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8 Pieces of Life-Changing ADVICE from Dan Pena | #MentorMeDan

this is what I’m training you to be like
the Four Horsemen of them in Apocalypse
I didn’t know I had this in common with
the founder of Amazon but he’s in the
regret minimization business Warren
Buffett and Bill Gates simultaneously
said one word focus wanna soar get a
so today let’s learn from one of the
best Dan Pina and some of his best
life-changing advice mentor me Dan okay
let’s kick it off with rule number one
minimize your regrets I didn’t know I
had this in common with the founder of
Amazon but he’s in the regret
minimization business he is modeled his
life styled what will I regret when I’m
80 now that he’s 50 something he says
now it’s going to be 90 same as me but
I’ve had 80 for a long long time and
there’s still some things if I have
three regrets one I’m a combat trained
army officer they never saw combat
to that the day before my mother died at
here at the castle I’m screaming at her
god damn it don’t be a bitch you’re not
sick you’re not gonna die next morning
she’s dead can’t go back on that Canyon
and the third is I didn’t set my goals
high know nothing about missing my son
or my daughter’s sweet 16 or missing a
soccer or a baseball game but no no no
that’s that you have been led to believe
wrongfully are important I am a
world-class eulogy gripper and every
single person I buried I normally go to
see him but normally they asked me for
it they died I go and I said well what
do you know what do you want me to say
and they always say I’m sorry for it I
didn’t take this risk I didn’t do this I
didn’t do that not that I miss my son’s
wedding not that I miss my third
grandchild birth all that sloppy sloppy
it’s the risk they didn’t take rule
number two don’t care what others think
this is what I’m training you to be like
Warriors not whiners not warriors do you
think Don
it’s a whiner through thinking worries
and gives up what you think of them do
you think he’ll on must gives up what
you think of them do you think the late
Steve Jobs gives it gave up what you
thought of them do you think Bill Gates
gives up and I go on and on and on the
only one that gives us what you and you
and you and you and the morons on
YouTube the rumor is that I’m following
in the footsteps of two of my mentors
and for those of you that aren’t bright
enough to know that that’s Lenin and
Stalin and me there’s some truth to that
because I believe in the old Russian way
I’m not interested in your opinions
that’s the last thing I need is your
opinion is if your opinion was so good
you wouldn’t be here and if you look at
my Hall a wall of influencers they’re
both on there amongst some other people
like the devil and a few others Hitler
rule number three surround yourself with
great people what does that look like
your hoop yeah it doesn’t look like your
group I mean in no way shape manner or
form you know maybe if we had a bunch of
bunny rabbits running there or it’s
unbelievable but again you are who you
hang around with you know and as Oprah
Winfrey says and which I talk about a
lot is that you want people with a like
mind and that are better than you
smarter than you more intelligent than
you to get on your bus and don’t be so
concerned about what you’re gonna do
with those people but you want to you
know the joint brain is you know there’s
nothing the joint brain collective brain
or brains can’t overcome and I give the
example of the atomic bomb the Manhattan
Project and they were put together and
they were told we need we need to
develop a weapon of mass destruction
which they didn’t call it that back in
those days in the middle 40s to end the
war in the Pacific and they did they
no implode or explode but they did but
if your if your team doesn’t look like
that then you should I won’t say you
should give serious thought you should
just change rule number four wanted that
enough was a hip-hop motivational guy a
black guy yeah and he says if you don’t
want to be successful as much as you
want lungs breath in your lungs now that
you qualify in this room
hardly anybody to come to the seminar
quantifies when I was doing this and
when I invented qlae and didn’t know it
was kill away at the time I knew it was
kill a when I look back and I put it
together the models if you will or the
formula I wanted it more than air I
sacrifice my God my country my family my
children my parents my friends and guess
what it happened also if you want to
build confidence like Danny and other
entrepreneurs check out my 264
confidence series it’s free the link is
in the description below but Nolan does
know initially upfront you have to try
if the swing at the plate rule number
five focus Warren Buffett and Bill Gates
simultaneously said one word focus
that’s it focus and in in in the many
years that I was a hundred percent
focused and I created a lot of a lot of
wealth for myself I only thought about
one thing and that was it
and I’m not I’m not saying that it’s
easy because if it were easy there’d be
like a qlae shop on every corner like
Starbucks my market is seven hundred
thousand people out of seven billion if
you want to be me
seven hundred thousand out of seven
billion I don’t know what fraction that
is but it’s not a very big one that’s it
there’s seven hundred thousand people on
the planet that can commit to the focus
laser-beam focus of the gates Trump’s
Ellison’s etc if you if you want to if
you want to create generational wealth
generational wealth is wealth that you
make in 20 to 25 years because depending
on who where you google it
a generation age of 20 or 25 years we do
that and I’ve taught and I did it myself
how to do it in four to seven years and
the in virtually throwing everything
that you’ve learned or read out the
window but it’s focused and not that
many people can stay focused
in fact that’s an understatement that
gross understand
hardly anybody can stay focused rule
number six be tough as nails mr.
Carnegie was a hard bastard Vanderbilt
was a hard bastard Henry Ford the first
was a hard bastard Rockefeller was a
hard bastard Steve Jobs was a ruthless
hard bastard as Apple CEO Cooke
regularly begins sending emails at 4:30
in the morning on Sunday he’s a hard
bastard why are all these guys they
changed the world got one thing in
common take the prisoners and then we
got you a stiff drink and a good kill
most people in this room I’m ashamed to
say and fast forgive the stiff drink
just a good my proceeds from paypal
acquisition were 80 180 million Bob up
about then I had a borrow money for rent
these guys myself included are all in if
they believe in what they’re doing they
put all their money at risk on which I
have several times not in recent years
SpaceX worker reveals a brutal company
motto motto helped him survive
all-nighters working for Elon Musk
notorious workaholic Elon Musk is so
tied to his office that he’s been known
to sleep on the floor I slept on the
Ford slept on the poor job slept on the
floor day slept on the floor
I still work 50 60 hours a week and I
haven’t had it work in 35 years rule
number seven don’t be an expert at least
two or three of you have asked me to
privately on one-on-one or during the
breaks you know I was thinking about
going into such and such but I don’t
really know anything about such and such
how can I do it remember I knew not
enough about the oil and gas business to
fill the top of that pen
I knew less than and by anybody’s
imagination or statistics or benchmarks
I was super successful and as I said
earlier a couple days ago now
unfortunately know a lot about the
industry and I haven’t made any money in
it in a number of years I want to you
know I haven’t because now I look at the
deals ya know I mean the ratio between
gas and oil and this and that and supply
and demand tsunami an expert I’ve made a
diamond it in ten fifteen years because
now I look at it the wrong way I look at
it even though I don’t do spreadsheets I
look at it in a spreadsheet manner and I
come up you can always come up with a
reason why not to do something and by
god I’ve come up with a number of them
over the in Orland gas and rule number
eight the last one before a very special
bonus clip is turn your life into a
process because you think life is a
journey that is horseshit life’s a
journey if you’re a moron and you’re
that’s why you know that’s why that’s
what you’ve done with the life up here
too far it’s been a journey and how good
is a journey you tell me wouldn’t you
rather when the first time you went out
with somebody that you thought you’re in
love with thought is the operative word
once you have lied to have a
plate Oh let’s follow this process
instead of because that is a journey and
all the mistakes you made and raising
this little shed for kids you got
instead of having this book wife doesn’t
have to be a journey it’s a journey for
morons do you think life is a journey
for the Trump kids at some process the
same for me life a inner journey will
fear my kid
it’s a goddamn process do you tell me if
your results orientate it at all who’s
better off the journey or the process
I’ve got a special bonus gift from Dan
and how to just do it that I think
you’re gonna enjoy but before that it’s
time for the three-point landing
questions time to go from just watching
the video to taking action in your life
for business here we go question number
one what’s one thing you need to do that
you will regret if you don’t number two
whose opinion do you need to stop the
caring about and number three what you
need to just focus on this week question
is do you the person asking the question
you never know but Nolan does know
initially upfront you have to try you
have to swing at the plate you have to
you know take risk you have to be
willing to sacrifice you have to be one
of the make commitment then just do it I
keep saying that I mean
simplistic it sounds like you know I’m
not having thought the question Jim but
that’s not the point at all the point is
after twenty-one years of coaching and
after almost 45 years of doing this
myself and being high-performance person
in six decades I realized you just gotta
if you want more day and Pena check out
the interview that I did with him on
this channel the link is right there
next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
I’m a barrio bad boy it came from the
barrio beast Los Angeles as a adolescent got a lot of trouble
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