key is that you’re reaching out
to them with something that’s quality
and if they talk about you and they use
it and they’re going to conferences and
they’re making videos and they’re
tweeting about how great this thing is
it’s going to take off
what you
Dean is one corporate person to use it I
love it okay your third step then is
once you get somebody in that corporate
environment using it to support that
person because you need somebody in the
corporation to be your champion right
you want them to say how great it is and
to then sell it to the rest of the
company and if they are loving it
they’re using every day they’re going to
help you do that so if you find that one
person who is a user who is using it in
this company you want to reach out to
them and just be a be a support whatever
they need to help champion this thing
forward however you can be a resource to
them you want to help you want to
encourage them okay so that’s my
three-step process one it’s got to be
great if it’s not great if they’re not
referring people they’re not using
everyday then don’t even think about
promoting it yet make it better to start
reaching out to influencers social media
people bloggers people in the mainstream
media who have your target audience as
their readership and introduce your app
to them and then three when you have one
person in the company using it support
them help them be your champion give
them whatever they need to sell this
thing throughout the corporation and you
have a lot more success but a lot of
people where the falling down the sill
at that first step where the app just
isn’t good enough and you got to make it
better believe for those of you watching
you like this video you can support me
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much I’ll see you soon
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