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Anxiety Problems, My Fav Book, Using Your One Word – Entrepreneur AMA #2

what’s up eliminations happy Thursday
how we doing so this is a continuation
of my AMA series I thought it’d be nice
to have kind of office hours for you
guys I can’t get to every comment that
comes on YouTube it’s my team and a lot
of you guys are hitting me up on social
and I can’t always sense you have a
question so I thought every Thursday I
want to try to do something for you guys
I’m trying to keep it at 11 a.m.
either I have a guest on with me we can
ask questions or it’s just me we can go
on a one-on-one and so here we are we’re
back at it Thursday is an exciting day
for me it’s like public-facing day and
so those interviews and questions and
videos and I love hanging out with you
guys so hit me up give me your questions
let me see what you got in the live chat
and that will get through them first up
what we got what advice so this is main
frite what advice do you have for person
with social anxiety problems I think it
just depends what you want to do you
know I’m naturally introverted I know
that doesn’t come out and most of the
stuff that I do but I don’t you know
enjoy most social situations birthday
parties and networking events and that
kind of stuff and so I haven’t built the
business that depends on that if my
business depend on me being a Salesman
and in chicken hands constantly and
introduce myself to random people it
would fail because that doesn’t doesn’t
fit with my style what’s more important
for me is the marketing side so I make
content people find me and then I get
asked to speak and I get asked to create
books and I get asked to join companies
and I get asked to invest and so I
create a system that works for my
so instead of forcing myself to try to
be the outgoing person I built the
business that fits me and so if that’s a
problem for you I I think how do I turn
that into an advantage how do I use that
to my benefit how do I build a business
and a life that that doesn’t rely on you
having to be the life of the party
because you don’t have to be this tons
of people who’ve won who are not the
life of the party all right Wow
questions are flying in what do we got
next normal boss I’m just picking
randomly as they come in if I don’t
answer your question you can ask it
and hopefully they’ll show up normal
boss what is my favorite book well I got
two great books that are right here that
was awesome this one’s coming in and
said it yeah top ten was a success I
think besides that though but my
favorite books that I haven’t written
classics you know the my four work week
it had a big impact on my life not
because I want to work four hours a week
and Tim Ferriss doesn’t work four hours
a week but just the idea of delegating
outsourcing making efficiencies really
helped scale up my business to it just
being me to building a team and doing
that really effectively I also really
liked the book radicals and visionaries
which is out of print and it’s kind of
like my version might be a little bit
better and more updated but that book
kind of got me started where there’s a
famous entrepreneur in three or four
pages in tells their story and I read
one of those every day what I’m reading
right now is contagious contagious Jonah
Berger I think that’s how I think this
who wrote it decent book looking at how
do you get your idea to be contagious
and get people to talk about it and
spread the word for you so word of mouth
marketing super important entrepreneurs
we don’t have the budgets to go and buy
Super Bowl commercials so you need
people to talk about you and that book
kind of goes over how to get people to
talk about you so a decent I’m feeling
it before that I finished the Tony
Robbins what one was it wasn’t unleash
the power within
no that’s the seminar I don’t remember
it was sort of Robin’s book unlimited
power those good does a reread but it
was good and I have a stack of books to
go through and what I do with books and
people send me tons of books to like
anytime if you’re watching in the mail
time videos I get tons of books that
people send me and I’ll usually just
quickly browse through it if it came as
a recommendation from a friend that you
know whose opinion I respect and I’ll
actually read it but otherwise it just
quickly browse through the see if I like
any the the content anything sticks out
at me sitting over in a bookstore I’ll
just quickly flip through it randomly
hit any page and just read a couple
sentence and see like does it does it
strike my fancy is there anything here
that I’m learning from it that’s why I
also designed my books that if you go to
any page I’ll put this up in there that
isn’t inspirational on every single
Paige so yeah that’s what I’m reading
what do you guys reading let me let me
know what you’re reading no audio you
guys can’t hear can you guys hear you
guys can hear otherwise people aren’t
watching what else we got question Shawn
Horton live based on your book I’ve
identified my one word I’m having
trouble figuring out how to incorporate
it into my business slash ministry my
word is create and I’m a singer
songwriter producer so great question it
starts with your one word then go to the
Credo the three things that make up so
what does create mean to you because
create you know will mean something to
me but for you how do you break it down
and pick the three things so if I ask
you to define what create means you want
to figure that out I asked them Bishop
TD jakes last week on a hangout what his
one word was and he said loyalty and I
asked how he breaks it down and he
explains what loyalty means to him and
so having that clarity will help you be
able to bring that more to your ministry
and so it’s one a personal thing of you
need to be able to create new things at
your ministry right if you’re just
teaching the same thing that everybody
else is teaching and nothing’s ever
changing you’re gonna be super bored and
so you need to be constantly creating on
a regular basis and whether that extends
beyond just a ministry and like creating
a YouTube channel and creating the
Twitter account and creating an
Instagram post you need to always
reflects that muscle for you personally
to be happy and the more you can bring
that into your ministry with your
creative endeavors then the more your
parishioners are gonna benefit from it
as well but then from from the aspect
that bring them to the business you need
to bring that into your sermons you need
to bring that into the message that you
have for your audience like you want
your parishioners to go and not just
consume a message but you want them to
go and create as well right like you
want them to hear your words that they
hear on a Sunday afternoon and then go
forth into their life and create
something new and not just be satisfied
with the status quo right and so you you
are the pastor to come and learn from
when people want to create more in their
life and whatever create again means to
you creat more abundance feed more
spirituality create more wealth create
family connections whatever create
breaks down to for you then you want to
bring that to every aspect of your of
your business and so look at your logo
like does your logo inspire me to want
to create look at your website does it
inspire you want to create look at the
sermons you’re giving every week does it
inspire me to create look at the design
of your church when I walk in when I
walk into your church like this is
believed to me right when I walk into
your church do I want to create am i
inspired right so every single decision
that you make in your business from from
like vision all the way down to the
execution of every little from the
pamphlet that you’re handing out you
know in church all the little tiny micro
details your email signature your
Twitter profile picture like everything
you want to see through the lens of
create does it make people want to
create that’s they bring it to your
business and you do that then you get
people talking about you back to the
last question above word of mouth you
get people talking about you and they’re
feeling it and they’re vibing with you
and now you stand out from where the
over every other church that said
they’re next what do we got
hench herbivore my one word is
plant-based gains its three words is
that okay
your one word is not that’s nothing to
do with plants has nothing to do with
the exact specifics of what you do yet
the one word is a value what’s your
value what you stand for is human being
like if you didn’t care about plants if
you weren’t a pastor if I wasn’t an
what’s your core value and then you can
bring that to anything that you’re doing
so I would that’s great that you’ve
narrowed down what you do to plant base
gains what’s your core value what do you
stand for as a human being if you
weren’t doing this you’re born into
another life like what would you be
doing for me I’d simply believe in
people I just applied to entrepreneurs
because I love entrepreneurs so you want
to bring that core value that you have
whether it’s create whether it’s honesty
whether it’s love whether it’s family
whether it’s honesty whether it’s
believed like whatever it is any of
these things potentially like you want
to bring that to your business it’ll
make a big difference
rémi a lot consistency in my career as
I quit jobs within six months I go back
to my role as a homemaker for four to
six months what do I do to increase my
consistency so Remy it starts with
finding something that you love doing
it’s really hard to stay consistent
something that you hate just in general
right like it’s really hard to get up
every day and do something that you hate
you can force yourself for so long and
maybe circumstances like you know the
bank is calling and you’re about to lose
your house and so you have this just
insane pain that’s coming that if you
don’t do something you’re gonna suffer
but unless you have that insane pain in
front of you how do you get the
motivation to get up and do the thing
every day you have to love the work
right and if you haven’t found it that’s
okay you know I love helping
entrepreneurs I love doing YouTube like
this isn’t this is fun for me talking to
you guys it’s fun for me I enjoy this I
look forward to it where other people
are looking at like oh I gotta go and do
a head live hangout the socks I hate it
right like if that’s you you’re never
gonna be great at it and so the trick is
to find the thing that you love and if
you it’s in the new blog the top ten
rules and it’s one of the most
consistent thing that you’ll see on all
the profiles that I do is loving the
work that you’re doing if you haven’t
found it then you need to keep looking
you got to keep going you got to keep
searching keep trying all right and I
wouldn’t stay with something six months
just to see you know like a lot of this
stuff you know you know if they’re a day
do I want to go back and do this again
did I enjoy that am I being pushed you
know am i stretching am i learning am i
growing do I want to do this again right
so you need to explore explore explore
say yes that lots of things just like
saying yes to trying a new food right
don’t judge it until you’ve done it but
don’t keep sticking with the bad food
that you hate for six months before you
jump off and do something else right
when you know what you want to do when
you’ve found the thing that you love and
that you know you need to keep doing it
you may not be making money at it yet
you may not you know you may not know
how it’s all gonna work out you know for
me it was was speaking entrepreneurs I
got invited to my first thing and only
three people showed up and it was by all
accounts a total failure that you can
only get three people for a free event
and I had no idea how this would ever be
a business for me but I just loved it
and I knew I had to keep going and
that’s that’s a
and thread through all the profiles that
we’ve done as well is that at the
beginning it doesn’t make sense doesn’t
you know make logical sense it’s not
practical to keep doing this thing but
you have to because you love it so you
have to find a way to keep going and
then eventually you find a way to add
enough value that it ends up making you
money and have any impact that you want
to have but at the beginning it doesn’t
make any sense that’s why you have to
love it so much because it doesn’t make
sense you know but if you haven’t found
that thing then just keep trying things
and don’t wait six months you know fail
more fail more frequently say yes to
more things until you find the thing
like I’m looking forward to going and
doing that thing again tomorrow can’t
wait to go and do it tomorrow again the
next day again again and if you’ve lost
your passion or as soon as you figured
out that this is this is a chore for me
or you’re dreading going to do this
thing then quit ASAP and then find
something else what else master Matt
what’s the most important life lesson
you know I think for me the most
important life lesson has been not to
live with regret I’ve told the story
number times on the channel but I had a
situation when I was 18 and I was afraid
to do something and so I didn’t do it
and then I regretted it and it’s not
like it’s haunting me for this of my
life but I put a picture up on my wall
and then that was a reminder to the next
time I’m afraid of doing something I’m
just gonna do it because if I’m I don’t
want to be 80 and looking back on my
life and say man I wish I took my shot I
wish I tried that thing right I wish I
started on YouTube I wish I wrote that
book I wish I asked that girl out I wish
I wish I wish I write and then you just
constantly living in your your past
living in the regrets of the things that
you didn’t do and recognizing that
there’s always you have a limit amount
of time to make something happen
right like if you want to get on YouTube
you want to have success on YouTube
now’s a great time to do it YouTube may
not be here in 10 years that concept
that you have in your head of a great
YouTube show there may be ten other
people who end up doing it in the next
two years right so that idea like if you
find it so too
last question of she didn’t know what
you wanted to do great you got to
explore and keep finding and keep trying
things until you find a thing you want
but if you found it then you got to get
up off the couch and do it and run hard
because you have a limited time to do it
not just limited life that you’re gonna
die at some point that’s true but the
idea that you have is a moment in time
you know it may not be around in five
years anymore you don’t have forever to
get this thing off the ground if you
want to go out and do it then you need
to do it now because I guarantee you
you’re gonna look back and say I wish I
did it you’re gonna see somebody else
making tons of money off of it and say
that was my idea
or wasn’t you know they did something
with it
it’s their idea you sat on it so you
can’t complain and I think that happens
to too many people I mean you find the
thing that you want you got to go out
and do it and so I’m lucky that I
learned that you know when I was 18 19
and ever since
if opportunities come to me and I feel
like I’m gonna regret saying no then I
know I have to say yes even if I’m
afraid you can try to have the resources
even if I’ve never done it before if
I’ve got all the skills or the
connections or all of the excuses that
exist if I’m gonna regret saying no that
I know that I have to say yes and I just
make that pain so big of future regret
like I’m gonna regret this for the next
200 years of my life then that that pain
becomes so big that the fear the
immediate pain of the fear of doing it
is smaller just like you know if you
have a bruise on your arm and somebody
punches you in the face you forget about
the bruise right because you’re hurting
so much from the punch of the face and
so the bruise is the fear of doing that
thing that you want to do and I punch
myself in the face with the future of
all this crazy fear of not doing the
right thing and that helps me know that
that that keeps me from not succumbing
to the pain and the fear and I go and do
it so I think that’s the biggest lesson
that I’ve learned and I learned that
early thankfully and continue to apply
it if I’m going too
credit than that I know what I have to
do next
Damien hi what is the best and/or
fastest way to go from idea to action I
find it difficult to take action ideas
because all the other day-to-day things
get in the way so there’s two things
here there’s one the mindset and to the
execution if we’re talking about
execution first you prioritize you know
like you have to make time for the
things that are important to you and
there’s that concept of the big rocks
little rocks and and water you put the
big rocks in first right if you put in
water and then put Seine and then put
little rocks the big rocks will never
fit you’ll jar would be full but if you
put the big rocks in first and then the
small rocks and then the same then the
water everything fits and so what are
the big rocks in your life what are the
big rocks in your business or your you
know how you want your schedule to look
so you know if I want YouTube to be a
success for me I have to make it a big
rock and we have to plan for it and put
it into my calendar and then everything
else finds this way in everything else
finds it’s you know I don’t I don’t stop
eating and I don’t stop you know happy
time with my wife I don’t stop all the
other things that I wanted to do too but
like the big rocks the three most
important things that you want to get
done you have to put into your calendar
because otherwise your schedule will run
over you you know people will give you
their emergencies and you just react
into that instead of creating a schedule
plan a life that you want so you know we
all have the same amount of time you got
to use it and chances are you’re not
using it and so it’s often hard to get
stuff done in 15 minutes for 20 minutes
and chances are you’re wasting lots of
little 1520 minute chunks in a day and
so if you prioritize I said like this 90
minute gap this is where I’m gonna I’m
gonna I’m gonna create it for myself
Thursday nights 90 minutes I’m gonna be
working on my new idea and don’t let
anything else interrupt that have the
discipline to do that so that’s the
structure that’s that’s the execution
it’s not it’s not super challenging to
do you just got to go and do it the
mindset one is more
it’s easy to come up with lots of ideas
and it’s easy to get lost in what you
can create because it’s fun and it’s
it’s it’s easy right and it’s it’s a
good vibe to feel like if I think about
the impact that I can have and what I’m
gonna do with my YouTube channel and you
know the team I’m gonna build then the
collaboration we’re gonna have and all
that stuff it’s so easy to date you and
get lost in that world
right like you put on the VR headset and
you’re just lost in a different world of
what your going to be able to create and
oftentimes for entrepreneurs or wannabe
we’ve solved the problem right like the
challenge of building that business in
our head we’ve solved the problem in our
head we’ve said okay here’s how I’m
gonna do it
and because we’ve held the problem and
because that world looks so good
we don’t actually end up doing the work
you want to go off and solve a different
problem and then you just constantly in
your head you just constantly daydream
instead of actually doing the work to
get started right I could have the
greatest vision for a YouTube channel
ever and then I’m gonna start and make
one video and I’m probably gonna suck
and then that hurts because I realize
there’s a lot more work than I thought
to get that vision to become a reality
and so it’s easy to just to get loss and
vision world all the time and get lost
in the day dreaming because it’s fun and
so it’s changing your mind said that yes
having a vision is important but way
more important is then you gotta
actually start doing the work every day
you know you’re spending twenty percent
of your time focus on the vision and 80
percent of your time or more executing
it doing work every day and when you
switch that when you learn to teach
yourself that doing the work itself is
satisfying it is is meaningful right
finding the meaning of the day to day
work like every video I make I find
meaning in I want to help you guys I
love this live chat I love seeing the
questions pour in every single video and
so you’re not just chasing the big dream
you need both you need to have the big
vision and you need to do the actual
work consistently
so in general a lot of these questions
to all the tips in the world are not
going to help you until you get the
right mindset right I mean decided that
you’re going to do it then the tips will
help you if you haven’t really decided
then all the advice won’t make a
difference to you next ray Espinoza if
you wanted to start a clothing brand
today but had little money to invest how
would you start and how would you market
your brain I think
influences is going to be your best
target I would look at YouTube and
Instagram as my number one in two places
to go I would look for people who can
resonate with the brand so you know if
you had a believ shirt as an example
right send it to me I might wear it
right it fits my brand if it’s something
that’s totally off or it’s a negative
message or political message or
something that you know I don’t care
about I’m not gonna wear it but other
people might and so it’s finding you
know what is your brain staying for if
you figure out your one word that really
helps but what is your brain staying for
what’s the point of the clothing people
wear clothing for a reason like I love
wearing this shirt right like this means
something to me I feel like a a rebel
and a superhero putting on this shirt
and so it’s a statement and so what’s a
statement that people gonna have when
they were your shirt and then finding
the influencers who exude that on a
regular basis connect with them show
them a picture of what you’re doing and
say I’d like to send you this free shirt
and if they like it to work and if you
send me a picture first then you’ll know
if you need to spend the mailing cost to
get it out to them you know again
anybody who had a believ shirt if I like
the design I was like the message I’m
gonna say yes send it over if I like how
it feels I like how it you know how it
looks I’m gonna I’m gonna wear it and I
promote it and so it’s just doing the
work to find those people doing the
inner work first to figure out what your
brand stains for what the mission is
what the one word is and then doing the
work to find out the people who have a
similar mission so you know if you know
you’re one where it is this example go
to Instagram search with a hashtag and
see who’s posting like how many people
are posting believe on Instagram just
search for the hashtag all those people
are pretend
chill influencers for you right you want
to check that they have a certain size
for you to really get the benefit from
it but it’s an easy way just to hack it
packet Instagram next three three three
r3 TR one button that is a that is a
long crazy name okay
what are your thoughts in network
marketing network marketing is just a
business model it’s like what are your
thoughts on online marketing what are
your thoughts on influencer marketing
you know it’s a business model I think
why network marketing gets a bad rap is
most people enter it just under the
promise of making a ton of money and a
get-rich-quick scheme and it’s not you
know it’s hard you’re an entrepreneur
you still have to run a business the
most important thing with business is
that you are promoting a product that
you use that you like that you endorse
that you would sell your your mom you
would sell your grandma right and a lot
of people network marketing they don’t
like they don’t even use the products
themselves they would definitely not
tell their mom to go buy this and so if
you don’t use it yourself and you
wouldn’t tell your mom to buy it how do
you think you’re ever gonna sell anybody
else and so many people are just trying
to focus on building a downline and
recruiting people and like churning
through people instead of actually
creating you know system that you love
the product you love the people and you
want to build something special and so
that’s the biggest problem inherently
there’s nothing wrong with network
marketing I would say if you’re looking
at getting into it one make sure that
you try out the products first and that
you use it and that you love it and that
you’re you’re on a daily basis consuming
those products you’d be happy to
recommend it to your friends and your
mom without having to sell them like you
would generally recommend it and then
make sure you get a really good upline
you want somebody to like a built-in
benefit of network marketing is you have
a coach you have a mentor you have
somebody to give you guidance most up
lines suck most up lines have no idea
what they’re doing most up lines spend
very little time actually coaching and
training the people under them and so
you don’t want to be that
person right you want to work with
somebody who’s gonna support you so do
your homework and find somebody who’s
really good I think the business model
itself can be fantastic I think most
people executed poorly and so the
network marketing gets really bad rap
that’s my thoughts what do we got what
Amanda would you suggest education a
business degree or an MBA before
starting the business that’s a
interesting one so you know context I
went I finished high school I finish
University I have an undergrad degree
Bachelor of comment Commerce and finance
I don’t think that my university
education really helped me that much in
there was one course that I did on
entrepreneurship it was a fourth year
level course and it was really easy I
mean I already have my business going
there’s really basic stuff and kind of a
waste of time a lot of the other stuff
that I learned in school and university
I don’t really apply that much maybe I
picked the wrong courses you know I was
really interested in economics
microeconomics macroeconomics most of
that’s not relevant to entrepreneurship
the course is on marketing were too
often kind of big business focused and
you have this you know advertising
budget like that does exist when you’re
when you’re starting up a company the
biggest benefit probably was just the
people that I was around that you know
you build your network although I’m I’m
introverted and I didn’t really take too
much advantage of that and I guess it’s
also a back-up plan you know I thought I
wanted to be an investment banker and so
having you know having a high school
only degree is gonna be really hard to
get a job as an investment banker and so
if you know that you want to be an
entrepreneur or like this that’s it for
you there’s no other way
you know I think a lot of its going to
be in the in the practicality of it and
doing the work and so I think you’ll get
a lot more benefit from having a job
working for an entrepreneur 10% or less
company that you admire and look up to
and want to be like and go work for them
and get take on as many responsibilities
as poss
so you’re getting paid to learn instead
of going to university to pay to learn
questionable things if you’re not sure
that you want to be an entrepreneur you
want to have a back-up plan or you want
to have the degree then then do it and
start your business part-time do both so
it really depends on your own situation
and your mindset
I don’t regret having gotten university
you know it was a decent experience but
I don’t know that is for everybody I
don’t know that the skills that you
learn to become an entrepreneur really
taught well in a classroom setting you
got to get out and start doing stuff so
that’s why thoughts I made a video a
while ago like maybe two years ago about
is a university education worth it with
lots of different successful
entrepreneurs coming down on both sides
and so watching that will probably help
give you a little bit more feedback a
little bit more clarity that you can see
is it the right situation for me or not
what else what else what else what do we
got our a Robin den a Robin then I’m
doing my engineering and I need to start
a service-based business with a website
for it but how can I manage a time I
should I continue doing my college and
my business any tips same thing like big
rocks first you plant it in you need
time to focus on your business you need
time every single day I’d say at least
half an hour every day
ideally more especially on some other
days but at least half an hour to keep
momentum point every day and plan it in
like well there’s 9 o’clock at night
9:00 to 10:00 p.m. every night is your
business night and you don’t let things
get in the way you know you don’t let a
date get in the way you don’t let you
know most things get in the way now if
Oprah calls you maybe you’ll adjust but
for the most part you know you keep it
that that’s the time you’re doing your
I would also if you’re in college
university I would also look at how can
I use my college or university to help
me grow my business it’s what I did in
my university I created a self-guided
course with the professor so I had no
exam to write we did a course on on
I seen like how to cope with good
pricing and I basically build it around
my product around my company like my
company at the time was trying to figure
out how do i price my product and so I
used his knowledge and I used the
research that I did and always use my
company as a case study in every course
that I took whether it’s a self design
course or a course that we had project
work I always use my company’s example
so it helped my business grow I also you
know my company sold to university
researchers as one of our target
audience so I was able to go and talk to
researchers at the University under
under like my pricing survey that I was
doing through my course and so I got
access to people that we otherwise would
be hard to get access to and then I’d
also look at is can I use the alumni a
lot of universities and colleges have a
strong alumni program and people like
helping out people from the same you
know background and so I’d be lucky not
is there anybody who’s graduated for my
university that might be a good contact
for me that I can use University’s name
to reach out to ask for a coffee meeting
to learn about their story and hopefully
get some guidance and so I would try to
leverage that I didn’t do that at all
when I was university I didn’t think of
the idea but going back if I had to
start over again I would I would
definitely look into it because it’s
really helpful so yeah big rocks first
and then in the work that you’re doing
at university try to make it apply your
business so they’re not just two
separate things
next treek tree AK – people say you
should be passionate on your product or
company how do I find my passion some of
it before you try things say yes to
things you’re not gonna find your
passion sit on the couch you’re not
gonna find your passion by talking to me
right like you got to go out and try
things you have an idea for something go
and try it and I think what’s really
important is don’t put so much pressure
on it that it has to be amazing the
first time through it’s like if you’re
gonna go and go on a first date with
somebody and expect to get married after
that a lot of times people put so much
pressure that this has to be the next
thing and if they don’t absolutely love
it the first time through then they give
up on it where what you want to do is
try something and then see like don’t
want to do that
again like did I have fun and I enjoy
that am I getting some value from it and
then you do it again and you do it again
and with time it’ll build and get
excited and more passionate for you or
you get less interested in it and you
drop it and that’s okay
I look at salsa dancing for me you know
if you’re just looking at on paper I’d
make a terrible salsa dancer I’m too
tall you know I don’t speak Spanish
I take big steps I didn’t learn growing
up I’m not natural I didn’t do any
dancing and so to learn as an adult you
know think that this might be the next
thing is crazy paper didn’t make sense
but I went to a salsa class and I liked
it I think yeah I want to do that again
and so I came back I did it again I did
it again and my interest and passion
grew and deepened to the point where now
I invested in and then bought the
largest salsa dancing company in in
Canada probably North America and will
teach 5,000 people a year how to dance
salsa and so try a bunch of things don’t
don’t make that first impression have to
be just insanely over-the-top that it
has to be the thing that works out and
just try things until you get to
something that like I want to do that
again I want to do that again keep going
through date next question question what
is my favorite video from heartbeat I
don’t know I love all my videos you know
I don’t I don’t put out a video that I
don’t I haven’t learned something from I
think the one that has maybe the biggest
connection is the one I did on Kanye
West and that came out of a result of
one of my friends put out a blog post
about Kanye and Taylor Swift and yeah
it’s like really like it’s seven years
later we’re still talking about this and
I was just upset that people only saw
the negative side about Kanye and sure
he says a lot of things that most people
wouldn’t say and he might put his foot
in his mouth and he may say things the
wrong way and offend people and you know
not have as much a filter up to like
actually caring what other people think
so he does a lot of those things but
that’s all people see there’s also a
genius side of him where you know he won
more Grammy Awards than anybody at his
period in history it’s like that’s
pretty impressive you know he moved from
being someone who just made beats to
being a rapper where people said you
never don’t be a rapper just make beats
you’re not gonna be good at rapping then
he goes on and wins all his Grammy
Awards then he moved from being a rapper
to being an entrepreneur and having
clothes and shoe deals and said people
said don’t do that just stick to making
you know rap that’s what you’re good at
and everybody always bets against him
and more often than not he wins and I
just wanted to show the positive side of
him like there’s lessons you can learn
from him if you ignore the stuff that’s
in the media most of the time and so I
made the video on him one of our first
top tens is not the first top ten and
use it as a response to my friend who
wrote that blog post and say watch this
and he left the comment that I think is
the number one comment the most like
comment on that page if not it’s one of
the most where he said that something
like doesn’t matter what you hear
Kanye’s a legend they’re a genius or
something like that and so that made me
feel good and ever since we’ve done tons
of other videos and I’ve learned from
all of them but I don’t have I don’t
have one favorite video I guess it like
I need to watch all the time I feel like
a lot of the videos have similar
messages right I mean that’s why I wrote
the book up taking 500 messages and
condensing down to ten because a lot of
the rules come up over and over and over
and over again and that’s how successful
people think it’s just that how Steve
Jobs says it may be different than how
Oprah Winfrey says it may be different
than Elon Musk
right like they’re not that far apart
this is very rare that somebody’s saying
something the opposite of somebody else
but the words that they use in the
context that they use and you know the
tone that they’re sharing it in is
different to the point where maybe
you’ve heard it three times before from
somebody else but the way that Steve
Jobs said it just really resonates with
you and so that’s what I try to do is
show success from all these different
people different backgrounds and we have
people from all sorts of back
all walks of life on the channel common
thing is they’ve had success in their
field and I want to learn from them and
so if I learned something from them then
we make a video on it and put it up and
hopefully you guys learn along the way
as well next minute I want to start a
fashion label and I would like to donate
a very big part of what is earned to
poor countries do you see potential this
idea potential every idea it’s a matter
of making a work you know so people have
already done this you have already done
fashion labels and you give money away
to to charities it’s great now you have
to go out and execute your idea and if I
were you getting this started one I
would figure out my mission like figure
out your one word figure out what you
stand for figure out what your brain is
gonna be that’s different than the
others what’s the mission and the
message that you want to share just like
the other guy who wanted to sell
t-shirts and I suggested influencers
just like the pastor who’s one word is
creative and bringing that to his church
like what are you staying for what’s so
different but your clothing line that
people will want to wear it the the
community give back is great at the same
time can make sure that you’re making
money like the more money you make the
more you can give a lot of times people
give away too much at the beginning and
then they can’t stay afloat and so you
could give half of your earnings and
still be a solo entrepreneur and that
might be fulfilling but you could do way
more like if you built a bigger company
you had ten employees and you gave ten
percent of your earnings those ten
percent is way more than the fifty
percent when you’re back to being a solo
person so if you want to give more you
need to earn more as well you got to
make sure that your business is
profitable that you have a good business
idea it’s working customers are happy
you’re building a real company because
it will allow you to do more for the
world and for the countries that you
want to help as well
next Toronto green house Toronto in the
house I love that are there any plans
for a special video at 1 million viewer
mark maybe top hundred tips of all time
a prize for the million viewer so I’m
gonna try to do a live hangout it really
depends on when we hit a million but
I’ll try hard
in previous milestones of hitting you
know hundred thousand two hundred
thousand five hundred thousand it’s
really just been if I’m online at the
time and I don’t have a meeting I’m not
I’m not doing something else I don’t
really care too much about the million
mark it’s a fun thing to chase down but
it’s gonna happen it’s one of those
things it’s like it’s the minds like I
know I’m gonna do it I know it’s gonna
be reached and so something exciting you
know it’s already done it’s not a
challenge anymore that was on like
what’s the next challenge but I know
it’s important to celebrate I know you
guys are gonna love it we had a lot of
energy on the on the half a million
subscriber mark and so I’m gonna try I’m
gonna try really hard it’s got to be
something pretty important for me not to
be on live for a million I don’t know
what I’m gonna do I haven’t I don’t know
I’m open to ideas I don’t know what
we’re gonna do in terms of a giveaway or
it doesn’t be answering questions you
can get some guests on I don’t know I
haven’t thought too far ahead on it
others happening soon so I probably
should you know telling me next month
but a lot of you guys have been asking
me I really appreciate the love I’ll do
my best to have something on people have
been asking for my team to be on with me
or needed being with me or special
guests we’ll see we’ll see again keep
the ideas coming and I’ll do my best to
have a live hangout at a million next
Louvre or hi Evan how do you create a
good and strong team and and guys if I
see the questions way more if you had if
you tagged me so like Louvre or is
coming out with a big orange tag it’s
way easier to see for me just side now
if you want a question answer um so it
create a good strong team I believe
starts a game with values I mean a lot
of the stuff comes back to figuring out
your one word figuring out your value
when I hire it’s always what I lead with
so if you look at my job postings it’ll
be you know I believe in entrepreneurs
and what believe means to me and some
people will see that and say that is a
stupidest thing I’ve ever seen in my
life great don’t apply like we won’t get
along like you could be a fantastic
person just we’re gonna we’re not gonna
we’re not gonna mix well together go
somewhere else where you’re gonna be
happy it’s not that I’m writing you’re
just not compatible with each other and
other people will see that say that’s
I love that I’m going to spend extra
time my application to go work for him
because I love what he stands for so you
want to lead with what you stand for
what your values are then you can get
into what the job description is like if
you’re hiring a programmer yes you need
someone who can actually program but
there’s tons of people who can program
you know when you can capture their
values and have it similar to yours and
they’re on board with the mission that
you try to do then you have their heart
and soul you don’t just have their brain
right lot there’s lots of great brains
there’s lots of good programmers also
great marketers lots of great
accountants lots of great everything
that you need for your business but not
everybody’s gonna be aligned with what
you’re trying to do and so you don’t
want just people’s brains you want the
heart and soul you get that right it
solves a lot of other issues the team
just works a lot better than it would
otherwise and as an example my video
editor Christina who’s been with me for
years I don’t know how many years wanted
the tattoo believe on her arm before she
even met me it wasn’t like she became a
huge friend of the channel and then
wanted to get a believ tattoo was
something that she just wanted to do on
her own because it resonated with her
and so when she shot saw the job posting
she applied and she loved it and she the
reason why I hired her was not just the
alignment but she put in a ton of work
to make that job application really
stand out like she did what I asked her
to do and then she went above and beyond
and did other examples for me because
she really wanted the job not because
she was desperate because but because
she really aligned with what I was
trying to do so people will put in more
work where if you’re you know you’re
you’re looking to hire a video editor
there’s lots of jobs for them they can
go to tons of different places why would
they come and work for you and so most
people just send in the same copy and
paste resume cover letter swap out the
names sometimes sometimes they
accidentally keep in the wrong warrants
like they put no work into making that
that application for you and you did no
work to say how you’re different right
so if you show how you’re different then
it’s easier to get the right people on
in the hiring process I always make sure
they do
test projects – I have very little
respect for a resume and for a cover
letter I don’t ask for it I just don’t
think it works somebody whose ability to
write a cover letter has nothing to do
with their ability to be a good
programmer for you right I will ask them
about what they love about you believe
while they want to help entrepreneurs
and I’ll try to see if I give a real
answer or some kind of fake looking
answer I will ask them for some skill
testing question buried in the middle of
my job description
tell me how many YouTube followers I
have so that they actually have read my
job description not just see video
editor and automatically apply because
most people will do that like you could
throw away half the people because they
didn’t even read your job description
right so don’t waste time on those
people like they’re spending two seconds
to apply to you you’re spending five
minutes to look at their the response
and you times that by a hundred people
it’s a lot of wasted time and I love a
trial project so you work on something
together and see how the vibe goes see
what the quality of the product is a lot
of the people that I’ve hired would
never pass a standard resume cover
letter kind of job application but
they’re great they’re great for my team
because I’m hiring for the right skills
not for your ability to write a good
cover letter next now I see a ton of out
Evan chemicals this is this is a lot
easier to read thank you guys okay
picnic I pick Nika in your experience
what site model seems to be the most
successful for new guys to get off the
ground and make money with I don’t know
what that means what site model there’s
lots of different models you know the
one don’t look at the one that’s easiest
look at the one that resonates with you
the most right like I’m I’m not the
sales guy I’m not gonna go to networking
events and shake hands but it works it
just doesn’t work for me right so
figuring out the one that works for you
your personality your values building a
team around it finding the right clients
there’s lots of different options is no
one like stop looking for the one it’s
like it’s like the opening up ink
magazine it’s like the hottest hundred
our this year don’t do that because
you’re gonna get crushed by the guys who
actually care about that industry right
if you want to make coffee cups because
coffee cups is the number one hottest
trend right now but you’re not even that
passionate about coffee cups are just
doing it because the number one trend
you’re going to lose because there’s
people who love coffee cups who will
just destroy you people want to start on
YouTube great do it if you love it like
it’s worth a try see see if you like it
so if you fall in love with it see
something I keep going back and doing if
you’re doing it only because it’s a good
marketing opportunity only because it’s
one of the hottest things to do right
now you’re going to get crushed by
people who actually care and love it and
so you want to be the person doing the
crushing not the person being crushed
and that and how that works is when you
actually love the thing that you’re
doing and the specific business model
itself doesn’t really make a huge
difference next Patricia I’m in the
process of opening an upscale thrift buy
can’t decide should I just focus on
children’s wear it do a mix think in
advance it’s the same thing you can make
money doing both it’s what are you
excited by so with all of these business
ideas guys you have to combine this is
how you make money is it you can find
what you love with what the market wants
has to be both I’ve talked about a lot
in this channel if you love doing
something but there’s zero interest in
it the zero demand for it you have a
hobby I maybe you can build up that
hobby enough to be able to provide
enough value to your audience to make it
work but you have a hobby you don’t have
a business yet if you’re only chasing
what the market wants but you don’t care
about it you’re never gonna win because
people who care about that market will
crush you so really it’s you’re looking
at this should I include kids or not
well do you like kids do you love kids
like are you gonna spend time to find
the best kids clothing do you have a
brand that stands for empowering kids
like do you like doing it if you don’t
then don’t if you’re doing it only
because kids there are a lot of
opportunity and people spend a lot of
money on their kids you’re never gonna
have the best kids thrift store somebody
else is going to beat you and
so you have to really have that deep
connection with the work that you’re
doing if looking up kids really looking
at the kids research finding kids
clothing finding suppliers creating the
signage in your store all of that stuff
of that just seems like a big headache
to you then don’t just because it looks
like an opportunity there’s tons of
opportunities everywhere spending time
on opportunities that you are not
absolutely in love with is not worth
your time because you’re missing out on
other opportunities that really fill you
up so from a business perspective both
can potentially work it’s really which
ones are you more excited by Connor
O’Donnell will you make a video with
something like musicians trying to make
it in the world I did one making it as a
musician it’s actually basically what
you’re asking for making it as a
musician I would go find it it’s advice
from all sorts of different musicians
and different bands and they’re
basically they’re sharing how they got
started and their advice for other
musicians so I would look that up making
it as a musician Evan Carmichael enjoy
next Shamal Bethel can I get a free copy
of your book for my son as a gift so
with all of this stuff you have to be
thinking if you’re reaching out to
people asking for something you got to
be thinking what are you gonna bring if
people are expecting just a handout most
people are going to say no and it’s for
everybody like you want an instagramer
to wear your t-shirt you want five
minutes of somebody’s time to ask some
questions and get advice you need to
approach it from their perspective you
need to think what can I bring
how can I help you if you’re constantly
just in in asking mode and you’re not
giving anything nobody’s gonna say yes
like most people are not gonna say yes
to this request you want to be thinking
what can I bring how can I help
if you were an avid commenter if you
were sharing all my videos if you were
like a recognizable name and
contributing tons of belief nation it’d
be easy to say yes but I don’t recognize
your name and maybe
that’s on me maybe we’ve been comped in
every single video and she’s never
surfaced but that’s part of the game if
you are trying to make a connection
within with influencer you want to try
to connection with a client like you
should be a known quantity to them you
should be giving giving giving giving
giving and then try to ask for something
because you built up the emotional
equity where there’s people who have
been a part of my community or parts of
some of these live chats who are part of
lots of my videos who if they asked me
for something I would give it to them
much more than just a book because of
what they’ve contributed so I would
encourage you to shift your mindset and
start thinking how can I bring value to
the people that I’m asking to things for
first and then ask after next what do we
got what do we got what do we got Arisa
what is the best major to choose for
being successful entrepreneur in the
future I don’t know I don’t think a
single major will really help you the
major that you’re passionate about you
can make a business offer anything you
can make a business in history you can
make your business in art you can make a
business in commerce don’t go into a
major just because you think is gonna
help you be an entrepreneur your best
bet and being entrepreneurs to go work
for an entrepreneur go join a company
that’s entrepreneurial I said before 10
employees or last school work for them
and learn as much as possible that’s the
best major you’ll ever get otherwise
choose the course material that you love
as an example like this guy right we
know him Steve Jobs right dropped out of
school it’s famous story dropped out of
school so that you could start dropping
in on classes and he dropped in a
calligraphy class a fonts class learning
about how you know writing styles
evolved and different kinds of writing
styles which seem like it’s totally
useless like who cares about calligraphy
how is that ever going to help you well
fast forward a couple years later when
he started Apple the thing that Apple
was known for the very beginning was all
the different fonts that they had so it
wasn’t just one basic standard ugly
boring font that every other computer
had Apple had a variety of fonts where
did that come
from McCain from Steve Jobs having that
passion learning both fonts in that
class it seems totally unrelated but it
comes back to help him in a major way
stand out in business and be a success
you got to take the courses that you
love it’s gonna lead somewhere it’s
trust it’s gonna lead somewhere right if
you’re filling yourself up it allows you
to get the creativity the energy to go
off and make something amazing if you’re
filling your head with knowledge that
then you forget the next day which is a
lot of your education right like you
memorize it for the exam and then poof
it’s gone that’s not going to serve you
so then all you having is a piece of
paper right and nobody cares about your
piece of paper in entrepreneurship now
if you’re if you’re a doctor and you’re
selling medical stuff that may help a
little bit you know if you if you have a
revolutionary medical treatment but
you’re not a doctor that me that may
hurt you a little bit but in general
like nobody has ever asked me for my
degree they never asked me if I went to
high school or university or where and
what I studied it doesn’t matter for
most businesses and so there’s no one
degree that’s really going to help you
the degree that will help you is the one
that fills you up that you’re going to
remember the content and Trust is going
to lead you somewhere next track – what
do you think about the ideas in the lean
startup is business really just a
continuous experiment I haven’t read the
book so I can’t really speak to much of
it about it but business is a continuous
experiment if that’s the premise of the
book then I agree with that you have to
constantly be trying new things
constantly I think what happens too
often is people stop experiment to
beginning the experiment a lot they
figure out what the products in the B
servers gonna be they finally find
something that’s kind of working and
then you just keep doing that one thing
and then we get bored because you keep
doing the same thing over and over and
over and over again and that’s not a
recipe for success until you get to the
point where you just you’ve had it like
I can’t do this anymore I’m bored out of
my skull I got to do something else and
that’s when people ship their business
sell their business move on to something
else and it happens autism business
happens in relationships that happens in
you know if you’re dating somebody and
it’s just the same thing over and over
and over again you’ll get to the point
where you want to you want to break you
wanna do something else and and so you
end up doing a big change you take a
huge leap somewhere else where often
that leap won’t lead you where you want
to go much better is to not wait for
three years for that huge leap to come
and take micro steps every day
constantly experimenting if you look at
my youtube channel as an example if all
I did was the top tens every day in the
same format the same structure I did
word of it so I need to innovate I got
to try new things I want to improve them
constantly and some of them work and
some of them don’t you know how we pick
who we profile for the top 10 has
evolved over the years you know we’ve
had a new intro now we have a new theme
and a new sidebar so you like it some of
you don’t maybe it works maybe it
doesn’t but it’s constant daily
experiments so that you’re always
flexing that muscle you’re always
learning you’re always being creative
you’re always injecting newness into
your business and then you don’t get to
the point where you hate it because
you’ve grown and your business hasn’t
grown because you’ve grown and your
relationship hasn’t grown when you get
to that point it just at some point that
elastic band breaks because it’s just
stretched too far apart or instead of
allowing yourself to grow and everything
else stopping as you grow your business
has to grow as you grow your
relationship has to grow as you grow the
things you do have to grow alongside you
my business will always be a reflection
of who I am what I care about
and maybe that’s on YouTube and maybe
that’s into VR and maybe that’s
something else in the future but it is a
constant experiment if that’s the
premise I’m a fan what else
Tomica how long should we focus on a
project if a service that can start
quickly focus for three to six months a
year before adding the next element
focus until a successful focus as long
as you’re passionate about it sometimes
it’s done in three months sometimes like
you’ve hit the mark in three months
you’re having success sometimes it’s six
months some times of the year sometimes
it’s three years
the time the quit is when you’ve lost
the passion and if you had some success
then you can sell that business and do
something else because you’ve lost a
passion for it and if you still love it
then you stay in it and if it doesn’t
make sense
like if it hasn’t worked out after six
months it doesn’t mean you need to go do
something else if you still love it you
said have to keep going you got to find
another way through you got to get
better you got to add more value you got
to improve successful people one of the
most common advice right and it’s in the
book it’s in a lot of videos is that
idea of not quitting of not giving up
and a lot of the successful people that
you look up to did not quit when it
seemed like they should when it seemed
like there’s no way it’s gonna work out
like it’s not working out you’ve been
doing this for years you have no money
you’re not getting any traction like
just quit and do something because it
often that’s the same thing to do it’s a
rational thing to do it just makes sense
why are you doing this stupid thing
that’s not working but you just know
that you have to keep going and the
successful people keep on doing it when
they feel that in their heart they keep
going to keep going to keep going but
successful people off also give up on
things that they don’t like but they
don’t have the passion for they quit all
the time it’s something you should never
quit on anything you should quit on most
things regardless of how long you’ve
done it for a day a week a month three
years ten years like as soon as you
realize that this is not your passion
quit because you’re wasting your time
because if you keep doing it for another
two years you’ve just lost two years of
doing work you’re not passionate about
you’re never gonna win if you’re doing
work that you’re not passionate about
never and so as long as you have a
passion for it you need to focus focus
as much as you can as hard as you can
because again there’s a window and that
windows gonna close you’re gonna lose
your opportunity at some point so you
got to go hard when we’ve lost a passion
then you move on immediately to
something else
we’re kind of on time guys is crazy it’s
been an hour an hour flies by let’s get
one last question see we got you veer is
undercutting on price the best way to
get business no under kind of price is
the worst way to get business
undercutting on price is is what I hate
in in business you want to stand for
something and charge a premium for what
you’re doing and the current price might
be a fast way to get immediate customers
but you’re getting people who don’t
value value right you’re getting people
who will just go to the cheapest price
all the time and it’s always gonna be a
race to the bottom there’s always gonna
be somebody who’ll undercut you right
like you think you can offer the lowest
price somebody else will come in and do
it for free and then you just lost
entire business if if customers will
leave you because somebody else is
charging 10% less you have a terrible
business you need to figure out what
makes you different it comes from the
values that you stand for but also the
services and the quality of the product
that you’re bringing out and I hate it
when entrepreneurs are competing on
price means you don’t have anything else
it means you value yourself so poorly
that the only way that you think that
you can win is by charging an inferior
price it speaks not just to what you’re
selling but it speaks to your mindset
about yourself and their value that you
can bring and so I would encourage a
shift to say how can I charge 30% more
than my competition what do I need to do
to be able to charge a premium to work
with me because what I do is awesome
because I’m one of the best in the world
of this I’m gonna give you results if
you start thinking like that then it’ll
start applying in your business then you
start adding more value then you’ll
start launching new products and
services and maybe throwing away the old
ones and don’t ever adopt the mentality
of I’m less than I need to be the lowest
right you’re awesome you’re the best
believe in your stuff make it great and
you deserve to be charging a premium for
and when you do that then you can build
successful business you can give back
and you can do more you can contribute
it’s my rant the end the day thank you
guys so much for watching
I like these animes I like doing this
every Thursday we’re gonna do something
I think next week I have a guest Tom boo
you from impact Theory I believe he’s
gonna be on with me at 11:00 and the
week after is Stephen Kelly from sage
and if any of that gets canceled or
postponed or moved around and you got me
you got me for half an hour to an hour
to answer your questions thank you guys
for the love it means a lot for those
you who came out to the Atlanta meetup I
really appreciate it you guys fill my
soul I left I left Atlanta feeling
filled up just knowing the love that you
guys have and how much the videos are
helping you in your business in your
life it means a lot joining in all the
chat is awesome I love seeing everything
come in thank you again hope you have an
amazing Thursday we still got time we
saw half the day here to go out and
crush do something meaningful and
important today make this time matter I
believe in you guys continue to believe
in yourself and whatever your one word
is much love see you soon
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