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7 Ways to Win on Social Media (in 2018) – #7Ways

if you are chasing something just

because you think it’s an opportunity

and you have no genuine passion for it

stop right now it’s a waste of time

you’re like evolving we like changing we

don’t want to sit at the same desk and

do the same work for 25 years you need

to be consistent today we’re going to

talk about the seven ways to win on


what’s that believe nation it’s heaven

my one word is believe and I believe in

you I believe you have an amazing gift

inside you that I want to see explode

out under the world now this special

edition of seven ways is brought to you

by the workshop that I’m running in May

May 23rd to May 25th on how to make

money from your ideas where I’m sharing

my breakdown how I make money how you

can to basically be the Evan Carmichael

of your industry and start to dominate

and be a thought leader and lead from

the front if you’re interested the link

is in the description we are about 40%

sold though right now and looking for 15

amazing people that I can sink my hooks

into and really drive forth some value

from in May but one of the big things

that entrepreneurs often ask me is how

do I win on social media what are the

some of the things I need to keep in

mind and this is one of the things I’m

talking about at my workshop and thought

I’d give you kind of a high-level

overview in this video today we number

one is have emotional commitment one of

the most important things that I learned

from the $10,000 us that I spent on

media training that really helped

transform my channel if you go back on

my channel and look at how I started and

how awkward and nervous I was compared

to where I’m and now it’s not just doing

the wraps it’s not just doing 5,000

videos but learning and training

emotional commitment so the people come

to the workshop in Toronto this is going

to be one of the big things that we work

on I need you to care more about your

message and I know you do I know you

care about your message but when you get

in front of the camera a lot of times it

does not come out the words are coming

out the value is coming out your your

strategies and your technologies are

coming out but the passion the

importance the commitment is not coming

out and it doesn’t mean you always have

to be yelling and excited and you know

passion is my superpower

it just means that every word you say

has to mean something you have to be

emotionally committed to the message

that you are given and that can be

really hard because when you’re talking

from the camera how do you get excited

how do you turn up how did you make it

more important one of the most important

lessons that I learned was imagine that

somebody’s on a bridge and they’re about

to jump off and your message is the last

thing that they are going to hear before

they do that and so you have to really

sway them and so my agent would always

tell me up the stakes up the stakes

raise the stakes raise the stakes it has

to be more important because for most

people it’s not going to be that

important it’s not gonna be a life in

that situation but for some people that

will be for some people I’ve had people

who comment on my channel that the video

that they watched saved their life and

that sounds crazy but it’s true and

unless you bring that level of emotional

commitment to the message that you’re

saying unless you fully believe it and

are feeling it as you’re saying it you

could have the best words in the world

but they will not resonate because

people can tell that you’re not

committed to it and so a lot of times

when people are trying to make content

they’re so worried about seeing the

right words they’re so worried about

getting their script perfect and this

was me too if you like my girlie videos

I’m looking up to the left a lot I’m

trying to memorize a script and it comes

off as super pained because I’m just

trying to memorize the words I’m trying

to focus on getting the exact words that

I wrote down on a piece of paper instead

of actually feeling the message and

going with that emotional commitment to

the message is so so so so so so

important you have to incorporate it if

you want to win on social media way

number two is be consistent this is a

boring one but you need to be consistent

four years ago I had seven thousand

subscribers on my youtube channel four

years later at 1.2 million and growing

how does that happen well I had content

that was I was emotionally committed to

but it was consistent we’ve made 2 to 3

videos every day for the past 4 years I

can’t remember the last day in 4 years

that we took off that we did not post a

video and so it’s being consistent one

of the things that people will always

recognize me for just being consist

it’s not just me it’s everybody

everybody’s had success in any field

athletics entrepreneurship music you’re

consistent there was a great analogy I

heard about if somebody’s trying to cook

pasta or cook some rice in a bottle in a

bottle that’s amazing cooking rice in a

bottle water cooking rice and pasta in a

in a pot of water and you put it on the

stove and then you turn it up and then

it’s on for five seconds and you turn

the stove off and you five minutes later

you turn the stove on again for five

seconds and then you turn it off if you

do that you’re never gonna you never

gonna boil the pasta you never gonna

bowl the the water you never going to

get food to eat and that’s what most

people do with their social media

content or even with their business you

start and you stop and you start and you

stop and you start and you stop but you

don’t allow for the momentum to grow you

need to be consistent it’s much more

important that you are making one piece

of content every single day and learning

and growing from it because I’m a big

believer one in momentum but two that

the quantity leads to the quality that

the more you do it the better you will

get and you allow time for people to get

to know you and notice you and love you

and want to follow you and share your

stuff you need to be consistent if you

don’t believe me follow me and Instagram

now it took me a number of years to get

to 6,000 followers and in a couple

months I hit 10,000 and now I’m growing

because I’m emotionally committed to it

I’m being consistent in my content and

four years later I’m going to win and so

it’s been insanely impatient like every

piece of content has to matter this

video has to be amazing but the to the

best of my abilities with the skill sets

I have the Instagram content I put up

every post has to be the best that I can

post with the abilities that I have and

I’m patient in that I know it’s going to

take me three four years to ultimately

get to a big spot and so the consistency

is really important and a lot of you are

not consistent enough in making amazing

content you think that you make one

great video that you put a lot of time

into and that’s going to be the thing

it’s not you have to keep going every

single day

amazing amazing content


way number three is reply to every

comment reply to every comment across

every platform everywhere that you are

you need to reply to comments and that’s

easy in the early days when I first

started my youtube channel I didn’t get

any comments for the video you know if

one in ten videos got to come and I was

happy and somebody left a comment this

is amazing so it’s easy it’s easy for

the small channels to do it it’s easy

when nobody’s paying attention to you to

respond to every comment it’s still

important because when you respond to a

comment they’re much more likely to

subscribe they’re much more likely to be

really engaged in your future your

future content they’re much more likely

to share with their friends you want to

be on top of all of those early comments

but don’t stop as you build as you grow

comments have to be responded to now I

don’t think you need to respond to every

comment yourself as you get bigger

you can’t like physically I can’t

physically I don’t have enough time in

the day to respond to every single

comment not because I’m so important and

I’ve so many things happening there’s

just not enough time in a day there’s so

many comments coming in that physically

it’s not possible for one person to

respond to every single comment so you

build a team and when people respond to

my comments for me they put their name

at the end so it’s not confused in

between which ones I’m responding to and

which one other people are responding to

just like any other business I don’t

understand how people in social media

can’t treat their accounts like a

business maybe because a lot of times

this might be their first business but

if if you have a flower store and

somebody calls you and leaves a message

what do you do you call them back right

or if somebody emails you you email them

back right it’s the exact same thing if

somebody is a comment you comment back

you respond you acknowledge them and if

you had that flower store it doesn’t

mean that you have to serve every single

customer yourself that’s why you hire a

team right as you grow you hire your

team they can help you respond to things

but at the earlier days for any of you

guys watching you know if you’re under a

hundred comments a day across everything

right between YouTube and Twitter and

Facebook and LinkedIn and everything if

you’re under a hundred comments a day do

it yourself I respond to a hundred

comments a day

you have to do it yourself do it do it

do it do it do it do it one it gets you

really close to your your audience gets

you really close to your customers so

you understand them you get to know them

and and they feel really connected to

you and to the more that you do it the

more that if you’re doing it early

somebody on your team if you’re beyond

the hundred plus then you’re building

momentum then they’re feeling recognized

and they’re much more likely to share

your message

bonus tip on number three here I love

leaning in on the personal video

messages and so if you send me a Twitter

message if you tweet at me or if you

send me an Instagram DM or if you send

me a snapchat DM I’m likely at least

once gonna respond with the video

because I want you to know that it’s me

and I want you to know that I read your

thing and I want you to see my face and

I want you to hear me say your name and

hear me say the answer and I can deliver

a message like this much better with

emotional commitment much better in a

video format then I can brighten it up

and so I want people to get that

experience and so I’ve leaned in much

more impersonally responding to people

on Twitter on Instagram on snapchat

because I can because I can make a video

response or LinkedIn Facebook YouTube he

came it’s kind of crazy that YouTube

being a video platform you can’t make

video responses I used to do video

responses this is how crazy I get over

this stuff I would make a video response

for a number of people individually and

I’ve record an unlisted video on YouTube

and then send it to them in the comments

but they don’t get notified a lot of

times in the comments a bunch of issues

there and YouTube you gotta fix that you

can’t make a video response your video

network anyway I digress respond to

every single comment

ideally in video format unless it does

have to be polished you know I’m making

this video in my car

most of my DMS and my Twitter messages

and all that I’m making a while I’m on

the bike in my workout room so I spent

35 minutes four times a week typically

on the bike and that’s what I’m doing

I’m on the bike and to help pass the

time I spend it with you guys I respond

and people say can’t believe you

responded have a great workout really

appreciate the message and it doesn’t

take long some of them are 10 seconds 20

seconds 30 seconds it doesn’t have to

take a long time and

make such an important impact for them

to hear from you who they look up to

respect see as a thought leader as an

expert it just winds so much loyalty

karma is always practical and I highly

recommend that you do it respond to

every comment weight number four is to

test test test test test test test test

test this is name of the game you got a

test you got to see what’s working and

see what’s not working and adjust

constantly on my youtube channel which

is a little more mature than my other

platforms we’re still testing we still

test every series for example has to

lead the positive subscribers and

significant watch time YouTube cares

about watch time that’s their number-one

metric so I now care about watch time I

care about subscriber growth I want to

make sure that every new series we make

is generating subscribers for the

channel and so what I’ll do as a test is

for any new series I put out we will

give it at least three runs one month

two months three months three times and

then we check the data is it working do

people like it are we getting positive

watch time on it does it compare well to

my other videos on the channel is it

leaving two subscriber growth so by

watching this video YouTube will tell

you per video how many subscribers you

got and so I want to know over this

three test period did we gain

subscribers because of this series and

if not then we kill it and we experiment

with something new and so you’re

constantly testing on Instagram right

now since that’s a newer platform for me

there’s been a lot more tests a lot more

innovation a lot more changes I try this

okay this isn’t working let’s try this

doesn’t work let’s try this doesn’t work

and with Instagram you also get a lot

more instant data I see oh dude that

they’re pretty good instant instant

right instant data and also because I

don’t know as much and making a lot more

mistakes and that’s great

this constant experimentation I have one

guy my team who’s helping me make the

content where I’m helping direct him and

say do this do this do this do this and

one week at something next week that

Alstead strategy last week gone let’s

try this now we’re trying this and so

you get that by testing testing testing

testing will help you improve forever

and always and you need to apply it

across all your social media platforms

you pick the metric or two that you care

the most about and then you

test your content against it

consistently to try to find a winning

formula rule number five is remember

it’s a balance between you and the

audience you have to create content that

you love you have to put out a message

that means something to you back to the

emotional commitment you have to put out

content that means something to you and

it has to mean something to the audience

it has to move the people in your

network it’s got to be something that

they actually care about ask me that

combination of the both if you only make

stuff that you love but nobody else

cares you have a hobby like you love

making videos great it’s a worthwhile

hobby but it’s not gonna help you grow

your business not gonna help you get

speaking gigs it’s not gonna help you be

a thought leader but it’s a hobby which

may be enough for you but if it’s not

then you have to pay attention to the

audience if you’re only paying attention

to the audience and you don’t care about

that material then you lose as well if

you’re only making content because silly

cat videos does well on YouTube and you

try to make silly cat videos you’re

gonna lose

you’ll lose it’s the wrong strategy

don’t just chase an opportunity because

the people who love making silly cat

videos will destroy you because they

love it and you don’t the people who

love doing the work will always crush

you compared to the people who are just

doing the Chasen opportunity and apply

that not just a social media but across

life across business if you are chasing

something just because you think it’s an

opportunity and you have no genuine

passion for it stop right now it’s a

waste of time and so it’s the money it’s

a waste of energy it’s a waste of

resources you will lose because the

people who love doing that will crush

you and so just do the thing that you

love and there’s an audience for that

match is where you will always always

always always always always win


we’re number six is to collaborate this

one I hesitated to be honest putting on

the list it depends on the social media

network collaborations work better in

some social media networks over others

one of the fastest ways to grow any

business is to find people who are

already connected to your target


I find a way to work together not just

social media but in business find

somebody who already has your target

audience and then find a way to work

together so for me if I’m looking at I

want to target entrepreneurs it’s great

to collaborate my first collaborations

were with Tim Schmoyer and Derral Eve’s

who have YouTube data YouTube

explanation how to kind of channels and

I’ve collaborated with Gary Vaynerchuk

and Grant Cardone

and a bunch of people who are all in the

entrepreneur space lots of them that are

all over my channel and it’s great

because we have similar audiences it

would not be as beneficial for me to

collaborate with a kids toy channel

because those are not the people that

I’m trying to reach that being said I

found at least especially in the YouTube

world collaborations are only really

worth it what if you love it the

collaborations can be a labor of love

and it’s great to be able to you know do

something new involve different people

on the channel but – if either it’s a

low investment time for you or the

person you’re collaborating with is just

so much bigger than you that it really

pays off what I found that is if

somebody is around the same size as you

or smaller it’s not often worth it just

because you’ll get a little bit of

subscriber growth from them but for the

amount of time that goes into it it’s

just not worth it’s just not worth it

and so a lot of the people that I do

collaborations with I just have them on

my channel we do a hangouts video it’s

live I might be on their channel doing

an interview it’s live it doesn’t

require as much work or for out an

events if we’re I go over here to event

called clemmer Khan in Palm Springs

California and they’re a bunch of

different collaborations end up

happening it’s easy because everybody’s

at one spot it’s easy to grab somebody

and make a video off to the side and

grab somebody else to make a video but

to fly and go meet somebody to make a

collaboration video is usually not worth

and less again they

way bigger than you and gaining those

thousand subscribers from them to you

makes a big difference because you only

have 100 subscribers and so I think

collaborations can be really important

you just have to weigh one how much do

you love them how much do you enjoy

meeting other people and doing it as

just a creative expression and then 2

how much time is it actually gonna take

you to do it versus that time spent on

making other videos anyway number 7 the

last one I have for you guys today is

evolve constantly one of the biggest

challenges of any business but

especially social media is being able to

continue to express your voice and

change what ends up happening especially

when you’re doing testing testing

testing data data data is you find a

winning formula the thing is that

winning formula won’t last forever not

because the market doesn’t like it but

because you grow tired of it

entrepreneurs we like doing different

things we like trying new stuff we like

experimenting we like we like evolving

and we like changing we don’t want to

sit at the same desk and do the same

work for 25 years and so a big challenge

for entrepreneurs is when they hit a

strategy that starts working for them

then they feel like they have to keep

going and doing it and at the beginning

that’s really excited and new and

different and you love it and you’re

adjusting but then you feel often that

you get locked in I can’t tell you how

many creators I’ve met where they feel

trapped by their past success they

become successful doing one thing and

now they feel trapped by it and they

can’t grow and do something else what

you create should always be an extension

of yourself the top tens for example I

love making them I still enjoy I still

learn from it the second that I hate the

top tens the second making top 10 videos

for me is work it’s like oh I got to

make another top 10 video I’m done it’s

out I will not make top tens anymore one

of you guys can take the mantle be the

new top 10 rules for success you’ll have

my blessing but I still love doing it

and so I think you need to pay really

close attention to the work that you

love doing the activities that you

really appreciate and as you evolve and

grow as a human being as you get new

interest new creativity new awareness as

you want to come up and try new things

you have to put that into your channel

you have to put that into you the

content that you are putting up because

if you’re not doing it you’re gonna get

increasingly frustrated increasingly

bored with what you’re doing on your

channel because the problem is you have

grown as a human being with interests

and desires and passion and interest and

your channels stayed here your content

is stayed here because the chains of

success have held you back where you

need to be like the Beatles

every album from the Beatles was

different had a different sound had a

different flavor

and some people may say you know what I

like I like your early stuff better I

don’t like what you did any more stuff

we’re not going back to that that’s not

who we are anymore we’ve grown so come

and grow with us or just keep listening

to our pack catalog you’re up here now

you’ve gone and changed you need to

bring your channel up here with you and

ideally ideally it’s not this big chasm

it’s not this big jump it’s you’re both

here at the start right you’re here your

channels here you grow your channel

growth you grow your channel growth you

evolve your channel vols right it’s this

constant back and flow as soon as you

get an idea to try something you do it

and you’re training your audience if you

go from here to here right Europe you’re

appearing now you make a drastic change

you’re gonna lose a huge chunk of your

audience because they’re not used to

this up here and that’s terrifying and

the more you grow and expand the more

people you’re going to lose so it keeps

you down here it keeps you frustrated

and angry and so you need to constantly

evolve and change the content you’re

putting up that’s a constant reflection

of who you are as you evolve your

business your content needs to evolve as

well so those are my seven ways on how

to win on social media again the content

is brought to you by the workshop I’m

putting on in May 23rd to 25th on how to

make money from your ideas this is a

high-level overview I’m gonna go way

more in depth on how to actually do it

at the event and I’m gonna work with you

to do it this isn’t just going to be

strategy in theory we’re gonna get in

front of the camera and we’re gonna make

content we’re gonna get on your cell

phone we’re gonna make content you’re

gonna get in front of my camera crew and

we’re gonna make content and I’m gonna

be behind the camera directing you and

say try this try this

I need more emotional commitment and

then my team is also gonna

help you edit we’re gonna edit the

videos and give you a final cut that you

can use on your channel and on your


so hopefully you some of you guys will

come out again if you want to be a

thought leader you want to make money

from your ideas this is the best thing

for you to go to if you want to be

behind the scenes and just be an

entrepreneur and not be the face this is

not for you please do not sign up I want

to work with fifteen people who want to

lead from the front and be the experts

and change the world making money doing

it link is in the description

already 40% sold out and I’m super

pumped so again get my hooks into you

and over the three days that we have

together make a difference make a change

thank you guys so much for watching I

would love again to know which of these

seven ways you’re going to apply to your

business immediately which was the most

valuable or interesting and is there an

eight nine ten that you want to add to

the list on top to bring more value to

believe nation leaving the comments

below thank you guys so much for

watching I believe in you I hope you

continue to believe in yourself and

whatever your one where it is

much love I’ll see you soon raise your

standard Apple at the cool its core

value is that passion not one drop of

most self-worth depends on your it’s

something cement i don’t ever give up

I’d have to be dead or completely

incapacitated hey believe nation if you

want to see my all-time favorite top ten

Rose a success I have a very special

secret video for you these are the

individual clips that I have personally

learned the most from and applied to my

life and my business check the link in description for details

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