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99% OF PEOPLE HAVE GOT IT WRONG – Motivational Speech For Success & Study 2019

that’s what we hear very often and it’s
a nice idea and maybe you like the sound
of working hard now so that when you are
older you can reap your reward but this
isn’t how it works in reality this poor
mindset won’t get you through to your
quote endquote finish line
you see truly ambitious and hungry
people don’t have in points when they
achieve something or close in on a goal
there might is already on the next thing
you are limiting yourself by saying you
want to relax later hi this is why you
need to learn to love the process you
don’t want to stop if you love what
you’re doing limiting yourself with your
mindset will destroy your goals your
mindset must be concrete it must be
solid you need to spend time writing and
rethinking your mindset daily ask
yourself am i limiting myself to build
muscle in the gym we must progressively
overload that means in simple terms each
session you are lifting a little bit
more working a little bit harder and
lifting a little bit heavier every day
compounded over years and years
this is what we must do with our mindset
adding everyday something more bigger
goals and bigger aspirations as people
become more successful do you think they
think in the same way first they wanted
to own a home
then they envisioned a mansion after
mansions they were thinking skyscrapers
and islands and I’m not saying it’s all
about materialistic things but this can
be applied to all ambitions
materialistic or not if your goal was to
become a doctor and on the path you
realized you had that in the bag your
ambitions would move forward to be the
best in the class then the country and
so on this is what true ambition is
the moment you tell yourself that at
some point you want to relax and stop is
the moment you decide to halt your
progression and stop the strengthening
in weightlifting this would lead to
muscle loss and strength decreasing and
in life this leads to a stagnant pursuit
sale progress sometimes glittered as
secure stable but secures your position
maybe for a truly ambitious person this
isn’t good enough because deep down we
know progression cannot be made while
standing still you need to ask yourself
why do you like the idea of relaxing why
do you like the idea of retirement or
stopping the answer is simple enough in
my opinion it’s because your dreams are
not as enjoyable as relaxing or as
enjoyable or as chilling out it’s not
because you’re lazy it’s just because
you prefer doing nothing than doing the
something you are pursuing and if you’re
at this point then you haven’t found
that thing in life you may never find it
and like so many others you may have
bought into the idea of having money a
little too much many people think of
banking a load of money and living off
the interest thinking money will
magically make their issues and problems
disappear being on both sides of the
coin I can tell you that it makes no
money is great money is powerful but
money won’t fulfill you it won’t bring
money is a marker point an indicator for
certain pursuits that you are doing it
right it isn’t required but in a lot of
passions it’s good to realize people
think your work is good enough to pay
for it but you’re not doing it for the
money you’re doing it for the
recognition they are giving your work so
we’re not after money we’re after
success so why stop why relax it’s just
find the thing that wakes you up before
the alarm find the thing that consumes
your mind find it the thing that draws
you in with wonder when you witness it
that thing that perks your ears up in
the crowd when you hear it spoken about
and you want to add to the conversation
that thing that at the end of the day
leaves you feeling like damn I’m getting
paid to do this if you love it you won’t
ever want to stop it was long believed
that retiring earlier gave you a longer
life expectancy but recently a lot more
concrete studies are proving the
complete opposite
the longer you work the longer you live
fulfillment feeling like you have
purpose you have a place and a reason to
one study suggested that an on average
you had 18 months of life after you
they lost their purpose and their reason
to wake up they no longer socialized
with the world or learned or explored or
experienced they lost it all I mean how
much relaxing can you really do a week
on the sofa watching TV two maybe three
stay fulfilled stay pursuing I don’t
know about you but I love what I do I’m
gonna be making films until I kick it
even if they hate the work I feel a
purpose and unless that changes I will
always push forward with it find your
thing are you struggling to find your
thing the astronaut Chris Hadfield
encapsulates a great way to get started
he said this imagine you walk into a
library if you are there what books do
you probably know this as you’re
listening now this is where you should
start from there I have learned to trust
the process
you might start playing football and end
up being a film editor seems far-fetched
but by following the process pieces
linked together that you can only
connect when looking back can’t connect
the dots looking forward so with faith
and trust in your own process you will
get there if you find that thing you no
longer have the need to relax there’s no
need to stop what you love doing because
the work is much more rewarding than
sitting on some beach sipping mojitos I
mean it’s not to say that you can’t
chill out from time to time but when
you’re chilled out you will struggle to
sit still you will struggle to not write
ideas down on napkins on the back of
your hand if you find your true calling
your mind will be consumed by it and
holidays and relaxing may start to feel
like hell hard to switch off from your
beautiful obsession cursed by your
this is what we must do with our mindset
adding everyday something more bigger
you see truly ambitious and hungry
people don’t have in place when they
achieve something or close in on a goal
their mind is already on the next thing
you are limiting yourself by saying you
want to relax later why this is why you
need to learn to love the process you
don’t want to stop if you love what
you’re doing limiting yourself with your
minds that will destroy your goals your
mindset must be concrete it must be
solid you need to spend time we’re
writing and rethinking your mindset
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