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“ALWAYS Lead with a POWERFUL Opinion!” | #WorkWithEvan

all over again what you have a bleed
with a powerful of P Y discipline
what’s up vlog every Monday Tuesday
Wednesday Friday 12:30 Eastern I go live
oh did I even post it what’s up
Instagram we’re in the house another
Instagram live I want to help you answer
some questions I’m I’ve got a vlog on me
say hi to Rudy he’s from Hamilton does
anyone emailed you they said the old man
that a little combo is made me do this
or I’m 8 yeah for sure man all the time
not even that like so so we just did a
video there’s a guy that I hopped in on
his livestream named phenom studios and
he wanted to be an animator I was like I
want to be an animator but why aren’t
you doing it like well I don’t think my
stuff is good enough but here’s here’s
my challenge to you you want to be an
animator I want to see you win I’m tired
of you spending months and months and
months and months of not making anything
happen this is your dream so let’s see
it I’m gonna give you an opportunity if
you give me a one-minute animation
that’s believe I’m gonna put it up on my
IG and I’m gonna give you some promotion
exposure but it has to be done before
the end of April it’s like give him like
a week and a half or two weeks has to be
done before if you send it me after I’m
not gonna put it up so you have to get
it done and he’s like I’ll do it man
I’ll do it I’ll do it no problem I’ll do
April 27th to 26 he sends it to me and I
put it up and it’s on the channel he’s
like thank you for giving me the push
man is exactly what I need and so
Michael with all that and I wrote back
to him is listen I want you to realize
this you already had this I just gave
you tiny nudge like this was already
inside you don’t count on me to have to
push you all the time you really got it
inside yourself this is your dream just
stay consistent make it happen in my
life or other people
you can only push people on the things
that they want for themselves no matter
how much I might want Alex to do
something else if it’s not in his best
interest I can’t push him to go off and
do it if you know the person’s ambition
the best friend you can be is yes
celebrate a victory with them but push
them harder harder harder and when
they’re down on themselves then you give
a little bit help them believe in
this something like this right so we’ll
have a picture and then and then or like
um like what I have here picture and
then coaching methodology whatever right
we’ll have text it may not be everything
you wrote but something like that right
and then the next one will be the other
side picture of text right so we need
the picture that we can put up there
otherwise it’s just a wall of text is
not going to be that that is the freeze
that’s the freeze frame of the century
right there that is it profile picture
update yeah no I know I could but that
was a like that we just happen to do
that yeah it’s all words yeah yeah yeah
it’s force its force and then like
helping them and then you brush over
the words are okay the words are okay
maybe I I do a better job later okay I
like I like doing the opposite I like
Alex Lily I like that I like the
up-and-coming hustler because I enjoy
the mentorship part I know when our
thing in our conversation we talked
about part of this experience is getting
mentored right in the room but I know
even whatever you are this expectations
were this is way beyond what you thought
you’d get out of as an experience that’s
what I love doing I’m good at is what I
love doing so I would I would much
rather work with you who’s up and coming
hungry willing to hustle willing to the
work I mean you didn’t show up for the
morning a little disappointing I joke
but I also joking a little bit a little
bit I get it’s an early morning but I
respect the hustle so much like that’s
how you’re gonna win so at the end of
this is still Achilles we had a great
time you were really good fit with the
team ask great questions it’s still
gonna come down to can you make a great
video all of the stuff is it gonna get
somewhere like how far off are your
skills people to make a world-class vlog
how much do you want to get better at
those skills and can I can I wait you
know that’s honest decisions really
looking at you is a case of least
experienced but hungry young wants to do
it has has you know right reasons behind
it has ambitions I love that like I’ve
rather ratch I’d much rather take
somebody who has ambition for days and
lack of skill because the skill can
always you’ve worked on but the train
ambition is brutal I think people say I
don’t have enough resources how am I
gonna win when I don’t have resources I
think if that’s your mindset you’ve
already lost stop looking for what you
don’t have
there’s lots in your life that you don’t
have look around you you don’t have the
life that you want yet that’s how you
frame your decision-making frame your
world of all the things that you don’t
have and even worse yet think you can’t
have you’ve already lost before you even
started so instead look at what you do
have look at the resources talent skills
hustle ability that you do have and
figure out how can you make that work as
soon as you start to ask yourself how
can I win how can I get to my goal given
where I’m starting from when you switch
your mind frame to that that’s when you
have to start seeing some results
but let me give you one word secret
bottles one words volume you have the
most important work ever if you had to
think of one word that’s most important
to you or that sums you Apple that would
be like a little beacon hey believe
nation if you want to know what the most
important one word is for Tony Robbins
Gary Vaynerchuk
Oprah Winfrey and Howard
Schultz I have a very special secret
video for you check the description for details
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