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An Algorithm for Happiness

happiness is in looking at the glass and
seeing the truth of the glass
seeing the half-full side and being
grateful for it seeing the half-empty
side and saying can I do anything about
it and if not can I accept it
truly happiness is not about what the
world gives you how much water is in
this glass happiness is about what you
think about what the world gives you
happiness is equal to or greater than
the difference between the way you see
the events of your life and your
expectation of what life of how life
should behave right so if life meets
your expectations you’re happy we mix
two states one of them is happiness and
the other is fun happiness is that
peaceful contentment feeling of I like
the world as it is right now fun is the
modern word replacement of happiness
it’s you know when I am unable to reach
that state of happiness what I do is I
go out on the weekend and I go to a
party and boom boom boom boom and my my
brain stops thinking as long as it stops
thinking I see I think I feel happy not
because I’m actually in that peaceful
state of happiness but because I
suspended my unhappy thoughts I lost my
son all of a sudden like from you know
from having a happy holiday together to
losing him was four hours and the
question that hit me at the time was
what can I do now to bring him back and
nothing I could have ever done including
locking myself in a room and crying for
the rest of my life could bring him back
and to me the whole idea was I can
either choose to suffer or I can choose
to sort of accept life as harsh as it
has become and reset make that the zero
point and trying to make it slightly
better than it is today
so let make it slightly better tomorrow
wouldn’t it be amazing if I can reach
out to ten million people and just give
them that message which by the way seems
to work everyone that hears it says yeah
it makes sense
okay can you imagine a world where ten
million people are happier it wouldn’t
bring the Holi back but it would be
slightly better than the day I left
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